November 1901

1 November 1901 • Friday

Legrand & I went to South west mountain & got good load of stumps.

2 November 1901 • Saturday

I took my team & Carriage & Archie Bevan & A. E. Anderson Mutual missionary with me went to Grantsville where we attended Priesthood meeting of the Stake. I made opening remarks & Spoke with freedom & Spirit giving good instruction to presiding brethren. Took dinner with Prest. Anderson.

3 November 1901 • Sunday

Met Prest Gowans in Counsil meeting at 10 A.M. & at 2 P.M. Attended Special Conference of stake called to vote upon new officers in Presidency & Council of Apostles &c. I was first speaker and occupied about 25 minutes. Prests Anderson & Gowans followed each occupied about same length of time. My remarks were addressed to leading & presiding brethren mostly. They should move first & be first in faithfulness. Attended Conjoint meeting of Y M & Y L. in evening. We broke fast about 5 P.M. & had with us to Supper Prest C. L Anderson, Bp. J. L. Wrathall, Emil Pehrson & Bro Flinders.

4 November 1901 • Monday

Issued bills to parties owing. Commenced drilling wheat on lucern ground Bowen [p. 86] farm. Drilled 9½ A. Legrand using Disk harrow ahead of me & Joel using level on West farm. Studied Mutual lessen & read the paper in the evening. Folks well, Weather clear & fine but ground dry. Need storm badly.

5 November 1901 • Tuesday

Worked on east farm drilling wheat on lucern ground. Sold Snap horse to D. Adamson for $25.00. Attended Mutual in evening.

6 November 1901 • Wednesday

I took Snap to Slag Town, Repaired fence at field &c.

7 November 1901 • Thursday

Sold lumber to several persons amounting to perhapse $75.00 Went to field & cared for cattle Called on several persons on business &c. Attended theatre in evening traveling troop. Ordered Car of lumber & Material for Mill residence.

8 November 1901 • Friday

Repaired fence between Bonellis & my fields. Added another wire. Finished digging potatoes in lot. &c.

9 November 1901 • Saturday

Got stake put on bolster of wagon & Legrand & I with two teams went to Station & got two loads of lumber off Car load which came to-day. Alice Mamie, Nina & I went to S. L. City by train in afternoon to attend Special Conference. Went down to Aunt Lou’s in Sugar for the night after having done some trading George accompanied us.

<I have quite a cold & sore throat>1

10 November 1901 • Sunday

<S.L.C.>2 Attended Special Conference of the Church two meetings where the Authorities were sustained by quorums & divisions of Priesthood. Visited at Aunt Sarah’s. Staid at Dr Stephens at night. Called on W. B. Rs & family. Took more Cold

11 November 1901 • Monday

I came home from City by train. Alice came with me. Sold lumber & sawed 1280 feet of boards in two for Mine.

12 November 1901 • Tuesday

Hauled lumber from Station & finished unloading car. Sold lumber to several persons. In the evening I [p. 87] attended Mutual.

13 November 1901 • Wednesday

I collected of Jno. England Jr. for pigs 65.00 & from Sam’l Johnson 12.50 & paid my taxes amounting to more than $90.00 Vitralled 44 bu. wheat with Joel’s help. mended sacks, Sold lumber, and Sold to McBride & Orme Co. 1000 bu of wheat @ 60¢ per bu. Did my writing in the evening & read my paper. Arranged to have three drills commence work to-morrow. Decided to not plant to wheat this fall the bench land now plowed but wait until spring and plant same to Lucern. I accordingly ordered of R. Wills to come from Sanpete Co 600 lbs more lucern seed @ 6.50 per 100 lbs

14 November 1901 • Thursday

Two drills commenced drilling for me & Legrand started to field with my drill & broke the wheel before getting there. Joel & I Hauled lumber from Station part to mill & part to our yard. Vitrolled about 24 bu. wheat. Sold $40 or $50 worth lumber

<Letter from Mrs Lena Davis Rey[n]olds to sealing her mother Sister Salmon to my father. I wrote her & wrote Prest Jos. F. Smith about same.>3

15 November 1901 • Friday

Joel & I hauled lumber. Legrand & Commenced drilling wheat down west I sold lumber to Sund persons Went to E. field & got drill wheel & took it down West & tried on drill, brought it home & drilled hole through hubb. &c. Wrote several business letters. The two boys, Nerva, Mama & Sarah went to the masquerade ball at Droubays.

16 November 1901 • Saturday

Hauled lumber from Station & vitroled wheat for 3 drills. Word from Bro. Fred. Omaha saying he was released to come home & would be in City of S. Lake 21st or 22nd inst. Also card from Mother in which she informed me of the death of Bro. Myrons wife Bell Young & baby on Sunday 10th inst [p. 88]

17 November 1901 • Sunday

Attended School and meeting at Tooele where I related the news of the Special Conference by request. Attended Circle & took Supper at Estella’s All the family were there except George. In the evening Bro C. R. McBride & I went down to Swen Nelsons as a committee from the High Council & had a talk with him in which he promised to arrange his business so as to attend to his business duties better in the future.

<Wrote to Mother>4

18 November 1901 • Monday

Vitroled about 50 bu. wheat, repaired drill at field, sold lumber &c. In the evening I wrote up my journal fixed up my books posting &c & studied the Mutual lesson. Wrote letters &c.

<Telephoned U L. Co.>5

19 November 1901 • Tuesday

Vitroled wheat, sawed wood, sold lumber, did some writing, Prepared to go to Canyon &c. & In evening Attended Mutual.

20 November 1901 • Wednesday

Legrand & I went to Canyon & got good load of wood.

21 November 1901 • Thursday

Sold lumber & attended to Sundry odd jobs.

22 November 1901 • Friday

Legrand & I went again to West hills after stumps & got a larg[e] load of good wood.

23 November 1901 • Saturday

Prepared to Go to S.L.C. to meet Fred Returning from a mission to Omaha. Went to Station & Got headstones & set them up at Cemetery. Went to S.L.C. by train. Geo Met me at Station Accompanied Prest. Joseph F. Smith & family on his invitation to the Bee Hive house where I attended the Reception of the former Queen of the Sandwich Islands. Slept at Sarahs.

246 November 1901 • Sunday

S.L. City. Went to Farmington on O.S.L Ry 7 A.M. There were on train Prest. Smith. Prest. Lund, Apostles J. H. Smith, Matthias Cowley, Smoot & other church Dignitaries with whom I conversed & shook hands on entering & leaving the car. Visited with Mother, Fred & Wife, Nerva & family all day & staid at Nervas at night. [p. 89]

25 November 1901 • Monday

At Farmington.

I left Farmington on 8:50 A.M. O.S.L train for S.L. City. Was busy all day settling accts trading &c & Spent the night at Dr. Stephens in Sugar House.

26 November 1901 • Tuesday

Came home on morning train.

Did considerable writing in afternoon & in evening I attended Mutual meeting & retired early.

27 November 1901 • Wednesday

I this day sold more than 50.00 worth of lumber for cash, had dowel holes put in head stone & put it in place. Car of lumber came & We took rock & box off wagons & Legrand & Joel commenced lumber hauling.

28 November 1901 • Thursday

Geo & his Cousin Jos. Smith came out from City. We went shooting rabbits, went up to Cemetery &c. Did some writing and wrote an article on Perseverance & Improvement for Intelligencer.

29 November 1901 • Friday

Sold nearly 50.00 worth of lumber, Did some writing Attended theatre in evening.

Administered patriarchal blessing to Joseph H. Smith Geo. acted Scribe.

<Stormy Folks usually well.>7

30 November 1901 • Saturday

Attended Conference meetings. Joel took my team & carriage & met the train & got Bros. J. W. Tayler & B. H. Roberts who staid with us during conference. Offered closing prayr at St. Afternoon meeting & Sunday school

<Quarterly Conference at Tooele>8

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November 1901, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 November entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the left margin next to the 10 November entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 November entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 17 November entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 18 November entry.

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “23” before writing “4” over the “3”.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 November entry.

  8. [8]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 30 November and 1 December entries.