April 1913

1 April 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I raked the lawn over, bathed and went down town. Called at Dr. Stauffers and had treatment for my eyes.

Attended quarterly conference of the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. a recess of nearly an hour while we took lunch in temple. Returned home and wrote up my journal, read the paper &c. Alice & I called on brother & Sister Lyman

2 April 1913 • Wednesday


Stormy All well.

I paid my life insurance premium to Continental Life on $5000.

I attended Gen Bd of Religion Classes and Y.M.M.I.A. and my Circle. Alice & I went to the Orpheum Theatre in the evening to see Edson moving, talking pictures which is one of the greatest inventions of the age.

3 April 1913 • Thursday


Changable weather All usually well

I met with other members of the Twelve at Pres. Bp. Office and considered some statistics from 9:30 to 11 A.M. and from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. met in weekly Council fasting I recommended that Jno. W. Wooley of Centreville be ordained a Patriarch & it was so decided by vote;

I went to the Liberty theatre and [p. 92] saw the moving pictures representing the Savior from the manger to the Cross. Estella & two children came. I issued checks in payment for all bills received this mo.

4 April 1913 • Friday


All well. Pleasant weather.

Conference opened with the Large Tabernacle nearly filled with people including the Galary. About same sized congregation in afternoon. The speakers in forenoon were Pres. Jos F. Smith & Pres. A. H. Lund. In the afternoon four mission presidents viz, Callis, Ballard, Robinson & Rich. Good meetings.

Accepted invitation of Elder Grant and with wife & her sister Estella Lee went to Salt Lake Theatre.

5 April 1913 • Saturday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I attended the conference meetings in Large Tabernacle at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. Not so many in the morning as at yesterday’s meetings but in afternoon about the Same.

The speakers were presidents of Missions and presidents of Stakes & good meetings they were.

At 4:30 I attended a Genealogical meeting in the Assembly Hall, Pres. C. W. Penrose presiding. I offered the opening prayr.

Attended the general priesthood meeting in the evening in Large Tabernacle [p. 93]

6 April 1913 • Sunday


Stormy (snow) All well.

I received the appointment to preside over the overflow meeting held in the Assembly Hall at 10 A.M. The speakers were Pres. Levi Edgar Young, Pres C. H. Hart Andrew Jensen & myself.

I occupied 17 min. Subject. “Obedience.” We learn a lesson of obedience from the elements & from great men, Christ Adam, Abraham. bore testimony. Attended 2 P.M. meeting in large tabernacle, an overflow meeting was held at Assembly Hall presided over by Jos F. Smith Jr. and one at Barret Hall presided over by Pres Seymour B. Young.

In the evening I attended the Conference of the Sunday School Union.

7 April 1913 • Monday


Pleasant All well.

Alice and her sister Estella went to Farmington on 10 A.M. car.

I called at Dr Stauffer’s and had my eyes treated with electricity.

Attended Special Priesthood meeting in the Assembly Hall from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.

I arranged a meeting between the Bear River Stake Presidency and the First Presidency at 3 P.M. to consider the plans for a stake tabernacle.

Received a letter from Geo Minns of England giving some genealogical information & answered it. [p. 94]

8 April 1913 • Tuesday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

I attended a meeting of the Twelve and mission presidents in the temple from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. with 40 min intermission. I intended to Attended 27th ward mutual in the evening but excused my self to See wild animals.

My sister-in-law Estella Lee and her children went home this afternoon.

Alice and I and Mamie, Edna, Oliver & Estella accepted invitation of Elder H. J. Grant and went to theatre & saw the moving pictures of Paul J. Rainey’s hunting expedition in Africa.

9 April 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant day. All well.

I wrote O. S. Robinson at Fillmore and phoned: [“]Lund School for Boys” & requested them to mail to O. S. R. literature & explain what they have to offer.

I attended Gen. Bd. Y.M.M.I.A. and my circle.

I went to the Colonial theatre and saw Romeo & Juliette and took my wife, Geo & Edith, LeGrand & Ina, Joel & Georgina & Sarah & Ruby.

10 April 1913 • Thursday


All well. Pleasant day.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 3:00 o’clock.

I went up to the hospittal and [p. 95] saw Lot Smith. Called on Cousin Levi W. Richards. Retired to bed early.

11 April 1913 • Friday


All well. Pleasant weather

I spent the forenoon at home I raked the lawn over and sowed some grass seed.

Attended to some business at Pres. Lyman’s office,

Alice and I attended Salt Lake theatre, “Peter Pan.” by Maud Adams. in afternoon matinee.

I spent several hours writing and studying.

12 April 1913 • Saturday


All usually well, Pleasant day.

I remained home all day. Did some plumbing & other choring and read & studies &c.

13 April 1913 • Sunday


All well. Pleasant day.

I attended 27th ward S. School & prayr meeting; Attended Large tabernacle meeting and occupied 35 min. Subject. We love Jos Smith for what he has done in bringing the Gospel to us. His accomplishments &c. Attended 27th ward meeting in the evening and occupied 30 minutes, Subject tithing. Walked home from Tabernacle, my son George accompanied me. [p. 96]

14 April 1913 • Monday


All well. Pleasant day.

I called on Pres. Lyman and suggested appointment be made for San Luis & St. John & Snowflake Stakes via. Blue water, Sawyer, Ramah & Zuna Village. He thanked me and will adopt my plan a trip such as I made two years ago.

I went down town, had my eyes treated by Dr. Stauffer, called at temple annex and handed in record for 80 baptisms of males for tomorrow, 40 for myself & 40 for Stayner Richards. Got paper from temple of work done and recorded same.

Corrected report of my discourse delivered at Assembly Hall Apr 6th for publication &c.

15 April 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well. Pleasant day.

I attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex from 10 A.M. to 12 no. and assisted in setting apart and instructing a company of about thirty missionaries. I set apart the following.

1. Charles Heber Lloyd of S.L. to Swis & Ger.

2. Clifford M. Jensen of Geneva Ut. to " "1

3. Paul W. C. Glave of S.L. to " "

4. Sam’l M. Williams of Emory to Gt. Britain.

At 1 p.m. Stayner Richards and I went to the temple and were baptized for forty males each, Gills.

I took our five youngest children to the picture show.

This is my mother’s birthday anniversary [p. 97]

16 April 1913 • Wednesday


Beautiful weather. All usually well.

I went through the temple in company with eighteen others for Longstroths. Attended a meeting of the General Board of Y.M.M. and my Circle meeting. Mama & I accepted invitation of my son George & went to the Colonial & saw Kelly & Co in Richmond.

17 April 1913 • Thursday


All well. Fine day.

I met Elders Grant & Smith H. M. on committee from 9:30 to 10:30 and attended weekly council meeting from 10:30 to 3:30. Attended to several items of business before returning home.

Alice & I attended a banquet and programme given in the 31st ward from 6 to 10 P.M. in honor of the General Authorities by the officers of the Liberty Stake. A nice affair. I offered prayr at the tables.

18 April 1913 • Friday


Stormy day. All well.

I spent the forenoon home & in the afternoon went through the temple & was endowed for Anthony Langstroth.

I made ready and took train at 11:50 for Milford, thence to Beaver.

I finished reading Tess of the Storm Country by Grace Miller White. [p. 98]

19 April 1913 • Saturday

On train to Milford.

Beautiful day. Am well.

Bp. O. P. Miller & I arrived at Milford at 8:25 A.M. Took breakfast at the hotel. Took Auto for Beaver, 32 miles, at 9:05 A.M. and arrived at Beaver at 11 A.M. and went directly to the Conference meeting in the tabernacle. Attendance 110. I spoke about 25 min. Subj’. Independence of Young People; avoid a rebellious spirit, all is done for your good. Story of the King & the Servant. We need some one to urge us to duty for our own sakes.

At 2 P.M. attendance 194. Bp Miller took the Stand at 1 P.M. and occupied the time.

We staid at Pres. Toltons home. After meeting we inspected the Stake administration building and other improvements and sites for hay barn &c.

I took up the Book “Ivan the Serf”. and read it through finishing it at 11:30 Sunday on train.

20 April 1913 • Sunday


Pleasant weather Am well.

Attended Conference meeting in the opera house at 10 A.M. Attendance 394. I occupied 40 minutes on Vicarious & temple work, genealogies &c. At 1:30 Con. convened. I occupied 35 min. Subject, Temple work for the living & Marriage particularly.

At close of meeting took Auto [p. 99] for Milford arriving at 6 P.M. We went to the home of A. J. T. Sorensen the Bp’s counselor & had supper. He gave Bp. Miller & me some pinenuts to bring home and a box for the First Presidency which I delivered to their office.

At Milford we attended the evening meeting and addressed the saints. I occupied 30 min sub. One Gospel & what it is. Its Origin Our relationship to God &c.

We took train at 9 P.M. for home.

21 April 1913 • Monday


All well

Arrived in Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M.

At Milford I ordained Wm A Miller a high priest and set him apart second counselor to Bp Burns of Milford ward. Apr. 21. I remained home all day reading writing &c. My sister Minerva & her daughter Marcie called and spent an hour or two the day following. Theatre at Night.

22 April 1913 • Tuesday

All well. I remained home all day and evening reading &c.

23 April 1913 • Wednesday


Cold day All well.

I remained home in forenoon and read to Alice from Conniston, while she sewed &c. [p. 100]

Went through the temple for John Langstroth who is dead in the afternoon Attended Gen Bd. Meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. and my Circle.

This being my son Georges 30th birth day anniversary Alice & I called at his home in the evening and spent an hour or more with them.

24 April 1913 • Thursday


Cold still. All well.

I finished reading the Shepherd of the hills. Recorded temple baptisms 80. Attended weekly Council meeting, from 10:30 to 3 P.M.

Spent an hour on committee work with Elders Grant & Smith H. M. Pres. R. W. Young & Mrs W. W. Writer. Studied, read &c.

25 April 1913 • Friday


Beautiful day. All well.

I went to the temple in forenoon and was the speaker at the 9 A.M. meeting. I read Luke 16:19 to end the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and told them the lesson the Savior intended it should teach. 1st that this life is the time & here the place to prepare for the future life; that when we go hence what ever our discoveries we can not return We are expected to hear Moses & the prophets. Applied this to temple work for ourselves and for the living dead. If we will not seek for genealogies and do the work, who will? Will those coming after be more interested? [p. 101]

I went through for Wm Langstroth. In the afternoon Alice & I attended the Matinee at Salt Lake Theatre by Courtesy of Elder Heber J. Grant, Feathers. I spent the remainder of the day & evening at home reading, studying &c

26 April 1913 • Saturday


All well

Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith and I took 7:10 train for Carter on U.P. Ry Arrived about 1:30. We were met by brother Guild with Auto and taken to Lyman eleven miles to Conference of Woodruff stake. Attendance at 10 A.M. meeting 150, 2 P.M. 285. At 2 P.M. meeting I occupied 35 min. Subject. Gospel origin & oneness. One only.

Attended a stake priesthood meeting in the evening and addressed the meeting on increasing of enrollment of Auxiliaries & quorums. Look after the indifferent used statistics.

27 April 1913 • Sunday

Lyman, Wyo. Home

Attended Conference at 10 A.M. did not have opportunity to Speak Attendance 450. I occupied 45 min on Genealogy & temple work 2 P.M. After meeting I assisted in setting apart officers. I ordained Reginald Evans a high priest & Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Kemmerer ward. [p. 102]

I also ordained Thomas J. Tingey a high priest and a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Woodruff ward. I instructed the new officers in their new callings & duties

The Stake Suptc’y of S. Schools was reorganized, Geo. Peart released. I thought Geo. Peart should be a patriarch and suggested same to Pres. Baxter also to the Presiding patriarch both of whom indorsed it. I will present his name to the Council. At 8 P.M. Attended Conjoint mutual and addressed the meeting for 35 min on subject of marriage & Fast offerings. While in Lyman I staid at Brother Guild’s but took one meal at Bp. Brough’s.

28 April 1913 • Monday

Arrived home from Lyman ward Wyo. about one P.M.

Spent the afternoon writing & readind and in the evening attended a theatre at Colonial, “The Confession.[”]

29 April 1913 • Tuesday


Pleasant day except that the wind blew part of the day. All well. I spent the whole day at home, read from Thaddeus of Warsaw.

30 April 1913 • Wednesday


Colder All well.

I finished reading for the [p. 103] Second time “Thaddeus of Warsaw.” a book of 461 pages by Miss Jane Porter.

I attended Gen Bd meeting of Y.M.M.& my Circle meeting.

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April 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1913/1913-04


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Swis & Ger.”