February 1906

1 February 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Still foggy night & day & cold. I attended to the regular business and in the evening attended a School meeting & dance.

2 February 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather unchanged. A week without sunshine.

I did the regular work of the place Delivered b. hay to Dr Davis, & to Ed. Horman & got freight from Depot. Called at J. M. McKellars and saw his blooded horses. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency at my office. Folks well.

3 February 1906 • Saturday

Tooele Weather foggy & cold.

I attended High Council and Stake Priesthood meetings at Tooele and attended to business between times. Israel Bennion staid with us and he & I and Alice attended the Home Dramatic theatre Snow ball. [p. 213] Mamie was sick and Bro Bennion and I administered to her.

4 February 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather foggy still.

Mamie better and Thelma and Oliver commencing with Cold &c.

I fasted and attended, School, sacrament meeting, evening meeting and prayr Circle, and gave my usual donation of $1.00 for poor.

5 February 1906 • Monday

Tooele Weather Still foggy.

I spent some time at the Tooele tithing office working on Tithing reports. In the evening I attended a Council meeting with Prest Gowans and C J. W. Lee. affairs of Mercur Ward considered. Babies no better. <Worked in office until 11 P.M.>

6 February 1906 • Tuesday

Spent most of the day at tithing office on tithing reports. Did some delivering towards evening. In the evening I read letters to from LeGrand & George and wrote both letters.

Administered to Thelma Morning & evening and to Oliver in evening.

7 February 1906 • Wednesday

Home Weather foggy still and unhealthy.

Attended to business as usual.

Attended Relief Society Annual meeting Tooele. And in the evening Mama, Nerva, Sarah, Joel and I attend Relief Society party.

Prest Jos. F Smith phoned out from City inviting Alice, Oliver & I Me to go in to City and Attend a social of the members of our Eastern party with their wives & husbands to be held at the Bee Hive at 5 P.M. Friday Feb. 9th The anniversary of the birth of Hyrum Smith the martyred Patriarch.

Our baby is no better. We administer to him occasionally. [p. 214]

8 February 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Still foggy.

Folks not well. Several complaining.

I attended to business working in the yard moving lumber &c during the forenoon and until about 3 P.M. Then I got ready and went to the City S. L arriving there at 6 P.M. Went to ZCMI and from there to the Des. News Store where I bought Seven of the best LD.S. Hymn books of latest edition and had names of the five ladies who were with us on our eastern trip stamped and gilded on five of them and the names of Prest Jos F Smith on one and my name on the other the latter two being soft leather backs and on each of the Seven books had stampped and gilded the following. “Sharon Vt. Dec. 23, 1905.” and gave to the parties whose names were on them the books as Mementos of our Eastern trip and the events at Sharon Monument dedication. The presentation of these books was made the following evening. Meeting Jos. Nelson at the Des News Book store he asked me to go home with him for the night which I did.

9 February 1906 • Friday

S L City Weather foggy

At Jos Nelson’s we came up town after breakfast and I attended to Some business at Z.C.M.I, Salt Lake Hardware, Des News Book store &c and called at Presidents Office and signed, Resolutions of Appreciation of & Esteem for Elder Geo. A. Smith. Spent Several hours visiting my mother at my Sister Asenath’s. Called on the Doctor at his office and went to the Bee Hive at 5:30 where I met Prest Smith who introduced me around to those with [p. 215] whom I had not been acquainted. We were to-gether from 5:30 to 9:30 P.M. Had games of Pit. Sang hymns, Prest Smith made a speech and presented to Elder Geo A Smith Resolution which had been Engrossed and signed by the members of the Eastern party.

We had our Dining Car Dinner, Sleeper, Christmas tree & presents & all. A Reproduction of events of the trip. An enjoyable time. After the social, I went up to my Sisters where I spent the night.

10 February 1906 • Saturday

S L City Weather foggy.

I arose early, took Street Car for O.S.L. Depot and came home on the A.M. train. Alice met me with team at Depot. I looked after the mail accumulated. Dictated letters &c. and in the evening Alice & I attended the U of U. theatre. Sarah, Mamie & Nina also went. Baby no better. Thelma is also ailing.

11 February 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather still foggy.

I took my team & Surray and accompanied by Prest H S Gowans, Ellen Park and Sister Naomi Gillet went to Grantsville where we attended the Y. M. & Y. L. M. I. conference. Visiters Mrs Emily Caldwell Adams and Douglas M Todd. We held separate officers meetings in fore noon and conjoint meetings in afternoon and evening and returned home in night. Had good meetings

Alice quite sick and the baby not much better and others ailing. At Grantsville I put up my team at Bp. Wrathall’s and took dinner there and supper at W. J. Clark’s.

12 February 1906 • Monday

Attended to regular business. Had two teams hauling lumber from depot. [p. 216] I figured on bill of material for J J Shields house also for a house for D K Adamson.

Folks very poorly. Nerva with us. G. L. T. answered letters from Box B that he would be ready to go to Southern States after Apr 1st rail. I administered to Mama Oliver and Thelma. Thelma had poor <good> nights rest. Mama & Oliver did not rest much. I got medicine from Dr F. M. Davis.

<Received a letter from my brother Fred accepting my offer of $400.00 for his horse plus expense in getting him here.>1

13 February 1906 • Tuesday

Lincoln’s Birthday2

Tooele Weather foggy but warmer so that the Surface of the earth got quite muddy.

This day the Inter Mountain Republican A daily paper edited and published in S. L. City makes its advent its first issue at hand. We had two teams unloading a car load of flooring lumber 27000 ft and finished the unloading at 6 o clock, two days work.

I got the contract of furnishing a bill of lumber for J J Shields Job. at Stockton for $99.50 They to get the material at my yard.

I bought of John England a ton of oats at $1.75. He was owing me more than the oats come to. Wrote to My Son George in the evening, an 8 paged letter with the request that it be forwarded to LeGrand.

<Our sick folks are some better>3

14 February 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather better Sun shone out most of the day. Our folks had a restless night last night. I attended to the business of the place with Joel’s help. Sent out a number of remittances paid up all passed dues. Discounted a car of lumber to Holman Payne. Gave my note to the bank for $500. 8% — 6 Mo

I ordered a car of Shingles from M. M & Co. I wrote to LeGrand in the evening.

Before going to bed I administered to Nerva & her baby also to Mama and Oliver. [p. 217]

15 February 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm with mild South <wind>

Our folks are some better to-day

I went to the Depot expecting to meet my Bro. Fred. Received a letter to-day saying he would be here with the Stallion to-morrow

I made some deliveries of lumber, attended to some correspondence and fixed up box stall for Stallion &c.

16 February 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm and pleasant. ground muddy.

I met the passinger and two fr’t trains expecting Uncle F. W. Richards and his Stallion. They arrived on regular Fr’t. train @ 1 P.M. The horse looks fine but is sore from travel. We took dinner and then Showed the horse off on the Street. He made a good impression Went down to J M Mckellars and saw those blooded horses recently shipped in from Iowa.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency held in my office.

17 February 1906 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I spent a good share of the day showing off the Stallion Teddy Roosevelt.

Took Bro. Fred to Station &c.

Folks improving in health.

18 February 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took my team and Prest. Gowans with me and went to Batesville where we attended School, Priesthood meeting & Sacramental meeting. Prest C A Orme was also present. The names of O A Bates for Bp. E B Wood & Fred Bryan Counselers. were sustained. I occupied about 45 [p. 218] minutes on Subject of the Holy Ghost and its workings The means of communication between God & Man.

Our folks some better.

19 February 1906 • Monday

Home Snow Storm in morning.

I swept paths and cleaned off lumber. The Sun came out warm and most of the Snow was gone at night.

I washed the horses with hose. Attended to the usual work of the place. Delivered three small loads of lumber to the Marks job. for Gallaher. Folks improving slowly in health.

Received letter from my Son George. We have letters from him and from LeGrand about every week. In the evening I attended Seventie’s Quorum <meeting>

20 February 1906 • Tuesday

Home Weather pleasant but muddy underfoot I took Stallion Teddy Roosevelt down to J. S. Lee’s Shop and had him shoed in forenoon & in afternoon attended funeral service of Geo. Rowberry at meeting house. I offered the benediction.

Attended to business between times.

Spent the evening home reading.

21 February 1906 • Wednesday

Home I attended to the business of the place Went with Bp. Orme up to Jos DeLaMare’s and administered to his wife Cal who was suffering much from piles and an operation recently had by which they were removed. She received benefit from the administration.

<Attended school Exercises in the evening in honor of Geo Washington>4

22 February 1906 • Thursday

We did a good cash business this day. our cash sales amounting to more than 100 dollars. Spent the evening at home reading the papers.

<I dreamed I embraced the Savior & such love untold>5

<See Mar 22nd>6

<Date of Dream a question>7 [p. 219]

23 February 1906 • Friday

Home Weather pleasant but snow and mud underfoot.

This is the 45th anniversary of my birth. I wrote to my Son Geo. at St Louis.

Attended to business &c In the evening we had a nice supper and had Estella & Hyrum & children with us in the evening.

24 February 1906 • Saturday

Four teams loaded with lumber shingles &c for Grantsville aggregating $140.10 $142.81 Selling price yes more than that A busy day. In the evening attended meeting of Presidency postponed from last night. because Bro Orme could not be with us last night.

25 February 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took my team & surray Prest Gowans & C. A. Orme with me and we went to mercur leaving here shortly after six o’clock A.M. Arrived there about 10.20. Went to S. School. Each spoke for a few moments. Took dinner at Bp. Bryans. Visited Sidney Vowles family and took supper at Bro. J W Lee’s Attended meeting of Bishopric at 5 P.M. Ward Priesthood at 6 PM and Ward meeting at 7:30 P.M. Large attendance of Saints & Strangers at evening meeting. All of Stake Presidency spoke. J W Lee was sustained to be the Bishop. Bp. Bryans resignation having been accepted. Evan W Jones was chosen to be first & John Petersen Second counselor to Bro J W Lee and Bro. Wm C Goodman was sustained as Ward clerk. Prest Gowans slept at Bp. Bryans and Bro Orme & I slept at J. W. Lee’s. [p. 220]

26 February 1906 • Monday

Mercur At J W Lee’s Weather fine. Left Mercur for home about 8 A.M. Arriving home found a car of lumber & lath and a car of Shingles at Ry Station for me. With two teams we proceeded to unload same.

In evening I sat up reading from Book of Mormon and the News papers until 11 P.M. Our boy Oliver is still ailing, his throat being swoolen on one side like mumps.

27 February 1906 • Tuesday

Home Weather windy & threatening storm. We Continued the lumber and Shingle hauling from depot and attended to other business. Spent the evening at home reading.

28 February 1906 • Wednesday

Finished unloading Car of Shingles and Car of lumber.

It commenced snowing about noon and snowed all afternoon and all night.

Alice Sarah & I attended a recital in the Meeting house in the evening by Prof. Metcalf.

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February 1906, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1906/1906-02


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 12 February entry.

  2. [2]Richards mistakenly made this notation under 13 February instead of 12 February, the actual date of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 13 February entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 21 February entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 22 February entry.

  6. [6]This insertion was written on the top right side of the 22 February entry.

  7. [7]This insertion was written underneath the 22 February entry.