The Church Historian's Press

December 1901

1 December 1901 • Sunday

Fast Day Fasted Attended School & meetings &c.

2 December 1901 • Monday

I hauled lumber from Station Made two trips with two teams.

3 December 1901 • Tuesday

Continued lumber hauling & finished filling bill for McBride & Orme Mill house

4 December 1901 • Wednesday

Sold Lumber. Repaired Attachment, made Monthly report on lumber business Issued bills to parties owing &c. Wrote letters to Son Geo., to Sister Asenath, to Prest C. L. Anderson & others Mailed ck of $786.08 to Utah Lum. Co. [p. 90]

5 December 1901 • Thursday

<Finished the Season’s plowing Dec. 6,>1

I sold lumber, went down to Batesville and on bench looking for Gipsy Did not find her. Estimated value of material in my stable @ $90.00 not including the manger, stalls & ventilator. Estimate made for Jos. Tate. Heavy wind towards evening and at night. Legrand & Joel plowed on the Larson farm. Folks usually well.

6 December 1901 • Friday

Went horseback prospecting for wood in West mountain &c. Snowed about 8 inches at night.

7 December 1901 • Saturday

I attended Stake Priesthood meeting, did some writing &c. The boys brought their plows home from field for the Season.

8 December 1901 • Sunday

Attended School & Meeting and evening meeting at Tooele Spoke about 30 minutes in the afternoon & offered closing prayr at High Priests meeting in evening.

9 December 1901 • Monday

I went into the Canyon hunting for Gipsy mare but did not find her. Cleaned off lumber & did some work in yards fixing for animals to feed from straw stack.

Sold lumber & made up accounts in evening

10 December 1901 • Tuesday

Stormy day.

I attended funeral of Joseph Tates baby and preached the funeral discourse of about 30 min. Did some trading at store Bought ax & handle & put handle in ax, bought Felt boots $3.25 &c Made ready for canyon next day.

<Attended mutual in the evening>2

11 December 1901 • Wednesday

about 8 in. more snow fell last night & I concluded to not go to Canyon to-day. I went over to field & got my cattle & fixed yards for feeding them, Sold lumber. &c.

12 December 1901 • Thursday

Legrand & I went to Canyon with team & bob sleds after wood. Bro. Ridges & I played checkers after Supper. Weather cold.

13 December 1901 • Friday

Legrand & I hauled manure all day onto lot. with Sleigh. Did my writing in evening. Weather cold.

14 December 1901 • Saturday

Hauled manure on to the lot.

15 December 1901 • Sunday

I took my team & buggy & went to Batesville where I attended School & meeting & spoke [p. 91] both in school & meeting. Attended evening meeting in Tooele.

16 December 1901 • Monday

I made up my tithing accounts. Fixed feed mangers in yards &c. In evening I attended Tooele Irrigation Co. Annual meeting & acted as teller.

17 December 1901 • Tuesday

Hauled 80 odd bu. wheat to mill & got cash with which to Settle tithing.

<attended mutual meeting.>3

18 December 1901 • Wednesday

God [Got] my Gray team shoed; wrote letters & hauled lumber from Station, Shipped box of fruit & Xmas goods to Wm Dunn of Bennington.

19 December 1901 • Thursday

I hauled lumber from Station. Studied life of the Prophet in evening.

20 December 1901 • Friday

Hauled lumber from station. Settled tithing by paying $55.00 making $100.202 tithing this year. Attended School programme.

Read paper & did writing in evening.

21 December 1901 • Saturday

Saturday. Met Geo. at Depot. & brought Range from station & had Albert Lindholm put it in house. I assisted him, checked up car of lumber, sold lumber &c.

22 December 1901 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting, circle & evening meeting. Occupied a part of the time in afternoon meeting on life of the Prophet Joseph Jos. Orme & I went down to Geo. England’s & administered to his wife.

23 December 1901 • Monday

Legrand & I with four horses went after wood & got a good load Cedar stumps Wrote a number of Xmas letters in the evening.

24 December 1901 • Tuesday

We went to west mountain & got a large good load of Cedar stumps. Bathed & prepared for Xmas. tree &c.

25 December 1901 • Wednesday

Spent the day at home with the family. Attended theatre in the evening. Children enjoyed their Christmas.

26 December 1901 • Thursday

<cancelled WC. Warrants, Made Annual statement W. Co.>4

27 December 1901 • Friday

Legrand & I went after Cedar wood & got a good Train load.5

28 December 1901 • Saturday

do do do do do.6 [p. 92]

29 December 1901 • Sunday

I took my team & Prest. Gowans & I went over to Rush Valley I left him at St. Johns & I went on to Clover. Attended School & meeting & Spoke at both. Took dinner with Bro. Johnsons Called at Sister Burridges for Prest. Gowans & took supper with Sister Burridge. Arrived home considerably after dark.

30 December 1901 • Monday

Legrand & I went to the Canyon & got load of stumps.

31 December 1901 • Tuesday

" " " " " "7

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December 1901, The Journal of George F. Richards, accessed July 27, 2024