April 1891

1 April 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant but muddy. I finished my monthly report and mailed it to A F Doremus Received letters from A.F.D. & Paul Droubay Presented to the County Court my Quarterly report and had an allowance of $15.00 made me for handling School funds making $75.00 per quarter of three months; County and School. I greased harness &c.

2 April 1891 • Thursday

Fast Day. Tooele Weather pleasant.

I did the regular chores, fasted until about two P.M. Sold & loaded <a> load <of hay> to John Bowen Attended Fast meeting Spoke in meeting and blessed John Marsden’s baby. After meeting I assisted in administering to Sister Bates and Newman Remington I annointed sister Bates. Bros. Kirk & B L Bowen & I went down to See Lewis Bowen from Fast meeting. Administered to Bro. & Sis. Bowen and Heber Dews little girl who was sick in next [p. 112] room. I redeemed a number of County Warrants Paid Laurette Delamar $250.00 for her 1/4th interest in the Annie McKendric corner. Greased harness & put together &c. In the evening I wrote in Journal, posted accounts, made inventory of my property &c. All are well at our house.

3 April 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the regular chores, used the Kelsey water, released Joseph Henson’s Mortgage. Wrote letter to A.F. Doremus, Arranged with A. Hanks to work on the Ranch in my absence to conference.

4 April 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I left home at 7.30 A.M. for Conference Arrived in Salt Lake on cars at 9.45 A.M. Attended two meetings during the day & Priesthood meeting in evening. Took dinner at Sadde [Saddle?] Rock with Prest. Gowans Staid all night at Sarahs Joel F Grover & Willard Smith were also at Sarahs. Joel F & I occupied the same bed. [p. 113]

5 April 1891 • Sunday

Salt Lake Tooele Weather fine.

I took Breakfast with Abram & Polley. Attended two meetings and went to Farmington in evening. Spent the evening at Nervas Steve & Louise being there. Staid at Nervas all night. Administered to Willard with good results.

6 April 1891 • Monday

Farmington Weather fine.

I called at Louise’s in the morning. Steve, Loue & Nerva accompanied me to Town. Met Alice at Depot and went up to Sarah’s. Missed morning meeting. Attended afternoon meeting and returned to Tooele in evening. Bro. & Sis. Vance came out with us and staid two nights. All are well.

7 April 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I with Bro Vance visited the Schools Got Bro Vance to insure his life read the News paper &c. Miss Sarah Gee & Louise Gee spent the evening here. [p. 114]

8 April 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I took Bro. & Sis. Vance to the Station, Sold and loaded three loads of hay &c. Spent the evening at home.

9 April 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I sold a load of hay to Thomas Nix. Loaded a load of hay baled, and hauled it over to Stockton to Geo Monk. Attended a meeting of the School Trustees in the evening.

All are well.

10 April 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I put in garden seeds, attended the School party in the Afternon and for a short time in the evening. Wrote card to Nerva. Received card from Nerva.

11 April 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine with some rain in afternoon. I planted grarden [garden] seeds in forenoon and in afternoon with my team and Prest. Gowans’ buggy He & I went to Vernon 33 miles south from here. Called at Ajax and fed the team and bought some things. Staid [p. 115] all night with Bp. Sharp.

12 April 1891 • Sunday

Vernon Weather Clowdy.

I attended Sunday school and meeting and addressed the people at both places. Ate dinner at Bp. Sharps’ and after meeting we drove over to St. Johns where we met with the Mutual and I addressed them there for 30 minutes upon the necessity of a testamony, the ways to obtain such testamony, habits of reading &c. Called on Patriarch Geo. W Burridge and wife whose son Thomas aded [aged] 36 yrs died that day Apr. 12 of Congestion of the brain. Staid all night at Bp David Caldwells.

13 April 1891 • Monday

St. Johns Weather fine.

Prest. H. S. Gowans & I left St. Johns at 5.30 A.M. for Tooele before the folks were up. Arrived at Tooele at 730 A.M. Took Alice to the Weavers twice with Vick in Cart Attended to some School business; Sold to Hanks two loads of hay. Moved the Hay Press and baled up some hay. Hitched up in the evening and took Alice [p. 116] with me called on H. Marshall and Joseph Henson on business. Did some writing and retired.

14 April 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I bought lime at Store; took up carpets; cleaned walls and whitewashed three rooms. Attended to the regular work of the place and in the evening attended a meeting of the Water Board. That night I had a strang[e] dream which I wrote down when I arose in the morning. Sold hay to Martin.

15 April 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Still Storming.

I sold hay to Stookey & Nix, put down carpet, hauled straw, Did some business at the Court House and stores. Wrote letters in evening. Stormy day.

16 April 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy

Rich and Southworth’s Grist burned down last night. I sold hay to Coleman, Set gate post leading to field and put fastening on gate. Wired up the bar way into Dunn’s lot. Repaired other fence. Whitewashed one room, shook carpet &c. [p. 117] Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Alice is house cleaning.

17 April 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather stormy part the day. I sold hay to Geo. Coleman, went to Basin pasture and repaired gate way set post &c. Drove horses out of pasture. Attended an organization meeting of the Relief society and spoke to them also offered the Benediction. Put down kitchen carpet in the evening.

18 April 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cloudy & stormy part day I sold hay and attended to other business.

19 April 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took my team and Prest. Gowan’s buggy and we two went over to St John’s where we met Charles Anderson and held meeting. The object of the visit was to give the Bp. a Counselor. David Henry Caldwell Jr. was chosen but refused to act. Returned in evening.

20 April 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I sold two loads and attended to [p. 118] other business besides the regular work of caring for animals. Spent the evening at home.

21 April 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Warm.

I loaded a load of baled hay and took to Stockton to Geo. Monk. Attended to other business at stores & Court House. Wrote up my Journal for several days back.

22 April 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had Alex Fraser helping me and we hauled hay into log barn loft about two & one half tons and one load into Vick’s Stall. Sold two loads Went down to See the Donaldson lots. Called at Ekinstams, St. Clairs & Bates’. All well. Had H Marshall taking down fence around the Donaldson Lots.

23 April 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine and warm.

I had Alex. Fraser Jr. helping me bale hay. Sold hay to Howard Herron and John Marsden. Worked from 5 A.M. to 9 P.M. then ate supper and wrote up accounts. Got my buggy from Salt Lake where I had sent it for repairs. [p. 119]

24 April 1891 • Friday

Tooele Snowed from 6 A.M to 12 M. I got Stephen Gee to shingle me. I shaved raked up the hay in Stack yard in the early morning. Attended the funeral services over the remains of Libbie Lee’s son 18 yrs old. Apostle J. W. Taylor was in attendance. Attended to some business at court House & store.

This was Saturdays work1

25 April 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

Alex Fraser & I baled hay moved hay, sold & loaded hay &c.

This was Fridays work2

26 April 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather beautiful.

Stake Quarterly Conference convened here at Tooele. There was a good representation of the Saints from other wards. Apostle Lyman John W. Taylor was in attendance I had to dinner Bp Sharp & David & Israel Benion from Vernon Bro Chas. L. Anderson from Grantsville, Patriarch Burridge & Bro Wood & family from Batesville. Prest. C S Anderson & wife & Patriarch [p. 120] Geo. W. Burridge staid all night with us. In the evening we went over to Lake View where Apostle Taylor spok[e] for two hours and twenty minutes.

27 April 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather continues fine

Attended the two Conference meetings sold a load of hay and attended to the usual work of the place. Had to dinner Elijah Spray & family and Sister & Bro. Hansen from Lakeview. Made purchase of 10 shares of stock in the State Bank of Utah for $10 40. or at a premium of $4.00 on the $100.00

28 April 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I sold hay to three parties, 3 loads, Attended to some business at the store, moved the hay press and got ready for baling, engaged two men to bale. Wrote letters to State Bank of Utah enclosing check of $1040.00 wrote to A. F. Doremus to Mother and to Fred.

29 April 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I assisted in baling hay all day. written May 2 [p. 121]

30 April 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I baled hay in forenoon. Telephoned to Salt Lake for wire and met train to ged [get] the wire but it did not come. Laid off the two men who were helping me until the wire came next day. Sold hay, used Kelsey water &c. Got horses out of Basin pasture

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April 1891, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1891/1891-04


  1. [1]This sentence was written vertically in the left margin of this entry.

  2. [2]This sentence was written vertically in the left margin of this entry.