February 1914

1 February 1914 • Sunday


Attended 9:30 S.S. officers meeting and conference meeting at 11:00 A.M. The attendance was 448. I occupied 40 min. Subject. Relationship of S. Schools to the home & duty of Parents to S. School & to children, Effect of example of parents on children [p. 7] as effect future generations.

2:00 P.M. at Opera House, attendance 780 about 50 stood through the exercises and it is reported about 300 went away because they could not be seated. I think this bad management as seats from the meeting house might have been brought in.

I occupied about 25 min. Subject. Obedience to law & ordinances necessary. Charity necessary but not all sufficient as is faith & other good principles

Took dinner with Bro Davis & Supper with brother Taylor counselors to Bp. Robbins. Administered to Sister Sessions, ordained James O. Petersen H Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bp. Smith in the Pella ward.

Took train at 8:07 P.M. for home.

2 February 1914 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake about 8:00 A.M. Mother at Tooele. I took dinner with Joel & Georgina.

Wrote up my journal, issued checks in payment of bills. Went down town on business and later met the Tooele train & Mama, Estella & Ray.

Geo. & Edith called & spent an hour in the evening.

3 February 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I spent the forenoon home reading, & finished reading “A Modern Chronicle” by Churchill a very interesting book of 524 pages. [p. 8]

I assisted in setting apart a company of missionaries and set apart the following,

Harold Peter Oldroyd of Glenwood to Central States

Miss Catherine Sisa Marchant of Peoa to W. States.

I read from “Chester Lawrence.”

Recorded temple work &c.

4 February 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Weather stormy & cold.

I spent the forenoon at home reading &c finished reading “Lawrence or “Chester Lawrence” by Nephi Anderson a sequel to Piny Ridge Cottage.

Attended Religion Class Board meeting and YMM Board at 5: P.M. My Circle at 6:30 P.M. and a reception tendered to Pres. C. W. Penrose later in the evening at the Bishop’s building this being the 82nd anniversary of his birth. Alice was with me to the latter.

5 February 1914 • Thursday


All well

Cold & stormy

Attended Weekly Council meeting from 10:30 AM to 3:00 P.M.

Attended to some business down town and returned home to read & study.

6 February 1914 • Friday


All well.

Clear & cold.

I met Elder D. O. McKay and John Bennet in committee at Zions S. Bk. Subject. Sacrament sets & proposed purchase by the Church of 100 sets @ $50.00 to aid the enterprise.

Spent the remainder of the day and evening [p. 9] at home studying & reading.

7 February 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

Weather cold.

I spent the entire day and evening home reading & studying. I finished reading “Joseph Smith as a Cientist ” by Dr Widtsoe. I have no assignment of labor for this Sat. & Sunday.

8 February 1914 • Sunday


Beautiful day.

All well at home.

I attended ward priesthood meeting of 27th ward from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. and with my son George walked down to the 18th ward amusement hall where I attended the Ensign High Priests’ meeting and was the principal speaker occupying about 25 minutes. Subject. Example. Quoted. Let your light so shine A mother to her Son. The master & the servant. Count the cost. Be in harmony with the Presidency & the Twelve & widen the circle. Assisted in ordaining several High Priests and was mouth in ordaining Golden H. Gainer a High Priest and I confirmed the Anointing of Bp. Woolley and assisted in administering to another brother. Returning from meeting my son George & I called in the home of Cousin Levi W. Richards and we sang a song with others of the brethren and then administered to him. I anointed and Bp George Romney sealed the anointing.

We had George & Edith & Joel & wife to dinner. I went to the large [p. 10] tabernacle and attended the meeting Sterling Talmage & Pres. F. M. Lyman were the speakers. I offered the benediction. Pres Lund presided.

I walked home and called at my sister Asenath’s on my way home.

Attended evening meeting in the 27th ward where Pres. F. M. Lyman & Bro C. R. McBride of Tooele were the speakers.

At ward priesthood meeting I offered the opening prayer.

Bro. C. R. McBride & wife called on us and spent an hour after evening meeting.

9 February 1914 • Monday


All well.

Pleasant day.

Ruby returned from Logan to-day. I spent the day home reading &c Commenced to read “The Southerner” by Dixon. Attended Ensign Stake Priesthood meeting in the evening held in the 21st ward house and occupied 50 minutes Subject, Ward teaching work.

10 February 1914 • Tuesday


All well

Pleasant day.

My son Joel & I on invitation of Bro. Averly went down to his daughter’s home 24 M St. and administered to her & her 2 wk. old babe. Called on my sister Asenath on my return.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex at 2:00 P.M. and I addressed the meeting and assisted in Setting apart six. Jos F. Jr. comp [p. 11]

I set apart the following.

1 Joseph Oliver Stone of Provo, to Gt Britain

2. Christian Miller Sorensen of Kooshamus to Scandinavia

3. Morgan J Davis of S.L.C. to Swiss & German Miss.

I went with my son George down to the Judge building and helped him to decide on a room to rent with a view to changing his office quarters from the Templeton. Geo & Edith took supper with us & spent the evening.

11 February 1914 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather.

All usually well.

I remained home in the forenoon & read from “Southerner” and in afternoon Alice and I went to the temple and had endowments for the dead. I attended my Circle later.

12 February 1914 • Thursday


Pleasant weather.

All usually well.

I was in council in the temple from 10:30 to 3:30 o’clock.

This is the 105th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, and I this day finished reading “The Southerner,” by Thos. Dixon. A romance of the Real Lincoln.

My son George & wife & babe Josephine spent the evening with us. We had sherbet & cake after 10:00 P.M.

13 February 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Weather pleasant.

Alice & I went to Farmington on 11:00 A.M. train and attended the Old folks social. From there I went with Bp. J. H. Robinson and Bp. Iverson to the former’s home where we administered to his daughter [p. 12] Alta who has apendecitis. Alice & I went to her sister Anna Steeds and visited for an hour or two & thence to her sister Maria’s and took train about 7:00 P.M. for home. I made ready & took train at 11:00 P.M. for Pocatello accompanied by the Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith and J. Leo. Fairbanks.

14 February 1914 • Saturday


Arrived about 6:00 A.M. Left car at 9:00 A.M. Attended conference meetings at 10:00 A.M., 2:00 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. and took part in the exercises. Attended to some ordinations. Spent the night at a brother Harrison’s, Jeweler.

15 February 1914 • Sunday


Attended meetings at 9:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., 2:00 P.M., and 7:00 PM. and council meeting with the presidency between. Attended to other ordinations.

Left Pocatello taking sleeper after 11:00 P.M. Arrived in Salt Lake 8:15 A.M.

Attended to my writing read papers &c. Commenced to read 54-40 or Fight by Emerson Hough of 402 pages.

17 February 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Weather milder.

I finished reading “54-40 or Fight.”

My brother in law L J Robinson is with us. He Alice & I took supper with Geo. & Edith & spent the evening with them.

18 February 1914 • Wednesday

Attended a committee meeting [p. 13] of M.I.A. Reading Course Committee at 10:00 A.M. Called at Des. News Book Store and borrowed a book to read with a view to recommending it to the M.I.A. as one of a reading Course. “The Inside of the Cup” by Winston Churchill.

Attended Y.M.M. Bd. meeting and my circle meeting. At the latter my son Geo. was released from membership at his request.

19 February 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Mild weather & rain.

Attended weekly council meeting.

Attended to some business down town, Attended a contest of dancing &c in Des. Gym. between Ensign & Liberty stake Mutuals in the evening.

20 February 1914 • Friday


Took train with Elder Geo. Albert Smith 2:05 P.M. for Boise, Ida. to attend Boise Stake quarterly conference the first after the stake organization Sisters Thomasson & Foster were on the same train to attend to Primary work in connection with the Conference. Arrived in Boise about 4:00 A.M. and quit the car at 7:30 and went to the hotel Owyhee where we made our head quarters.

21 February 1914 • Saturday

Boise, Ida.

Pres. Heber Q. Hale took us out in an auto for a ride to see the town and we went through the state penetentiary Call on State officials, Governor Haynes, [p. 14] & others.

Attended council meeting of the Stake Presidency from 2:00 P.M. to about 9 P.M. with an intermission of an hour for supper.

22 February 1914 • Sunday


Am well.

I had a strenuous day. Attended three public conference meetings and council meetings between attending to ordinations, blessing the sick &c No time for dinner and barely time for supper. I spoke at afternoon & evening meetings the latter being held in the picture theatre building more than 400 present. I occupied 40 min in each meeting. See record of ordinations. After a strenuous day’s work we took train about 10:30 P.M. and went to bed. Train left Boise 2:40 A.M. Arrived home at 4:35 P.M. i.e. in Salt Lake. On the train going & returning I read from “Inside the Cup” by Churchill. On the way out I had an interesting conversation with a traveling man aged about 61 yrs named R B. Struthers I promised to mail to him at Eugene Oregon a copy of the Book of Mormon, on my return home. Which I did.

All usually well at home.

My daughter Nerva, her husband & children came in from Tooele in the afternoon.

At Boise Feb. 21st 1914 I set apart Wilford M. McKendrick Stake Clerk & Recorder

22nd I ordained Geo. W. Lewis of Boise [p. 15] an High Priest and a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Boise ward.

I ordained Alfred Hogensen an High Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bp. Lewis in Boise ward.

I ordained Geo W. Handy an High Priest and set him apart Second Counselor to Bp. Lewis in Boise ward.

I ordained William E. Stoddard of Weiser ward an High Priest & Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Weiser ward.

I ordained Edward Davis a Patriarch and set him apart to labor in the Boise Stake.

I ordained Wm Asa Wilcox an High Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bishop Alexander Bills of Nampa ward.

I ordained Benjamin F Gwilliam an High Priest & set him apart second counselor to Bp Alexander Bills of Nampa ward.

23 February 1914 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake from Boise Idaho at 4:35 P.M. My daughter Nerva & her husband and three children came in from Tooele, my sons George & Joel with theirs came in for a couple of hours in the evening. Sherbet, music & flinch were special attractions.

This being my birth day anniversary my son George gave to me his labratory desk which he will have no need for after he moves his office Mar. 1st He will have it re-finished. [p. 16]

24 February 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Mild weather.

I spent the day home writing, reading &c until 5:30 P.M. I then went to Sugar House ward and attended a council meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 and a meeting of the people of the ward from 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. Pres. F. Y. Taylor, myself & Pres Lyman were the Speakers. I made a plea for support of the people for the new officers in case of division. Spoke of our sacrifices. We should commit our selves to the Bishop to do what he requests & then make good.

The ward was divided and that portion cut off is to be named the Richards ward bounded on the East by Tenth St. on the North by 11th So. Street, on the west by 7th west St., thence East on 12th So to 9th East thence South 1½ blocks to Ry tracks, thence East to the 10th E. Street

The bishopric of Sugar House ward is as follows,

Wm L. Hansen, Bishop

Stayner Richards 1st Counselor X

A. Wm. Lund 2nd Counselor

For Richards Ward.

Julius Ohalo Rockwood— Bishop X

Wm H Ingham 1st Counselor

Glen D Grant 2nd "1 X

I ordained those opposite whose names I have placed the X. Pres. Lyman ordained & set apart the others.

Claud Richards brought Pres F. M. Lyman & me home in his Automobile

I wrote to my son LeGrand in Holland. [p. 17]

25 February 1914 • Wednesday


Snowed nearly all day.

All well as usual.

I attended a meeting of the M.I.A. Reading course committee at 10:00 A.M. Went with R. R. Lyman to City & County building & met with the mayor & commissioners on question of paving 3rd Ave. It was agreed that they would pave from E to N streets this year and continue on to a finish next year.

Took dinner at my son Joels, Alice, Nerva & Edith being present also.

In the evening I attended a council meeting in Farmer’s ward and later public meeting at which there were in attendance nearly 400 people. The Farmer’s ward was divided and the new ward named Burton in honor of Bp. Wm Burton.

Joseph S. Tingey was ordained a bishop & set apart to preside over the Farmer’s ward, by Pres Francis M. Lyman.

Charles B. Felt a High Priest, was set apart First counselor, by myself.

Henry F. Burton who has presided over the Farmers ward for a number of years was selected & sustained to be the bishop of Burton ward and as he had some doubts as to whether he was ever ordained a bishop when set apart to preside over the ward by Pres Angus M Cannon of Salt Lake Stake Pres Lyman instructed me to ordain him a bishop which I did & set him apart to preside over the Burton ward.

Wilford A. Kimball was set apart First Counselor to Bp. Burton by Pres Lyman.

Jno Rex Winder, on a mission in Germany was sus[p. 18]tained to be Bp. Burton’s Second counselor. Bro Winder is expected home soon.

I made a few remarks.

26 February 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Attended weekly council meeting of the Presidency, Twelve & Patriarch from 10:30 to 2:30 o’clock. Attended to business down town and got home at 4:00 P.M. Received appointment to Panguitch in Elder Grant’s stead to leave tomorrow morning. Also received appointment to Moapa for next week.

Allice, Geo. L., Nerva & I attended Utah theatre in the evening. A good lesson.

27 February 1914 • Friday


Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith and I took 8:05 A.M. train for Marysvale arriving at 6:00 P.M. Read “Inside the Cup” during the day.

We took auto and left for Circleville at about 7:00 P.M. and arrived about 9:30 P.M. Put up at hotel.

28 February 1914 • Saturday

Left Circleville at 6:00 A.M. in Auto and arrived at Panguitch at 10:00 A.M. Attended Conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. I occupied 40 min on what the gospel demands. Told the story of “A Mother to her Son,” & Master & servant showing our responsibility to so live that our good works will lead men to Glorify our Father in heaven & When we get these houses built they will be given to us.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I occupied 25 minutes on necessity for faith. How [p. 19] faith is promoted, repentance, baptism virtue temperance, patience, Godliness, brotherly kindness &c.

At 6:30 attended a stake priesthood meeting and addressed the meeting on care of the Lesser Priesthood, promotions, word of wisdom &c. After this meeting, attended a S.S. officers’ social.

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February 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1914/1914-02


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “Counselor”.