December 1911

1 December 1911 • Friday

Cowley. Wyo.

Weather pleasant. My health good.

I attended a hearing of the complaint of Burnam Bros. against Lovell Canall Bd. From 10 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. I read Cortez or the Conquest of Mexico every oppertunity & nearly finished the book.

I went with the brethren and saw a basket ball game in evening between B.H.C. & Y.M.M. in Amusement hall.

2 December 1911 • Saturday


Am well Weather pleasant.

I attended the morning session of conference at which the attendance was 270. Stake population 2652. The speakers were, Pres. Wm. C. Partridge, Jesse W. Crosby Jr. Charles [blank] Lyman, myself. I occupied about 25 min. Subject, patronize Church school, why? [p. 88] Necessity for faithfulness of the individual and the officials of the Church. Pres Hart & I took dinner with Dr Edward W. Croft of the Stake Presidency.

At afternoon session the Speakers were, Pres. E. W. Croft, Chas A. Welch, Jas. T. Jensen report of missionary work and Pres C. H. Hart. The attendance was 379. At 4.20 a Priesthood meeting was held, attendance 158. Some business attended to and Pres Hart & I each instructed them. I referred to accomplishments of the working forces of other Stakes without giving names. In the evening attended a cartoon lecture.

3 December 1911 • Sunday


Beautiful weather. Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting the attendance was 493. Sacrament administered. The speakers were in order as fol. Emmanuel Thomas S.S.S.S., S◊◊t1 sister Ketchum, Primary; Huston R.C.; Pres May; myself & Pres Hart. I spoke of the sacrifice of the Lord & what we owe him & how best repay, same parents. Between conference meetings I met with Lovell Canal Co. Commision and later with High Council. Placed the presidency & H.C. on record in favor of supporting the C. School [p. 89]

At afternoon meeting the authorities were sustained. The speakers were a brother Teppetts, brother Easton, Pres Hart and myself. I spoke on evidences of the Gospels truth, the three witnesses & the eight are witnesses to the truth of the first vision of Joseph and the truth of the message the Lord gave to Joseph. 25 min. After meeting I assisted by the Stake presidency and Pres. Hart ordained & set apart the Bishopric of the Penrose ward, several high counselors, & others.

At evening meeting we had reports from Mutuals and Pres Hart & I spoke. I occupied 50 minutes following the subject of the afternoon with good liberty. Responsibility resting upon us to preach this gospel & on the world to receive same. There was present at afternoon & evening meetings the Cartoonist who lectured last evening. This has been a strenuous day. List of names of those set apart on p. 94

4 December 1911 • Monday


Pres Hart & I attended the Church school and addressed the School. There were present about as many non students as students. I occupied about 30 minutes on Preexistance; mans relationship to God who never put his offspring into an [p. 90] ignoble body. We want our boys and girls to get a testimony of the gospel and to do so the teachers should feel the truth & bear testimony of same The hour of theology should not be encroached upon. Do not teach the theories of men on evolution & higher criticism but teach them the gospel, then they will have a measuring rod with which to try the theories of men.

Pres Hart & I took train at Cowley at 1.57 PM. Arrived at Billings at 5.45 PM & left Billings at 8.15 P.M.

5 December 1911 • Tuesday

On train.

Weather fine Am well.

We arrived in Butte at 5.20 A.M. and left the car at 7 P.M. Spent the day in the public library & attending Court.

We took train for Salt Lake at 6 P.M.

6 December 1911 • Wednesday

Arrived home about 11.15 A.M & found the folks well. I spent the day <afternoon> considering correspondence, writing &c and in the evening attended my prayr circle in the temple.

I finished reading Silas Marner. [p. 91]

I spent several hours in the evening at the 27th ward fair and concert, the proceeds to go to the financing of the ward orgainzations.

7 December 1911 • Thursday


All well. Weather pleasant

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the Twelve & Presidency from 10 A.M. to about 3 P.M. I offered the opening prayr. I reported my visit to Canada and the Big Horn.

At this meeting Pres. Joseph F. Smith suggested the name of Elder Chas. W. Penrose to fill the vacancy of 2nd Counselor in the First Presidency and Elder Jas. E. Talmage to fill the vacancy in the Twelve occasioned by brother Penrose’s calling to the Presidency. There were present, Pres. Jos F. Smith, Pres Anthon H. Lund, Pres. Francis M. Lyman, Elders, H. M. Smith, C. W. Penrose, Geo. F. Richards, A. F. Whitney, D. O. McKay, A. W. Ivins & Jos. F. Smith Jr. Each spoke indorsing the selections and voted to sustain them, after which we all laid on hands and Pres Smith set brother Penrose apart 2nd Counselor in the [p. 92] First Presidency, Elder Talmage not present and to this time not conferred with on the Subject of his call.

At this meeting I received the appointment to Morgan Stake conference.

I accompanied my son to the dental supply house and returned home with him on car. Alice and I attended a reception at the home of Pres R. W. Young given in honor of Uncle Henry P. Richards, on his 80th birthday passed a few weeks.

8 December 1911 • Friday


Am well Folks pretty well. Weather beautiful.

I received a call about 10.30 A.M. from Pres. Office, & went down and found brothers Jas. E. Talmage. Pres. Lyman had a conference with him and presented him to the brethren. He was thereupon ordained an apostle and set apart a member of the quorum of Twelve by Pres Jos F Smith at 11.30 A.M. assisted by Pres Lund, Penrose, Lyman, & Elders Hyrum M & Jos. F. Smith Jr. & myself.

I congratulated brother James Edward Talmage on having found favor in the eyes of the Lord & his Servants [p. 93] to be called to the Apostleship and expressed the hope that he would accept the call with proper spirit which he assured me he did. I told him I welcomed him a member of our council with open arms and my whole heart.

Following is a list of ordination of Dec. 3, 1911 at Cowley.

Seth A. Johnson, a high priest, was ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over the Penrose ward. G. F. R. Robert Carroll & John F. Co◊◊◊ Moody were ordained high priests & set apart first & second counselors respectively by G. F. R.

Geo Easton & Nephi Robertson set apart high counselors by G. F. Richards. Heber S. Tippetts ordained high priest & set apart an alternate by G. F. Richards. John C. Houston set apart 1st asst. by Pres C. H. Hart & Wm G. Hocheshrans Stake Supt of Religion Classes by G. F. R. Wm G Hochishans set apart 1st asst. by Pres. C. H. Hart; J M Grant Jr 2nd asst by Pres. Wm. C Partridge; Leo J Neville Stake aid by Bro. Edward W. Croft. [6 lines blank] [p. 94]

9 December 1911 • Saturday


All well. Ground bare.

I left Salt Lake in company with Pres. J. G. Kimball on 7.10 A.M. train & arrived in Morgan at 10 A.M., 30 minutes late. Attended forenoon and afternoon meetings of the Morgan Stake Conference and spoke at each. In forenoon upon the subject of faithfulness and right living & read the verses. “He died for his faith.” This was suggested by the remarks of one of the former speakers who said the mail carrier of Morgan an outsider remarked in his hearing that the L.D. Saints would die for their faith but would not live it. At afternoon meeting my subject was the responsibility resting upon the L.D. Saints to preach the gospel.

I took dinner at Bishop Francis’ and staid all night at Pres. Heiner’s

10 December 1911 • Sunday

Morgan, Utah.

Am well. Stormy.

Attended forenoon, afternoon & evening conjoint meetings and spoke at each. At forenoon meeting my subject was what we owe our parents, earthly & heavenly and how we can best show our appreciation. [p. 95] At afternoon meeting I talked on subject of Charity & forgiveness. At evening meeting I treated the subject of Character, what it is & character building. Took lunch at the meeting house at noon and had supper with brother Wm. W. Francis of Stake presidency & slept at Pres. Heiner’s, Pres Kimball occupied same room.

11 December 1911 • Monday


Am well. About 2 inches of snow in Morgan and about 8 inches in Salt Lake.

Pres. J. G. Kimball and I went to station to get 10.30 train which did not come along until 12 o’clock, noon. We arrived in Salt Lake at 2.35 P.M. I spent remainder of the day writing &c & in the evening Alice & I went to the Liberty theatre and saw Dante’s Inferno and then walked up & down Main street for a half hour or so looking at show window christmas exhibits.

12 December 1911 • Tuesday


All usually well. Snow does not thaw.

I spent the forenoon at home studying and at 2 P.M. attended a missionary meeting in the temple [p. 96] Annex where 46 missionaries were set apart and instructed, I being the senior in authority present presided. There were present also Jos. F. Smith Jr. Jas. E. Talmage, Pres Seymour B. Young & J. G. Kimball, each had a party of nine. I set apart the following;

1. Wm. Arthur Allen of Riverdale to Eastern States

2. Henry Parker Murray of Wellsville to W. "2

3. Wm. Albert McFarland of West Weber to W. "

4. Arthur Manwaring of Naples Ut. to C. "

5. Geo Barton Taylor of Manti to W. "

6. Oscar Whiting of Mapleton to S. "

7. Earl LeRoy Williams of Riverdale to C. "

8. Chas. A. Brunson of Fillmore to W. "

9. Louisa Tippetts of Georgetown to C. "

The last named to be married to Elder Barkdall tomorrow before leaving.

I instructed the missionaries.

Attended the General Primary Board meeting at 4.30 by special request & heard reports of last years work and an outline of the ensuing year’s work. Elder H. M. Smith came in late & we set apart two of the Sisters and blessed Sister Felt for her health I offered the prayr.

Both Bro. Smith & I spoke briefly.

In the evening I attended a lecture by Elder James E. Talmage in 20th Ward hall before conjoint Mutual on Evolution and from there went to my son George’s and assisted him in administering to [p. 97] his baby who has cold.

Geo. L. Tate staid the night with us.

13 December 1911 • Wednesday


All usually well. Weather same

I spent the day until 3.45 P.M. at home, did some repair work & writing. Attended General Board meeting of religion classes and sat with the Presidency & members of the Twelve in Council and attended a banquet at Lion house given in honor of the First Mutual Class in gymnastic work. Wrote to my son Joel in England.

14 December 1911 • Thursday


All usually well. Weather same.

Attended weekly council meeting of Presidency & Twelve from 10 A.M. to 4.10 P.M. took light lunch and attended to several items of business returning home about 6.30 P.M. & spent the evening home.

15 December 1911 • Friday


All usually well. Weather same.

I spent the day at home reading and studying. Spent several hours writing an article for the Young Woman’s Journal by request of Sister Connally of the General Board Y.L.M.I. [p. 98] Alice and I received invitation to attend the Salt Lake Theater but reading the comments of the News we decided it was not sufficiently dignified and did not go. “Innocence” by Miss Held.

16 December 1911 • Saturday


Weather stormy. All usually well.

I left Salt Lake on Salt Lake Route Ry train 8 A.M. for Moroni via Nephi. I should have arrived at Moroni at 1.55 but did not arrive until after 4 P.M. Brother Langley Bailey of Nephi accompanied me from Nephi. We attended conjoint mutual meeting in the evening and I occupied 65 minutes on athletics, mutual work and character building.

I staid at Bishop Orlando Bradley’s in comfort.

17 December 1911 • Sunday


Stormy. Am well.

Attended Sunday School session of Conference and was one of the speakers. I occupied 25 minutes on what we owe parents & how show our love & appreciation of them 1st by obedience, 2nd by being good to one another in the home. What we owe the Lord how show it 1st obedience, 2nd by [p. 99] being and doing good to others.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting. Authorites sustained. J. F. Allred, P. of HP. spoke and I occupied 55 minutes with good liberty. Subject, first principles of Gospel & individual goodness & What we owe to missionary work abroad & at home. Care for the flocks. At close of meeting I ordained four high priests as follows: Allen Rowe and Martin Brothersen of Mt Pleasant & Jacob J. H. Jensen & Alfred Johnson of Fountain Green. I visited the Mutual Library.

Attended evening meeting a ward meeting in Moroni. Brother Langley Bailey occupied about 20 minutes & I occupied about 50 minutes. Subject Mans accomplishments evidence of the powers of God. Obedience as returned applied to word of wisdom and general good deportment. Recited “To my Son.” by M. J. Graflin. Good attention.

18 December 1911 • Monday


Weather fair. Am well.

I left Moroni on 9:50 A.M. train. Staid in Nephi two and a half hours & took dinner with Roscoe’s family and arrived home about 6.45 P.M. W. B. Richards rode with me from Provo. [p. 100] My little babe Ray has been quite sick, vomiting &c since 3 A.M. today My Sons. George & LeGrand called in on their way to Priesthood meeting and we administered to the baby.

I wrote up my journal, considered my mail &c.

19 December 1911 • Tuesday


Weather cold. Our baby is better to-day and the others are usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home and the afternoon with Alice shopping for christmas. My sister Nerva was down and I saw her at my son George’s office.

Last night I had a dream about my brother Fred which caused me to weep in my sleep. I thought I saw him broken in health, in Spirit and in temporalities and neglectful of his religious duties. I wrote him a letter today.

20 December 1911 • Wednesday


Weather fair. I am well.

Our boy Ray is playing about again. My son George is sick at home to-day with Lagrippe, fever &c. I administered to him about noon. Spent a couple of hours there. Took lunch with LeGrand Did some shopping. Attended Religion [p. 101] class & Mutual General Board meetings & reported. Attended Circle meeting after 6.15 P.M. Called at George’s in the evening. He is still in bed but feeling some better.

21 December 1911 • Thursday


Weather fair. Snow not disappearing very fast.

My son George is feeling better Has been up a part of the day. Our daughter <Nina> went to bed sick at the stomach. Alice not feeling the best. Others well.

I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 4 P.M. and went shopping from 4 to 9 P.M. Called and saw my son George from 9.30 to 10 P.M.

22 December 1911 • Friday


Folks better Weather same.

I spent the forenoon at home. I went shopping in afternoon. Bought a $68[.]00 Centro table for $54.00. Subscribed for Young Woman’s Journal for one year for Nerva, Edith & Ina and for the children’s Friend for Estella Lee, and for the semi weekly News for my sister Alice Ann. [p. 102] I spent the evening at home, reading, writing &c. I this evening read of the distruction by fire, of the Magrath ward meeting house yesterday, Canada. I wrote Bp. Levi Harker a letter expressive of my regrets.

23 December 1911 • Saturday


All well Winter weather.

I made two trips down town shopping and once to the Vermont Party in Lion house where Alice & Oliver attended & accompanied me from 5.30 to 10 P.M. I met my Daughter Nerva at Ry. Station at 9.30 P.M. She and children came in to spend the Christmas.

24 December 1911 • Sunday


All well Weather same

Attended 27th ward S. School service and offered the benediction. The service was commemorative of the birth of the Savior & of Jos. Smith.

Attended Services in in tabernacle the speakers were Pres Richard W Young & Madam Mountford.

Attended evening services in 27th ward the Speakers were My son George on the life of Christ & christmas & Sister Lucy Grant Cannon on Jos Smith. What he [p. 103] has given to the world.

Geo Lawrence Tate came in from Tooele this afternoon.

25 December 1911 • Monday


Christmas. All well.

We had a glorious christmas The weather was propicious & seasonable. Snowed most of the day & during the night so that the sleighing is excellent. Frozen ground & ice under Snow. We had a tree and many presents. Geo & Edith, Geo. L. & Nerva, LeGrand & Ina staid all night with us. We retired about 1.30 A.M. & arose at 5 A.M. My Sister Nerva came down from Farmington & took dinner with us and staid until 8.25 P.M. My Sister Alice Ann came up from Asenath’s & spent a few hours after dinner. I had invited her & Asenath to dinner. We had an excellent dinner cooked & served by our girls. Nina had a vomiting spell before retiring to bed. An excellent time was had by all. I took Sister Alice down to Asenath’s at 8.30 P.M. & saw Asenath’s folks [p. 104]

26 December 1911 • Tuesday


Folks well and all at home with us except Joel who is in England presiding over the Liverpool Conference. We are very happy.

Alice, Geo. & Edith and Geo. L. & Nerva & I attended the Empress Matinee.

Aunt Sarah Ellen R. Smith & her daughter Genetta called in the evening. We spent a very pleasant day and evening.

27 December 1911 • Wednesday


My throat sore Weather same.

I attended the funeral services of W. H. Tibblad and spent the remaining portion of the time at home. Geo & Edith called in the evening and spent the evening.

28 December 1911 • Thursday


My throat very sore in night.

Attended weekly council meeting of the Twelve & Presidency in the temple and received the appointment to Tooele for next Saturday & Sunday. In the evening Alice & I attended the wedding reception of Stayner Richards & bride Janice Taylor. [p. 105]

29 December 1911 • Friday


All pretty well. Am better of cold.

Snowed during the day.

I conferred with Pres. Lyman about the reorganization of the Tooele Stake presidency. Called at Presiding bishop office & looked over some papers pertaining to the Maricopa Stake & Mesa ward. Attended to some business at the bank &c.

30 December 1911 • Saturday


Weather cold enough that the snow does not melt. I have quite a bad cold as yet in the expectorate stage.

Alice & baby and I went to Tooele an the 7.45 A.M. train. We met Elder Jas. E. Talmage on the train, he and I having been appointed to attend the Tooele Stake Conference to be held this day and tomorrow in the Tooele Ward.

The attendance at the conference was light. The speakers were, the members of the Stake presidency, Silas C. Orme, Alex Shields, A. J. Stockey and possibly others besides Elder Talmage & myself and on Sunday Pres Lyman.

At noon brother Talmage and I met with Pres. Gowans and told him what [p. 106] was decided upon in our Council meeting last Thursday, this on my suggestion, that we thought a change in presidency of the Stake at this time would be proper and that Pres Gowans should be ordained a Patriarch. Pres. Gowans assented with good grace & feeling. After afternoon meeting we presented the matter with good grace & feeling. After afternoon meeting we presented the matter to Pres. Gowans’ counselors C. R. McBride & Jos. C. Orme who indorsed it. We then talked with Chas. Alvin Orme who accepted the call of President of the Stake in good spirit but shed a few tears. He selected with our help, Chas R. McBride and Alonzo J. Stookey for counselors. We called these in and they expressed a willingness to serve. It was decided that Jos. C. Orme be called to fill the vacancy in the high council occasioned by bro. Stookeys being called to the presidency also that he be ordained a partriarch. Jonathan H. Hale, Benj. W. Black & Austin Hunter were called to be the Stake Superintendency of Sunday Schools of the Stake in lieu of A. J. Stookey E. D. Woolley & Jas. Wrathall released. Alice & I staid at her sister Estella’s over night.

31 December 1911 • Sunday


Last day of the yr. My cold the Same. [p. 107] I met Pres. Francis M. Lyman and Elder James E. Talmage at Pres Gowans home after train arrived in the morning and explained to the former what we had done which met with his indorsement. At the 10 A.M. meeting held in the meeting house the Sunday School children having been invited the attendance was 470. The sacrament was administered with individual glass service, the second time in this ward and the first time either of us three apostles had seen such service used. The speakers were Elder Talmage, myself & Pres Lyman. I occupied 20 minutes, Subject, Sacrament and atonement.

At afternoon meeting the authorities General & Stake were presented and voted for unanimously and the New officers ordained & set apart except Black & Hunter of Grantsville who were not present. Pres. Lyman Set apart Chas Alvin Orme president of the Stake; I set apart Chas. R. McBride first Counselor and Elder Talmage set apart Alonzo J. Stookey second counselor in the stake presidency. Pres Gowans ordained H. S. Gowans a patriarch and I ordained Joseph C. Orme a patriarch & Set him apart a high Counselor in Tooele Stake. Elder Talmage set apart Jonathan H. Hale [p. 108] Stake Superintendent of Sunday schools & Pres Lyman & Elder Talmage each spoke. We took 4.10 train for home. Arrived home O.K. & found all well at home. This being the last day of the year some of the family sat up to see the old yr out & the new year in. I retired in good time but was awakened about mid night by the shooting of guns, ringing of bells, blowing of whistles &c.

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December 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


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