January 1902

1 January 1902 • Wednesday


Remained in doors all day and read & wrote & in evening Alice & I attended theatre. Home Troup.

2 January 1902 • Thursday

Stormy day.

I spent most of the day at Blacksmith shop working on wagon & prepared for Canyon. Alice & I spent the evening at Estella’s where we played Crocono [crokinole].

3 January 1902 • Friday

Legrand & I went after Cedar wood & got an extra large load so top heavy that we tipped over in the Canyon & were late getting home about 7 oclock P.M. Estella & Hyrum spent the evening here & we played Crocono.

4 January 1902 • Saturday

I took my team & carriage. Alice & baby, Bro & Sister Gowans to Grantsville where we attended Stake Priesthood meeting & Musical Recital in the evening & returned in the night foggy & dark. Took dinner with Sister Stookey.

5 January 1902 • Sunday

I fasted & attended school & meeting at Tooele Assisted in the re-organizing of the Sunday school Superintendency. Offered opening prayr in school & closing prayr in meeting. Attended Circle meeting. Was mouth in setting apart Lafayette Orme as assistant to Bro Tate in Sunday School Superintendency.

Had to Supper School teachers Ridges & Squires Edith & Laura <Tate> Hyrum & Estella & children besides our own family. Read papers, Wrote Journal &c. [p. 93]

6–12 January 1902

Sunday Jan. 12. The past week I cleaned and painted three attachments, two plows, a pair of 3 horse eveners, neckyoke &c. mixing my own paint. I went down to Bates Wednesday last and signed up the Bishop’s reports Monday 6th I went to Salt Lake with Geo. & Legrand. Got Legrand started to School, Staid at Whitehouse & returned home in the morning.

I got my wagon repaired. &c Bro. Cline of Grantsville staid all night with us 12th This Sunday Bro. Gowans and I visited E T. Ward & preached to the people in both School & meeting. Bro. Anderson met us there after school.

13 January 1902 • Monday

Bro Cline of Grantsville called & staid all night. Talked over the implement business & agreed to go in partners on the County Agency for the Newly Consolidated Co provided satisfactory arrangements could be made with them.

14 January 1902 • Tuesday

Did some running around getting ready to commence work on fence. Met Tooele Ward Bishoprick at Bro. Craners in the evening & with them decided to sell the old tithing lot east of here provided they could get the appraised value $250.00 Called at Prest. Gowan’s office on business by his request.

15 January 1902 • Wednesday

Commenced work on fence J. T. Gollaher helped me this day only. Spent the evening at Estellas.

16 January 1902 • Thursday

Continued work on the front fince [fence] alone Spent the evening at home.

17 January 1902 • Friday

Continued work on fince Administered to Sister Garner & her boy. Bp Atkin assisted

18 January 1902 • Saturday

Continued work on fence (front.)

19 January 1902 • Sunday

Took my team & Prest Gowans accompanied me to Grantsville where we [p. 94] attended School & meeting. I spoke in former. Elder Fawson occupied all the time at meeting.

20 January 1902 • Monday

Continued work on the front fence.

21 January 1902 • Tuesday

" " " " "1

222 January 1902 • Wednesday

Commenced nailing on pickets & Put on 200 pickets. Sewing Machine Agents called & left Singer machine for trial.

23 January 1902 • Thursday

Bought New Singer Sewing Machine price 75.00 Paid Bummer Horse 40.00 Old Machine 10.00 Cash 5.00 & $20.00 in three months. Continued work on fence.

24 January 1902 • Friday

Continued work on fence

25 January 1902 • Saturday

" " "3 SS Concert at Hall.

26 January 1902 • Sunday

Weather very cold. Took team & buggy & Prest. Gowans accompanied me to Lake V. where we attended School & meeting & taught the people. I dealt with the Law of tithing & felt that I had done justice to the Subject. Took dinner at Jeremiah WhiteHouse’s Attended Committee meeting of Lake View Meeting House Committee & on my suggestion they decided to borrow 300 to meet their present demands. By request I wrote Zions Saving’s Bank & got favorable reply which I sent to Lake View Committee.

27 January 1902 • Monday

Repaired Water works, cleaned out pipe to Sink, repaired chairs, table &c. Cut up a lot of Wood.

28 January 1902 • Tuesday

Cut wood Swept off lumber, made pathes Cared for animals &c.

29 January 1902 • Wednesday

Repaired stalls in stable, Repaired harness Prepared for Missionary Social to be held at our home this night. Had about 60 people here in the evening & had a nice picnic supper & later lunch. Had a very nice & enjoyable time

304 January 1902 • Thursday

Wrote up journal from the 16th from memory. Prest. Anderson called & [p. 95] took dinner with us & we the Stake presidency & Stake clerk signed up Stake tithing Reports. Finished nailing on pickets on fence in front. Cared for animals &c.

Lucena has been quite sick since Sunday 26th but is much better today but still confined to her bed.

31 January 1902 • Friday

Finished putting on square pickets &c

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January 1902, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1902/1902-01


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Continued work on the front fence.”

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “27” before writing “2” over the “7”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Continued work on fence”.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “29” before writing “30” over it.