August 1889

1 August 1889 • Thursday

Hauled hay [p. 214]

2 August 1889 • Friday

Put handles in plow and with four horses went to the Basin, five miles from here, and plowed a strip of land on either side of the track as a pr[e]ventative against fire.

3 August 1889 • Saturday

Made out monthly report and wrote A. F. Doremus, attended Stake Priesthood meeting &c.

4 August 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday school and went with F. M. Lyman Jr. to E. T. to attend meeting as Home missionaries, called on Bro Vance in the evening.

5 Aug 1889 • Monday

Election Day Had charge of the east 1/3 of the people in town to see that they vote, picked apples for Casity.

6 August 1889 • Tuesday

Besides the regular work of the place, I watered poplars with city water, cleaned out and repaired coop and made simaller coops & shut up the chickens.

7 August 1889 • Wednesday

Had P. Nelson at work in orchard ditching. I worked among the grapes all day. [p. 215]

8 August 1889 • Thursday

Tooele Worked among the grape vines pruning & weeding; helped Casity pick apples; weighed out fruit and took the Kelsey water at 4-15 PM. Went down to J. A. V.s after 7 P.M. and helped eat melon.

9 August 1889 • Friday

Attended to the irrigating, pruned and weeded grapes,

10 August 1889 • Saturday


11 August 1889 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting.

12 August 1889 • Monday

Irrigated weighed fruit &c.

13 August 1889 • Tuesday

Went down to vowles mill and helped unload a car of 25000 lbs of wheat I sold them.

14 August 1889 • Wednesday

Irrigated, repaired fence, worked water ditch through pasture and went & saw Swen Nelson about buying fruit.

15 August 1889 • Thursday

Did the washing, went down to Linberg’s for shoes, & to Blacksmiths about repairing cart. Picked apples for Nelson & Casity

16 August 1889 • Friday

Attended to the regular work of the place, repaired gates & bridge. [p. 216]

17 August 1889 • Saturday

Tooele City Attended to the regular work of the place, cleaned out the large ditch running through the yards, shaved bathed and with Alice and the baby took a walk to the post office and to store. Wheeled baby in carriage. The clouds began to gather in the evening.

18 August 1889 • Sunday

With Mathias Nelson went as home missionaries to clover creek a distance of 18 miles to preach. Returned from Clover in the evening after meeting in a heavy rain storm which was had pretty generally all over the valley, the first for several months hence much appreciated; as every thing had become very dry, many fruit & shade trees having succumbed to the drouth, as well as much grain and vegetables. The storm continued at intervals during the night.

19 August 1889 • Monday

The morning cool and refreshing after the rain. Cloudy with an occasional sprinkling. The people rejoice and vegetation looks glad. Received letters from M. J. R. & A. F. Doremus, the former in regards to the purchase of his land; and the latter conveying the news of Grandpa [p. 217] Doremus’ death which transpired on the 14th instant. Had a card from Katie Grove, written from Farmington saying that Mother was recovering from a seviere attack of cholera morbeus. I attended to the regular work of the place & made and put in double head gates, cleaned out water ditches, sold 1/2 ton hay &c. Paid William Dunn for three wire doors and fastenings & putting them up $8.25 Cool night

20 August 1889 • Tuesday

Put in two head gates and cleaned out ditches

21 August 1889 • Wednesday

Worked all day on ditch leading to Apple orchard.

22 August 1889 • Thursday

Worked all day on ditch to orchard. Took Alice for a ride in the evening, while I went to see Heywood & St Clair.

23 August 1889 • Friday

Took the water at 7.15 A.M. & used it five days Mended table, bedstead &c.

241 August 1889 • Saturday

Irrigated & worked on ditch leading to the orchard.

25 August 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School & irrigated

Mrs Walters visited with us in afternoon and we called on Bro Vance in eve.

Nerva came in evening— [p. 218]

26 August 1889 • Monday

Tooele City We all enjoy health, the weather keept hot. Irrigated all day. Frank returned home, Nerva remains with us.

27 August 1889 • Tuesday

Received letter from Seney & money from Mother in form of check issued by Seney. Irrigated, and worked in apple orchard ditching. Sold 1000 feet lumber to Pocock.

28 August 1889 • Wednesday

Watered and ditched in Orchard, worked until dark. Letters from Myron & Fred.

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August 1889, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “23” before writing a “4” over the “3”.