July 1900

1 July 1900 • Sunday

Weather cool.

Home We fasted & Alice Uncle Henry & wife & I in his surray with my team went to Murcur. Left here at 6:30 A.M & arrived there at 10:30 A.M. Staid at Estellas Put up team at Berry Bros. Attended Priesthood meeting at 11 A.M. Present F. M Lyman, Rulon S. Wells, & Stake presidency. Geo. W. Bryan was chosen for Bishop, Hyrum W Lee 1st & E Johnson 2nd Counselers Wm Waterfall Secretary. Attended School at 2 P.M. I offered opening prayr. Attended evening meeting where Bros Lyman & Wells talked, Authorities Sustained, <3> babies blessed & Father Pratt blessed. I blessed the first baby.

2 July 1900 • Monday

Mercur Jas. W. Lee took Henry Robinson & me through the Golden Gate Mine and Remina Alice & Estella joined us & went through the Mill. Left Mercur at 4:30 & arrived safely home at 8 P.M.

The boys were heading wheat this day.

3 July 1900 • Tuesday

We headed barley all day.

4 July 1900 • Wednesday

I took the water at 3 A.M. & used it until 12 noon. Worked on header making repairs in afternoon. Was sick at night vomited most of the night.

5 July 1900 • Thursday

Was in bed nearly all day. Had tins set on wagons. The boys made a start cutting my wheat up on bench.

6 July 1900 • Friday

I went up on bench & saw the boys start work, two men hired. Did an hour’s work on header. Wrote Letters to Mother Fred & Nerva. Did other writing & worked [p. 14] on monthly report to Lum. Co. I yesterday wrote Utah Lum. Co to fill for me lum. bill for School house The contract having been awarded to me. Contract price $574.

7 July 1900 • Saturday

Home I went to Grantsville & attended Stake priesthood meeting & High Council Meeting. At former I spoke on subject of tithing and at latter [first and last names redacted] was suspended from the Council because he had misrepresented the Presidency & Council, made false charges against them & the Bp. of Grantsville & belittled them before the people. Took dinner at Bro. Charles Anderson’s. Sold & delivered to Bp. Atkin for Tooele Ward lumber & Shingles amounting to $34.80. The boys continued grain cutting on bench.

8 July 1900 • Sunday

Home Attended School & meeting here

9 July 1900 • Monday

I finished up cutting my grain on bench and moved over to J. W Tates farm & cut about 8 Acres.

10 July 1900 • Tuesday

Continued Cutting grain for J. W. T.

11 July 1900 • Wednesday

do do do1

12 July 1900 • Thursday

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At night attended a meeting of the irrigation board by request & considered with them Mr A. F. Doremus’ proposition to Submit to the Court a statement of facts relative to water &c in lest [left] hand fork. Settlement, Canyon.

<Alice sick Tues, Wed. & Thu.>3

13 July 1900 • Friday

Finished cutting 100 acres wheat for J W Tate & moved home with machine

14 July 1900 • Saturday

Took the family up canyon

15 July 1900 • Sunday

Attended School & Meeting here.

16 July 1900 • Monday

We went down & cut wheat for Frank Barber Joel staid all night

17 July 1900 • Tuesday

Continued cutting F. J Barbers wheat

18 July 1900 • Wednesday

Finished cutting F. Barbers Wheat & Commenced cutting our barley.

194 July 1900 • Thursday

Finished my barley & moved to J McKellars [p. 15]

20 July 1900 • Friday

Home We worked in the garden Hyrum & Estella Lee came from Mercur on their way to Montpelier by excursion train which leaves S. L. City at 10:50 P.M. tomorrow. Alice thinks of joining them.

21 July 1900 • Saturday

Our Quarterly Conference opens at Grantsville to-day. I took my team and carriage & Elder F. M. Lyman of the Apostles & Prest. H. S. Gowans accompanied me. We arrived there before 10 A.M. the hour for opening Conference. Elder R Clawson of the Apostles soon after arrived having come from Salt Lake City by train & then by mail wagon from Mill. I put my team up at Prest. C. L. Anderson’s & took dinner & supper with him and went down to Bro. Gustave Anderson’s for the night. We had good meetings and after afternoon meeting the Council was together & [first and last names redacted] case was considered & postponed, he having previously been suspended & not showing fruits meet for repentance. I by request of Patriarch S. W. Woolley & his daughter Viola Woolley administered to the latter a Patriarchal blessing after which Bro. Woolley & I went over to Bro. Joshua Clarks where his son & two grandchildren were sick. We administered to the two latter. Accompanied C L Anderson, F. M. L. R. Clawson & H. S. G. & Gus. Anderson over to C. L. A.’[s] hay ranch & then to Arthur Bates’ where we administered to his wife.

22 July 1900 • Sunday

<Heavy rain for short time at Grantsville & some at Tooele>5

Grantsville I attended School at 9 A.M. in grove near meeting house 349 people shook the hands of the Apostles after school. At meeting which was held in grove from 10:30 to 12:30 I by request spoke about 15 min. On account of storm we held meetings indoors in afternoon. After meeting the Presiding brethren & others [p. 16] were met together & instructed by the Apostles in relation to Tithing. Many questions asked & ansd. Returned home in evening.

23 July 1900 • Monday

Home We went down to Jno. McKellars prepared to cut his oats 12 A but they were too wet. Came home and worked in garden.

24 July 1900 • Tuesday

Attended the exercises & amusements of the day. At morning meeting I gave the following toast. “


“The Pioneers of these now peaceful vales of plentsy [plenty]; the authors of our existance here and of our religious liberties. All hail to them. May the memory of their sacrifices, sorrows, hardships and noble deeds ever live in the hearts of the people and their graves be ever kept green.”

25 July 1900 • Wednesday

The boys & I went down & cut McKellars oats 12 acres, put the machine & boxes over to field.

26 July 1900 • Thursday

We believing we could see cars of lumber on the switch went down to Depot with two 4 horse teams & was disappointed in their not being any lumber I staid until train arrived & still none. Returned home. Put away in tool shed, Mower, rake gang, drill &c. Went over to field & put up header covered it in with boxes. &c.

27 July 1900 • Friday

From deck of house could see two cars lumber switched. So we hauled lumber, made two trips with two wagons.

28 July 1900 • Saturday

Hauled lumber all day & finished unloading two cars. Put box on wagon repaired brake &c. Engaged threshers for Monday 30th & hands to help & arranged with Mrs McKendrick to board hands @ 25¢ pr meal Bathed &c. [p. 17]

29 July 1900 • Sunday

Weather extremely warm.

Home I attended school and meeting. Offered benediction in latter Stanley Hanks & Geo Lyman were the speakers. Attended Circle. Wrote letters to Mama who is in Bear Lake Valley also wrote to Sister Nerva, Grandma, Aunt Carlie & Uncle Willard. Wrote up Journal from 26th. All well.

30 July 1900 • Monday

Had threshers, had them boarded at Hotel McKendrick.

31 July 1900 • Tuesday

Finished threshing 1150 bu. grain.

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July 1900, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1900/1900-07


  1. [1]Ditto abbreviations for “Continued Cutting grain for J. W. T.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Continued Cutting grain for J. W. T.”

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 10–15 July entries.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “18” before writing “9” over the 8.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 22 July entry.

  6. [6]This insertion was written in the left margin next to the 24 July entry.