June 1912

1 June 1912 • Saturday

On train.

Am well. Pleasant day.

Pres. John W. Hart of Rigby Stake boarded our car at Pocatello and we reached Rigby meeting house where the conference was in session at 11.20 A.M. Bro. Martin Harris son of Martin Harris B. of M. witness was talking. W. W. Silck followed and I occupied remaining 25 minutes. Read from Matt. 25th the two parables, the virgins and the talents and applied the former to our individual responsibilities and the latter to our official reponsibilities. Now is the time and now the place.

Pres. McMurrin and I were invited to Pres. Josiah Call’s where we went and made our staying place. At afternoon session of conference the speakers were, Pres. Jno W. Hart, Ex. Pres. Don C. Walker, Elder Sear, H. P. crowther, Bp Kingshorn, & Pres. J. W. McMurrin, who bore a strong testimony of the life’s work of the Prophet Joseph Smith. All the light that all the Christian clergy since Christ have brought forth or given to the world is but a drop in the bucket compared with what Joseph Smith has given to the world. [p. 224] The Bible is the strongest witness for Joseph Smith, corroberating every principle and doctrine he taught.

The whole work of the Messiah must be uprooted before the claims and the mission of Joseph Smith can be over thrown. The one is a corroberation of the other and where in this wide world the name of Christ is heard, there also will be the name of Joseph Smith be heard. Instead of the doctrine of Deity as taught by Joseph Smith dethroning God it places him where he belongs at the head of the race and exalts man to his rightful station as a son of God. We do not want to obscure the truth but to uncover it. Not to accept it as a mystery and a theory but as a truth and reality, to feel the truth of it.

The above are some of the thoughts expressed by Pres. McMurrin and the thoughts I had while he was talking.

After the meeting I repaired to the home of Josiah Call and wrote up my journal for the day and yesterday.

I feel that the day has been one of profit to me and should be to all who attended the meetings. [p. 225]

2 June 1912 • Sunday

Rigby, Ida.

Breezy. Am well.

I fasted until 1.30 P.M. and would have gone until after meeting but could see no prospect of getting time to eat again this day.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting, the children being present. Attendance 651. Sacrament administered. I was one of the speakers occupying about 20 minutes in an address to the children on what we owe our parents, what we owe the Lord, how best manifest our appreciation & love &c.

Attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency & High Council from 12.15 to 1.15 I ordained John W. Finn of Clark ward a High Priest and set him apart 2nd counselor to Bp. John L. Connell of Clark ward, he having been sustained by the people of the ward for that office.

We presented names of brethren to fill vacancies in the High Council & as Alternates. Also the name of James Jarvis Chandler of Rigby age 63 yrs to receive the office of Patriarch. I instructed brother Chandler in his duties and after the afternoon meeting when they were sustained I ordained & set them apart assisted by Pres. McMurrin & Stake Presidency as fol [p. 226]

James Jarvis Chandler ordained a patriarch and set apart to labor in the Rigby Stake

Zachariah Ballentyne set apart Alternate

Joseph W. Jones " " "1

Robert Gilchrist, ordained high priest and set apart "2

Niels C. Geiser ordained high priest.

Attended the afternoon meeting where the General & Stake Authorities were sustained unanimously. Several recently returned missionaries, Prof. Dalby of Ricks Academy and J. W. McMurrin were the speakers. Pres. John W. Hart made a few closing remarks & I offered the closing prayr.

Between 4 & 5 o’clock I did the ordaining recorded above and from 5 to 7 o’clock was in Conjoint Mutual conference. I was one of the speakers and occupied about 40 minutes in a recital of my visits to Vermont, N.Y. Ohio, Mo. & Illinois & the points of historic interest.

Took train at 720 for home, rode 14 miles to Idaho Falls where our car was side tracked and was picked up at 2.30 A.M. by Butte train and brought on to Salt Lake.

3 June 1912 • Monday


Pleasant weather All well.

Arrived from Rigby, Ida. at 11.40 A.M. [p. 227] Pres. Jos F. Smith, his wife Sarah & Son Hyrum M. returning from Garland Bear River Stake boarded our car at Brigham City.

On my return home I made & mailed certificates of ordinations and checks for bills received to the extent of my bank credit.

I checked up my bank statements from Nov. last to date and found that it agrees with my account to within two cents. Did other writing & reading. This day my Son George was set apart to preside as Stake Superintendent of the Y.M.M.I.A. of Ensign Stake.

My Daughter Sarah has been requested to become a member of the General Board of the Y.L.M.I.A. of the Church. She was called in to the Office of the General Board to-day and told by them what is wanted of her.

I have considerable pride and satisfaction in Seeing my Sons and daughters coming to the front in a church way. Sarah has been presiding over the 27th ward mutual for some years. (2 yrs) My Son George presided over the Y.M.M. of 18th Ward while he resided there [p. 228] He was suggested by the Ensign stake preidency a few months ago to Succeed Bishop James Maxwell as bishop of 27th ward but when the First Presidency placed the responsibility of the change upon the Stake Presidency they backed down and did not make the change fearing it would not fit the present bishop & consequently cause feelings.

4 June 1912 • Tuesday


Warm weather. All well.

Alice and I went to Tooele on the 7.45 A.M. train. We called at our daughter Nerva’s and she and her children accompanied us up to Estella Lee’s and Geo. L. joined us there and accompanied us to the Cemetery. We called at Lewis G. Bowen’s photograph galary and were photographed We had a pleasant visit with our folks, called on Pres. Gowens and found him quite poorly. Returned on 4.30 P.M. train Lucy Lee returned with us to spend a week.

Alice & I went up to LeGrand’s about 9 o’clock and returned after 11 P.M. my son George & his wife were also there and we spent a pleasant two hours. Ina made sherbett ice cream Lucena & Elva Knowlton went withs others [p. 229] up Settlers City Creek canyon during the day and to Wandamere at night.

5 June 1912 • Wednesday


Very warm. All usually well.

Ruby & Mamie went down to Sister Sarah E. Smith’s last night to stay and early this morning went with their cousins up in Parley’s canyon. I spent the forenoon at home and attended a meeting of the General Bd. of Religion Classes at 3.30 and presided. Attended a meeting of the General Board of Rel Y.M.M.I.A. from 5 to 6.15 o’clock. Attended my circle meeting at 6.15 P.M.

I walked home with my son Geo. LeGrand accompanied us up to 20th ward meeting house where he had a meeting to attend. Spent the evening at home.

I bought a pair of fine Shoes for summer.

6 June 1912 • Thursday


Very warm. All well.

Attended regular weekly meeting of the council of the First Presidency, the Twelve & Patriarch in the temple from 10.30 to about 3 P.M. Made a few purchases and [p. 230] took 5 P.M. Limited S.P.L.A. & S.L. Ry. train, special car, for St. Thomas Moapa Valley, Nevada. Pres. Lyman & Bp. O. P. Miller aboard. We had a pleasant trip, arriving at Moapa station perhapse 3 A.M. Fri. where our car was side tracked.

7 June 1912 • Friday

Moapa, Nev.

Very warm Am well.

Our car was hitched on to a special train from Las Vegas the County Seat of Clark County and taken into the Moapa Valley & to St. Thomas the present terminal of the Moapa & St Thomas branch of the S.P.S.A. & S.L. Ry. This occasion is the celebration of the advent of this road into the valley and our train was the first passenger train into the Valley.

We left the train above the Wells siding and by teams provided went through that part of the Valley for about five miles taking train again at Logan Station or Siding. It is about 8 9 miles from Moapa to the Moapa Improvement Co head quarters, about five miles on <Logan & 8 mi.> to Overton and eight miles on to St. Thomas making 31 miles [p. 231] the length of the road. There were eight cars on the train.

At the St Thomas station we de-trained and walked about a half mile to the grove with a great throng of people from the Moapa settlements and from Las Vagas & Salt Lake. At this grove we had a barbaque of fat steer A copper spike made from Grand Gulch Mine ore was with a copper hammer driven by one of Moapa young girls <Mildred Anderson> A speech was made by State Senator Ciphus one of our church members. We then repaired to the ball ground and witnessed a ball game between the Valley team & the Las Vagus team the latter defeating the former 13 to 7 as I remember.

Steer tieing was the next feature and the winner tied his steer in 35 seconds.

We took train about 6.30 to Overton where we went to Bp. <William L.> Jones and staid all night. Bp. Miller & I occupied the same bed with Bp. Miller out doors under the trees and had a good nights’ rest barring the mosquitos.

Very warm. [p. 232]

8 June 1912 • Saturday

Overton, Nev.

Very warm. Am well.

I wrote up my journal for the past two days.

I spent most of the day in counsel with Pres. Lyman, Bp. Miller, the Stake Presidency of St. George Stake & others. Attended a public meeting in the Bowery on public square where there were a number of speakers Pres Lyman, Bp. Miller & I were among the number also Dan Collett & Mr. Walker of S.L Com. Clubb, Schocroft of Ogden Commercial Clubb & Mr Kennedy of Nevada Moapa Experimental Station. Retired from counsel at 10.45 P.M.

9 June 1912 • Sunday

Overton, Nev.

Very warm. Am well but feel that I need more sleep. My rest was greatly disturbed during the night by vermine.

Arose at 5.30 A.M. did my toilet work and wrote up my journal &c before breakfast.

We had a council meeting selecting Stake officers from 8 to 10 A.M. At 10 AM meeting the attendance was <257.> The sacrament was administered and the speakers [p. 233] were in order as follows; Pres Snow & Pres. Cottom of St. George Stake Presidency and myself. I occupied about 30 or 40 minutes Subject Sacrament; love of God & man for man. A gospel of sacrifice & self Denial: A willingness to to accept of responsibility a requisite, a willingness to to lay it down an other; seeking office a disqualification, &c.

At intermission we were again in counsel, not leaving the grounds.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 268 Pres. Lyman occupied all the time presenting the business & talking. At close of their meeting we set apart & ordained the Stake officers present which required about an hour and a half. Pres. Lyman & I doing all the ordaining & setting apart. A record of the work is kept here in the Stake and a copy of same furnished the P.B.O. A list of those I ordained will be found in my record of ordination.

At evening meeting the attendance was light the Speakers were the New Presidency members & Bro. Dan Callett and Bp. O P Miller of Salt Lake. [p. 234]

Moapa Stake officers, June 9/12

Willard Larson Jones of Overton Clark C. Nev. Prest. set apart by Geo F. Richards

John M. Bunker of St. Thomas 1st Coun. by F. M. L.

Samuel Henry Wells of Logan 2nd Counselor by G. F. R.

High Counselors

1. Joseph Ira Earl of Bunkerville Clark Co. Nev F. M. L.

2. Edward Bunker Jr. of " "3 Nev. absent

3. James Peter Anderson of Overton, Ordained H.P. by G. F. R.

4. Henry Gentry of St Thomas set a. by F. M. L.

5. Levi Syphers of "4 ord. H.P. & Set a. by G. F. R.

6. Frank E. Wadsworth of Panaca, Lincoln Co. Nev. Set a. F. M. L. <absent>

7. Stephen R. Whitehead of Overton Ord. HP. & Set a. by G. F. R.

8. Geo. Luke Whiting of St Thomas set a. "5 F. M. L.

9. Orvin W. Jarvis of Logan " "6 G. F. R.

10. Mendis D Cooper Jr of Overton " " F. M. L.

11. Lewis Pulsifer of Mesquite absent

12. Ray Pixton of Overton Ord. HP. & set a. by G. F. R.

Isaac Ellis Turnbaugh of Overton Stake Clerk by F. M. L.

Edward Bunker Jr. of Bunkerville P of H.P. absent

Ellen Gentry, St. Thomas Pres. Relief society, set apart by F. M. L.

Jonathan Nephi Hunt of Bunkerville, SS.S.S. by G. F. R.

Francis C. Lee of Panaca Supt Y.M.M.I.A. absent

Anna K. Ronnow, "7 Prest of Y.L.M.I.A. absent

Eliza R. Ingram of Overton S. Pres. Primaries F. M. L.

Lucian Vivian Hinckley of Logan, <HC Supt.> set apart by G. F. R.

Joseph Ira Earl of Bunkervill, Genealogical Agt. by F. M. L.

Wm. A. Whitehead of Overton H.P & Bp. by F. M. L.

Wm W. Perkins of Logan 1st counselor by G. F. R.

Albert F. Bischoff of Overton H.P. & sec Counselor F. M. L.

Robert A. Gibson of St Thomas HP & Bp by G. F. R.

Robert E. Bunker "8 HP & 1st Counselor F. M. L. [p. 235]

Albert Froehner of St Thomas, HP & 2nd Coun. by G. F. R.

Edward I. Cox H.P. & Bp. Bunkerville by F. M. L.

Albert Leavitt 1st Counselor absent

Harmon Whittever "9

Eleanor Syphus of St Thomas, 1st Cou to Relief P. absent

Rebecca Murphy "10 2nd " " "11 G. F. R.

Nellie Losee of Overton 1st Coun to Primary Pres. G. F. R.

Sevilla H. Jones "12 2nd " " "13 F. M. L.

Jo Thomas Jefferson Jones, <of Overton> Patriarch by F. M. L.

Joseph Ira Earl of Bunkerville " "14 F. M. L.

10 June 1912 • Monday

Overton, Nev.

Weather warm. Am well.

I arose early and made certificates of ordination for those whom I ordained yesterday & left them with the President for distribution I copied list of Stake officers in my journal and at 7.30 Started with Bro. Hentzy who has charge of the Armenian colony here and with Pres Lyman & Bp Miller for Moapa. We took train at Moapa at 11.35 A.M. for home.

11 June 1912 • Tuesday

On train.

Cooler weather. Am well.

Our train due in Salt Lake at 6.30 this morning did not get in until after 11 o’clock, the delay being due to a disabled engine.

I found all well at home and proceeded to consider correspondence &c. [p. 236] I received a letter from Mr. Geo. W. Schweich of Richmond, Mo. a grand son of David Whitmer’s who offers the old Whitmer home in Richmond for $4000. with the promise that his mother be permitted to live in the home the rest of her natural life. Will present the matter to the First Presidency.

I called at the homes of my Sons Geo. & LeGrand and saw them & their families Did my recording & other work.

12 June 1912 • Wednesday


All well. Rain during the and at night.

I spent the forenoon at home working upon the temple records. In the afternoon I attended a meeting of the directors of the U.I.V. Co, the General Board meeing of Y.M.M.I.A. and my Circle in the evening and after meeting walked home with my son LeGrand, Alice, Geo., Edith & I went down town and bought for us a gass range and water heating attachment and ordered same put in our kitchen in lieu of the coal range.

13 June 1912 • Thursday


All well Pleasant day. [p. 237]

I worked on temple records for an hour or two in the morning and at 10.30 A.M. met in weekly Council at the temple continuing until about 3 P.M. I wrote to Geo W. Schweich of Richmond Mo. and with my family went to the Lagoon, Farmington on 4 P.M. train. Geo. LeGrand & their families were there and Alices Sister Ann came down & visited with us. We returned reaching home about 9 P.M. Ruby, Lucena & Mamie remained at the Lagoon and at Aunt Annie Steeds over night.

14 June 1912 • Friday


Light showers All well.

Alice & I went to the temple and were sealed for six couples and I later recorded the work. I spent considerable time letter writing &c. Cut Oliver’s & Ray’s hair, read the papers Subscribed for the Herald Republican paying for six months in advance. Alice and I called on Geo & Edith & LeGrand & Ina in the evening.

I took train at 11 P.M. for Bear Lake. Train leaving Salt Lake at 11.45

15 June 1912 • Saturday

On train for Paris.

Am well Cold weather

Reached McCammon at 5.50 and [p. 238] Montpelier at 8.50 A.M. Pres McMurrin with me. We were met at Montpelier Station by Bp. Sutton of Montpelier E. Ward who had his team ready and sent us over to Paris, 10 miles a brother Bradley being driver. We arrived at Meeting house at 10.05 in time for the opening conference. The attendance was 290—S pop 7000+ The speakers were in order as follows.

1. Wilford W. Richards of Stake Presidency

2. Lars P. Nielson, Supt. R. Classes

3. Bp. Alma Findlay of Bloomington ward

4. Elder Cook recently returned missionary <[illegible]>

5. [blank] Bp of Liberty ward

6. Pres. J. W. McMurrin

Went to dinner with Wm. L. Rich of the stake presidency.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 400. Stake population 7000+ The speakers were in order as follows:

1. Wm L. Rich of the Stake presidency

2. Wm E. Morgan. Principal of Academy

3. Myself

4. J W McMurrin

I occupied 40 minutes with good liberty & deliberation. Subject. encouraging the people to faithfulness. The people want to be good. Those who embrace the gospel are the elect of the earth, having left their sinful ways. The care we should [p. 239] give those over whom we have presidency, We are as physicians & should discover symptoms of deadly disease & apply the necessary remedy at once. An ounce of preventative worth more than a pound of cure.

Inquiry stimulates interest but neglect encourages indifference. That is why we called a roll this A.M. Pres. McMurrin and I staid at Pres. Joseph R. Shepherd’s at nights We had a council meeting at his home in the evening with the members of the Stake Presidency considering best means of getting our ward teachers to do their work. I explained the plan adopted in the Bear River Stake and recommended same with such modifications as might be necessary to suit the conditions of this Stake which has 22 wards.

16 June 1912 • Sunday

Paris, Bear Lake.

Fine morning Am well.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday and a part of the day before. Attended 10 A.M. meeting. Children present. Attendance 813. Sacrament administered. The speakers were in order as follows:

1. J A Sutton Jr. SSS Schools [p. 240]

2. Sister Dalrumple of the primary presidency

3. Pres. Joseph R.Shepherd

4. I occupied about 25 minutes subject proper observance of the Sabbath day. Be obedient into Parents & to the Lord.

Count your blessings when desponent & Continue good as you are now as children good & be obedient & you will be exalted &c. Good liberty.

<5 Pres. McMurrin spoke.> Pres. McMurrin & I took dinner with my brother Wilford & his family At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 907. Pres. Shepherd in his closing remarks of conference said the attendance never had been so light before that he could remember.

The authorities were sustained.

1 I occupied 30 or 40 minutes with good liberty on subject of meeting attendance in particular, Conference & Sacramental meetings and duties of the Saints in general.

2 Pres McMurrin occupied about 40 minutes on gospel evidences.

3 Pres Shepherd occupied about 10 min closing.

After this meeting we went to Pres. Shepherd’s where I wrote up my journal for the day to that hour. A good & profitable Conference withal. [p. 241] At the evening meeting a brother Shepherd, Son of Pres. Jos. R. Shepherd who has filled a mission to Germany was sustained as 2nd Assistant to S.S. Y.M.M.I.A. and made a good talk. Sister Welker reported the Y.M.M.I.A. work and Supt Sutton reported the Y.M.M work and the June Conference work in Salt Lake. Pres. McMurrin & I each spoke. I occupied about 30 minutes on subject of marriage encouraging the young to marry and that for eternity. It is reported that there are more than 400 people in the stake over 21 yrs of age & not married.

17 June 1912 • Monday

Paris. Ida.

Weather milder Am well.

Pres. J. W. McMurrin & I left Paris on 8.05 A.M. train, changing at McCammon and arrived in Salt Lake at 6.40 P.M. Found all well. Did some writing &c & retired at 10 P.M.

18 June 1912 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant All well.

This day is Convention day at Chicago for the National Republican I worked on temple records all forenoon getting out names for sealings has children to parents. [p. 242]

In the afternoon I attended a missionary meeting and instructed the missionaries and set apart the following.

Matthias Allread of Spring City, Utah to Western States

Lewis C. Purcell, Wallsburg, Ut. to So "15

David Richard Marsh, Willard, Ut. to Central "

Sylvester Coleman Williams of Teasdale, Ut. to Western "

Albert F. Haycock Jr. of Panguich, Ut. to California.

Attended to some business at temple, wrote letters to Joel, S. H. Love &c.

My daughter Nerva & family came in from Tooele on afternoon train

19 June 1912 • Wednesday


Am well. Warm day.

I spent the forenoon and until 2.30 P.M. getting out lists of names for temple work. Went with Geo L. & Nervay to see the Doctor about their little girl Alice but the Dr., Stephen, did not come to his office at time appointed

I called at Pres. Office and on my return home prosecuted my labors on temple sheets, wrote letters Attended my circle meeting in the evening, read the news &c.

Convention of Republicans at Chicago progressing slowly. [p. 243]

20 June16 1912 • Thursday


Am well Warm.

I attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to about 2.30 and before and after meeting and until 10 o’clock P.M. worked on temple records listing names for sealing, children to parents.

I went with my daughter Nerva & her husband to See the Dr. S. L. R. who had photographed their little girl Alices hips with xray. He advised that she be put in plaster cast by Dr. Baldwin a specialist and Saturday 22nd 8 A.M. the time set. Photograph shows both hips bones out i.e. the femer bone out of hip bone socket.

21 June 1912 • Friday


Warm during the day. Some rain at night.

I worked on temple records all day until about 2 P.M. getting out sheets for sealing children to parents. I now have about 250 names with genealogies listed ready for the temple work. I contemplate a big day at the temple Tuesday next.

Alice, Nerva, Geo. L. their children and our six youngest went out to Salt Air on 2.45 P.M. [p. 244] train. Mama, Nerva, Geo. & I had a bath in the pool. The children had pop corn, ice cream, orange cidar, ride on merry-go-round &c. We returned on train leaving Salt Air at 7.15 P.M. Just got home before the rain came.

Our gass range was installed to-day.

Before retiring to bed my son Geo., Geo L. & I administered to Nerva’s little girl Alice who goes to the hospittal tomorrow to be put in plaster cast & to her baby Joel who has been ailing.

22 June 1912 • Saturday


All usually well. Pleasant weather

I left home on 8 A.M. O.S.L. train for Downey Idaho to attend the Pocatello Stake Conference at that place. Arrived at 12.30 noon. Pres. C. H. Hart accompanied me. We were met at Ry Station by Pres. Hyde and escorted to the home of his brother Geo. F. Hyde where we got dinner and made our staying place.

Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at 2 P.M. Some business was transacted and Pres. Noah S. Pond & I were the Speakers. [p. 245] I occupied about 40 minutes Subject, following Pres Pond’s subject proper bringing up of children &c in the home and in the ward. Duties of parents & ward officers, ward teachers, Bishopric, Auxiliaries &c to the children. The bishoprick should see that the boys are worthy when old enough to be ordained and that they are properly ordained. &c.

After the priesthood meeting I ordained & set apart the following; Asael D. Blanchard of Woodland Ward ordained a high priest and bishop and set apart to preside over the Woodland ward P.O. Address, Downey.

Geo. E. Webb (a high priest) was set apart first counselor to Bp Blanchard of Woodland ward.

Leslie Watkins (a high priest,) set apart Second counselor to Bp. Blanchard of the Woodland ward.

Wm P. Whitaker, I ordained an High Priest and set him apart first Counselor to Henry E Reddish the bishop of Pocatello 2nd ward.

James W. Howell set apart second counselor to Bp. Riley Dixon of the McCammon ward

Joseph B. Hawley set apart the [p. 246] president of the High Priests Quorum in the Pocatello Stake.

There were three men ordained Elders by the Stake Presidency members.

I made certificate of ordaination for those whom I ordained and wrote up my journal after the afternoon meeting.

Attended evening conjoint meeting Reports were made by officers of the two associations and Pres. Hart occupied the remaining time.

23 June 1912 • Sunday

Downey, Ida. Home.

Am well. Warm day.

Attended morning session of the Pocatello Stake Conference. The sacrament was administered and brother Noah S. Pond & I occupied the time. I had good liberty and spoke upon the proper observance of the Sabbath and denounced ball playing on Sunday, a custom prevalent in this stake, a matched game being on for this afternoon.

At afternoon session the Speakers were in order as follows, after the authorities were sustained. Bro Woodland of the Stake presidency, Pres C. H. Hart & Pres. Hyde.

After this meeting the Seventies met I ordained Jesse G. Stratford of Pocatello a [p. 247] high priest and set him apart a member of the High Council.

Pres. Hart & I took 5.45 P.M. train at Downey and arrived in Salt Lake about 10.15 o’clock.

24 June 1912 • Monday


All going nicely.

My grandchild Alice Tate is standing her treatment of plaster cast as well & even better than we could have expected. The Lord is good & kind.

I spent the day listing temple work and have 346 names & their genealogies listed for sealing to their parents and tomorrow a number of the family are going to the temple & attend to this work. I went down town to see the temple hands & arrange for our work of tomorrow. I have listed all who are eligible for sealing to parents. There will be others as we do their endowment work & sealings of husbands & wives. Uncle Henry P. Richards is working for us on the endowment sheet. We pay him 75c ea person endowed. [p. 248]

25 June 1912 • Tuesday


All usually well. Warm Weather.

This day seventeen members of the family went to the temple and were sealed for 346 persons, children to parents. Our company comprised the following.

1 Geo F. Richards

2 Alice A. R. Richards

3 Geo F. Richards Jr.

4 Edith May D. Richards.

5 Legrand "17

6. Ina Jane A. "

7. Mamie "

8. Nina "

9. Oliver "

10. Edna Moselle "

11. Estella "

12. Grace "

13. Sarah E. Smith

14. Asenath "18

15. Minerva E. Knowlton

16. Rhoda "19

17. Alice Grover

Alice and I were sealed for a couple, husband & wife.

This finishes all the temple work we can do until some more males now listed are endowed.

I spent the remainder of the day at home. [p. 249]

26 June 1912 • Wednesday


All well Warm weather.

My daughter Nerva and her children are still with us. Geo L. went home this A.M. in Auto with a Mr. Druell, a drummer.

Little Alice who was put in a plaster cast last Saturday is in as good condition as we could well expect under the circumstances.

I wrote a number of letters to-day Alice & I went up to the L.D.S. Hospittal and saw Dr. Gill Richards who was opperated upon about ten days ago for appendicitis. He is to leave the hospittal this evening . We went down to Wandamere where the City & County Old folks were celebrating but did not remain long. Returned in time for my Circle meeting at 6.15 P.M. After the meeting my son George & I walked home. Read the paper &c.

27 June 1912 • Thursday


All usually well Warm day.

I attended to some business down town. Attended regular Council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to about 3 o’clock. Went home and studied the remaining time of afternoon & evening. [p. 250]

28 June 1912 • Friday


I am having a headache the past two days. It may be the effect of the cold <hot> weather.

This day I spent at home studying until about 5 P.M. My sons Geo. LeGrand & I went to Salt Air on the 5.45 P.M. train and had a good bath in the lake, the first lake bath for me this season. The water temperature was reported 75 degrees.

29 June 1912 • Saturday


I have taken cold. Others usually well.

Nerva and children still with us. Her little girl Alice in plaster cast seems to be enduring her trouble with patience.

I spent the forenoon at home studying Alice & I went to the Wandamere in the after-noon on invitation of the First Presidency as their guests with the temple workers. The events of the resort were free to us and we sat down with a company of 175 to a banquet where a number of the brethren were invited to speak.

Returning home about 10 P.M. Alice and I called at the Republicans headquarters to read the bulletins of the Democratic Convention being held in Baltimore N.Y. and Bro. & Sister [p. 251] Ivines came along and picked us up & took us home.

I took train at 11.30 P.M. for Rexburg, Ida. Pres. Lyman being aboard.

30 June 1912 • Sunday

On train.

My cold no better.

Pres. Lyman & I arrived at Rexburg at 10.50 A.M. We were met at station by a brother Eli Mackentin and taken to the New tabernacle.

The Fremont Stake has a population of about 6000. There were at this meeting 963 or 16% of the Stake population Elder Dalby was talking when we went in. Pres. Lyman occupied 45 minutes remaining principally to Bps.

We took dinner at Pres. Heaths At afternoon session there were 1235 present. I occupied a full hour with good liberty. Read Deut. 8: and commented on the accomplishments of the people. Talked on tithing & general obedience to law. Pres. Lyman followed occupying 35 minutes. Officers should be active.

After the afternoon meeting we ordained & set apart a number of officers. Between the afternoon and evening meeting we wrote up our journals and went with Pres. Geo. [p. 252] Mark Austin by phone Auto to Sugar House City and took supper with him.

At evening meeting the Mutual presiding officers made reports and Pres Lyman occupied about 35 min. and I concluded with 45 minutes on the Subject of marriage. Had good liberty.

We took train at 11:16 P.M. and arrived in Salt Lake the following morning at 7.40 A.M.

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June 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1912/1912-06


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “set apart Alternate”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Alternate”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Bunkerville Clark Co.”

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “St Thomas”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “by”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “set a. by”.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “of Panaca”.

  8. [8]Ditto mark for “of St Thomas”.

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “absent”.

  10. [10]Ditto mark for “of St Thomas,”.

  11. [11]Ditto marks for “Cou to Relief P.”

  12. [12]Ditto mark for “of Overton”.

  13. [13]Ditto marks for “Coun to Primary Pres.”

  14. [14]Ditto marks for “Patriarch by”.

  15. [15]Ditto mark here and in next two lines for “States”.

  16. [16]Richards originally wrote “Aug.” before crossing it out and writing “June”.

  17. [17]Ditto mark here and in next seven lines for “Richards”.

  18. [18]Ditto mark for “Smith”.

  19. [19]Ditto mark for “Knowlton”.