September 1913

1 September 1913 • Monday


Clowdy and slight rain.

This is Labor Day, a public Holliday. LeGrand & Ina & their children, Alice, Edna, Oliver & Ray & I went up Emigration Canyon on 8:50 A.M. train. Ruby, Mamie & Estella were already up there. We all came down in the afternoon, part on 2:23 train & the rest of us on the 4:15 train.

Found Josephine improved and feeling better than at any time for several days. Others usually well.

I this day bought my son George’s interest in the Emigration Canyon lot for $150.00 indorsing that amount on his note. He has paid out on it $117.33. The lot, house & other improvements have now cost me $811.81 and there is remaining $101.00 to pay on lot at $10.00 per month & interest on deferred payments.

2 September 1913 • Tuesday1


A splendid rain storm this A.M. District schools & L.D.S. High School Commence this morning.

I went down town and attended to some business & made some purchases. [p. 161]

Spent most of the day home studying. In the evening I went up to my son LeGrand’s and he & I administered to his wife Ina who took cold yesterday while autoing.

3 September 1913 • Wednesday


Moderated weather.

I spent the most of the day home nursing my foot and reading. Attended meeting of the Gen. Board of Y.M.M.I.A. at 5:00 P.M. and my Circle at 6:30 P.M.

At about midnight we received a phone call from my son-in-law Geo. L Tate saying that Nerva was quite sick with disentery, chills & fever and wanted some help. I told him that some of the folks would be out tomorrow.

Aunt Annie / Uncle Frank Steed staid over night here.

This day I had our Canyon house and effects insured for $400.00 for 3 years for $6.00.

4 September 1913 • Thursday


Josephine and Ina are getting better and my daughter Nerva is quite sick.

Alice, Ruby & Ray went out to Tooele on 2:30 P.M. train.

I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 A.M. to 3:20 P.M. Got couplings from Z.C.M.I. and repaired the garden hose and sprinkled the lawn. The border or lawn in [p. 162] the street and that in the rear of the house recently laid is doing nicely.

5 September 1913 • Friday


All well.

I spent the forenoon cutting and sprinkling lawn &c. I took 2:40 P.M. train to Tooele taking Estella with me. Found my daughter Nerva feeling much better. I spent the while reading.

6 September 1913 • Saturday


All getting on nicely.

I read from “Old Curiosity Shop” and read to Alice & Nerva from “Piney Ridge Cottage.” Took supper at Estella Lees.

7 September 1913 • Sunday


Attended Sunday School and talked to the School upon the principle of fasting & offerings & sustaining those in authority for their mind & will is the mind & will of God.

Went to Philip DeLaMars with Geo L. & J. W. Tate and assisted Bro. DeLaMar in blessing Nerva’s baby Geo. Franklin. I blessed Nettie DeLaMare Droubay assisted by above named brethren.

Took supper at Estella Lee’s & attended Conjoint Mutual meeting and by request occupied 30 minutes addressing the people upon the subject of M.I.A. work.

Nerva sitting up & doing some work. [p. 163]

8 September 1913 • Monday


All well.

I finished “Piney Ridge Cottage” and read from “Curiosity Shop”

Alice & I boxed up fruit to be shipped home four boxes.

We left for home on 3:30 P.M. train arriving home at 5 P.M. I bathed & went with Pres. Lyman & H. M. Smith to Cousin Levi W. Richards’ and there we by direction of Pres Jos. F. Smith washed, anointed, & blessed him. He was operated on a year ago last July for postrate gland troubles & has never recovered. He is confined to his room & mostly to his bed & is very weak & poor.

Alice & I attended a reception tendered by the General Primary Board & Presidency to Elder Hyrum M. Smith & wife & Sister Bennion all of whom are members of the Board and going on a mission to Europe.

9 September 1913 • Tuesday


Pleasant weather.

I made checks in payment for current bills. Finished reading “Old Curiosity Shop.[”] Did some studying.

10 September 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

I spent the forenoon home reading Adam Bead, by Elliot. Attended a missionary meeting at the Annex. I was in charge of the meeting [p. 164] after the setting of the brethren apart and one in instructing the missionaries. I ordained Gerald Miller Steed a Seventy, he having been sustained to receive that ordination I also set him apart a member of the 56th Quorum of Seventy of Farmington. I set him apart for a mission to South Africa. I also set apart the following missionaries.

2. Sidney A. Chalker of Salt Lake to E. States

3 Edwin J. Jensen, Ephraim to Scandinavia

4. Erick W. Larson of Ogden to "2 or Sweden.

I attended General Board meeting of Y.M.M. and was too late for Circle.

Did some writing & studying in the evening.

11 September 1913 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. All usually well.

I was in the temple with my council from 10:30 A.M. to 3:45 P.M.

Anthony W. Ivins was appointed advisory member of the Primary General Board in place of Elder H. M. Smith who leaves next week for England. Bro. Ivins & I were instructed to enquire into the financial condition of the Board.

I presented the names of Lewis Wells & [blank] Tuddenham as members of my prayr Circle & they passed.

I visited brother Lewis Wells and invited him to join our circle and he accepted the invitation.

I visited the City library and got a book to read, “Hellen Keller’s Life”

12 September 1913 • Friday


All usually well.

I spent the forenoon home read[p. 165]ing & studying. Called at Pres. Lyman’s office and read and considered with him a report by Elder’s McKay & Talmage on the Smoot vs. Big Horn brethren case. Went through the temple in the afternoon for Xopher Langstrothe. Alice and I visited with LeGrand & Ina a while also with Geo. & Edith later. I wrote my brother Fred about Temple work &c. A cantaloup treat.

13 September 1913 • Saturday


All usually well. Pleasant weather.

I staid in the house all day nursing a lame toe and reading principally from the “Life of Hellen Kellar.”

I wrote letters to my sister Alice, Fielding to my Niece Amy Grover of Nephi and Bishop Geo. Baker of Mendon.

14 September 1913 • Sunday


Warm day. All well.

Not having an appointment for this day I attended the Ensign Stake Conference held in 21st ward house at 10 A.M. Of our family besides myself there were present my wife & three sons George, LeGrand & Joel, of the General Authorities Pres. Lyman, R. Clawson, H. M. Smith, myself, B. H. Roberts. H. M. S. & B. H. R. were the speakers and spoke well. A good meeting.

I attended 2 P.M. meeting in the large tabernacle where Elder B. H. Roberts was the speaker.

I attended 27th ward meeting in the evening. Elders Jensen & King from the [p. 166] Gen. Bd. of R. Classes were present & spoke and I followed 15 min. same subject Church Schools & R. Classes.

Alice & I spent a couple of hours at my son Geo’s in the evening. LeG. & wife were with us & had supper there. Sister Card returned from Canada today and by pre-arrangement she was brought to our home to dinner. She, Rega, her son, and I talked over the matter fo Rega’s going to school in Logan to Agricultural College for three or four years to learn manual arts and the advisability of Rega & Lucena marrying before commencing this course or this fall. I advised it and promised Rega that I would try and help him if necessary.

15 September 1913 • Monday


Cooler to-day All well.

I wrote for Priesthood quorum book the account of three important cases of healing by the laying on of hands, viz. Annie Lee of Tooele, Paul Smith of Snowflake and a Miss Jarvis of St. Johns. I spent the remainder of the day reading and studying.

In the evening Rega Card came and he & Lucena & Mother & I agreed on Monday Oct 13th as the day for their wedding. Joel & Georgina are to be married on 15th of Oct.

16 September 1913 • Tuesday


Attended to some business down town. Bought eight books. Met with Pres. Lyman, Reed Smoot, D. O. McKay & J. E. Talmage and considered [p. 167] a matter of difference between Smoot Investment Co. of Provo & Bighorn brethren. Attended a missionary meeting and was mouth in setting apart the following.

1. Arthur Thomas Schurtliff, of S Lake to So. States

2. Carlysle Joseph Wood of Rockland Ida. to West. States

3. Geo. Jefferson Butterfield of Herriman to West. "3

4. Oscar J. Harline of City to California

5. Delbert Riley Bennet, West Point, Utah, to So. "4

Joel and I were each baptized for eighty of our ancestors in the temple. Alice & I attended a reception & banquet given by C. W. Nibley & wife in honor of H. M. Smith & wife, held in the Hotel Utah. About fifty of the general authorities including their wives or other members of the family were present.

17 September 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well. Pleasant day.

I remained home in forenoon and went to the temple in afternoon and was endowed for Thomas Langstroth. Attended Gen’l Bd. meeting of Y.M.M. and my Circle.

18 September 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Warm day.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. i.e. I was there before the hour appointed 10:30 but the meeting seldom commences before 11:00 A.M. and to-day it was about 11:30 A.M. When I say until 3:00 P.M. that includes time lunching after the meeting so that the time I count from time of appointment until we [p. 168] get out of the temple.

Elder Hyrum M. Smith took leave of us in the temple to go to train for Europe on Noon train. Pres. Smith & Jos. F. Jr. went with him to depot. Later Elders Grant & Ivins went to same train as some of their folks were going East on same train. I secured birth ticket to Lund on my way to Cedar. Leave tonight with Pres R. S. Wells as companion. <Cancelled later.> A letter from my sister Alice Ann at Fielding in asnwer to one from me announced the birth Wed. evening 6th of a baby girl to Melissa Smith, Willard’s wife. I called on my sister Asenath at her home.

On solicitation of Mr. Smith for Martin Coal & Fuel Co. I consented to their storing twelve tons of coal in our basement right from the cars at 5.75 + 50¢ for sacking & carrying into basement per ton to be paid for when I can conveniently can. Pres. Lyman phoned me about 4:40 P.M. that we need not go to Cedar as Pres. Ben E. Rich’s funeral services would be held Sunday and it was desired that as many of the brethren as possible be in attendance. I went down town and returning the birth ticket got a refund of the money. Pres. R. S. Wells did likewise.

My son George, his wife & baby took supper with us. Retired about 10 P.M.

19 September 1913 • Friday


Pleasant day. My toe still gives me trouble and puss gathers [p. 169]

My Sister Asenath gave me a nice silk temple apron which I was much in need of as my old one is badly worn.

I studied in forenoon and in afternoon went through the temple and was endowed for Christopher Langstrothe. I listed more work sealings wives to their husbands and children to their parents.

20 September 1913 • Saturday


All usually well.

I have had an inflamed and swollen toe for four weeks and have been treating it all this time. Today I went to Dr Gill again and he lanced it deep and long and it bled freely of dark blood. He put guaze wet in alcohol into the incision and did it up in guaze.

Mama & Lucena went shopping and bought her <Lucena> a hat and a suit and other wearing apparel.

I read the Autobiography of Benj. Franlin and studied scripture. &c.

21 September 1913 • Sunday


Warm, Sultry & threatening storm.

I remained home in the forenoon & nursed my toe and in the afternoon attended the funeral services of Pres Ben E. Rich held in the Large tabernacle.

Also went to the cemetery and returning went to Cousin Levi W. Richards and visited with him for about one hour. Later attended 27th Ward meeting. Bro Thos. Williams & my son Joel were the [p. 170] speakers. Rained during the night.

22 September 1913 • Monday



By appointment I met Bishop Layton & Bro Barnes at the L.D.S. Hospittal at 9 A.M. and we administered to Sister Annie Layton Jones who was about to undergo an operation for gallstones and appendicitis. Later I sent flowers to Sister Jones and also to Cousin Levi W. Richards. I also sent to the latter watermelon, contaloup, summer squash, peaches, grapes, & tomatoes.

I received this day from brother Geo. Minns of England a number of names of Langstroths and Gills our supposed ancestors from Yorkshire charging fifteen dollars for same. I took the list of names with my records down to the Historians office for Sister Cameron to inspect and determine if these were new names not already recorded & if so to record them in the record.

I went to the Doctor and he (Stephen) dressed my toe which seems to be doing all right now.

23 September 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well. Cold day.

I remained in doors all day reading and studying, also nursing a lame toe which, however, is doing nicely now. I wrote several letters to-day.

24 September 1913 • Wednesday


Cold Weather. Threatening storm.

I spent the forenoon home studying. [p. 171]

In the afternoon I went through the temple and was endowed for Martin Langstroth No 44. I also assisted at the veil by request of brother Davis. While at the temple I had my Uncle William Longstroth’s blessings sealed upon him, lost through excommunication many years ago. He was rebaptized by Christian Sorenson of Mendon Aug. 10, 1884. In the work of today I stood for Uncle Will as proxy and Pres. Anthon H. Lund sealed upon him all his former blessings. This was done by direction of Pres Smith to whom I presented the matter. I wrote Aunt Lottie what I had done, also wrote the Mendon Ward Clerk that he might have same recorded there.

I attended General Board meeting of M.I.A. also my prayr Circle.

25 September 1913 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting from 10:30 A.M. to about 3:00 P.M. Came home and put in the remainder of the day and evening studying.

26 September 1913 • Friday


Pleasant day.

Georgina Spencer Felt who is to marry my son Joel Oct 15th went through the temple for her own endowments. My daughter-in-law Ina J. A. Richards went through for Mrs. Ann Gill, Joel went through for John Armetstead and I for Anthony Langstroth. I assisted at the veil as a worker.

I spent the remainder of the day and [p. 172] evening home studying.

27 September 1913 • Saturday


Pleasant weather. All well.

I spent the whole day home studying. Ina gave Lucena a Shower party. In the evening I went up to LeGrand’s where Alice, Geo. & Edith & I had with the folks, ice cream, cake &c.

28 September 1913 • Sunday


Warm & pleasant. All well.

I attended temple fast meeting and bore testimony. Attended 27th ward fast meeting and bore testimony. Assisted in blessing two babies and blessed one of them, Clarasa Ruth Cardwell.

I filled an appointment in the Cannon ward in the evening. Conjoint Mutual meeting. Occupied 75 minutes. Subject Origin & Oneness of the Gospel. Evidences that we have the only true gospel. Josephs first vision & subsequent visions and testimony of three & Eight witnesses. George F. Jr brought me a black suit from Tooele which I bought or he did for me. Rhoda Knowltons baby Ruth died about 4:30 P.M.

29 September 1913 • Monday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I spent some time watering the lawn. Alice and I went up in the Emigration Canyon and got bedding &c and brought home for the season. Spent the remainder of the day and evening at home, retiring early. [p. 173]

30 September 1913 • Tuesday


Shower afternoon. All well.

I attended quarterly conference of the Twelve from 10:00 A.M. until 6:40 P.M. including a half hour for lunch in the temple. I called at the barber shop and got a hair cut. Spent the evening home reading, writing &c.

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September 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Richards wrote “Mond” before crossing it out and writing “Tues.”

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Scandinavia”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “States”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “States”.