September 1911

1 September 1911 • Friday

Sawmill, Siera Madre Mts. Mexico.

Am well.

Weather pleasant. Breakfasted at 7 A.M. Wrote letter home. Two wagon loads of us people went down the mountain about 2½ miles and saw the Ry: workings, a bridge eight lifts high, 16 ft. to the left, built of timbers.

We left the Sawmill at 11 A.M. for Juarez 75 miles via. Garcia. We traveled until 1.40 P.M. when the axle of the conveyance I was riding in struck a rock in the middle of the road and the doubletree broke in two and as we were going up Larigo Canyon where there was [p. 12] feed and water plentiful, we camped for noon and while nooning made a new doubletree stick and prosicuted our journey. We camped at night in Meadow valley about 10 miles from Garcia.

2 September 1911 • Saturday

Meadow Valley, Mexico.

This morning apart of our company left for Juarez and Pres. Wells & I with Brothers Clayson & Bro. Farnsworth and two boys with two conveyances and seven horses remained and the four of us went out deer hunting. I rode in the mountains steady seven hours and saw no deer. Bro. Farnsworth saw two deer but did not get any. We arrived in camp at 3 P.M. and after eating our dinner, brothers Clayson and Farnsworth went out again and the others of us hitched up and drove in to Garcia to Spend the Sunday. We got in before dark & put up at Bp. Whitting’s. Pres. Wells went to Counselor to Bp’s home Farnsworths. Bros Clayson & Farnsworth came in about 9 P.M. having seen no game. [p.13]

3 September 1911 • Sunday

Garcia Mex.

Beautiful day. Am well and happy, may the Lord be praised. I arose before 7 A.M. Shaved & otherwise made ready for the day’s worship, fasting.

Attended Sunday School officer’s meeting at 9.30 A.M. and Sunday School proper at 10 A.M. Sacrament administered. Classes convened and testimony bearing consumed the time. School resuming its general exercises. I spoke to the School. Reciprocal work is S.S. work. I educate these, they educate mine. We should not disappoint even one child who by appointment has come to meet us. It is a religious duty we owe. Children learn what to do and what to not do and then go out into the world during the week to practice what they have learned. Others spoke. Pres Wells and Bro. Clayson.

At 2 P.M. meeting the sacrament was administered. Two boys who had this morning been baptized were confirmed and one baby blessed. I confirmed administered John Henry Carling and blessed baby Geo. Gurley Kotchner and confirmed Leonard David Whetten. I also addressed [p. 14] the meeting as a testimony. Told of my experience in administering to my mother as an Elder 17 yrs. old & the relief, showing that God honors his authority though it be held by a mere boy. Reading scripture & studying same creates faith, faith leads to works which bring testimony.

At evening meeting I was one of the Speakers and dwelt upon the Subject of Church school benefits and general education.

After fasting for 24 hours I took dinner with Bro. Bowler. After the evening meeting we administered to a native boy for his restoration from paralysis of left side & arm. I anointed & Pres. Wells confirmed. I slept at Bp Whettens.

4 September 1911 • Monday

Garcia, Mex. Well. Happy.

I hunted deer from 5 A.M to 2 P.M.

Saw one only and never shot the gun off. Stephen Farnsworth accompanied me. We met the company in Hop Valley 8 miles on the road from Garcia to Juarez they coming up at 3 P.M. Bros Wells, Clayson & Farnsworth with companion each had been hunting and the last two got a deer each. [p. 15] We camped near the divide 16 miles from Juarez and about 20 miles from Garcia at night.

5 September 1911 • Tuesday

On divide at head of Santiago Canyon 16 miles from Juarez.

After breakfasting, Pres R. S. Wells and I walked on and went about five miles on the road before we were overtaken. We got in to Juarez at 11.30 A.M. and stopped at Pres. Junius Romney’s for dinner. Here I received a letter from my wife written from Tooele on 26th of Aug. bearing news that all were well. I also found a roll of papers from home sent at my request.

Our company to the mountains consisted as follows: 1 Self, R. S. Wells, Pres. Junius Romney, Cathern Jane Romney his mother, Hyrum S. Harris 1st counselor in Presidency Chas. E. McClellan 2nd counselor & his wife Josephine McClellan; Bp. Arthur D. Thurber of Dublan, Harry L. Payne 1st assistant Stake Supt S. Schools, Eli A. Clayson 2nd Counselor to Bp Bentley of Juarez, Derondo V. Farnsworth alt. H. Counselor, Master Eugene Taylor of Juarez, Lester Clayson, 13 yrs old, Sister [p. 16] Anna Clayson, widow, Lucille Clayson her daughter, Sister Annie Clayson mother of brother Eli Clayson, Martha Abegg, seventeen in all. Sister Abegg left us at sawmill. She is to teach in Chuchupa this winter.

I wrote up my journal and wrote a letter home.

Pres. Wells and I rode to Dublan fifteen miles in the afternoon with Derondo Farnsworth one of our party. I staid at Bp. Thurber’s & Pres. Wells at Gaskel Romney’s. I shaved, bathed and attended evening meeting. Spoke 40 min. <Subj: Missionary work.>

6 September 1911 • Wednesday

Colonia Dublan. Rained hard last night. A beautiful day today.

I had a good nights rest last night and feel well to-day.

I wrote to the First Presidency a six paged letter.

We had intended to leave here for Sonora this morning but were detained by uncertain news received from Orson Brown from El Paso. Waiting for further word. Bp. Thurber left for El Paso on belated train last night to investigate & report further.

A Mexican child was run over by [p. 17] the train and killed at New Casas Grandes yesterday. About noon a message was received from Bp thurber at El Paso rquesting Pres. Romney to meet him in Dublan at night on arrival of train, important matters of a business character. It was decided that the company move forward after dinner and that Pres. Romney follow in the night & overtake us at camp. This plan was carried out. I rode with brother ammon Tenny and we drove until after dark to reach the camp several miles beond Ramos. Prests. Wells & Harris remained behind and came up with Pres Romney & wife at 3 A.M.

7 September 1911 • Thursday

On way to Sonora.

At about 3 A.M. this morning I awoke with a griping in my bowels and soon followed by purging, and nautia and was very sick the remainder of the night. I was administered to by the brethren before breaking camp and though very weak I managed to ride about 60 miles during the day & forepart of the night. We stopped three times on the way and camped for night after midnight. [p. 18]

8 September 1911 • Friday

On the road to Sonora, Mex.

I am feeling much better this A.M. We broke camp at 6 A.M. and drove several miles to the Lasviras to water where we stopped for breakfast. This is about 80 miles from Dublan and about 28 miles from Oaxaca the first settlement we reach is Sonora. After breakfast we continued our journey nooning in the Pulpit Canyon

This canyon is named after a long rock standing in the canyon above most every other object and observable for many miles. We passed through the Squeeze a narrow gorge of rock steep & dangerous. The teamsters drove the teams around on new road and others walked through the Squeeze when trains used to go. This day’s travel is worse by far that the roads in the upper colonies or any where else I have been where teams & wagons are expected to go. I stood the trip very well though my bowels are all out of order. We camped in bishop F D. Haymore’s yards. ate in his house and slept out doors. The altitude here is low, the finest specimens of umbrella trees I ever saw I think. This is a northwesterly direction from Dublan but a circutous [p. 19] route to reach it. We held a meeting in the evening and though but about five or six families of saints reside here, we had quite an attendance; There are twenty four in our party, most of whom were in attendance. My voice is almost lost but I managed in a way to talk about 20 minutes Subject. The object of the gospel is to make us perfect like our Father in heaven. Is it having that effect upon us. Bore testimony.

In our company are from Juarez five (5), Dublan 12, Diaz 5 Salt Lake 2.

9 September 1911 • Saturday

Oaxaca, Mexico. Am not quite so well. Bowels in bad condition. Weather very hot.

We drove from Oaxaca to Morelos a distance of 25 miles over very rocky & rough roads reaching our distination before dark. I staid at bishop Lillywhite’s. Chas W. Slept on my cot on his porch after having had a bath and a visit with friends.

10 September 1911 • Sunday

Morelos, Mex.

I had a good night’s sleep & rest. Am not very well this morning. [p. 20] My voice is impaired and my bowles are in weak & bad shape. I shaved before breakfast and after breakfast wrote up my journal and wrote a letter home before Sunday School.

Attended a 9.30 A.M. officer’s and teachers meeting.

Attended Sunday School at which the Sacrament was administered. The attendance was 326. It was thought best to not meet in class work as there were so many visitors present. The speakers were in order as fol. Bro. Lemons of Diaz, brother Paine of Dublan, myself, Pres. Romney & Pres. Wells. I occupied 30 minutes with good liberty. My voice cleared and the Spirit aided me. I spoke of the message of love & blessing sent by Pres Smith, of his love for the people of God’s love of the people & conveyed Gods love to these. He gives us parents who have instincts of love and lead us to a love of God. If we love our parents we will obey them. If we love God we will obey him. It follows if we do not obey them we do not love them. &c.

After School I attended a Sunday School officers meeting of one his decoration. Attended 2 P.M. meeting. [p. 21] The sacrament was administered. The speakers were, Pres. Harris, Bp. Bentley of Juarez, Pres. Wells and myself. I occupied 30 minutes Subject. The Holy Ghost, the third person of the Trinity. His personality, How obtains His office & mission. See I. Internal evidences. Had fairly good evidence assistance of the Spirit.

The weather during the forenoon and until about 3 P.M. was extremely hot and oppressive. A thunder and clouds & breeze made it more tolerable. I have been feeling poorly, my bowels upset as a result I have to live almost exclusively on hot water and am quite weak. My spirit is bright, however, and my head clear.

I attended a general priesthood meeting in the evening at which the time was taken up in the presentation of business and instructions by the presidency of the Stake.

This evening a meeting was arranged for the Mexican people of whom there are quite a number here non mormons, This at the suggestion of Ammon Tenny who expressed the wish that he could talk to them. The meeting was held [p. 22] in a Mexican home and was attended by a number of our people so I understand.

11 September 1911 • Monday

Morelos, Mex. Weather very warm.

I had a good night’s rest and feel much improved this morning. Attended a meeting of the High Priests including some Elders who were to receive setting apart from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. Settled difficulties existing between the bishop & people, general complaints where were not well founded. At this meeting a number of the brethren were ordained & set apart to offices to which they were sustained previously by the Priesthood meeting.

I ordained Sixtus Ellis Johnson a Patriarch and set him apart to labor in the Juarez Stake and among his own kindred & family. I ordained Edward Ellis Brodshaw an High Priest. At evening meeting the business of ward conference was attended to. Bro. Wells & I were the principal Speakers. I had excellent liberty and addressed the people upon temporalities with which they are concerned. Am feeling very much improved. [p. 23]

12 September 1911 • Tuesday

Morelos, Mex. Weather same Am pretty well again

We drove to San Jose a distance of about 8 miles in forenoon and in the afternoon and evening held meeting for the public and of 4 P.M. a priesthood meeting.

We decided to organize a ward & call it San Jose, the branch name. There are 25 or 26 families living here. I spoke at all the meetings. giving such advice & counsel as I felt would be needed. In the evening meeting the officers were set apart.

I ordained Geo. Albert Martineau a bishop and ordained Samuel Edward Western a high priest & set him apart 1st counselor. I ordained Alva Bedford Langford an high priest and set him apart Second counselor in the bishopric. I set apart sister Hortense Mc<Gillan> Sec. of the Sunday School.

On our way to San Jose this morning we called at Nagle’s and administered to Sister Alta Nagle who was confined some weeks previous She received blessing through the administration. We blessed her babe and named her Gertrude. Pres. Romney mouth. I sealed the anointing in the administration.

We administered to Geo Nagle’s boy Cleon. [p. 24] Pres Wells anointed & I confirmed the anointing, this at the home of brother Aldredge’s. I was mouth in administering a blessing to Nathan Von Luvan after evening meeting. After the evening meeting I detained the new bishopric and the Stake Presidency & Bp Lillywhite of Morelos and instructed the bishopric as to their duties.

At afternoon meeting close, I blessed and named Ola Merl Rust.

It is 45 miles from San Jose to Douglas U.S. I think the general authorities should come in via. Douglas & visit this people once each year. It would encourage them in building up & beautifying their homes & surroundings.

I counseled the people to care for their little ones & not let them stray into the Mosquito & get lost. Advised them to secure good titles to their lands to secure town site & build these when building permanently, to beautify homes by planting trees, flowers, vines &c.

13 September 1911 • Wednesday

San Jose. Mex Weather warm I am feeling well.

Our company of 24 minus Sister Naigle & her three children plus a 13 yr old daughter [p. 25] of Bro. Jameson’s left San Jose at 8.30 A.M. and drove about 35 miles to within Slaughters (San Bernadino) ranch on the U.S. side of the line & camped. Three families of Saints live here & I took supper with a brother Mortensen.

14 September 1911 • Thursday

Am well. Our company minus Pres. Junius Romney who went from here this A.M. to Douglass about 20 miles to take train for El Paso on important business left on our journey for Diaz. We traveled all day and camped in the mountains near the head of the Guadalupe Canyon on what is reputed to be the old Mormon Batallion trail. Administered to Bro Call.

15 September 1911 • Friday

Am well We prosecuted our journey and most of the day on U.S. soil camped on Mexican soil 55 miles from Diaz.

16 September 1911 • Saturday

We traveled all day and arrived at Diaz before dark. Some of the teams were later and the freight wagon & Bro Tenny would probably not get in for the night. Pres Wells and I put up at P. K. Lemmon Jr Had a bath, read the papers &c before re[p. 26]tiring. Washed my garments.

This is Mexico’s Indipendence day and considerable anxiety was felt the country over lest a clash between the Maderistas & the Magonisties would be had and depredations be committed among our people.

17 September 1911 • Sunday

Diaz, Mexico. Am Well Warm Weather.

I slept on a cot on the upstairs porch and had a good night’s rest. This morning before breakfast, I shaved and otherwise prepared for Sunday. Had my clothes pressed by a sister Whiting who would not accept pay therefore. I wrote up my journal covering our journey from San Jose, 12th. Wrote letter home.

At Sunday School, I attended officers meeting. At School the sacrament was administered, the classes recited & the following were the Speakers.

Bros. Jameson, Pain, Call Naigle, myself & Pres. Wells. I told story of dandelines & spoke of the Atonement and how it effects forgiveness of Sin When we have made all the reparation we can Christs blood does the rest, for we are bought with a price and must forgive. [p. 27]

After Sunday School I had a talk with Sister Tenney, Ammon Tenney’s first wife who is living apart from her husband.

At afternoon meeting the speakers were Bp. Bently, Bro Call, Bro. Tenney, Pres. Wells & myself. I occupied the 15 min from 3.45 to 4.00 P.M. on repentance. He that knows to do good & doeth it not to live it is sin. i.e. to do right. &c.

Attended a High Priests meeting and spoke of the manner of men we as high priests should be having graded up through the Priesthood & learned the lessons of each office and having worked them out. In this meeting assisted by Pres Harris, Bp Beutley, & others. I ordained Ernest Van Romney a Bishop & set him apart to preside over the Diaz ward as its bishop. I also ordained Alma Frederickson an High Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bp Romney also ordained John Junior Patterson an high Priest & set him apart second counselor. I met the Bishopric & Pres. Harris & Pres. Wells at the Clerk’s home brother Lumneris and issued to them certificates of ordination and instructed them in their duties. [p. 28]

Called on former Bishop Johnson. Attended the evening meeting. The speakers were, Bros. Paine, Jameson, Harris, myself & Pres. Wells.

I occupied 25 min. Subj. The proper education for and bringing up of children.

18 September 1911 • Monday

<List of names of our party members to Sonora.>1

Colonia Diaz, Mexico. Weather still threatening.

My health is good.

I arose at 6 A.M. wrote up my journal &c before breakfast.

Following are the names of those who made up our party to Sonora.

From Juarez Pres. Junius Romney and wife Gertrude; Bp. Jas. C. Beutley and wife Maud and baby Rinda

From Dublan. Pres. Hyrum S. Harris, Ammon M. Denney & wife Eliza; Alexander Jameson, Edward W. Payne, Geo. C. Naegle & wife Jennie & three children; Anson B. Call & wife Theresa. From Diaz Bp. Ernast V. Romney, Alma Frederickson 1st counselor, Isaac Pierce, James Mayhew, Peter K. Lemmon Jr. Returning we had Anna Jameson from Morelos. Sister Naegle & three children remained at Morelos.

This morning before meeting [p. 29] Pres. Wells & I called & paid our respects to Sister Whiting who pressed our clothes. We went to the home of Jos. H. Parry Jr and administered to his wife Jennie who is in bed threatened with Typhoid fever. I set apart Francis Marion Whiting first counselor in the Elder’s Quorum Attended a 9 o’clock public meeting the attendance was good. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. R. S. Wells, myself and Pres Hyrum Harris. I occupied 55 minutes with good liberty, subject, Obedience.

After meeting the bishopric, president Harris & I went to the home of Lorenzo Rowley’s home and administered to his wife who is afflicted with dropsy. Pres Wells & I took breakfast where we slept at brother Peter K. Lemmon’s, dinner at former bishop Derby Johnson and supper with Bp. Ernest Von Romney. In the afternoon by invitation of the bishop fourteen conveyance loads of people & some on horse back accompanied us through the Diaz fields. We were gone about three hours. Called at Bro. J. H. Parry’s farm where he treated us all to cantaloope.

An entertainment and dance was arranged for the evening. At 8 P.M. it commenced to rain hard just at dark which militated against [p. 30] the party attendance. I attended but came home about 10.30 P.M. The behavior of the young people was circumspect.

19 September 1911 • Tuesday

Colonia Diaz.

We left Diaz for Dublan 55 miles at 6 A.M. three of the Seven conveyances having preceded us the day before, one remained in Diaz and three conveyances of us left together this morning. The storm of yesterday and to-day made the roads muddy & heavy and our teams were small & some what jaded. We were met at 6 o’clock P.M. 20 miles from Dublan by F. W. Jones and a brother Spencer who brought with them three fresh strong teams. These took us through the mud & darkness in fine shape arriving in Dublan at 9.30 P.M. This was sure a ram in the thicket I staid at Bp Thurbers and Pres Wells at Bro. A. B. Call’s.

20 September 1911 • Wednesday

Colonia Dublan.

Rained hard in the morning.

The people gathered at the reservoir lake six miles distant in the afternoon 265 strong we had a fine dinner on the grass, marched [p. 31] in column two abreast along the edge of the lake, held a meeting and Pres Wells & I addrssed the gathered multitude. I spoke first and spoke with freedom 20 minutes on Subject of this water project. This one lake reservoir is about one mile wide by one & one half miles long and in deepest place about fifteen feet deep. This is but one of several in the system. About $180,000.00 Mexican money, which his worth 50c on the 1.00 of U.S. money, has been expended and it will require about $20,000. more to get the water out of the lakes onto the farms. I advised the people to turn in all the water the canal would hold [now?] the water is up in the river & fill the reservoirs & keep them full if possible, to hasten the work to completion that they may receive some interest on what has already been invested and that people may not become discouraged and move away. &c. Spoke of Kanabs dam of $25,000 how soon accomplished by united effort. Returning from reservoir called & see the new Reliefsociety building in course of construction.

While here received a bundle of news papers from home also letter from my wife & from my son George of 10th [p. 32] I wrote home to Mama and attended a Social party in the meeting house in the evening. By request I made a few remarks and concluded with reciting “Aubo Ben Adhem.” I remained until close of party nearly 12 o’clock and danced three times.

21 September 1911 • Thursday

Dublan, Mexico. Pleasant weather. My health is good.

I went with the brethren to Guadaloopa branch, seven miles south of Dublan and attended a public meeting. a number of Dublan people being present. I occupied about 35 minutes on the subject of Acknowledgement of God’s providences & read first and part of 2nd chapters of Job. Bp Thurber & Pres Wells each spoke. After meeting we went to brother George Jarvis’s and administered to his little boy 2 yrs old who is sick with swollen neck &c. brother Ernest Romney anointed and I sealed the anointing.

We took dinner with brother Allred after which we returned to Dublan. I wrote up my journal, read papers &c Attended evening meeting. Pres Wells & I were the speakers. I occupied about 35 min. on subject of Atheism & Necessity for faith in God. If we have investigated tradition, revelation, nature & reason on the Subject we will have faith in God. If we have faith in God, we will [p. 33] love him. If we love God we will keep his words, Jno. 14: If we keep his commandments or his words we will have Eternal life, God’s choicest gift.

After meeting we administerd unto a young man [blank] McMurrin Hilton.

22 September 1911 • Friday

Colonia Dublan Mexico, Weather fine Am well

Pres. Wells & I with a brother Duplan teamster and Alex Jameson with us left for Juarez 16 miles about 10.30 A.M. and arrived in Dublan about 1 P.M. and went to Pres. Junius Romney’s which we made our staying place and were made welcome.

Before leaving Dublan I called on the Farnsworth brothers at their store, called and inspected Ernest [blank] Romney’s sash & door mill and called & saw Jesse N. Smith Jr. who has been ill and is still confined to his home most of the time. I also called at Ammon Tenney’s on our way out of town.

At Colonia Juarez I found awaiting me a letter from my son LeGrand and a bundle of papers which I eagarly scanned over. I shaved, bathed &c and attended a meeting of the Stake presidency until 1030 P.M. the bishopric of Juarez being present also arranging business &c for conference [p. 34]

23 September 1911 • Saturday

Colonia Juarez, Mex. Weather pleasant, My health is good.

I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency and bishops from 9 AM to 12 o’clock. I addressed the meeting for about 30 minutes on Duties of Bishops to hold weekly meetings, visit the homes of the people once each year at least, care for the lesser priesthood. Let the boy of 8 yrs know he is on probation to prove his own worthiness to be ordained a deacon, the teacher on probation to prove his worthiness to be ordained a priest &c. Let the people know they are on probation to show their worthiness to receive temple blessings &c. I also spoke on the subject of calling Seventies. & in calling of missionaries &c.

Attended opening meeting of conference at 2 P.M. large attendance <290>. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Junius Romney, Bp. John E Steiner of Pacheco, Bp. Ernest Von Romney of Diaz, Elder Rowley of Diaz, Ret. missionary, Geo. Brown of Chuichupa, Ret missionary; Angus Scousen called to take a mission to California, Jesse Porter of Dublan, missionary; myself.

I occupied about 35 minutes. Made a report of our labors in the stake and [p. 35] read Matt 7:15–20 By their fruits ye shall know them. True scriptural doctrine an evidence of the truth of Mormonism so called.

At close of meeting I ordain set apart David Albert Brown first Counselor to Bishop Geo Thos. Sevey of the Chuichupa ward.

After meeting I wrote up my journal to date i.e. for today to this hour. Made list of ordinations performed & brethren set apart to hand to Geo Gibbs for record.

At evening priesthood meeting I took part in the speaking and assisted in ordaining a number of elders. I ordained the following: David Franklin Haymore, Geo Lynn Hatch, Oscar Fernando Jesperson, Edward Clayson. Pres. Wells orgainzed a new quorum of Seventy and filled up vacancies in the presidency of the 99th quo. The new is no. 163. Ordained seventies &c.

24 September 1911 • Sunday

Colonia Juarez, Mex. Beautiful weather.

My health good.

I attended Sunday School from 9 to 10.15 A.M. and addressed the school on the Fifth commandment.

Attended public conference meeting from 10.30 to 12.30. The speakers were [p. 36] Pres. H. L. Harris, Pres. Ray Pratt, Horace Lillywhite, Wm Smith and Pres. R. S. Wells. An excellent meeting. The attendance was 402.

At the close of the meeting I assisted in ordaining Seventies & Elders. I set apart brother Morley Black second counselor in the presidency of the Fourth quorum of Elders and ordained the following to the office of Seventy, Wm Z. Palmer of Pacheco, Gilbert R. Duthie of Juarez, Geo G. Haws of Juarez. Brother Wells & I took dinner at Bp. Bentley’s and supper with his counselor Bro Clayson.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were, Pres McClellan, two returned missionaries, Ammon Tenney, myself & Pres. Wells. I spoke of the obligation resting upon us to preach the gospel to the Lamanites &c.

At evening conjoint meeting the attendance was large, a good attendance and good programme provided and Pres Wells & I each spoke. I occupied about 35 min. on character development. Had good liberty, spoke deliberately & my remarks seemed to be interesting as the best of attention was paid. [p. 37]

25 September 1911 • Monday

Colonia Juarez, Mex.

All well. Fair weather

Attended devotional exercises of the Church Academy and Pres. Wells & I addressed the Student body. We attended the missionary class in the afternoon 40 being present and we addressed them. 200 enrolled in the School. I told story of David & Goliah at missionary class. I quoted Ray Palmer. “The boy that by addition grows’ &c.” also. The heights by great men reached & kept.”

Took dinner with Guy Wilson and supper with brother [blank] Scowsen.

Pres Wells, Pres Romney & wife & I accompanied brother David Scowsen & wife in large conveyance down through the fields to head of canal and returning we administered to a sister Ann Hardy & Sarah Whipple. Bp Bently & his two wives joined us & we went down to brother Scowsens & took supper. We spent the evening there.

26 September 1911 • Tuesday

Colonia Juarez Mex.

Weather clowdy. My health is good.

I arose early, shaved & cleaned up & wrote up my journal for yesterday.

Before breakfast I set apart the following High Counselors. Willard Call, Samuel E McClellan & John W. [p. 38] Wilson. I also set apart Alonzo L. Taylor stake Ecclesiastical clerk and clerk of the High Council.

We left Colonia Juarez after administering to two Sisters a middle aged lady named Whipple and a young lady named Taylor and rode to Pearson 8 miles with a brother Scowson arriving there at 11.30 Our train left Pearson at 12.15 o’clock. We arrived in Cuidad Juarez at 5.30 P.M. Passed through the custom house & went direct to the Union Ry. Depot where we secured standard birth to Los Angeles, got supper in the Ry restaurant and left El Paso at 9.45 P.M. NM. time After two nights and a day’s ride on So. Pacific Ry train reached Los Angeles Thur. 6.30 A.M. the 28th.

28–29 September 1911 • Thursday–Friday

Los Angeles.


Pres Wells & I were met of station at 6.30 A.M. by his son who is working in Los Angeles. We took street car and went to Salt Lake Route station & checked our suitcases. Went up town & got breakfast and secured births to Salt Lake. We went out to the ocean and [p. 39] walked up the beach from Venice, through Ocean Park and Santa Monica resort about three miles. We took car back to Los Angeles by the Hollywood route making about 35 miles travel round trip. We attended the Orpheum and got Supper & went to train where we met German E. Ellsworth & wife of Northern States mission, who rode to Utah on same car with us.

We left Los Angeles at 8 P.M. and traveling two nights & a day we arrived in Salt Lake Sat. 6.30 A.M. 30th.

30 September 1911 • Saturday

Home. All well Stormy.

Pres Rulon S. Wells and I left home he Aug. 20th & I Aug 21st for Mexico. We met in Los Angeles & continued on together from there arriving in Juarez on the night of Aug 25th. On the 26th of Sept we left Colonia Juarez for home arriving hom this day 6.30 A.M. We had a pleasant & successful trip, much appreciated by the people of the Mexican Colonies.

On my arrival home I found my folks all well. I called and saw Geo & Edith & baby & Ina & [p. 40] babies before breakfas. LeGrand had gone to work. I spent the forenoon working on my mail & At invitation of Bro Grant, Alice & I went to the Matinee in Salt Lake Theatre, Elder A. W. Ivins & wife & two daughters were there in Elder Grants box with us. We did some shopping down town

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September 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin of page 29.