July 1912

1 July1 1912 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake from Rexburg Ida. at 7.40 A.M. Attended to some business at Pres. Office before going home.

I made statement of receipts and disbursements of Mothers Estate means and mailed copy to Alice Ann, Asenath, Nerva, Stephen & Fred. Wrote other letters, paid bills &c.

2 July 1912 • Tuesday


Attended Quarterly Conference of the Twelve in the temple from 10 to 3 o’clock.

My Sons & I were talking about trading for an Auto so went down to 8th So & State St. to look at a machine. Read papers &c. Spent the evening at home. [p. 253]

3 July 1912 • Wednesday


All well Cool weather

I spent most of the day at home reading and writing. Attended a Religion Class Board meeting at 3.30 and my circle meeting in the evening 6:15

4 July 1912 • Thursday


All usually well. Cool weather.

I spent the forenoon from 7 to 2 Studying the Richards genealogy. Wrote to Geo. Minns of England on subject of searching further for genealogies.

Alice and I took the little ones and with George & Edith & LeGrand & Ina and Josephine & Mercedes all went to the Empress and excepting LeGrand & family we went to the Rex after. We had a good dinner of about 7 P.M. at home and Sherbet after. Geo. & Edith took supper with us & spent the evening with us. I am going to try to connect the twelve families whose genealogies are given in the Richards Record with the one to which we belong so as to be justified in doing temple work for them. It was for this purpose that I wrote George Minns of England to-day. I think I see [p. 254] an oppertunity to open a field of temple work for the family such as we have not had, if the Lord will aid me.

5 July 1912 • Friday


All usually well. Weather delightful.

I spent the entire day and evening at home.

In the morning I ordered a book case of the Co-op Furniture one I had looked at and priced before and which was quoted to me special at $22.50. It came up after noon and I spent the remainder of the afternoon assorting my books and filled my three book cases. I wrote to my son Joel in England. Talked with my brother Franklin S. over the phone about the Richards Genealogy. He indorsed what I proposed in the way of searching with a view of ascertaining if all the lines of genealogy in the Richards history are of the Same family. He said for me to go ahead and he would second my efforts. I talked with Sister Cameron of the Historian’s office over the phone and got her promise to search for same information. Last night while in a motor cycle [p. 255] race at Wandamere Motordrome a young man Davis struck a lamp post, his body was hurled through the air into the box seats and struck and seriously injured seven people. He died and several others are dangerously ill at hospittal.

This evening News gives an account of the drowning of Elder Cole of Thatcher in the Georgia River while bathing. We warn the Elders against going into deep waters.

Ruby and Edna Moselle spent the Fourth in Farmington and Mamie & Nina in Tooele and none of them have returned home as yet.

6 July 1912 • Saturday


All usually well. Weather delightful.

I spent the forenoon home studying. After noon I went down town and attended to some business and went with my sons George & LeGrand to see an auto with a view to trading some Tooele land for it. The car a $4500, Thomas Flyer, six cylinder 60 horse power, five passenger of 1910 model offered at $1200.

I spent the remainder of the day and evening at home.

Geo. & Edith called. Mama took the little ones for a trolly ride. [p. 256]

7 July 1912 • Sunday


All usually well. Weather ideal.

Alice & I attended the temple fast meeting The 2 P.M. Sacramental meeting 27th ward and the evening conjoint mutual meeting. Alice had to leave the afternoon meeting with the baby before the meeting closed.

I spoke briefly in fast meeting. We broke our fast about 5 P.M. at Ina’s.

Geo & Edith & LeGrand & Ina and their children came to our home after meeting 7.30 P.M. and spent an hour or so. We went for a walk down to my sister Asenath’s but did not get to see her as she was away from home. At meeting I blessed & named Wayne Oliver Davis.

8 July 1912 • Monday


All usually well. Weather pleasant.

I repaired baby’s go-cart and Spent the day home studying & reading. I read the morning and evening papers as usual and read through the book, “How to Teach Religion[”] by Evans & Jensen. My Niece Carrie Richards and my Nephew Fred. Richards’ wife called on us. In the evening Alice & I & Geo & Edith & LeGrand & Ina on my suggestion attended the Orpheum & saw Miss Dwyer in Scarlet. (The Deep). A good play that in no way has a demoralizing tendency. [p. 257]

9 July 1912 • Tuesday


All usually well. Pleasant weather.

May the Lord be praised for his mercies. I studied the Richards history and wrote letters to Morgan Richards and to Pres Daniel Heiner on genealogical data.

I wrote to my daughter Nerva at Tooele and to my brother Fred at Logan.

Alice, the children & I took a walk up in the Cemetery towards evening.

10 July 1912 • Wednesday


All usually well. Warm weather.

I assisted Pres. Lyman & Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. in setting apart nine missionaries at Pres. Office at 10 A.M. I set apart the following:

Mary Leona Mendenhall of Springville, Ut to N.W. States

Joseph Chamberland, Orderville, Utah to Central States

Ivan G. Okerland of Loa, Utah to Eastern States.

After setting these apart Pres. Lyman turned the meeting over to me & I instructed their missionaries followed by Elder Smith. I offered the benediction. Obtained lists of sealings from the temple and recorded some of same. Attended General Board meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. and my circle and later went to Wandamere with members of my family and attended there the Mikado [p. 258] a benefit entertainment given to aid the Kintdergarden movement.

11 July 1912 • Thursday


All usually well. Warm weather.

I attended my fast and the quarterly meeting of the Presidency, Twelve & Patriarch from 9.30 AM to 3.30 P.M. Received appointment to Stone ward in Malad Stake for next Sunday, with Elder James E. Talmage & one of the Seventies. This is a special conference 35 miles west of Malad. Received appointment with David A Smith of the Presiding Bishopric to Beaver for the week following. At our meeting we decided on a division of the Millard Stake & Pres. Lyman invited me to accompany him to that stake for that purpose the fore part of August. I returned home soon after 4 P.M. and put in about 3½ hours work on temple records recording work done and listing other work. I feel very happy in this work.

12 July 1912 • Friday


I spent the day home reading and &c until about 3.30 P.M. When I went downtown, took Oliver’s tricycle [p. 259] to the repair shop. Called on my brother Franklin S at his office by appointment. He told me that he & my brother Charles had sold their mother’s home and with the proceeds proposed to have fathers biography published. Said he had spoken to Elder Orson F. Whitney about it some time ago and asked what I thought of it. I told him I indorsed it fully, but feared brother Whitney would not be able to do the work for want of time.

I joined my folks at Salt air depot at 5 P.M. and we went to Salt air & had a bath.

13 July 1912 • Saturday


All well Warm day.

By appointment; Elder James E. Talmage and I took 7.10 A.M. train for Malad arriving there at 11.15 A.M. We were taken by the hack without charge to Pres. Wm Richards’ where we had dinner. We then met the Stake Presidency, clerk and a number of other brethren at the bishops office where assisted by the Stake Presidency. Elder Talmage & I ordained & set apart the Bishopric for Malad second ward and counselors to bishop Jensen of the Malad First ward. [p. 260]

I ordained John G. Evans of Malad a High Priest and set him apart first Counselor to Bp. Jensen (Jas. P.) of Malad First ward. I also ordained Wm H. Thomas of Malad a bishop and set him apart to preside over Malad second ward. I set apart his second counselor.

At 3 P.M. in two autos the Stake Presidency, Clerk, Sister Wm H. Richards, & bros. Morris, Bp. Ward of Washokee & a brother Jones of Malad the two latter being the drivers, left Malad for Snowville, 40 miles southwest from Malad over a range of mountains. We arrived there about 7 P.M. and driving up to Bp. Cutler’s home before entering the house the Bishop appeared and with him Pres. Chas. H. Hart. Pres Hart received appointment to accompany us but instead of taking 7.10 train he took 8 A.M. train and went west from Bighorn toward Kelton & finding bishop Cutler at Station after a load of fruit rode with him.

We held meeting at Snowville in the evening. Population of ward 300 and the attendance was 120. Some from other wards. The Speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Wm. H. Richards, my self, Elder Talmage & Pres. Hart. I staid at Bp. Cutters & Elder Talmage & I occupied the same bed. [p. 261]

14 July 1912 • Sunday

Snowville, Ut.

I had headache in evening

W[e] drove over to Stone ward about 4 miles north & held meeting these meetings being a special conference. The attendance was 324 at 10 A.M. the sacrament was administered and I with others spoke. I talked on Sacrament & love of God & Christ.

We held a seventies meeting between forenoon & afternoon meetings & we set apart two presidents of the 165th quorum & ordained fifteen Seventies I ordained five of them & my record of ordinations shows their names. Before leaving Snowville in the morning We called on Invalid Patriarch Goodliff and administered to him.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 406 or 51% of the record population of the three ward in this valley. The General & Stake Authorities were sustained. The speakers were, Bro. Jones of Stake Presidency, Elder Talmage & myself. I spoke upon the plan & policy of the Church in colonizing to build towns & beautify them. What the Vally needs. Serve the Lord & seek his blessings on your lands & crops & business & you will not seek in vain.

A meeting was appointed for Stone and one for Snowville in the evening. [p. 262] Elder Talmage, Pres Hart & Pres Richards went to Snowville & I with the counselors remained at Stone and we all spoke also Patriarch Morris & Stake Clerk Gibbs. I occupied about 40 minutes on Sacrifice & tithing.

I staid at Bp Roe’s over night and Pres Gibbs occupied the Same bed with me.

15 July 1912 • Monday


I had a severe headache again in the afternoon & all night.

We left Stone ward at 8.25 A.M. in our Autos & arrived at Malad city at about 11.05 having travelled a distance of about 35 miles. Elder Talmage & I took train at 2.30 and arrived in Salt Lake at 7 P.M. Pres Hart returned by teams from Snowville to Ry.

My sons George & LeGrand called & saw me in the evening.

16 July 1912 • Tuesday


Disabled by severe headache Warm weather.

I wrote up my journal for the past three days and did other recording of work done read the papers and did other reading.

17 July 1912 • Wednesday


Still have headache. Weather warm.

I spent some time recording work done [p. 263] in the temple 37 sheets of sealings children to parents. Did some reading and attended my circle meeting in the evening. After circle Geo & I walked home.

18 July 1912 • Thursday


My head feeling no better.

Weather very warm.

I went to the Optician and had my eyes tested and ordered new glasses.

Attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to 3 P.M. Attended to some business down town and returned home where I spent the remainder of the day & evening reading.

19 July 1912 • Friday


Weather very warm. I had a bad night last with my head & stomach.

This A.M. Called my son George in & he administered to me. It seems to be a genuine sick headache. Pres. Lyman left home on early train for Logan where he went to solemnize the marriage of Wm H. King & Miss Showdall so I sent word to Elder H. J. Grant who arranged for someone else to take my place with Bp. David A. Smith to Beaver.

I Kept my bed all day. Feeling some better in afternoon I took a little gruel and it upset my stomach again and I suffered intensely. [p. 264]

20 July 1912 • Saturday


I got fairly good rest last night and about 11 A.M. today took as nourishment a little beef broth & toast which did not agree with me and I had another vomiting spell. About 4 P.M. I got up & dressed me and went down to the Oculists (Jensen’s) and got my new glasses which I am very much in hopes will give me some relief from this headache which has continued for six days. I have never had such a time before with my head. I wrote up my journal for the past four days.

Tomorrow a grand meeting is to be held at Hennifer Summit Co. which will be attended by members of the First Presidency & the Twelve & others and the Mutual Scout Hike will take place commencing the following day over the Mormon Emigrant trail to Salt Lake, arriving in Salt Lake on the 24th A celebration is to be had at Liberty park that day and in some way the Hike will, I suppose, be connected with the celebration.

21 July 1912 • Sunday


My condition improving so far as my stomach is concerned but my head is still bad. I remained in at home all day except in the even[ing]. [p. 265] I walked up to my sons’ Geo & LeGrand.

22 July 1912 • Monday


My condition about same.

Alice, the four youngest children and I went out to Tooele on 7.45 train. We stopped off at our daughter Nervas and staid there until about 4 P.M. where we went up to Estella Lee’s and spent the evening. Blessed Estella.

23 July 1912 • Tuesday


My condition same. Warm weather.

We returned to Salt Lake in afternoon except Edna Moselle whom we left at Tooele to help Nerva. I wrote to Joel.

24 July 1912 • Wednesday


My head still aches.

I phoned Dr Stephen and gave history of the case and he said it no doubt was the effects of the heat and prescribed for me. I obtained the medicine from Robinson’s drug co. and followed directions. One 12 gr. ascetandin powder in 1/2 glass water into which one teaspoon full of Aromatic spirits of Amonia was poured. This to be repeated in three hours if necessary.

25 July 1912 • Thursday


My condition same. [p. 266]

Aunt Louise phoned up in the morning and invited Alice, Ray & me to go up in the canyon with her and other members of the family in the evening. I reported my condition to the Doctor who said I should take a few days off and seek shade & cool. I spoke of my appointment to Alpine Stake and he said I ought to be excused from that appointment. I reported this to the brethren at our Council meeting and I was released from that appointment and towards evening Alice, the baby & I with Aunt Louise, Grace & Stephen L. went up Parley’s Canyon to the Drs resort an hour’s ride from Dr Stephen’s home in Sugar House (10 miles) The ride was delightful and the scenery of the last two miles is unsurpassed any where I have been. Excellent roads but the last two miles quite steep 19% in some places. I called at Aunt Sarah’s and later she came over and spent an hour.

26 July 1912 • Friday

Mt. Air, Canyon.

Weather Ideal. I suffer greatly with my head. Did some reading during the day.

27 July 1912 • Saturday

Same as above. [p. 267]

28 July 1912 • Sunday

Mt. Air.

Weather delightful. My condition about same.

29 July 1912 • Monday

Mt. Air.

My condition no better.

Alice, Ray & I arose about 5.30 A.M. and without breakfast went down out of the Canyon with S. L. Jr. in Auto and from Dr Stephen’s home on cars. I had severe headache & nautia most of the day. Towards evening Alice & I went for a walk up into the Cemetery & called at LeGra[nd] & Geo F. Jr’s on our way back. Geo & LeG. called later and administered to me and I had a good night’s rest. Sarah contributed by making a mustard plaster for my stomach.

30 July 1912 • Tuesday


Am feeling some better to-day.

between 1000 & 2000 of our people from Mexico have within the past few days moved out of the Mexican colonies and are cared for at or near El Paso. Elder A W Ivins is at El Paso and a council of the Presidency & Twelve to-day decided to send Bp Miller down to confer with Elder Ivins. Had I been well [p. 268] I no doubt would have been sent so said Pres Lyman to me this afternoon.

I called on Drs. Stephen & Geo. Richards who prescribed further for me. They are convinced that my severe headaches & nautia is due to exposure to the Suns rays in making the trip from Malad to Snowville 40 miles & return two weeks ago in open Automobile.

Yesterday I wrote to my son Joel in Preston Eng. also to Pres. E. J. Wood of Cardston, Canada.

31 July 1912 • Wednesday


Stormy day My health about the same.

Alice’s Sisters Maria Clark & Anna Steed came down from Farmington bringing several of their children each with them and Alice & I joined them & went to Salt Air taking some of ours with us & had a bath. It did not agree with me & I came home with a severe headache & nautia & vomited good before I got any relief.

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July 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1912/1912-07


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “June” before crossing it out and writing “July”.