June 1909

1 June 1909 • Tuesday


I met with Primary Board officers between 9 & 10 A.M. With uncle Henry P. Richards I called at the Hist. office to see about getting geneological record of the Richards’ family.

Received letters from LeGrand of [p. 116] Portland and wrote him in answer sending draft of $1000. and my note of $250. with which to purchase a portion of Cement Co. Stock and telegraphed him accordingly. Received letters from Bro. & Sis. O. Barrus of Roddy S.C. and answered same. Spent an hour with Pres. Lyman. Alice & I went over to see Grandma in the evening.

Weather pleasant. Health good.

2 June 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple also Circle meeting and at Pres. Office attended Religion Class meeting. Attended musical at the Orpheum presented by Prof. Ant. Lund and B.Y.U. Students in the evening.

3 June 1909 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon at home and in the afternoon attended missionary meeting at the Annex to temple & assisted in setting apart & instructing about 25 missionaries. I officiated in blessing and setting apart the following.

Samuel Peter Jensen. Goshen Leamington Ut to Scandinavia

Christian Jensen Goshen " "1

Joseph Calvin Schaugaard. Manti, Utah to "2

Towards evening I put lawn mow<er> in repair and mowed the lawn.

4 June 1909 • Friday3


Weather hot. 91° last evening. The health of the family is good. This day my son George started to Manti to meet Chas. Bird Dentist [p. 117] on two fold purpose, vacation and country practice.

At 2 P.M. the general conference of the Primary workers convened at the Whitney Hall 18th ward at 2 P.M. I having received the appointment with Elder Hyrum M. Smith by the First Presidency to Supervise the Primary work & aid the General Board, consider it my duty to be in attendance at their Conference meetings. I attended the opening session and by request made a few remarks.

In the evening Alice & I with others went to Granite and attended a social given by the M.I.A. Board.

5 June 1909 • Saturday


I attended the Primary conference meetings at 10 A.M. & 2 P.M. and the Social given in the Whitney hall at night.

6 June 1909 • Sunday


Attended Primary Conference held in the assembly hall at 10 A.M. and spoke briefly. Attended the Conjoint Mutual & Primary meeting at 2 P.M. in Large Tabernacle and was the first speaker & spoke in interests of Primary Occupied 17 minutes with good freedom. Fasted until supper time.

Attended Conjoint Conference of M.I.A. and Primary in the evening.

My subject at 2 P.M. was Importance of Primary work and urging the brethren to faithful effort there in. [p. 118]

7 June 1909 • Monday


I attended Conference of Church School and Religion Class teachers at 10 A.M. and at 2 P.M. Henry B. Hayns and son and daughter took dinner with us. Alice and I went to the Odeon Hall for a short time in the evening, a social for Church School and Religion Class teachers. Rainy in evening.

8 June 1909 • Tuesday


I attended Conference of Church School and Religion Class teachers in forenoon and missionary meeting at temple annex in afternoon. I blessed and set apart the following.

James M. Swapp of Luna, Nev. to So. States.

Milton H. Whitaker of Kanosh, Ut. Southern States

Frank H. Far of Salt Lake to Central States

Martin Henry Hanson, Fillmore to N.W. States

I went to the poles and voted in favor of Capitol building. Did some writing, reading &c.

9 June 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10 to 3 o’clock. Received appointment to St. George & Parowan Stakes alone.

I attended my circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. 19 present.

Spent remainder of the evening at home reading, writing and putting up my things for my Southern trip.

Oliver has sore throat and lameness [p. 119]

A letter from my Son LeGrand who is at Portland Oregon enclosed Stock Certificates for which I paid $1250.00 50 shares of Preferred and 100 shares of Common stock $100. each in the Acme Portland Cement Co. of Spokane Washington.

10 June 1909 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon home reading and writing and making ready for my Southern trip. Attended a missionary meeting at 2 P.M. in Temple Annex. I blessed and set apart the following.

John Morris Richards of Malad to Gt Britain

John Earnest Beal of Ephraim to Netherlands

Geo. Wm. Keddington, Salt Lake to Netherlands

Thos. B. Bennet of Perry, Idaho to Swiss & Germany.

I instructed the missionaries.

I went out to Salt Air on 5 P.M. train with my wife and family and returned on train leaving there at 8:30 P.M.

I left Salt Lake on S.P.L.A. & S.L. Train 11:50 P.M.

11 June 1909 • Friday

On train.

I breakfasted on the train and reached Modena at 10:44 A.M. Was met at train by Joseph Farnsworth. We drove 25 mi. to Meadow (Mountain Meadows) where we took dinner and rested two hours at Mary Platts. Left the meadows at 6 P.M. and drove 17 mi. to Chadwell’s on the Santa Clara River where we staid all night (Buggs)

12 June 1909 • Saturday


We left Chadwells at 5 A.M. and [p. 120] drove 23 miles to St George arriving at 8:45 A.M. Went direct to Pres. Snow’s where I made head quarters. I brushed my grips and my clothes, trimmed my beard, cleaned up & changed linnen and got to meeting on time. The weather here is dry and the temperature about 90°. There were in attendance 310. The Speakers were in order as follows. Thomas P. Cottam of stake Presidency. Wm Garner Religion Class Supt., Prest. Cannon of the temple and myself. I occupied about 40 minutes Subject Duty of Parents to children

At 2 P.M. meeting Attendance 369 The speakers were in order as follows. Geo. F. Whitehead of Stake Presidency Sister Brooks of Presidency of Relief socity Sister carter of Primary, Father Blake and myself. I occupied about 45 minutes Read from Lect 6 D&C 1 to 8 and spoke of necessity of doing what the Lord has commanded and leaving undone the things forbidden. Order in the house hold.

At 4 P.M. attended Stake Priesthood meeting, the speakers being Pres E H Snow and myself. I talked about 25 minutes. Watchmen on the tower the Subject. Snakes in our midst. Read from Alma 39:5, 12 Sexual sins next to murder and the sinning against the Holy Ghost. I sat on the lawn and wrote up my journal finishing at 8:30 P.M. [p. 121]

13 June 1909 • Sunday

Home. St. George

I had a fairly good night’s rest last night though the forepart of the night was very warm.

I attended the forenoon meeting and spoke about 30 minutes to the children. Samuel, Saul & David, the first true to the end the 2nd & 3rd made good beginning but bad ending Saul Suicided as a result of disobedience. David did wrong and commited murder to cover his guilt. Some among us have given them up to sin and have murdered to cover up their offence These children are innocent, will they take the narrow or the wide way follow Samuel. Why Saul was afraid to meet Goliah. He knew of his own offences & could not hope the Lord would sustain him. Why David was bold in meeting the Goliah. His life was such that he knew his course was approved of God.

Took dinner with Brother & Sister Jarvis the former a Grand daughter of Uncle Samuel.

At afternoon Session I occupied 45 min. Read from hymns. If you could hie to Colob. Know this that every soul is free, &c Rev. 12:7–13 Moses 4:1–5 Moses 1:24–39 Obedience. Had good liberty May the Lord be praised.

I wrote to my wife a card.

At evening meeting I occupied about 30 minutes. Subject. Joys of Religion. More blessed to give than to receive Acts 20: and James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled &c. The pointing the way of life and influencing people to take that course is giving gifts which enrich others but do not impoverish us and give us great joy and satisfaction The more we have to give the better work we will be doing and the more we experience of Joy. We can increase our capacity to do by study & preparation. [p. 122] We should be missionaries and make a missionary of the Era. If you can convert one soul how great your joy D&C 18: He may be able to convert his family and they theirs and some of them do missionary work abroad and the extent of the good done can not be calculated.

I sat on the lawn and visited with Bro & Sis Snow and visited until 11 P.M. The cool of the evening was enjoyed after the heat of the day. I have contracted quite a cold and horseness. Wrote a card home.

14 June 1909 • Monday

St George

Weather hot and dry.

I went up to the temple and looked over the grounds. Administered to a brother [blank] who is bed fast with rheumatism.

At 2 P.M. I left St George with Bp. Isom of Hurricane, Pres. E H. Snow and three ladies. Went by way of Hurricane. At the latter place a brother Stanworth took his team and brought us over to Toquer.

Attended evening meeting. Pres E. H. Snow and I were the Speakers. I spoke last and occupied about 50 minutes with good liberty though I had quite a hoarseness. Subject development of the Country’s resources, educate your children, beautify your homes and concluded by bearing testimony The Lord was with me and I rejoice in it.

15 June 1909 • Tuesday

Toquerville, Ut.

Excepting hoarseness I am well and am happy. May the Lord be praised. [p. 123]

Bp Bringhurst’s son drove me from Toquer to Bellview a distance of 7 miles where I met Pres. Uriah T. Jones of the Parowan Stake and we drove on fourteen miles to Harmony where we held meeting in the evening. Nearly all the ward people were present. Pres. Jones made a few opening remarks about 5 or 7 minutes and requested me to take the time. I occupied about 50 minutes. Subject Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Restoration of Gospel.

I advised the fencing of the meeting house lot. I had a buggy night.

16 June 1909 • Wednesday

Harmony, Utah.

Weather warm, ground dry and dusty. My health is good.

Pres. Uriah T. Jones, his boy Emron about 12 yrs of age and myself drove to Kanarra a distance of 9 miles and took dinner with Bishop John W. Berry. We held meeting at 2 o’clock about 80 in attendance I occupied the time at the request of Pres. Jones. Took about 50 minutes. Subject. Two influences in the world, each opposed to the other. The righteous persecuted by the unrighteous. Jesus and his Apostles met death in horrid forms not for any sin or wrong doing but for righteousness sake. So did Joseph & Hyrum and others Quoted a number of scriptural passages Quoted Mat. 7:15–20. Joseph Smith produced the same fruits as did Jesus, we teach the same. Such is Mormonism.

We drove on to Cedar 14 miles where we held meeting in the [p. 124] evening. There were just about enough present including those on stand and choir to fill the Seats of the Auditorium. I was the only speaker and occupied about 45 or 50 minutes with deliberation but with freedom. Subject. Internal evidences of the gospel and the operations of the Holy Ghost. The congregation was attentive and after the meeting I heard Pres Jones say several times what a good meeting. May the Lord be praised.

I had good bed and good large room well ventilated and had a restful night and good sleep & feel in my soul exceeding peace in contemplation of the bounteous provisions made by our Lord for our happiness here and our Salvation hereafter.

17 June 1909 • Thursday

Cedar City, Ut.

I have this day to myself to rest, catch up with my writing, to read and praise the Lord which privilege I very much appreciate. I spent the day reading and writing.

Received letters from Alice and Joel and wrote the latter. Towards evening I took a walk with Pres. Jones down on to his farm where he is commencing to build him a new home.

In the evening I met the Stake Presidency at Pres. Jones’ home where we talk<ed> over conditions as they obtain in the Stake and gave such advice as I deem<ed> proper. [p. 125]

18 June 1909 • Friday

Cedar City, Utah.

I called on brother Stohl & family by their request. Read scripture &c.

Pres. Uriah T. Jones and his Counselor John J. G. Webster and I drove over to Summit 12 miles and attended 2 P.M. meeting. There were present about 80 people. Neils C. Madsen was sustained to be Second Counselor to Bp. Charles R. Dalley of the Summit ward and I blessed him, ordained him an High Priest and set him apart.

Bros. Webster and Jones and bro. Madsen each occupied about 5 minutes and I followed, occupied about 35 or 40 min. Subject Acceptance of the gospel as a reality vs. as a theory. We should correct the inconsistencies in our lives and labor as missionaries where our lots may be cast whether at home or abroad. Authorities of ward have jurisdiction & should correct all evil practices, them selves setting the example. The people should honor the Bishopric and hear their appeals and teach their children to honor & pray for the Bishopric and all in authority &c.

We drove on to Paragoonah 12 miles and held meeting at 8:30 o’clock. Brother Hickman of the Beaver School met us there and spoke about 20 minutes on School Building fund apportionment. I followed for about 35 minutes, Subject, Be loyal to the Lord; to your church, to your religion, to your Church School District; to your stake; to your ward and to your selves & your families. Boom Paragoonah then you will be thinking along same [p. 126] lines and be united for the public good. Say good things of the people and of individuals and of your town and there try and make same true and try and make true the good things said of you. Beautify your homes &c. Had good liberty. May the Lord be praised.

I slept with Bro. John J G Webster at Bp. Jones’ and had a buggy night.

My health is good. Weather windy.

19 June 1909 • Saturday


Drove over to Parowan 4 miles and put up with Bp. Morgan Richards.

Wrote up my journal for yesterday before the morning meeting of Conference.

There were on the stand as visitors at the opening session of our conference Pres. R. S. Wells, Elders Hickman & Todd D. H. and myself.

At 10 A.M. meeting Pres. Jones made opening talk. I followed for 35 minutes on Church organization and the duty we owe to the world and to those in the Church. Read Ecek. 3:17–21 and D&C 60:1–3 Had good liberty. Referred to Jonah’s experiences in Connection with the City of Ninnevah. Pres. Wells occupied about 35 minutes after hearing from Elder Platt a report on Religion Class work. Pres Wells was greatly blessed and we through him. His theme was, What we owe to the work of the Lord.

At the 2 P.M. meeting the Speakers were in order as follows Bro. Leigh of Stake Presidency Elder Douglass H. Todd and Josiah E. Hickman. A good meeting.

A High Council meeting was held at 6 P.M. a meeting of Primary workers [p. 127] at 7:30 and Stake Priesthood meeting at 8 P.M. I spoke at all these.

20 June 1909 • Sunday


My health and spirits good. The weather pleasant. The gospel is true. May the Lord be praised.

At the 10 A.M. meeting the children met with us and the house was well filled. The Sacrament was administered and the Speakers were as follows. Wm Lyman S.S.S.S. Sister Garr. S.S.P.A, Bro. John J. G. Webster of Stake Preisdency, Josiah E. Hickman, Douglas <M> Todd and Pres Rulon S. Wells. I would have spoken after Pres. Wells had there been time.

At the afternoon meeting the house was filled. The authorities were sustained and I spoke first and occupied 30 minutes. Read Sec 6.1–8 and told the Story of Samuel and Saul & David. Two lives that while attending meeting and other religious duty the other when we forget all this and attend exclusively to business and temporalities with no effort to incorporate into our lives the Law of God & of the Gospel. There is the Gospel law of life and the life we live. The difference I was followed by Bro. Hickman and Pres R. S. Wells. At 9 A.M. we had a meeting of the Stake Superintendency. At 12 o’clock we had a meeting with the Seventies. Bro. Wells & I set apart three presidents of 69th Quo. of Seventy and one allernate High Councilman. At 4 P.M. we held a meeting of Religious Class workers.

At the conjoint meeting in the evening The Speakers were Pres. R. S. Wells, Josiah E. [p. 128] Hickman, Douglas M. Todd and myself. A Paper was read by a Sister Marsden on Conscience. I spoke upon the Subject Many difficult gospel problems may be solved by first solving a simple problem just like it. Jesus understood that fact also the force of an object lesson He made the Gospel an object lesson in his life. His parables are the simple problems which show clearly the greater. Ex. The Prodigal Son. Luke 15: The longer we defer our repentance the greater the humiliation when it does come and it must and will come as it came to the Prodigal. Had good liberty.

21 June 1909 • Monday


I spent the forenoon at Bp. Morgan Richard’s where I wrote a letter to my Son LeGrand at Portland and a card to my Son George at Scofield, Utah. Read and conversed with the brethren. At 12 o’clock I left with Mr. E. L. Clark of Parowan accompanied by Pres. Rulon S. Wells & Douglass M. Todd for Lund on RailRoad 35 miles distant. I had a pleasant and profitable talk with Mr Clark on Gospel Subjects for perhapse four hours of the time of making the trip.

Took train at Lund at 8:20 P.M. and arrived at home next morning at 6:20.

22 June 1909 • Tuesday

Salt Lake.

Arrived from Parowan at 6:20 A.M. Alice and [I] went out to [p. 129] East Mill Creek to Bp. Neff’s and his Brother Amos Neffs where a number of the Presidency and the Twelve were met by invitation of the Neffs with wives. We Spent a pleasant afternoon and had a splendid Supper. Strawberries galore. Called at Dr. S. L. Richards’ home on our return & Showed him a growth under my tongue larger than a pea. He said to Call at office next day to have it removed.

23 June 1909 • Wednesday

Salt Lake.

I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 AM to 4:15 P.M. Called on Dr. S. L. Richards to have growth removed from my tongue but at his request the operation was postponed until Friday 4:30 P.M. when Dr. Gill would be present.

Attended Circle meeting in the evening, 13 in attendance about the smallest attendance for a long time if ever smaller when I have been in attendance.

Alice and I walked down to my mother’s and spent an hour or two in the evening.

24 June 1909 • Thursday


This is the anniversary of the birth of Dr Willard Richards and a monument having just been erected to his honor and memory. This day has been set [p. 130] apart in which to dedicate the monument. We gathered at the Cemetery at 10A.M. Sung a hymn, Glorious things “Till the resurection Day” and Pres. Joseph F. Smith offered the dedicatory prayrs. when we dispersed to our homes. Father Willard Richards was born June 24, 1804 and died Mar. 11, 1854 55 years since his death.

I called at the President’s office by request of Pres. Winder and read letter from the Uintah Stake Presidency in relation to purchase of property for Church School Building site and I recommended the purchase of the 4½ Acre block next to the Stake tabernacle block. The matter was submitted to me because I was recently on the ground and had the matter under consideration at the time.

Alice & I spent a couple of hours at our daughter Nerva’s. We took the 5:45 P.M. Special for Salt Air where we witnessed the christening of the Leviathon Cafe and partook of the dinner provided in the New Cafe. Also saw the dancing show. Returned home about eleven oclock.

25 June 1909 • Friday


Weather warm. Our health good. I this day submit to an operation for the removal of a cancerous growth from under my tongue. Between 3:30 & 4:30 P.M. Drs Stephen L & Gill Richards removed from the under [p. 131] Side of my tongue a growth formed during the past three weeks in size about the size of a bean or the end of my small finger. The malignancy of it to be determined by analysis at the L.D.S. Hospittal. I held my tongue out with one hand while the operation was performed.

I mailed letters to George & LeGrand after the operation.

Pres. Lyman released me from my appointment this week to North Weber Stake.

26 June 1909 • Saturday


Rested fairly well last night though my mouth was uncomfortably sore.

I called at the Doctors office and had my tongue examined.

Read Church History and History of Utah and did some writing during the day. Weather warm. 80° in doors at 6:30 P.M.

27 June 1909 • Sunday


I read church history nearly all day. Attended ward meeting at 6 P.M. and Alice and I called on my mother in the evening.

My tongue healing nicely.

Weather very warm. 90° in Dining room.

28 June 1909 • Monday


I spent the forenoon at home reading Church History.

I attended a committee meeting with Pres. Lyman, H J Grant, H M Smith & Supt H H. Cummings at 1 P.M. where [p. 132] Church School matters were considered.

Called at the Doctor’s office and had the sti[t]ches taken out of my tongue.

Received from Jos. F. Smith a present of a bound volume of his writings upon the Subject of Succession to the Presidency &c including controversy had by him with one Mr Evans of the Reorganized Church, and I read from same several hours.

Weather very warm. Temp. 90° in <the house>

29 June 1909 • Tuesday


I got up at 6 A.M. and cut the lawn cleaned up and went with my wife and mother to the Old Folks’ gathering on Tabernacle grounds and in the Tabernacle, a meeting 2 hours duration. All seemed to pass off nicely. My mother seemed to stand it as well as others and enjoy same. All well. Weather hot. 90° in the dining room The same in our bed room, up stairs.

30 June 1909 • Wednesday


Weather hot 90° in house.

I attended Council meeting from 10 until 1 P.M. I repaired front & rear screen doors, hung cellar screen door, repaired poarch toilet box and washing machine.

Attended Circle meeting in the evening. present 13 members.

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June 1909, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1909/1909-06


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Ut. to Scandinavia”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Scandinavia”.

  3. [3]Richards wrote “Thu” before crossing it out and writing “Fri.”