July 1891

19 July 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine but warm.

This is my day home having finished the Quarterly stake visits last Sunday. There was no School it having been discontinued to prevent the spread of Diptheria. I read and lounged under the trees until meeting time when Alice and I attended meeting and I addressed the meeting for about 45 minutes as led by the Spirit which aided me materially. I read Mormon Doctrine or Leaves from the Tree of Life through during the day and evening. I wrote several letters wrote in Journal &c.

20 July 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm & pleasant. I cleaned up the barn yard and stack yard, raked down the hay stack, Attended to some business at the Court House and in the evening attended a School Trustees meeting where the Board was organized with G. F. R. Chairman, J. W. Tate Sec’y. & P Clegg Treasurer. I turned the School Records & papers over to J. W. Tate. All tolerably well. Nerva being the exception. Her eyes being swollen and inflamed. [p. 149]

21 July 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I worked in the garden weeding all day. I called on Judge Herman at the Court House to talk over some Political matters. Spent the evening at home reading and writing.

22 July Wednesday

Worked in the garden, weeding and plowing. In the evening I attended a Republican meeting called for the purpose of making a City Ticket. I was chosen to run on the City Ticket at 1st Alderman.

23 July 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot and sultry Had a shower of rain in the afternoon. I used the City water from 4,30 A.M. to 10 A.M. Wrote to A. F. Doremus a lengthy letter started the day before. Estella started to Farmington. I hitched up the team and Alice took her to the Station while I attended a Republican County Convention in the Court House. I did some trading, bought three pairs Shoes, Sack sugar &c. Alice was taken ill with sore throat, fever, aches &c. [p. 150]

24 July 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather hot.

Alice not able to rise from her bed. The children and I had the work to do out doors and in.

25 July 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine but warm.

Alice no better. I waited on her and did the work out doors & in with the Assistance of the children. Wrote to Mother at Nephi and Estella at Farmington. Prest. H. S. Gowans called in to see us and assisted in administering to Alice.

26 July 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very warm.

Stake Conference at Grantsville.

Alice no better. I alone with the children. I sent down to H B Haines and for Dr Davis. Dr Davis pronounced the disease my Wife had Dyphtheria. I wrote Peter Cleg a Note as City Marshall notifying him and had him telephone for Dr Jos. Richards who came out and said that it was ulceration of the throat Dr Davice Concuring. In the mean time Sisters [p. 151] Beauchamp and England came at my solicitation and remained with us. Alice felt better towards night and we all felt encouraged. Alice Atkin DeLaMar <Died>

27 July 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather sultry & hot

I did the out door chores, went to the switch to meet Estella but she did not come. Took children in buggy up to Hank’s saw mill, down to Marshalls &c.

Wrote letters to Abram & Mother. Wrote in Journal &c. Went up to Saw mill and got lumber for fruit frames.

28 July 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine but warm.

I went to the Station to meet Estella who did not come. Engaged fruit driers that is people to cut fruit. Wrote several letters one to B. J. Clayton of Nephi in acceptance of Nomination to the next Legislature as Republican Representative from Representative Dist No 5.

29 July 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hazy like fall weather Rained some during the day. [p. 152] I went to the Station the third day in succession for Estella but was again disappointed. This time I took Alice and Sarah with me. Alice is much improved. I sat up with George all the previous night he having taken sick about 6 P.M. with sore throat. To-day he is very much improved and Sisters England and Beauchamp talk of leaving us this evening. I slept several hours during the day.

30 July 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the city water, cared for animals, pruned grape vines, made two fruit frames &c. Had a number of people cutting apricots on halves. Alice and I went down to the Store in the evening and while there ate Ice cream.

31 July 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I pruned grape vines, hoed among the vines, went up to Hank’s mill and ordered lumber for fruit frames and went up in the afternoon with team for it. I read some Republican literature from Defender and from Contributor. [p. 153]

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July 1891, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1891/1891-07