June 1891

1 June 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy, windy and cold. I sold a load of hay to C.R. McBride made monthly report and attended to some business at the Store and post office. Talked with Abram through the telephone. Attended Lindsey’s theatre in the evening Hazel Kirk.

2 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold and windy. I accompanied Prest. Gowans down to Richard Henwoods where we administered to his wife who was suffering from the results of a fall from the wagon. We rode down in the cart drawn by [p. 135] the large Gray mare. I received cap for pump cylinder from Town Attended to some business; had sorrel horse shoed; put in a hitching post, watered animals at Basin; ordered a car to load with hay and engaged Marsden to help load it

All are tolerably well: Amy May has cold and cough.

3 June 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy part of the day. I had John Marsden Assisting me and we hauled baled hay and loaded on the Cars. Saw Wm Nelson’s boy and Sis. Gillet just after they were thrown from a wagon and severely hurt. Saw Kirk about taking the Gray mare Pet in to Salt Lake.

4 June 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the City water at 4 A.M. Took the Gray Mare down to the Store for Jas. Kirk to take to Salt Lake City.

I loaded a load of hay and took down and loaded on the cars. Georgie went [p. 136] with me. I called at William Nelson’s and by request administered to his boy. Called at Sis. Gillett’s and by request <K.> Henwood & I administed to her and consecrated a bottle of oil. I loaded a load of baled hay and took it to Stockton to Geo. Monk. Collected from him for last month’s sales $28.30

5 June 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I made out bills and mailed to parties owing us. Attended to some business at the Court House, wrote letters, and took Alice Stella & two babies and went to the Basin Pasture in buggy where we drew water for the animals and left the troughs full. Drove sheep out of the pasture and talked to the herders. Called at Terminus and got a drink. I came near having a serious accident on our way home. The singletree dropped on the heels of one of the animals. I was quite sick on my return home with headache, soar throat and sickness at the Stomache. Was quite Sick all night but rested tolerably well. [p. 137]

6 June 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I felt some better in the morning and during the day but remained in bed all day. Bros. Geo. Atkin and Thos. Speirs came up by request and Administered to me.

7 June 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

Apostle Lyman was at School and meeting I was unable to attend. Prest Gowans took my buggy and went over to Clover where Bro Jordan was chosen and set apart as 2nd Counseler to Bp. St. Jeor. I sat up but never left the house all day, Miss Tanner from Clover was here with Estella. Bro & Sis. Remington called after meeting and took supper with us. Thomas Horman did the chores while I was unable to do them.

8 June 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold. Windy. I did no work out but attended to some writing, read papirs &c. [p. 138] Mr Somson called and showed me the School desk he is selling Staid about two hours in all.

9 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went down Town and attended to Some business at the Court House and Stors. Got a bolt for my buggy and repaired same. &c. Hauled a load of hay from one stack and put on the other Thos. Horman assisting. I took Alice for a ride and bought $1.00 worth of Strawberries while out @ 25¢ pr qt.

10 June 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired hay rack & rack, Went to the Basin pasture, castrated calf and caught a young horse and brought up beside the team. Thos. Horman and Georgie were along. We watered the Animals and left the troughs filled. Sold to Thos. Horman the young light roan Cow and her calf for $45.00 to be paid in labor at 20¢ pr. hr. Rented the Barrington house to Edw’d Green at $2.50 per month to be [p. 139] paid for in labor.

Apostle Lyman called in to see me and called later with a letter of application as a school teacher from his daughter Mary

11 June 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had Ed. Green and Thomas Horman helping me and we baled hay all day. In the evening I attended a Grand Rally at the Brick hall Democratic. I had the honor of being appointed to the Chair and presided over the meeting. The Honorable John T. Cane and Commissioner Morrell were here from Salt Lake.

12 June 1891 • Friday

Tooele Stormy

I had two men here at work six hours. moving hay. Sold three tons of damaged hay @ 3.50 per ton. Attended to some business at the Court House. Handled a colt &c. [p. 140]

13 June 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy, heavy rain. I attended to the regular work of the place sold a ton of baled hay to Jos. Kirk. Did some work at Court House for School Dist. Received & answered letters &c.

14 June 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cloudy and cold & Stormy part of the day.

I took Estella with me in the buggy with to Grantsville where we attended Relief Con. where I addressed the Conference for about 25 minutes. Put my team up at Prest Andersons where I also took dinner. Apostle Lyman, Prest. Gowans and others dined there. I met in Council with the Brethren between meetings where some valuable counsel was given by Apostle Lyman. Returned home O.K.

15 June 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cool. I attended to the regular work of the place and attended to the Cancelling of Warrants at a sitting of the Court. Called on Prest. [p. 141] Gowans at his office on his solicitation. Called on Peter Clegg in the eve on School business. Mailed a letter to Mother & to Bank.

16 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the regular work of the place. Had Thos. Horman helping me and we hitched up Lucy’s 3 yr. old for the first time and drove him to the Basin pasture where we spent several hours working on the pump. Drew water for the animals, brought Lucy up from the pasture arrived home at 415 P.M. Took dinner and hitched on the Buggy and took Prest. H. S. Gowans over to the Murrays at Lake view. Learned something of the David Adamson episode through Bro Geo. Remington. Alice & Stella took the children for a ride on my return. In the evening I read the News and did some writing.

17 June 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I started the mowing in the forenoon and Geo. A. Remington commenced mowing [p. 142] for me in the afternoon. I worked with him in getting the mower to work well.

Received Mother’s enlarged picture for which I paid $10.00 Folks all well.

18 June 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy & sprinkling. I took the City water at 4 A.M. and used until 10 A.M. I paid to Vernon School B’d. their School money. Had Geo. A Remington Start mowing in the morning when on the second round he broke a cog wheel of the mower. I telephoned to Abram to buy a new mower and send out next day. Alice & I called at Remingtons and staid about an hour and a half. Set out Sixty cabbage plants after doing the evening chores.

19 June 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did the regular work. Hitched up the colt and Kate on heavy wagon and took the whole family up settlement Cañon, Sunday school excursion, came back and attended went to the train where I got a new mower, Put it up and [p. 143] Started G A Remington to mowing I went back up in the Cañon and got the folks. &c. Bro Geo. A Remington rehearsed to me some of his troubles connected with the Adamson Episode.

20 June 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went down to the Basin pasture with team buggy and family excepting Estella & George. Watered the animals and left the troughs full. Made enquiries about salt. Had horse collar repaired, raked and put up hay, had the mower running eleven hours. Letters from Mother & Nerva.

21 June 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did the chores morning and evening, Went with Prest. Gowans to E. T. where we attended school and meeting and preached to the people. Took dinner with Bro. Brigham Davis. Returned home a little before 7 P.M. Folks all well.

22 June 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine but windy some clouds. I went with a team to Saltair Beech a dis[p. 144]tance of about 20 miles and got a load of salt & returned at 630 P.M. Georgie went with me. Did some writing in the evening.

23 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine to-day.

I ground two mowing knives raked and piled hay in forenoon and hauled three loads of hay in the afternoon. Did the regular chores and did some writing in the evening.

24 June 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I sharpened mower knives, raked hay, hauled hay &c. Met Mother and Alice Ann at Station with buggy they having come to pay us a visit. All are well.

25 June 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy and stormed some towards night. I put up the Harpoon fork raked hay, hauled hay, sharpened knives &c. Took Mother and Alice Ann riding towards evening to see the Town. [p. 145]

26 June 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

We had to stop off the hauling waiting for the hay to dry. I went first thing in the morning down and got our horses 3 head out of Ricket’s field where they broke through the wire the night before I ground mower knife. This being the day set by the Court to sell the 3 parts of the McKindrick place I attended to the necessary busines of buying. Will pay in full when the Sale is approved. I took Mother and Alice Ann to the Depot on their way home. Came Wednesday. I raked hay &c. S. Coe staid here with a band of horses over night. John Smith buried his daughter Katee she having died of Diphtheria. Had an argument with A. J. McCuistion on Politics. All are well. I set out tomatoes plants in the evening, wrote to Zions Savings Bank and enclosed checks. Wrote to J.R. Clark of Grantsville. Wrote until 10.30 P.M.

27 June 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine [p. 146]

I attended to the regular work, managed the haying and raked and put up hay with horse and rake. Attended to some work at the Court House. In the evening I shaved and bathed. Wrote to A. F. Doremus.

28 June 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went with Prest. Gowans over to St. John’s where we attended meeting & school and spoke in each place. Administered to Father Burridge and took dinner at Bp. Caldwell’s. Returned home at 7 P.M.

29 June–18 July 1891

Tooele Weather Still fine & warm.

to Saturday July 18th 1891. Tooele From memory.

I was engaged haying until July 16th when we finished. Political meetings were the excitement.

I met Fred and family at Garfield and brought them home Friday July 3d They remained over the Fourth and I took them back to the Beech July 5th On the 4th We attended the meeting, had Ice cream, Soda, saw races &c. Attended the first Republican meeting in the evening at HS Gowan’s [p. 147] office and another public meeting in the Hall Monday evening July 7th where I acted as secy. of the meeting and was made 1st Vice Prest. of the Republican Club. I attended a Democratic rally and again on Thursday evening July 16 a Republican Rally James Sharp and J.M. Zane were present. Alice & three girls went in to Farmington Tuesday July 14th 1891 to attend the Funeral Services of Marian Clarks baby. She returned Friday and I met her at the Beech

On July 13th I attended the School Election as a Judge and in the evening Attended the Annual School meeting and read my report which was approved. Sent to W J Robinson Co. Supt. Reports & other necessary papers. Had my taxes reduced $6.00 Friday July 17th 1891.

The roan Durham heifer had her first calf (born dead July 11th 1891[)] and I had a serious time with her to reduce the inflamation in the udder.

Joel took cold coming home from the Beech when we took Fred & family home and had sore throat for nearly two weeks. Nerva came home sick from Farmington Her eyes were badly swollen & general languor accompanied it. [p. 148]

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June 1891, George F. Richards, accessed January 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1891/1891-06