October 1903

1 October 1903 • Thursday

<Phone from Geo. L.>

Letter from daughter Nerva from City saying she was sick and requesting that one of the little girls be sent in. We sent Ruby in on train.

2 October 1903 • Friday


3 October 1903 • Saturday

Alice & I with two youngest children went to Salt Lake on train. Saw Mother, Asenath, Fred. Ross & others at depot. We went up to Nervas I street #273, where we staid all night. Nerva is feeling better and was doing her work.

<Geo F was on train on his way from Boulter.>2

4 October 1903 • Sunday

Attended Conference meetings and did some business & visiting between

5 October 1903 • Monday

Attended Conference meetings.

6 October 1903 • Tuesday

Attended all Conference meetings and Priesthood meeting in evening. Alice & I staid at Geo & Ediths that night. <or Mond. night>

7 October 1903 • Wednesday

Attended Special Priesthood Meeting at 10 A.M. Bought an organ in afternoon.

Did not go to a theatre or even the fair while in Conference time. We staid at George Fs this night and Nerva, Geo L, Legrand & Joel were there and we had corn, candy & nuts and a good visit.

8 October 1903 • Thursday

I came home, Alice & children remained until Saturday A.M. train when Sarah & Lucena & Mamie met them with my team while I went to Grantsville to Priesthood meeting.

9 October 1903 • Friday


10 October 1903 • Saturday

Went to Grantsville to Priesthood & H.C. meeting Had good meetings Returned in rain storm arriving home just at dark.

11 October 1903 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting at Tooele and I spoke at both. Attended Circle & I was mouth in blessing the oil. After Circle [p. 135] Prest. Gowans & I at my suggestion went down to Bro Gillespie’s and administered to him as he was sick.

12 October 1903 • Monday

Attended to business as usual.

13 October 1903 • Tuesday

" " " "4

14 October 1903 • Wednesday

Took my family in carriage and went over to Terminus to See some parties owing. Were gone less than 2 hrs. Attended Seventies reunion sociable in meeting house and offered the closing prayr. Took the folks for an evening ride. Bathed shaved &c.

15 October 1903 • Thursday

Delivered lumber made sales and attended to business generally and in the evening wrote up my journal from Sept. 23d to date from memory as best I could remember.

16 October 1903 • Friday

In evening 1st regular weekly meeting of stake <Presidency held in my house.>

17 October 1903 • Saturday

Made extensive sales to Deep Creek people <attended Rep. City [primary?] at night>

18 October 1903 • Sunday

I took my team and surray and went to Clover. Prest. Gowans & wife Betsey rode over to St. John. Prest. G. attended school and meeting at Grantsville St. John and I at Clover. Took dinner with Bp. Stookey.

19 October 1903 • Monday

Continued business. & cared for animals

20 October 1903 • Tuesday

Sent team to Ophir with lumber.

Started Herold Skelton to plowing with my team. <mother came to see us.>

21 October 1903 • Wednesday

Sent lum to Ophir with my team. &c.

22 October 1903 • Thursday

" " "5 Buehl " " " "6

Helped Mother with her papers in ev[en]ing.

23 October 1903 • Friday

Mother had a sick spell last night. I administered to her. She got to feeling better and went to Salt Lake in Afternoon I took her to Ry Station. Stake Prest meeting in eve. <at my home.>

<Secured order from C L Sanford for lumber amounting to $370.00.>7

24 October 1903 • Saturday

Continued work of the place. Alice Washed Wrote up my Journal from memory.

25 October 1903 • Sunday

With my team & buggy Prest. Gowans & I went to Batesville & attended School & meeting I spoke at both. We took dinner at J. C. Liddells. [p. 136]

26–30 October 1903

Down to Nov. 6th written from memory. During this week I secured the order from Mr Sanford for material for a house joining his store. I ordered this material with other to make up the car load and had it come out & unloaded finishing Saturday noon. During the week I administered to Thos. Haynes baby several times. Attended mutual & Stake Presidency meetings &c.

<Friday my Daughter Nerva surprised us by coming out from City without having notified us.>8

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October 1903, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1903/1903-10


  1. [1]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 3 October entry.

  3. [3]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Attended to business as usual.”

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Sent lum to”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “with my team. &c.”

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 October entry.

  8. [8]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 26–30 October entry.