March 1913

1 March 1913 • Saturday


All usually well. Beautiful day.

I wrote letters to the Presidency of the Big Horn Stake enclosing one copy of a letter I wrote to Burnham Bros. of the Big Horn Stake. Also wrote Burnham [p. 69] Bros. enclosing copy of a letter I wrote to the Big Horn Stake Presidency I presented these letters to Pres. Lyman and Pres. J. W. McMurrin who with me arbitrated their differences and they approved same. I kept copies, on file. This necessitated a trip down town.

I made some repairs on chair & did other writing & reading.

Did some committee work. By phone enquired as to the workings of the Priesthood quorum meetings & mutuals in various localities.

At our Thu. Council Meeting Elder Jos. F Smith, Jr. & I were appointed a committee to wait on the Salt Lake Stake Presidency who made application for a change same as adopted by Ensign stake to have but one night per week (Tues.) for Mutual & priesthood quorum meeting alternating the evenings between these two organizations. We are to meet Salt Lake Stake Presidency & high council upon this matter.

2 March 1913 • Sunday


All usually well. Thawing.

Alice and I attended the temple fast meeting and I spoke briefly. Attended my ward fast meeting and evening conjoint meeting At fast meeting I assisted Pres Lyman & the Bishopric in blessing a babe, administering to the sick and in confirming members & myself confirmed [p. 70] Addie Margaret Johnson a young lady about 18 yrs old, a member in the church.

3 March 1913 • Monday


Mild weather. All usually well.

I went down town and filed records at temple for baptisms tomorrow 60 females and 36 males. Called at Dr Stauffer’s and received electric treatment for my vision.

Received a letter of 8 pages letter paper from N. Tanner Jr. of Blackfoot, Ida. & answered same with two pages letter papers, script.

I spent several hours reading “John Steven’s Courtship.” by Susa Young Gates

4 March 1913 • Tuesday


Weather moderated. All usually well.

I finished reading “John Steven’s Courtship.[”] Wrote to my daughter Nerva at Tooele.

Recorded some temple work went to the temple with my sisters Sarah E. R. Smith & M. E. R Knowlton and Edith M. D. Richards where we were baptized for sixty women and about 36 men.

I read church history, issued checks paying bills. &c.

5 March 1913 • Wednesday

Home. Mild weather. All usually well.

I went to the temple in the morning and addressed the company in the opening meeting. I also went through the temple for Wm. Longstrother born before 1490. [p. 71]

I got out of the temple at 1:10 p.m.

Attended General Board of Religion Class meeting and presided on motion of Elder H. J. Grant. 3:30.

Attended meeting of Gen. Bd. Of Y.M.M.I.A. at 5 P.M, my circle at 6:30 and a meeting of the Salt Lake Stake Presidency & High Council at 7:30 held in the temple.

The Salt Lake Stake Presidency, High Council & Priesthood voted to adopt the plan in vogue in the Ensign Stake to hold no meetings Monday nights and alternate on Tuesday evenings, the Priesthood quorum & the M.I.A. This action was presented to the First Presidency for their indorsement. It was brought to our council of the First Presidency and the Twelve last Thursday and Jos. F. Smith Jr.& I were appointed as a committee to which the question was referred. Jos. F Jr. was sent to California so I made enquiry of Stake & ward officials in the Ensign Stake as to the working of the plan there and learned that not withstanding the efforts on the part of the Ensign Stake officials to make a success of the change & thus maintain their judgment, its results were found to be disappointing. I learned too that the plan adopted in the Liberty Stake, the Ogden Stake [p. 72] and the Fremont stake of holding Priesthood meetings on Sunday mornings was working out satisfactory. As the season of mutual work is nearing its close I advised that they do not adopt the new plan or make a change before next fall and by that time these experiments being tried in other stakes might prove beneficial and assist in determining the best course to pursue. The council after one hour & 15 min. consideration of the matter by motion agreed to take my advice This action was the result of a deliberate consideration of the subject and the exercise of the best judgment of those present.

Sarah this evening lost her purse & contents, several dollars in silver & other articles while on her to way to union meeting in 20th ward.

6 March 1913 • Thursday


Weather mild. All well.

I went to Dr. Stauffer’s and had electric treatment for my eyes at 10 A.M. Attended Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 1:15 o’clock. Went through the temple after 1:15 P.M. for Adam Langstrothe of Yorkshire, Eng. born about 1490.

Alice Grover went through. [p. 73]

I spent the evening at home reading Church history.

7 March 1913 • Friday


Pleasant day. The ground drying.

All usually well at home.

I went down to the temple in the morning with a view to going through twice for endowment work but learned that that was contrary to the rule so returned home and went in the afternoon when Alice, Sarah Ellen, Sister Minerva and Minerva R. Young went through for our people and I took these through the V.eil. I called at the Genealogical Society office to ascertain what is being done or accomplished in their search for names. They have not touched the work yet.

I wrote a letter to Bp. Thos. H. G. Parkin of Nephi.

Alice & I accepted the invitation of Elder Grant to attend the theatre & sit in his box tonight at Salt Lake Theatre, [“]The Merry Widow.”

8 March 1913 • Saturday


Beautiful day. All well.

I remained home all day studying and reading. Read Bp. Spauldings answer to Dr. Widtsoe & Dr Widtsoe’s rejoinder in the News also read at length from Church history Vol. VI. [p. 74]

9 March 1913 • Sunday


Beautiful day. All usually well except Edna Moselle who is somewhat indisposed.

This is the 31st Anniversary of our marriage day.

One [On] request or invitation of Bro. Halliday of the Stake Presidency of the High Priests quorum, I attended the Ensign Stake High Priests’ quorum meeting in the 18th ward Whitney Hall at 10 A.M. I assisted in ordaining eleven high priests and addressed the meeting for 30 min. Subject. Shelving of the brethren done by themselves not by the Church. Field of usefulness for aged high priests; doing individual missionary work, temple work &c.

I ordained the following brethren to the office of High Priest.

1. Geo. D. Pyper, 2 Joseph Shanock, 3d Horace G. Whitney.

Our folks got up a good dinner and we had with us, Geo. & Edith and Josephine; LeGrand & Ina & babies; Rega Card, Georgina Felt & Had dinner between 3 & 4 o’clock.

Attended evening meeting in the 27th ward. Sunday School conference.

The folks returned to our home and spent the evening.

10 March 1913 • Monday


Beautiful day. All well. I this morning finished reading Church Hist Vol VI. [p. 75]

I went down town called at Dr. Stauffer’s office and had my eyes treated with electricity, called at temple and gave in report for baptisms for tomorrow. I did some business while down town. I bought a third commentary loose leaf book also my first loose leaf memoranda I spent the afternoon on my commentaries & memorandum, studying writing &c.

Pres. Lyman phoned me to go in & see him & I did so and spent an hour or less with him in the evening. Pres. Anthon Lund returned from the coast where he has been spending some months for his health. Pres Lyman says both he and his wife are far from being well.

11 March 1913 • Tuesday


Pleasant weather. All well.

I spent the forenoon home working on commentary, studying &c. At one P.M. met sisters Sarah E & Minerva E. and we were baptized for 108 people 48 females and 60 males. I went with sister Nerva to Dr. George’s office and remained while she had four teeth extracted.

I attended M.I.A. meeting in the 27th ward in the evening. In the preliminary exercises my daughter Nina played the piano, Mamie and Margaret Maxwell each told a story. Our class considered Courtship. [p. 76]

12 March 1913 • Wednesday


All well. Beautiful weather. in the morning, turned colder and rained some in afternoon.

I spent the forenoon at the Genealogical Society’s Library office searching records. Went through the temple in the afternoon for Wm. Langstrothe. Attended a Y.M.M. Gen. Board meeting at 5 P.M. and my circle meeting at 6:30 P.M.

“Count that day lost whose low declining sun sees from thy hands no lesson learned, no useful labor done.”

I am trying each day to bear in mind the lesson taught by the above quotation.

13 March 1913 • Thursday


All well. Snowed nearly a foot of heavy snow last night. I shoveled snow and made paths and at 89:35 left home for down town. Called at Dr Stauffer’s and had electrical treatment for my eyes. Went to the Pres. Office and assisted Pres. S. B. Young in setting apart two missionaries to New Zealand, he & Elder Talmage having set apart four, when I arrived brother T. was excused. I instructed these missionaries.

At 10:30 Attended regular Council meeting which lasted until about 1:30 P.M. Then we lunched together and I went to the Presidents office and phoned to Pres. Lund of Mt. Pleas[p. 77]ant about work to do at Indanola while I am at their conference Sat & Sunday & Monday. Returned home and spent an hour with Pres Lyman on his invitation. I spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening studying. &c. I set apart Clarence A. Hancock <of Salt Lake> a missionary to New Zealand.

14 March 1913 • Friday


Cold weather All usually well.

Mamie had a number of her friends here in the afternoon as a club party and dinner was served. I searched for names of my kindred dead at the Genealogical society office in the forenoon and in the afternoon went through the temple for John Langstroth. I bought white pants and suspenders for use in temple work. I spent the evening working on my commentary, principally the Subj. of Priesthood & statistics.

15 March 1913 • Saturday


All well.

I took 8 A.M. train for Moroni via. Nephi to attend North Sanpete Stake Conference. At Nephi Langley Bailey joined me and went to Moroni and spoke at several of the meetings.

We arrived at Moroni about 2:30 P.M. and went direct to meeting I addressed the conference on the conditions of lethergy among [p. 78] the people & the remedy. Referred to the parable of the ten virgins, occupying 35 minutes.

I staid at the home of Bp. Bradley.

The conjoint mutual conference was held in the evening. I occupied 45 minutes on M.I.A. features, card playing, loyalty to the organizations & to the Church authorities.

Sunday 10, A.M. I addressed the conference for 40 min. Subject. Sacrament, atonement, love for God & parents & how manifest it.

Between meetings I ordained & set apart the following. George P. Peterson & Joseph Seeley set apart high counselors Kimball Johansen ordained a high priest and he & Joachim C. Anderson set apart alternate members of high council. I ordained Adolphus Bennett & Riley N. Draper high priests. I set apart Norman C Curtis Supt of the YM Mutuals of the Stake and Loren C Nielsen first & Heber Christensen second assistants and John L. Olsen Secretary. Later at Mt Pleasant I set apart Charles Musig an Alternate High Counselor.

At the afternoon meeting I occupied about 30 minutes with good liberty on what Joseph Smith had accomplished. Pres. Hart came in from Sevier at 3:25 and spoke.

After meeting I returned in conveyance which brought Pres Hart from Mt Pleasant, to Mt. Pleasant. and put up at a brother A. Merz’s home. [p. 79]

Attended a council meeting at the tithing office with the Stake presidency and people from Indianola at 7 P.M. & at 8 P.M. a meeting of the two wards held in South Ward house about 500 present I occupied 72 minutes on the Subject of marriage. A number of people expressed their pleasure at being present & hearing what was presented.

17 March 1913 • Monday

Mt. Pleasant.

Am well.

I rode with Pres. C. N. Lund & Bro. Sorenson of the Stake Presidency to Indianola eighteen miles north where we met with the people and organized them into a ward and I ordained Warren P. Shepherd a high priest and a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Indianola ward. I ordained John F. Cochrane a high priest & set him apart First Counselor. I ordained Wm H. Seeley a high priest & set him apart second counselor to bishop Shepherd.

I left Indianola at 3:40 P.M. and reached Salt Lake at 6 30 P.M. Took supper with my son Legrand & family. Alice & two youngest children went to Farmington on 11 A.M. train & returned about 9:30 P.M. I bathed & retired to bed about 10 P.M.

Alice not feeling very well. [p. 80]

At Indianola I set apart Henry Hackwell ward clerk.

18 March 1913 • Tuesday


Stormy afternoon. Mama kept her bed most of the day, feeling poorly. Others usually well.

I tried to get the privilege of being baptized for some of my kindred today but not having got my record in yesterday being away, I lost my oppertunities about 1400 having been listed. I spent the forenoon at home working on books &c.

Attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex at 2 P.M. where twenty-one missionaries were set apart & instructed. I being the Senior present in Authority, presided I. set apart the following officiating alone except in two instances where the fathers assisted.

1. Raymond Vivian Barnes of Taylor, Weber Co., Utah came with credentials for ordination to the office of a Seventy. I ordained him and set him apart a missionary to Gt Britain.

2. Geo. Gregory Howath of Nephi, Utah, to Gt Britain.

3. Geo. Wm. Lunt of Nephi, Utah to Gt. Britain

4. John Hyrum Reeve of S.L. City to Gt Britain

5. George Woolford of Smithfield. Ut., to Gt. Britain

6 Joseph B. White of Paradise, Ut., to " "1

7. Redmond Fay Facer of Hyrum, Ut., to " "

I instructed the missionaries as did Elders Talmage, Wells & McMurrin [p. 81] who assisted in setting them apart. Received the sad news of the death of Sister Charles H. Hart of this City.

I suggested to my son George that my daughter who has been assisting him in the office for about two years and who is now assisting both George & Dr Bird and getting $6.00 per week should receive $9.00. He said he would give it consideration

On invitation of Pres. Lyman I went in his home and visited him for an hour. Received appointment with Bp. O. P. Miller to attend Parowan Stake Conference to be held at Cedar 22nd & 23 inst. I had intended to attend priesthood meeting but Pres. Lyman called me just as I was ready to start to meeting

19 March 1913 • Wednesday


Stormy day. All usually well. I phoned sympathy to Pres. C. H. Hart whose wife died Monday or Tuesday.

I phoned my Sister Asenath and learned that my two nephews, Willard & Lot Smith from Holbrook, Idaho had been operated upon at L.D.S. Hospittal a few days ago, the former for removal of a tumor from the back of the neck and the latter for removal of a mole from the right arm and a large growth resulting from an effort on his part to remove the mole with thread tie. Lot’s case seems to be quite critical, danger [p. 82] of losing his arm and possibly his life. I understood that Willard was at Asenath’s and went over to see him but he had gone to the hospittal and I did not see him.

I wrote to Elder Geo. Albert Smith at Ocean Park.

I went through the temple in the afternoon for Anthony Longstroth. Attended General Board meeting of the Y.M.M. and my circle meeting. When I returned from Circle at 7:50 P.M. I found my daughter Nerva, her husband & her two children Alice & Joel. They came in to have the plaster changed on little Alice.

20 March 1913 • Thursday


Weather mild. Our folks usually well at home. Nerva’s little Alice had the plaster cast changed again She did not seem to suffer this time as before.

My nephew Lot Smith who was operated upon last Tuesday for the removal of a growth from his right arm was informed today that it would be necessary to have his arm taken off at the Shoulder to save his life.

I called at Dr Stauffer’s and received electrical treatment for my eyes. Attended weekly Council meeting. from 10:30 to 3 P.M.

I went up to the hospittal to see my Nephew Lot Smith but he [p. 83] had gone down to my sister Asenath’s so I went down there & saw him and his brother Willard & I administered to him.

I have an appointment with Bp. David A. Smith to Cedar & will leave here tomorrow night. For the next week 29th & 30th I have an appointment with Pres. S. B. Young to Davis Stake. Frank Steed & wife, Geo & Edith, Geo. L. & Nerva took supper with us.

21 March 1913 • Friday


Clowdy. All usually well.

My grand Child Alice Tate, is not feeling very well and I administered to her. I phoned to Aunt Sarah, to Aunt Nerva & niece Katie Grover. and arranged to go to temple & for them to go also this afternoon.

I attended to some business down town and went through the temple. Others went through for Longstroths as follows: Sarah E. Smith, Minerva E. Knowlton, Katie Grover, Phoebe Peart, Louie Richards, Minerva Young, Eliz. Bowman & Rachel B. Campbell.

I called at the Hist. office and made enquiry about the Dewey temple Work and found that some work had been done but not recorded in family Groupes. I will take steps to have it done. Alice & I, Geo. & Edith, Sarah & Ruby attended the Colonial theatre. The Sign of the Cross. My invitation [p. 84]

After the theatre I took train for Lund, thence to Cedar City.

22 March 1913 • Saturday

On train.

Arrived at Lund about 10:40 A.M. 40 min. late. David A. Smith, Dr Widtsoe and Maud May Babcock were on same train bound for Cedar City. We all four went from Lund to Cedar a distance of 35 miles in auto with a Bro. Knell and in 2 hours 10 min we were in Cedar. We went to the home of Bp. Webster where we Bp David A. Smith & I put up both occupying the same bed.

We attended afternoon conference meeting. Attendance 318. The morning meeting attendance 180 Stake population about 3800.

The Speakers were in order as follows.

1 Wm Lyman of the Stake Presidency

2. Uriah T. Jones, 3 Bp. David T. Jones, 4 Dr D. T. Widtsoe & myself.

I occupied 30 minutes. subject, Religion Class work, Duty of Parents to children & to Auxiliaries At 4:30 we attended a High Council meeting to 6 P.M. and at 7 P.M. a Stake Priesthood meeting. I spoke at both these on teachers work and read statistics showing neglect on part of priesthood members & the people.

Attended a reading by Miss Maud May Babcock at the Branch Normal at 8:30. “The Blue Bird.”

A busy day. I ordained Thomas J. Jones a High Priest. [p. 85]

23 March 1913 • Sunday


Easter Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. S. School session of the Conference, attendance 610. Sacrament administered. The speakers were in order as follows.

1. Miss Maud May Bobcock.

2. Myself, 3d Bp. D. A. Smith

I occupied 40 min. on the Life & mission of Jesus, His resurrection & the general resurrection &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 594. Authorities sustained. The speakers were in order as fol.

1. Dr Widtsoe, Bp. D. A. Smith & I.

I occupied 25 minutes on the subject of tithing.

Dr Widtsoe & Miss Babcock remained in Cedar where the latter gave a reading in the evening and Bp. Smith and I returned to Lund & took 8 P.M. train for home.

We reorganized the Stake Religion Class Superintendency. Miles traveled, By rail 484, Auto 70=554 mi

24 March 1913 • Monday


Am well. About six inches of fresh snow. Arrived in Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M. Made paths, and wrote up my journal for past two days from notes.

Alice & I took 2 P.M. train to Farmington and went to Aunt Maria Clark’s. Annie Steed. joined us there and we went up to Uncle Jos. E Robinsons and had a talk about temple and [p. 86] genealogy work. I called at the store and bought 8 doz eggs at 15¢ and carried them home.

Alice & I spent a half hour with Pres Lyman & wife in the evening. All usually well with us. Sister Lyman is poorly. We administered a blessing to her.

25 March 1913 • Tuesday


Stormy, Snow, All usually well.

I remained home in the morning studying. About noon I went to the temple and was baptized for eighty of my dead ancestry, Gills, Attended a missionary meeting and assisted in setting apart and instructing a company of nineteen missionaries. I set apart

1 Albert Manning of Hooper, Ut. to W. States

2. John Earl Robinson of Hooper to N. States.

In the evening I addresses the young people of the 27th ward on the Subject of marriage occupying about 55 minutes.

26 March 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well. Cold weather. Lots of snow & mud. I spent the forenoon home studying. In the afternoon I went through the temple & was endowed for Thos Langstrothe Attended M.I.A. Bd. meeting and my Circle meeting.

I received a magazine book printed in a foreign language [p. 87] sent from St. Petersbourg by Dr. C C Young a gentleman whom I met while going into Kansas City on the train last summer. I also received a card from him. He has a sheep farm in Texas.

27 March 1913 • Thursday


Pleasant weather. Edna Moselle is quite sick with sore throat & fever. I have quite a cold which has been growing on me for several days. I administered to Edna M. in the morning and on my way down town called at my sister Asenath’s and saw my Nephew Lot Smith. Attended weekly Council meeting. Wrote a letter to Bp. A. D. Miller Jr of Parker for LeGrand Robinson asking if he could take the latter’s boy Henry aged 8 yrs to raise, or one of the girls.

I recorded temple work, &c.

28 March 1913 • Friday


Moselle about as yesterday. I administered to her this A.M.

I went through the temple in the afternoon and was endowed for Willelmus Langstroth.

I met with a committee at the home of W. W. Riters 349, 1 So. St. from 6 to 10 P.M. Had a nice supper. Elders H. J. Grant, H. M. Smith & I appointed by the Council of First Presidency & Twelve met with Pres. R. W. Young [p. 88] Mrs Geo Romney, Zina Y Card and Maud May Babcock to consider a proposition to establish a house for girls in this city. 4 women endowed.

29 March 1913 • Saturday


Edna Moselle better. Weather pleasant.

I went to Bountiful on 9 A.M. car. and attended a meeting of the high council. at 10 and addressed them and advised that they do not here after meet at same time as the high priests quorum meets. Attended latter quorum meeting from 11 to 12 oclock and addressed them for about 30 minutes on duties of H. Prists Gather in those not enrolled and revive those whose light is waning.

No shelving of men by the church, Men shelve them selves. There are many activities for the H Priests as for others in the church, no need of these being idlers.

We lunched at the meeting house, the Sisters serving us.

At 2 P.M. attended stake priesthood meeting 307 present. I spoke about 30 mins. on the necessity for our enrolling the non enrolled an laboring with the indifferent Re’d from Sec 84 The covenant of the Holy Priesthood also from 121 how that authority should be exercised.

I returned home on 4:45 P.M. car. Moselle improved. Remained home in the evening. [p. 89]

30 March 1913 • Sunday


Very pleasand day.

I went to Bountiful on 9.30 car and attended Davis stake conference. At morning session I was one of the speakers and occupied 25 min. Subj. What the Father & Son have done for us, love being the incentive. What we owe the Lord, love & obedience What our parents have done for us & what we should do to make them happy, be good, obedient and kind & helpful to one another. Things earthly are typical of things heavenly We can show our love and appreciation to the Lord in same way. At afternoon session Pres Smith and Ben E. Rich were in attendance and spoke, the latter about 30 min & the President about 75 minutes. After the conference adjourned. I set apart Joseph H. Grant Jr & Jonathan D. Wood high Counselors. I ordained John A. Bowen a high priest and set him apart an alternate high counselor. Pres. S. B. Young set apart Sister Ford Pres. Stake Rilsy [Relief Society] and Pres. Grant set apart Sister Strong First Counselor to Sister Ford.

I returned on 5:15 P.M. car and went direct to the 27th ward meeting house where ward conference was in session. The General, Stake. & Ward authorities were sustained, the sacrament administered and the members of the Stake Presidency each spoke. [p. 90]

31 March 1913 • Monday

Salt Lake,

All well. Beautiful weather.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday. Received phone call from Pres. R. W. Y. of Ensign Stake saying that he had received a letter from the First Presidency of the Church indorsing the recommendation of the Stake presidency that Cousin Levi W. Richards be ordained a Patriarch and authorizing me to perform the ordination. We made appointment for 5:30 p.m. today to meet at cousin Levi’s home for the purpose. He is still confined to his home.

At 5:30 P.M. the presiding patriarch and I assisted by Pres. R W Young Ordained Cousin Levi W. Richards a Patriarch, I being mouth and set apart to labor in the Ensign Stake.

I took my son Ray with me to Farmington in the afternoon where we went for eggs. I brought back fifteen doz. Cost 17½ ¢ per doz.

In the evening my son LeGrand and I went up to Jos A West’s and with the assistance of brother West & his brother-in-law brother Riggs we administered to Sister West and her two little girls who has measles. I was called at 4 A.M. to go and administer to Sister Timms who was in great pain of the Stomach. She got some relief through the administration. [p. 91]

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March 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Gt. Britain”.