December 1896

1 December 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather moderated.

We commenced laying brick again & got in a full day. Jos. Tate helped tend mason Geo. Gee was here in afternoon. I unloaded lime, Cement, plaster, adobies &c. Went to mill, greased wagons &c. [p. 119] Letter from Mother with ck. of $153.35 on loan I answered same in evening & sent my note for same payable on demand.

2 December 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather moderated.

My boy Geo. & I hauled 3000 brick from Switch & unloaded half of them on upper floor. One mason & one tender Gee & Lonberg. Two carpenters.

3 December 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather moderated still & fine. I unloaded two loads brick. Hauled sand & adobies from Martins Wm Elkington laid brick in afternoon Gee tended with morter & I with brick adobies &c. Paid for Press Brick 3,000. & freight $36.80. Read Apostle Snow’s letter.

4 December 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather moderated.

I tended masons with brick, adobies &c. Work on House progressing.

Read Moses Thatcher’s letter & correspondence with Elder Snow.

5 December 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather mild.

Work on house continued two masons & two carpenters. I tended ma[p. 120]sons Geo Gee run off lime. The boys assisted me. Jos. Tate got word that his Sister Mary Hansen had died @ 5:30 this A.M,

6 December 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather stormy in morning This being the first fast under the new order of Church 1st Sunday in the month I & most of the family fasted until 5 oclock P.M.

I attended School & offered a few remarks in the testamonial meeting of Theological class & offered the benediction in School. Attended afternoon meeting & blessed Jas. Gallahar’s baby girl Isabel Laux Attended Prayr Circle &c.

7 December 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather moderated.

We worked all day on house I tended the masons &c. Hyrum & Estella came home from Farmington where they had spent ten days of their honeymoon. In the evening by request I met Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans at the formers house where Bro. Lyman read to us a letter from Bro. C. L. Anderson & his ans[wer] Then I went up to Lees where my wife was attending a gathering [p. 121] in honor of Estella’s & Hyrum’s marriage

8 December 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather quite pleasant. I attended the masons all day & in the evening I attended a Irrigation Commission meeting. Did some writing after meeting.

9 December 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Tended masons with mud & brick. Finished the brick work including chimley [chimney] & paid off masons & tender Geo & Legrand took Lionberg home in buggy. All well.

10 December 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had horse shoed (Clay) Talked with Rowberry about painting & Lindholm about plumbing & tinning. Attended Y.L.M.I. Con. in evening. Made deeds to Lionberg, Shaffer & Horman lots on labor acct. All well.

11 December 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended Primary Conference & spoke 3 minutes closing remarks. I hauled [p. 122] load of straw &c. Measured up for plumbing with Albert Lindholm Plumber.

12 December 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I hauled fodder, gravel for concrete Prepared wagons one for wood hauling & one for City. &c. I with Prest. Gowans Administered to Louisa Gee. Attended theatre in evening. Signed & had acknowledged three deeds of lots to workmen on house. Health of all is good & love abounds.

13 December 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather threatening

I accompanied Prest H. S. Gowans to St. John Ward. Put up at Bp. Caldwells & attended School & meeting & spoke at each. Arrived home at 6.30 & retired early.

14 December 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

Albert Lindholm Plumber accompanied me to Salt Lake where we bought plumbing material for $111.45 I agreed to pay him $80.00 for plumbing & tinning. Staid at Stephins.

15 December 1896 • Tuesday

S.L. City Stephens Weather still clowdy. [p. 123] I loaded plumbing matereal & 3000 Shingles & came left for home at 12 M & got home at 12 mid night

<Letter from Mother.>

16 December 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I unloaded wagon, brought Lindholm’s tools & chest up & helped put on roof boards.

17 December 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I went to Salt Lake for shingles & lum. Loaded up & attended to other business slept at Boarding house.

18 December 1896 • Friday

S.L. City Weather fair.

I left S.L.C. at 5 A.M. & arrived home at 6 P.M. Georgie met me at Batesville with another team. Folks well.

19 December 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather continues fair.

Work on house continues with two carpenters & two plumbers. I prepaired for S.L.C. to go with two teams. Unloaded wagon &c.

20 December 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fair.

I attended School, meeting & Circle. Prayed in School & spoke 15 min. in meeting, Prayed in Circle opening, Visited the sick Jonas Lind[p. 124]berg & Agnes Dick & Prest Gowans sprained leg. Bp. & Bro. Craner accompanied me to Bro. Lindbergs & Dicks & we assisted administered to them.

21 December 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold & frosty.

Geo. & I went to S.L.C. with two teams. Loaded Doors, windows, shingles &c at Utah Lum. Yard & Lime at Ridd Martin & Co’s Did some trading. Staid at boarding house opposite Lum. Co. Yard.

22 December 1896 • Tuesday

S.L. City Weather cold & frosty. We left for home at 5 A.M. two teams Georgie & I & arrived home about 7 P.M. Bought a cow at Spencers for $25.00 & brought home with us.

23 December 1896 • Wednesday

Home Weather cold & pleasant. I unloaded two loads lime, lumber &c. Moved cuppoard [cupboard] down home. Piled lumber under sheds. & helped put cornice on gables. Did some writing in the evening.

24 December 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I helped put on gable cornice &c. Mr. [p. 125] shaffer went home at noon Prepared for Xmas.

25 December 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant ground dry. We enjoyed the Xmas.

Had Newel & Hyrum & wives here to dinner. Staid home all day.


26 December 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fair. Hyrum & Estella left for Mercur to live. I took family for a ride &c.

27 December 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I took my team & Nerva & Prest. Gowans accompanied me to Lake View where we put up with Bp. Shields Attended school & meeting & spoke at both with freedom. Baby commenced with croup.

28 December 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I assisted Horman & Shaffer shingling house all day. Baby sick with croup cold & fever.

<attended Irrigation Co. Board meeting in evening.>

29 December 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine

Shingled from day light to dark. Spent the evening at home writing cleaning clock &c. Baby about same. [p. 126]

30 December 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant Some wind towards evening. Snowed about 3 inches in the night the first for more than a month.

I shingled on the house all day. Mr Shaffer & Mr Horman with me Lindholm Bros. working at tinning. Our little girl Mamie Much improved. <Attended Water meeting in evening.>

31 December 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather very pleasant. 3 in Snow in the morning. We cleaned off the Snow & Shingled House roof all day. Mamie much improved This is the last day of the year 1896. Received letter from my sister Alice Ann.

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December 1896, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 25 December entry.