January 1892

1 January 1892 • Friday

New Year 1892.

Tooele Weather fine.

I completed Ranch Report and mailed it with a letter to Abram at Salt Lake.

Went for the mail and Listened to the Band. Loaded hay for Howard Herron, piled manure &c. In the evening I made out Quarterly and Annual Reports of County Treasury. [p. 225]

2 January 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I did the chores and leaving B. L. Bowen hauling manure in my place at my expense went with Prest. Gowans to Grantsville where we attended Stake Priesthood meeting where by request I spoke. Held High Council meeting where [first and middle initials and last name redacted] was cut off the Church for Adultery after the reading of his confession. Took dinner with Prest C. L. Anderson. Assisted in administering to Sister Ore. I anointed her & Prest. Gowans Confirmed the anointing. Returned home just at dark. Did the chores and spent the evening reading and writing. A letter from Mother to-day. We are all usually well.

3 January 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I remained at home in the forenoon and wrote letters and read Christmas stories from the Juvenile. In the afternoon, Alice and I and two girls attended meeting where the speakers were John Bowen, myself & Prest Gowans.

I attended the Joint Session of Y.M. & Y.L. in the [p. 226] evening where an article written by myself for a previous paper was read by Miss Annie Marshall Editor.

4 January 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant, Snow on ground. I had B. L. Bowen helping me at my expense and we loaded a load of hay and delivered to C. C. Beauregard and while Bowen was hauling manure I was attending to business down town. I got a transfer of water claim for Abram, presented to the County Court a Quarterly and also a Yearly or Annual Statement of the financial condition of the Treasury of Tooele County which was approved. I was allowed for the last Quarter $75.00 salary. I received funds from the County Collector for the School Districts Special tax and receipted for same. Sent $135.50 to the Bank. Purchased of F. X. Lougy two acres of water for $150.00 turned over his note of $100.00 as part payment and released his Mortgage. Had transfer of water claim made upon the records of the Company & paid for same. I settled my tithing for the year 1891 by paying $195.00. In the evening I wrote in Journal & accounts and made Inventory of my Means [p. 227] I wrote to Paul Droubay and issued bills to Several parties Estella went for a sleigh ride with Charles Beauregard. Warm evening. A card from Mother saying she left Nephi for Salt Lake yesterday and goes to Farmington to-day to be with Nerva in her confinement.

None of us sick but several of us ailing with cold, aching of the limbs &c.

5 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I arose as usual at 6 A.M., did the morning chores and at 8 A.M. commenced work moving baler and baling hay. Frank Barber assisted me. I went over to the Court house at noon and attended to some business as County Treasurer. In the evening I read from the Contributon [Contributor] and did some writing. I have a severe cold to-day which made it almost impossible for me to continue work.

6 January 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine. ground covered in places where the wind has not blown it off. [p. 228] streets icy. I baled hay until 11 A.M. then loaded a load of hay for Edward Green and while he took it home I took Alice and Nerva to the Station Continued baling in afternoon. Gave E. Green meat and apples. In the evening worked on Book Keeping. The above is for Thursday

7 January 1892 • Thursday1

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I wrote for Wednesday what I did to-day. Yesterday I baled hay. Started to the Depot to tak[e] Alice & Nerva but got late for the train. Called and saw Frank Barber. E. Green helped me bale. Both Wednesday and Thursday evenings I studi[e]d and practiced Book Keeping.

8 January 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine most of the day; a light fall of snow the previous night some sleet during this day. I attended to the regular work of caring for the animals, went to the Station and got Alice, Nerva and baby, they being on their return from Salt Lake where they went to take Nerva to Dr. Lyon’s for treatment of the ear, results of scarlet fever. I loaded a load of hay for William Green [p. 229] I procured subscriptions for the School Bonds. I talked with A. J. Stookey about school matters and with Apostle Lyman and Prest. Gowans about Ecclesiastical duties and future labors. Arranged to meet them at St. Johns to-morrow and remain over Sunday. I attended to some County business at the Court House. Cashed warrants and wrote Supt. W. J. Robinson and Territorial Auditor Pratt. In the evening I wrote letters, Studied Book Keeping and read the News. All are fairly well.

9 January 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day.

I baled hay in forenoon and sold a load of hay to And. Hoogland. Shaved, bathed and drove over to St. John’s where I met Apostle Lyman and Prest. Gowans prepared to hold Ward conference next day. Slept with Prest. Gowans at Bp. Caldwell’s. Was arroused in the night by J. D. McIntosh who informed us that his brother who had two children very sick with Dyphtheria had taken poison by mistake. He sought an antidote and by giving milk and white of egg freely he recovered. [p. 230]

10 January 1892 • Sunday

St John’s At Bp. Caldwell’s stormy but light. Attended meeting in forenoon and afternoon and occupied 30 minutes of the time in forenoon. Prest Gowans and Apostle Lyman used most of the remaining time not taken up with business. Joseph Steel was set apart to be Bishop’s 2nd Counsellor by Apostle Lyman. Returned home in a severe wind and snowstorm.

11 January 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold not much snow on the ground but tolerably good sleighing about Town I baled hay all day and just at dust [dusk?] went over to my lots on main st. to make estimate of the number of bees needed. On my way met the returning Rabbit hunters, The Democrats & Republicans having been contesting their claims for championship 408 rabbits killed Democrats [illegible]2 ahead. Talked with Geo. Speirs for some time upon the Subject of National Politics. He favoring Democracy and I Rep.

12 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather continues cool.

I had Henry Green helping me and we baled hay and in the early evening I called on [p. 231] Bro. A. J. Stookey, Dr. Davis and at Co-op store. Frank Barber Horman called and showed varieties of fruit he was canvassing for the trees. Representing a Salt Lake nursery. I orderd $60.80 worth less 5% discount.

13 January 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold but cloudy. I had E. Green helping me bale hay. In the evening I did some writing and reading and worked on preparation for County Teachers Examination, I being one of the examiners.

14 January 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold. Some snow. I baled hay in the forenoon and in the afternoon Took Alice and the baby and went to Grantsville where we attended the Ward Sociable and had an enjoyable time. By request made a brief speech. Slept at C. L. Anderson’s and returned home at 1 PM next day Friday.

15 January 1892 • Friday

Grantsville Weather pleasant.

Having attended the Ward Sociable until a late hour, I did not rise until late. Break[p. 232]fasted and about 11:30 A.M. Started home.

At home attended to some business at Court house Store and Water Co. Office. In the evening I wrote up accounts & Journal: wrote letters to Bank and to Fred.

16 January 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I cleaned up the yards, cleaned out stables and sheds; repaired South fence near front. Had A. J. Isgren helping me work on hydrant. Did some Water Co. business. In the evening, I wrote and read the Herald. Wrote to Mother and Nerva in answer to a letter from Mother Stating that Nerva had a baby boy born on the morning of the 15th inst, Yesterday. A letter from Alice Ann. I prepared Orthography and Punctuation for County Teacher’s Examination.

George, Nerva and Amy May, all breath Short and are feverish.

17 January 1892 • Sunday

Tooele City Utah. Weather pleasant.

I did the regular chores, Shaved, cleaned up for Sunday and read until meeting time in the afternoon. This being the Tooele City Sunday school Review in Afternoon & Evening I attended. I offered [p. 233] the opening prayr in the Afternoon and the closing prayr in the evening. The Review was a huge success. S.S. Supt. A. K. Anderson took Supper with us.

The children all seemed better and almost well all day excepting George who lay abed all day most of the day in high fever and quite restless. Called at Drug store in evening and got cough drops and pork for the neck. Geo. Got better about 12 oclock mid night and rested pretty well until morning. Administered to Geo. twice.

18 January 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the regular chores and milked a cow that calved during the night (stillborn) I attended a meeting of the Stock holders of the Tooele City Water Works which was postponed until 10:30 A.M. Next day. Attended to some business as Treasurer of the Water Co. Paid Warrants on Dividend acct. and cashed received payments on Stock Assessment No. 7. In the Afternoon I uncapped about 20 feet of stack, hauled spoiled hay around to yards and sold & load to J M Isgreen a load of hay 3000 lbs.

In the evening I wrote some and Administered to [p. 234] to Georgie at his request. he has been feeling better to day but this evening is a little feverish again. I spent most of the evening reading.

19 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the regular work of the place. Attended to some Water Co. Business and attended a Stockholders meeting of Water Co. Trimmed some willow trees. Attended to some business at Court House. In the evening I remained at home.

20 January 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy Snowed some. I took Apostle Lyman in sleigh up to the head of the Water works and got samples of water from the spring and creek to have sampled. Attended to some business at store & Court House and went in to Town on the Train in the afternoon taking Nerva to the Doctor. I attended to some business and then went down to Abrams and staid all night.

21 January 1892 • Thursday

Salt Lake Weather cold but fine. Slept at Abram’s. Arose at 6 A.M. and after breakfasting left for the Depot with Nerva. I came home F Barber meeting me at [p. 235] Tooele Switch with my team and buggy.

I took dinner called in the Court House and issued two cks to T. L. Speirs for Co-Warrants. and attended or visited A. J. Stookey’s School all through the afternoon session. Attended the Y.M.M.I. Association in the evening. Georgie has been sick since Saturday the 16th and is still in bed but improving. Sarah has the earache and the others have colds.

22 January 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold in morning but pleasant during the day.

I trimmed trees (willows) sold a load of hay to Thos. Horman and helped him load it.

In the evening I pasted articles from News in my scrap book, looked over plans for a house clipped from the newspaper. Entertained Ward Teachers Geo. Atkin and Thos. L. Speirs. Had a pleasant visit and before going treated them to some music. Read the News at noon. All of us have colds.

23 January 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold at night. I sold hay to Geo. Coleman Jr 2 loads. [p. 236] Trimmed willow trees &c. Shaved, bathed and drove down to Grantsville after 6 P.M. Took B H Roberts with me to attend Stake Conference. Staid all night at Prest. Charles Anderson’s. Slept with Prest. Gowans. Bro. Lyman & Roberts slept together. at same place.

24 January 1892 • Sunday

Grantsville Weather pleasant.

I have severe cold but able to attend to my duties. Attended Conference and occupied a few moments in the forenoon. Took dinner with Bp. Wrathall and the remainder of the time I staid at Bro. Andersons. In the evening I attended a meeting Conjoint session of the Y.M. & Y.L. Association where Bro Roberts spoke occupying all the time.

25 January 1892 • Monday

Grantsville Weather pleasant but cool.

I attended Conference all day and returned home leaving Grantsville at 5 P.M. Called on Bp. Hunter. In the evening I wrote to Abram and to R Skelton of Provo. Subscribed for the Utah Enquirer for one year.

All are tolerably well. [p. 237]

26 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy, thawing. I attended to the regular chores, sharpened long pruning shears, did some business at store and Court House. Sold some hay to Howells.

In the evening I prepared for Teachers Examination. All usually well.

27 January 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I trimmed trees and loaded three loads of hay for Coleman. In the Evening I read the Enquirer.

28 January 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather foggy.

I did the regular chores, set Thos. Horman to work hauling tree trimmings while I went and attended County Teacher’s Examination as Examiner. Held an evening’s session until nearly 11 P.M. Robinson & McIntosh took dinner <with us.>

29 January 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather foggy, trees frosty.

I attended the Co. Teacher’s Examination.

I was called out of the Court House about 5 P.M. by my boy Geo. saying Mamma was sick and wanted me. I took Bro. Speirs with me and [p. 238] we found her in great pain. Administered to her and she soon got better. The school party comes off this evening and I had a complimentary invitation but could not attend.

30 January 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather foggy.

I attended the Co-Teachers Examination as an Examiner. During recess attended the Teachers Institute. Alice feeling much better so that she accompanied me to the Theatre in the evening.

31 January 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Snowing in the morning and continued during forenoon. I attended meeting in forenoon afternoon & evening. Was to have Spoken in the evening but G A Remington took all the time. Wrote to Abram & Bro Fred.

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January 1892, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1892/1892-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Tuesday” before crossing it out and replacing it with “Thursday”.

  2. [2]Possibly “cleave” or “clean”.