October 1911

1 October 1911 • Sunday

Home. All well.

Alice & I attended temple fast meeting and I spoke. I attended ward fast meeting & spoke. I assisted in blessing babies, confirming members, administering to the sick and consecrating oil. After breaking fast I did some recording of ordinations wrote up my journal for the time between 26th & date. In the evening Alice and I on invitation went to the Bishop’s building and heard the Tabernacle Choir sing. Dr C. F. Wilcox and wife brought us home in an automobile.

2 October 1911 • Monday


Rained & snowed.

I spent the forenoon at home. Made & mailed checks to cover bills. [p. 41] I wrote to my son Joel and enclosed two checks of $25.00 each. I called at my sister Asenath’s. With Claud Richards I went in auto from Asenath’s to his new home and back to the President’s office. Called on the Presidency and delivered a letter from Sixtus E. Johnson of Morelos, Mexico.

I attended to some business down town &c. Spent the evening at home.

3 October 1911 • Tuesday


Weather cool. Am well.

I attended conference meeting of the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. with 30 minutes recess for lunch. Spent the evening at home.

4 October 1911 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. Am well.

Attended weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency, the Twelve and the Patriarch from 10 A.M. to about P.M. Fasted. Sacrament administered.

I attended my circle meeting in the evening. Visited with my sister Minerva at my son George’s office. Called to See Dr Stephen who was not in his office. [p. 42]

Recorded temple work for 100 names work done for which I paid $75.00.

5 October 1911 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. All well.

I attended the weekly services in the Large tabernacle held in honor of Prest Taft including a Peace talk by the President Howard H. Taft in forenoon. In afternoon Alice George, Edith & Sarah and I went to the State fair and in the evening visited with my brother Fred & wife & daughter Maybell who came to stay over night & while in the City.

6 October 1911 • Friday


Weather ideal. Am well.

Attended opening meeting of the conference at 10 A.M. Pres Smith was the principal speaker occupying about an hour’s time followed by Pres. Lund for about 30 minutes. Excellent meeting. Attended afternoon meeting. The speakers were John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant and Reed Smoot.

After meeting I walked home with my son George and we called at my sister Asenaths. She was not at home but we visited with Katie a short time. [p. 43] By invitation of Elder H. J. Grant Alice & I attended the Salt Lake Theatre in the evening.

7 October 1911 • Saturday


Wether ideal. Am well.

Attended forenoon conference meeting, the speakers were Pres. Francis M. Lyman, Hyrum M. Smith and Geo. Albert Smith.

Attended afternoon conference meeting. the speakers were in order as follows: C. W. Penrose, myself and David O. McKay. I occupied about 17 minutes, Subject, Singing sectarian hymns in our choirs deprecated, employ the dormant talent in singing the worship of the Lord. The gospel makes us over so that the truth in song or sermon causes our souls to vibrate in harmony. The spirit which prompts the word flows into our souls and we are thereby edified, nourished and strengthened spiritually. You & I appreciate the Gospel notwithstanding it requres us to make sacrifice and practice self denial. When we meet the trial and in the proper spirit make the sacrifice, the trial is over and the Lords approval is stamped upon our souls & our hearts rejoice. We are paid in full, &c. [p. 44]

I attended evening general priesthood meeting held in the Assembly hall. The attendance was not equal that of yesterday though the seats were nearly all taken.

8 October 1911 • Sunday

Home. Weather ideal. All well.

Attended conference meetings in the forenoon and afternoon and Sunday School Union Conference in the Large Tabernacle in the evening. The morning session was a memorial service for Elder Orson Pratt his 100th birthday was Sept. 19th last. Elder Orson F. Whitney delivered an excellent written address occupying 45 minutes followed by Elder A. W. Ivins. At afternoon services the speakers were Jos. F. Smith Jr. Seymour B. Young & Pres Smith the latter left a grand benediction on the people. The authoritiers were sustained. An overflow meeting was held in the Assembly Hall in the afternoon, Elder Hyrum M. Smith in charge.

In the afternoon overflow meetings were held in the Assembly Hall & at Bureau of Information the former in charge of Elder Geo. Albert Smith & the latter in charge of Benj. Goddard. [p. 45]

We had a good conference. Pres. Smith’s opening & closing addresses were the gems. Elder Whitneys eulogy of the life & labors of Orson Pratt was a gem also.

9 October 1911 • Monday


Pleasant weather. Folks usually well.

I attended a special priesthood meeting from 10 AM to 1 PM in the Assembly Hall. Alice and I went to Granite Stake Tabernacle in the afternoon, the occasion of the Pratt Family reunion and I offered the closing prayr of the entertainment before going down stairs to the banquet.

Alice & I attended a social function in the evening at the Bishop’s building given by the First Presidency to the General Authorities and the ward bishops. Went home in a rain storm.

10 October 1911 • Tuesday


Snowed during the night All well.

I accompanied Pres Lyman to Provo leaving Salt Lake on R.G.W. train 7.50 A.M. & returned arriving at 6.15 P.M. We heard a case of difference between the Smoot Bros. Co. & Some of our brethren of the Big Horn, Jesse W. Crosby & Bp Jolley being present to represent them.

On our return home went directly to the Beehive where the President was enter[p. 46]taining the First Presidency and the Twelve and their wives and a few others where we spent the evening. Sisters Lyman and Richards were already there.

11 October 1911 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. Folks usually well.

This is our baby Ray’s birth day, one year old. This day he commenced to walk alone and walked across the room alone.

I attended a meeting of the Twelve and mission presidents from 10 A.M. to 1.45 P.M. in the temple.

Attended a directors meeting of U.I. & V. Co. at 2 P.M. Went to Pres. Office at 4 P.M. and to same place at 5 P.M. to attend board meetings but in each case adjournment was taken for one week. Attended my circle meeting at 6.15 P.M. On my way home called and saw brother Castleton who recently got his arm broken.

I wrote a letter to Joel.

12 October 1911 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. My health is good.

I attended the regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency, the Twelve and the Patriarch. All were present except Elder Rudger Clawson who is in England and Geo. Albert Smith [p. 47] who is indisposed. This meeting lasted until after two o’clock P.M. Pres. John Henry Smith made a full report of his connection with the Pres. Wm H. Taft reception at Clubb, and else where a week ago to-day. Said he had some trouble in chest and under his shoulder blade but at times was free from all distress He did not dress for Circle this day on that account and was prayed for, H. M. Smith mouth at Altar. In his talk he said he was at that time feeling as well as he ever did in his life. At night 11.45 o’clock he was wakened by cough & hemorrhage of the lungs & died at 12.15 o’clock.

I spent the afternoon and evening at home reading and writing. My son George & his wife called & took supper & staid the evening.

13 October 1911 • Friday


Weather Ideal. Am well.

My folks are usually well. The Herald Republican of this A.M. announces the death of John Henry Smith, second counselor in the First Presidency of the Church which occured at 12.15 o’clock this morning. Cause, Hemorrhage of the lungs and [p. 48] death ensued in 30 minutes.

I called at the President’s office, called at the home of Pres. John H. Smith’s and at Elder Geo Albert Smiths and saw him. He was in bed and suffering from a cold as well as a nervous shock. I spent the afternoon and evening at home studying and writing.

14 October 1911 • Saturday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

I remained home studying and attending to odd jobs.

15 October 1911 • Sunday


Weather cold. All usually well.

Alice and I went to Farmington to attend the funeral services of brother Jacob Miller. We called at my sister Wealthy’s, Maria Clarks, Aunt Anna Robinson’s, Uncle Joseph Robinsons, J. H. Robinsons, Bro Millers & my sister Nervas. At the funeral servies held at 2 P.M. in the ward meeting house, the house was crowded. The speakers were in order as follows, Bp J. H. Robinson, J. D. Wood, Jno. E. Robinson, myself, C. W. Penrose & Pres. Jos. F. Smith. Bro. John Woolley offered the opening prayer and Jesse M. Smith the benediction. I occupied about 20 minutes, bro Penrose 27 min & Pres S. 35 min [p. 49] We went & returned via O.S.L. Train arrived home about 7.20.

My son Geo & Edith took supper with us and Alice & I went up to their home & to LeGrands after.

16 October 1911 • Monday


Weather cool. All well.

I spent the day home studying. In the evening I attended the Ensign Stake priesthood meeting held in 20th wd

17 October 1911 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant Am usually well.

I attended the funeral services of Pres. John Henry Smith held in the Large Tabernacle at noon. I was one of the active pall bearers. The tabernacle was crowded both in the Auditorium and in the galary and many standing The speakers were in order as fol.

Pres Francis M. Lyman, Gov. Wm Spry, Pres. Anthon H. Lund, Elder Heber J. Grant, Elder Reed Smoot, Rabbi Charles J. Freund & Pres. Joseph F. Smith. The Pall bearers were Reed Smoot, Hyrum M Smith, David O. McKay, Anthony W. Ivins, Jos. F. Smith Jr & myself. The other members of the twelve were honorary pall bearers. Elder H. M. Smith dedicated the grave.

I assisted in setting apart miss[p. 50]ionaries. I set apart Homer Webster Esplin of Orderville to Swiss & German Mission and Karren Hyrum Bennion to Germany. By invitation of Sister Agusto Grant, Alice and I and Ruby & Mamie went to the Salt Lake Theatre. “Severe Days” in evening.

18 October 1911 • Wednesday


Weather fine Folks well.

I spent the forenoon at home studying. Went to Bountiful on 1.05 P.M. O.S.L. train and attended the funeral servicse of Pres Hyrum H. Grant’s wife who was 57 yrs of age at death and is the mother of ten children. The services were conducted in the ward meeting house which was well filled. There were present of the Twelve Apostles, Heber J. Grant, A. W. Ivins, Jos. F. Smith Jr. and myself all of whom spoke also two or three local brethren. I spoke of the spiritual life as we lived it before we tabernacled in the flesh from our evolving out of spiritual substance or matter or inteligence into spiritual form of man & woman which was our spiritual birth. This was some thousands of years ago, before the world was. Compendium p 288. Jos Smith We were all at [p. 51] the great council at heaven when the savior was chosen and the plan of salvation adopted. What were we doing all that time up to within 50 years or so ago when we were born? Not sitting in idleness I warrant. We were working, studying, getting experience, progressing &c not to be forgotten for ever when coming here for a brief span but to be returned to us when we return having been faithful. It may be that those who are not faithful are shut up in prison and their former knowledge not restored, hence we have to preach to them in the Spirit but may we not be better preachers, our former knowledge having been restored to us? Conditions there will be so much different there, the dead will gladly receive the gospel. Many people here believe but do not obey, some for fear of what people say, some because of cost, some because of selfishness & wickedness & general unworthiness which will not trouble them there.

During all that time we must have formed warm attachments & have seen men & women go to earth [p. 52] and return some in shame & some in honor and loving these & knowing with what serious consequence our coming here was frought, they must have had great concern over us as parents have here over sons going upon missions and we must have felt the last as hazardous, having our knowledge taken away being subjected to sickness, pain temptation, sin sorrow &c. The knowledge of so many failures would impress us with the danger. That separation was like unto a death there which is identical with our birth into this world & resembles the departure of the missionary. We have confidence in him but some fall. We mourn briefly the separation but would not have him restrained or returned before his work is done. We acknowledge the authority which called him and when that authority says his mission is completed we will welcome him home. So with those on the other side and as those who have been converted by the missionaries better to part with the missionaries returning so with us. We like they must acknowledge the authority which called & which releases. [p. 53] There is this difference, we know the deceased has accomplished his mission and will receive a when placed it. They did not know this when she left there. We should have that faith & trust in God that we can feel to say the Lord knows The Lord gave & the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord.

I attended my circle meeting in the evening and later wrote letters, wrote up my journal &c.

My daughter Nerva & her husband & two babies came in from Tooele this day, all usually well.

19 October 1911 • Thursday


Weather cool All well.

I attended weekly Council meeting at the temple. Visited members of my circle doing missionary work and did some writing & studying at home.

My daughter Nerva, her husband Alice & I spent the evening at my sons Geo. & LeGrand’s.

20 October 1911 • Friday


Wind & cold. All usually well.

Pres Lyman, Geo. Lawrence & I administered to Nerva’s little girl Alice who seems to have [p. 54] something the matter with her spine or hips or the ligaments we know not what. I anointed & Pres. Lyman sealed the anointing.

I made ready to go to Richmond, Cache Co. to attend Benson Stake Conference. Elder Penrose & I left on 4.15 P.M. train and arrived in Richmond about 8.15 Elder Penrose & wife were met by his son-in-law brother Burnham with whom he staid while in Richmond. Pres Alma Merrill met me at Ry. Station and took me to his home where I made my staying place.

21 October 1911 • Saturday

Richmond, Cache Co.

Weather cold. Am well.

Attended conference of Benson stake held in Richmond tabernacle.

At 10 A.M. session the attendance was 73. The stake presidency and two alternate high counselors and five of eleven bishops present. Stake population 6000+. The speakers were, Pres Merrill, bro. Burnham of High Priests Presidency, Sister Merrill of Y.L.M.I.A. Bishop John Rabsten of Clarkston, brother Nelson of Smithfield bishopric, Elder Penrose & myself. Subject, Attendance at stake Priesthood meetings & sacramental meetings.

At two P.M. meeting the speakers were, <attendance 165> Pres. Wm Waddoups, bishop H. T. Peterson of [p. 55] Trenton, bishop Andrew L. Hyer of Newton, Myself & Elder Penrose. I occupied 40 min. Subject on same subject as in the morning session a continuation, Read for a text Luke 14:15–24 The feast.

22 October 1911 • Sunday


Same. same.

At 10 A.M. meeting the Sunday Schools were supposed to be present. The attendance was 462.

Sacrament was administered.

Sunday Schools reported.

Bro. Alsop of Religion classes reported followed by Pres B. A. Hendricks, Elder Penrose & myself. I occupied 15 minutes. Subj. What we owe our parents & how repay them

a. by obedience to them

b. by being good

c. by being kind to each other. Told story of Abram & Zimri.

At 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 642. Authorities sustained. I occupied 30 minutes with good liberty followed by brother Penrose for about 50 minutes. My subject was Sacrifices. What have been required (precedents) What are required now. How faithful are we in carrying out our past? I had good liberty in all the metings may the Lord be praised. Pres Merrill made a few remarks.

Elder Penrose & I at my suggestion met [p. 56] with the stake presidency and recommended to them the moving of the conferences from place to place. They agreed with us that it would be advantageous and appointed next conference for Lewiston, that in six months at Smithfield and in nine months at Clarkston.

At evening meeting Conjoint conference a programme was carried out after which I occupied about 20 min. with good liberty subject. No excellence, no salvation without study & labor. quoted “The boy that by addition grows.” & other sayings. This world is full of good and full of truth. It is also full of evil and error. It is for us to search for the truth & make it ours and incorporate into our lives and to eschew all error & evil. Seek to be good & do good. None have the incentive the L.D. Saints have. We believe this knowledge & good works we take with us & it helps to make our salvation &c. Pres Penrose spoke about 20 minutes.

I took dinner with bishop Hazen Merrill and told him what I would do under his circumstances to get the people to attend conference.

I feel that this has been a good & will be profitable conference. Many said it is the best yet. May the Lord be praised. I was greatly sustained by him. [p. 57]

23 October 1911 • Monday


Weather cool. Am well.

Elder Penrose & wife & I left Richmond for Salt Lake at 7.18 A.M. & arrived at 12 Met Pres Lund, Pres S. B. Young & other friends on train.

I wrote up my journal from notes &c did other writings.

24 October 1911 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant All well.

Alice & I went to poles and voted at 7 A.M. We then went on to Farmington where with Alice’s sisters Marian and Anna we went in carriage to Syracuse about 15 miles and spent four hours with uncle Wm & Aunt Helen Miller both of whom are very poorly. Their son Arnold & I administered to Aunt Hellen. We returned to Farmington and took 5.34 Ogden Ry. for home Arrived home at 6.30 P.M. I went to the poles with my daughter Sarah to vote. On invitation of Elder Heber J Grant Alice, Nina & I went to the Salt Lake theatre and saw the opera, “The Sweetest girl in Paris.”

25 October 1911 • Wednesday


Weather milder. Folks usually well.

The results of the primary election of the primary election of yesterday for Commission form of City [p. 58] government resulted in qualifying the American party candidates and the Citizens Candidates. The test of election will come two weeks hence when we vote again.

I attended the YMMI General Bd. meeting, a meeting of the Genl Bd of R. Classes, my circle and a reception at Hotel Utah tendered by Senator Reed Smoot & wife to nearly a thousand people in evening. Alice accompanied me.

26 October 1911 • Thursday


Weather windy & clowdy.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple of the Presidency, Twelve & Patriarch from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M.

I got out work for the temple. Twenty one couples listed for sealing, they having been endowed. Alice attended the Colonial theatre with my niece Rhoda Knowlton.

27 October 1911 • Friday


Weather threatening storm. Wind blew hard all night and subsided during the day.

I spent the day working on temple records. Went through both records searching for errors & getting record perfected. [p. 59]

28 October 1911 • Saturday


Weather pleasant.

I spent several hours cleaning up leaves & burning them &c.

I think I dropped from my vest pocket two books which found its way into the fire. I did some book work and wrote a letter to my son Joel in England.

29 October 1911 • Sunday


All well Weather fine

I took 7.50 A.M. R.G.W. train for Provo to attend Utah Stake Conference. I met on the train Pres. F. M. Lyman and Elder Heber J. Grant who were going to Lehi to attend Alpine Stake Conference. I met Elder Orson F. Whitney at Provo he having gone down the night before.

The meetings of the Conference were according to Pres. J W Knight better attended than usual. There were 1300 at Conjoint Mutual meeting in the evening. Elder Whitney left at 4 P.M. for American Fork to attend meeting. I remained for the evening meeting and addressed the meeting with good liberty on the subject of character, what it is & how build it &c. I spoke at the morning session on sacrifice occupying [p. 60] about 25 minutes. Elder Whitney spoke in afternoon. Bro. Lafayette Holbrook on his request was released from the Stake Persidency. Jesse Wm Knight was made first counselor and Amos <Newton> Fretove Merrill second counselor. I set apart brother Knight and Elder Whitney set apart bro Merrill It was done in the meeting.

I took dinner with Pres. Keeler and staid over night with bro. Knight.

30 October 1911 • Monday


Weather fine My health good.

I visited the B.Y.U. and spoke upon education at devotional. Spent a couple of hours with Dr Heber John Richards & wife & took lunch with them. Took R.G.W. Train at 3.25 P.M. for home. By courtesy of Elder Grant, Pres. Lyman & I sat in his box at the theatre in the evening and witnessed the wrestling match between Mr. Gotch the world’s champion heavy weight and the Greek Demestral. The champion threw his man twice within 30 minutes. Other preliminaries of an interesting character were presented.

31 October 1911 • Tuesday


All well <but Estella.> Weather fine.

I remained home studying until [p. 61] 4:30 p.m. <Estella was taken sick this day and my son Geo. & I administered to her.> Assisted in setting apart a company of 32 missionaries and instructing them. Elder H. M. Smith and I together set apart nine. I set apart the following;

1. Henry Lucas McDermott of Clifton, Ida to Western States.

2. Wm Edward Ellie of Mancus, Col. to Northern States.

3. Leonard Johnson, Preston, Ida. to Central States.

4. Heber Tillman Willis of Snowflake, Ariz., to Northern States.

In the evening I attended a Mutual Halloween meeting in 27th Ward.

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October 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-10