August 1914

1 August 1914 • Saturday

I left home on 11:45 P.M. train last night and arrived in Idaho Falls at 9:00 A.M. to-day. Pat. H. G. Smith & Rachel Grant Taylor accompanying me. We were met at Ry Station by Pres. Heber C. Austin [p. 99] who took us by Auto 16 miles north to Shelton ward where Mutual Convention & conference was to be held. Later in the day Prof. Geo H. Brimhall came & he assisted us through the convention & conference.

We held our meetings according to schedule program 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. Conjoint mutuals. 11:00 to 12: noon separate conventions. 2:00 P.M. opening conference meeting 4:00 P.M. YMM convention. No night meeting. I staid at the home of bishop John F. Shelton Howard.

2 August 1914 • Sunday

Shelton, Ida.

I fasted until about 6:00 P.M. Attended 9:00 A.M. Convention meeting and 10:30 conference meeting. The sacrament was administered and by previous arrangement I dedicated the new Shelton ward Meeting house also talked upon the subject of sacrifice for the Gospel. I occupied 45 minutes with talking & praying.

Attended 2:00 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. meetings but did not speak at either. We selected & sustained Thomas W. Lee to receive the ordination of Patriarch and after the afternoon meeting I ordained him & set him apart. I also set apart Alfonzo B Simmons of Idaho Falls an High Counselor.

After the evening meeting we returned in Pres Austin’s car to [p. 100] Idaho Falls where we took train at 12:20 A.M. for home.

3 August 1914 • Monday


Alice better of Sciatica.

Arrived in Salt Lake at 7:30 A.M. I found Alice at home she having come down from the canyon last evening. My daughter Nerva & children & husband went out home this A.M. by Auto same that brought them in. After bathing & cleaning up. I attended to my writing of Journal &c & making & mailing checks in payment of bills &c.

At 4:00 P.M. attended a conjoint Bd. meeting of the YM. & Y.L.M.I.A. where convention work was considered.

4 August 1914 • Tuesday


Alice about the same.

I spent the forenoon at home and Alice & I took 5:30 P.M. train up the Emigration Canyon to our home. Geo & Joel on same car. I did some work there fixing up & bought sanitary couch & two matresses & two pillows from a Mr Dwyer for $7.00 his own figure.

5 August 1914 • Wednesday


Mothers sciatica about the same.

I did some work putting up beds, sawing off dead limbs &c and Mother & I & Ray took 9:45 A.M. train for home. [p. 101]

I remained home studying &c. until 3:30 P.M. At 4:00 o’clock attended a Y.M.M. Bd. meeting and at 6:25 asked to be excused to attend my 6:30 Circle meeting in the temple.

A very warm night. I slept on the sleeping porch for the first time and it was tolerable Sultry weather.

Alices sciatica was bad during the afternoon. Dr Gambol the Osteopath came & treated her and she had a fairly good night.

6 August 1914 • Thursday


Mama had a fairly good night.

Others well. A letter from Mamie who is at present in Logan says she has sore throat.

I wrote to my son LeGrand a three paged letter. Attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Received an appointment with Pres. Lyman to attend the Blackfoot Stake Conference Aug. 15 & 16th where the Stake will be divided.

I spent two hours with the Dentist & had a gold inlay put in one of my teeth which had been filled befor & the amalgum came out.

7 August 1914 • Friday


All about as usual.

I finished reading “The Story and Philosophy of “Mormonism”” by [p. 102] James E. Talmage.

I wrote to Heber Q. Hale of Boise, Ida. acknowledging receipt of a paper containing an article by him on the Mormon question & told him I thought it would make a good tract & should in some way be widely circulated. I worked at my desk for several hours.

My daughter Sarah left for Scipio Millard Stake, this A.M. representing the Y.L.M.

8 August 1914 • Saturday1


Mama about same.

I spent the day home reading &c.

9 August 1914 • Sunday


Warm days & nights same cooler than in the past.

Alice is feeling better of her sciatica.

I took 9:00 A.M. train for ogden where I met Pres. Roberts and attended Ogden Stake conference. At the 10:00 A.M. meeting the Speakers were in order as follows, Thos. E McKay, Pres. Evans, Pres. Herrick & Pres. B H Roberts.

At afternoon meeting I occupied 40 minutes & Pres B. H. Roberts occupied remaining 50 min. Authorities sustained.

In the evening I attended 6th ward meeting and occupied the time 40 min. Subj. Evidences of the existance & love of God. Sacrament Service & self denial &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting I spoke on the [p. 103] effects of disobedience on the earth & the world. The same to be redeemed by obedience of man. Our mission to teach these things to the world being ourselves an example. &c. Be conscientious in service & in all obligations to the Lord & to man.

I staid at my brother C. C.’s while in Ogden & when my work was finished I was taken to the Station by Bp. Sandersen in Auto.

10 August 1914 • Monday


Alice improving.

Hot weather moderating.

I spent the entire day home reading &c.

11 August 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Alice & I went to the canyon on 9:30 Car. My sister Nerva & babe & her son George accompanied us. Edna & Ray also. Ruby, Oliver & Estella were up there.

I finished reading “The Rosery” by Florence L Barclay a book of 389 pages. and commenced to read “The Crossing[”] by Churchill. I spent an hour or more in the cool of early evening trimming dead limbs from our maple grove & the children piled them & in the evening we had a huge bon fire.

12 August 1914 • Wednesday

I spent the forenoon reading & took 1:00 P.M. [p. 104] car for the City. Oliver Edith & children & a Miss Margaret Olsen who had been visiting Edith accompanied. Oliver returned later in the day.

I shaved, bathed, shined shoes &c. and attended a General Board meeting of the Y.M.M.I.A. at 5:00 P.M. & my Circle meeting at 6:30 P.M. Spent an hour or two sprinkling the lawn it having been neglected. I gave it an extra good watering.

13 August 1914 • Thursday


Warm days

Tolerable at night.

I spent an hour or more on the lawn sprinkling then shaved & dressed. Did some writing, read papers &c before breakfast.

Attended Weekly Council meeting in the Temple from 10:00 AM to 1:30 P.M.

I took 2:30 train for the canyon where my wife & some of the children are & staid all night. Read from “The Crossing.”

14 August 1914 • Friday


Warm weather.

I commenced reading “The Mistress of Shinstone[”] by Florence Y. Barclay at 7 A.M. & finished it about 3:30 P.M. 398 pages. I took 4:15 Car for home. Cut the lawn & watered it & made ready to leave on night train for Shelley Idaho to attend the Blackfoot Stake Conference.

15 August 1914 • Saturday

Arrived in Shelley, Idaho at [p. 105] about 9:45 A.M. and were met at Ry. Station by Pres. Duckworth with Auto and taken to the home of Fred C. Meikleson where we staid and went into council with the Stake Presidency on stake matters & particularly the proposition to divide the stake the question having been voted on by our council and decided affirmatively.

We went into Stake Priesthood meeting at 2:30 P.M. where it was decided unanimously to make the proposed division the lines being designated. It was agreed that the name should be Shelley. This proposition met with some opposition but carried.

Pres Lyman presented the business & I addressed the meeting for 30 minutes on the order of the church in the matter of selection of officers &c. We should be willing to serve where needed & not run after office &c. I also offered the opening prayr. After meeting we met again in council tabulated the written expressions of the priesthood meeting & selected officers &c.

Pres. Lyman & I left Shelley with Bro & Sister Duckworth in their car for Blackfoot at 7:00 P.M. & drove the 18 miles in one hour. After supper we engaged in counsel over vacancies in Blackfoot stake occasioned by the Stake division. Slept at Bro. Duckworths.

16 August 1914 • Sunday

Blackfoot, Ida.

Am well.

We returned to Shelley in car ar[p. 106]riving there at 8:40 A.M. and went in to council until 10:20 A.M. Attended 10:30 A.M. conference meeting, attendance 731. Speakers: Duckworth, Rich & Dye, Stake Presidency & Christensen of Rexburg academy & Wm O. Robinson of BY College, Logan. Sacrament administered.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 802.

I occupied 45 minutes Subject. The proposed division of the stake. Duties of officers & of the people. Advantages of Stake division to officers, to members & to the whole qualification of officers &c. I had good liberty & felt satisfied with my effort. Prest Lyman next presented the business of the conference. After the meeting we met those who had been called & Sustained for the offices of the two stakes & set them apart ordaining where necessary.

Nofear Davis, Set apart, 2nd Counselor to Pres. Duckworth by F. M. L.

Orson Manwaring, ord. H Priest & H.C. by G F. Richards

Francis F. Halvorsen H. Counselor "2 F. M. Lyman

Loren W. Merkley H.P. & H.C. " G F R.

Warren L Lindsay H.C. " F M L.

Jno. S. Bowker Bishop, Grovelang Wd " G. F. R.

Jonathan H Hale 1st Counselor " " "3 F M. L.

James H Yansey, 2nd " " " "4 G. F. R.

All above in Blackfoot Stake.

Shelley Stake.

Jos. H. Dye set apart President by F. M. L.

Warran J. Mallory 1st Con. "5 G F R

Wilford M Christensen 2nd " "6 F. M. L.

Soren Jorgeson, H. Counselor "7 G. F. R.

John F Shelley " "8 by F. M. L.

Lars Sorensen, " " G. F. R.

Joseph Holland " " by F. M. L. [p. 107]

J. Roy Young, H.C. by G. F. R.

John M. Rider, H.C. "9 F. M. L.

Albert E. Blair, H.C. " G. F. R.

Wm R Young, HP. & H.C. " F. M. L.

Anthone E. Christensen H.C. " G. F. R.

Ransford H. Teeples H.C. " F. M. L.

Jos. Oler, H.P. & H.C. " G. F. R.

Fred C. Mickelson Stake clerk " F. M. L.

Adolph M. Nielson, Pres. H.P. Quorum by G. F. R.

John F. Kelley, Bp. Shelley 2nd ward "10 F M L

Eterick Miller, 1st Counselor " "11 G. F. R.

James W. Ames, H.P. & 2nd Coun. "12 F. M L.

Ernest Harker, Bp. Taylor Ward " G. F. R.

Bertie Wadsworth 1st Con " " "13 F. M. L.

Mary E. Freemon, Pres. Reliefsociety "14 G. F. R.

James Oler, Supt S. School " F M L

John J. Lyon " YMMIA "15 G. F. R.

Catherine P. Bennett, Pres. Y.L.M.I.A. "16 F. M. L.

Theodorcia C Melville, Primary Pres. " G. F. R.

Samuel H. Hurst, Supt R. Classes " F. M. L.

Oliver Humphreys, Ord. Seventy " F. M. L

Roderick Miller, " " "17 G. F. R

Milton J Kelley, " " " F. M. L.

Arthur Burke " " " G. F. R

Geo. Bolander, " " " F. M. L.

Cecil E Mason, " " " G. F. R

Jos. C. Mitchell " " " F. M. L.

Benj J Stringham " " " G. F. R

We also administered to two sisters. I blessed a sister Stoddard & Pres. Lyman blessed her married daughter.

At the evening meeting the attendance was 495. The speakers were Bro. Jensen of RC Bd., Miss Cooper of Y.L. Bd. & Kirkham of Y.M. Bd. [p. 108]

Pres. Lyman & I took 9:30 P.M. train to Idaho Falls where we took sleeper & went to bed. This car was picked up about 1:00 A.M. by Butte train & we were brought on to Salt Lake.

17 August 1914 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake 10:15 A.M. & found my wife improved some in her sciatica trouble.

I received a letter from our Son LeGrand dated Aug. 3d I answered same with a three paged letter.

Wrote up my journal & made record of work done at Blackfoot & Shelley Conference.

Our boy Ray had an attack of sickness. I administered to him and after a while he vomited, then went to sleep & slept well all the rest of the night.

Aunt Mary Jane Robinson’s funeral services are to be held in 21st ward meeting house and they have requested me to be one of the speakers which I have consented to do.

18 August 1914 • Tuesday


Cooler weather.

All fairly well. May the Lord be praised for ever.

I spent an hour & a half sprinkling the lawn before breakfast, bathed, shaved & shined shoes and dressed for the day. My spirits good & my health good also.

I worked at my desk during [p. 109] the forenoon.

At 2:00 P.M. attended the funeral services of Aunt Mary Jane West held in 21st ward and was one of the speakers occupying about 25 minutes. Spent the evening at home.

19 August 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Warm in afternoon

I spent the day home until about 2:00 P.M. Attended to some business down town and attended Y.M.M. meeting at 5:00 P.M. & my Circle at 6:30 P.M. Spent the evening at home.

20 August 1914 • Thursday

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. until 1:30 P.M. I took 2:05 P.M. train for the Big Horn Stake via Butte Mont. in Company with Pres. J. G. Kimball. We arrived in Billings Friday 7:15 P.M. and staid the night at the Grand hotel.

22 August 1914 • Saturday

We left Billings at 7:00 A.M. and arrived at Lovell at 11:00 A.M. We were met at Ry station by Bp. Porter & Morgan Grant and taken to convention meeting.

Bro. Kimball went with the YMM & I with the Religion Classes. Bro Geo. H. Brimhall & Sister Agnes Campbell were already here representing the Mutuals.

We had an afternoon conference meeting. Attendance 395, Stake pop. 2900. I occupied 40 min. Subject commendible features in the work of this stake as shown by reports ver[p. 110]bal & written. Service &c.

23 August 1914 • Sunday

Lovell, Wyo.

Am well & happy.

I attended and assisted with the R. Class convention from 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. At 10:30 A.M. I attended conference meeting and spoke upon the Subject of the sacrament & Atonement for about 20 minutes while the Sacrament was being passed. Attendance 702 or 40% of the population of the Stake.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I was the last speaker and occupied about 25 minutes on Subject of The Word of Wisdom.

Attended a convention meeting at 4:30 attendance 278. I spoke 20 min. Subject. The specific purpose of the Religion Classes.

I took dinner at Pres. May’s where I made my head quarters & supper at Bp Cutlers.

24 August 1914 • Monday


Am well.

Spent the forenoon going over the country with the brethren, Administered to a sister Bishoff & her little girl Had melons plentiful at Bro Harris. Took train at 1:40 P.M. for home. A Brother Seth Johnson of Lovell gave bros’ Kimball, Brimhall & me each a parcel of 12 cups of beautiful honey in the comb which we brought home with us.

We arrived in Butte at about 5:00 A.M. Quit the car at 7:30 Spent the day in Butte until 5:40 P.M. [p. 111] Visited the Columbian Gardens about two or three miles out of Butte. Arrived in Salt lake Wed. Noon Aug. 26th Saw the merchants parade in the Carnival, the Wizzard of the Wasatch.

Attended M.I.A. Board meeting & my Circle. Attended to business with the Primary Board & with Pres. Lyman & Jesse Crosby of Big Horn.

27 August 1914 • Thursday


Alice much improved. Walks without much limping.

I attended council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Attended to Committee work with Elders Grant & Talmage & later by request of Pres. Lyman went down town to his office & assisted in setting apart three missionaries to Samoa.

I set apart John Porter Murdock of Beaver. Wrote up my journal & other records, answered correspondence &c.

A letter received from Ina J. at Holland, written Aug 14th. George and Edith & the children took supper with us & we had water melon & sherbet for Supper, Rega & Lucena came down from Logan last Sunday and are still with us.

I read “The Young Farmer” by Geo. B. Hill a book of 384 pages, while on my trip to Big Horn and commenced to read “Gospel Themes” by O. F. Whitney. The former is one of the books of the reading course for the Junior Mutual boys this year [p. 112] The latter the text book for the Melchisedek Priesthood quorums.

28 August 1914 • Friday


All usually well. Pleasant weather.

I cleared my desk of work & correspondence and finished reading “Gospel Themes.” Rec’d letter from my sister Alice. Went down town and attended to some business & tried to get to see Pres Smith about Secy Brynan’s call for all Americans to come out of Europe as to how that should effect our missionaries but failed to see him.

29 August 1914 • Saturday


All usually well. Pleasant weather.

I arose at 5:30 A.M. Shaved, bathed, and otherwise made ready and took 7:20 A.M. train accompanied by the Patriarch H. G. Smith went to Garland where we attended Bear River Stake Conference & Religion Class convention. Meeting from 11:00 to 1:00 & from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.

I went with Pres. Welling to Fielding and took supper with my sister Alice Ann & spent an hour or so with her. I went to Pres. Welling’s and staid the night.

30 August 1914 • Sunday


Am well.

I went with Pres. Milton H. Welling to Tremonton Branch of Ellwood ward where conference was held.

I spoke about 50 minutes in the [p. 113] morning meeting at which there were present 360 people. Subject, One gospel & that taught by the L.D. Saints. The presence of Geo. Steed on my invitation inspired the talk. The Lord helped me & I had good liberty.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I was one of the speakers & I also offered the dedicatory prayr dedicating the Tremonton Meeting house. I felt blessed in that labor.

After meeting I set apart David Eli Manning a High Councilor.

At 4:30 we held a Religion Class Convention at which I treated the topic “The Specific purposes of R. Classes.”

After this meeting Bro. Smith & I were taken by Auto (Bro Kellar) to Dewyville where we got train for home & arrived in Salt Lake 10:00 P.M.

31 August 1914 • Monday


All usually well at home.

I arose at 5:30 A.M. watered the lawn Wrote up journal & other records &c before breakfast. Spent the forenoon at home reading & writing attended to some business down town and took 2;30 train for the canyon returning on 6: P.M. Car. Made preparation for a trip to the Farmington Canyon with my sons George & Joel tomorrow.

<This night I dreamed a dream See p. 116.>18

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August 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Fri” before crossing it out and writing “Sat.”

  2. [2]Ditto mark here and in next three lines for “by”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Grovelang Wd by”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Counselor Grovelang Wd by”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “by”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Con. by”.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “by”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “H. Counselor by”.

  9. [9]Ditto mark here and in next six lines for “by”.

  10. [10]Ditto mark for “by”.

  11. [11]Ditto marks for “2nd ward by”.

  12. [12]Ditto mark here and in next line for “by”.

  13. [13]Ditto marks for “Taylor Ward by”.

  14. [14]Ditto mark here and in next line for “by”.

  15. [15]Ditto marks in this line for “Supt” and “by”.

  16. [16]Ditto mark here and in next three lines for “by”.

  17. [17]Ditto marks here and in next six lines for “ord. Seventy by”.

  18. [18]This text was written vertically over the left side of the 31 August 1914 entry.