January 1909

1 January 1909 • Friday

Home. Weather pleasant

I spent the day until 3:30 P.M. working on Commentary. Then went down and visited my mother at her home an hour or so. Geo. & Edith came up and took supper with us and staid until about 11 P.M. A pleasant evening spent in singing the Songs of Zion &c.

Folks all well and we have cause to be very happy.

2 January 1909 • Saturday


I left Salt Lake on 7:10 A.M. train for Fielding and took mixed train from Brigham via Corrinne and did not reach Fielding Station until 2:20 P.M. I had until 3:48 P.M. to go to Fielding and from there to Collinston. My brother Fred met me and took me to Collinston.

I gave to him 1⅔ shares U.N. stock sent by mother explaining on what account. Saw Nanny Ashcroft my Niece and made explanation of information received from Fruitland about her home her husband’s estate &c.

My Sister Alice Ann returned with me to Salt Lake. We were met at the Ry Station by Aunt Sarah E. Smith in carriage and were driven to my mothers where Alice staid & I walked home and later attended the theatre with my wife. The Substitute.

3 January 1909 • Sunday


Alice and I attended the temple Fast meeting. I was the first to bear testimony. [p. 3]

After the fast meeting The First Presidency, the Twelve, The Presiding Bishop and the Betterment committee met in the Celestial Room of Temple where we considered the question of what we shall stand for Prohibition or Local Option and how we can get laws enacted to enforce our views. Decided unanimously that we use our efforts to get a Prohibition law enacted.

I attended the 27th ward fast meeting at 2 P.M. Pres. Lyman was present. I assisted in blessing three people, was mouth in blessing Sister Hansen she having been annointedby Bro. Allen.

I offered the benediction.

I attended the evening meeting and offered the opening prayr. Pres. Jos. F. Smith was the speaker and occupied 56 minutes. Subject what Joseph Smith & the Restored Gospel had done for the world in correcting false doctrines. Pres. F. M. Lyman & Elder Heber J. Grant were present and the latter offered the benediction.

4 January 1909 • Monday


I did some writing in the forenoon and about noon Alice, the baby and I called at Sister Asenaths for about half an hour and visited with her, my mother & my Sister Alice Ann. I went down town and called at Boyd Park’s, Helds & Dr Jos. S. Richards also at my Son George’s office thence to the temple where I attended a meeting of the Twelve and of the Seventy from one P.M. until 5:15 P.M.

I came home and thence to my daughter Nerva’s where with Alice & Nerva [p. 4] I took supper. LeGrand called later. We returned home about 9 P.M. and I retired to-bed about 9:30 but did not get to sleep until about 12:30 A.M. my mind dwelling on Spiritual matters. Weather warm and during the night it rained.

5 January 1909 • Tuesday


I walked down town, the power being off and the cars not running at that time. Attended a meeting of the Twelve and the Seventies in the temple from 10 to 2— and between 2 & 3 o’clock assisted in setting apart and instructing missionaries. I was mouth in ordaining Elef John Franson of Oakley Utah an Elder and set him apart a missionary to the Northern States. I also set apart John W. Mumford of Salt Lake a missionary to the Central States. Got a lunch in the Temple kitchen. Went into Council meeting again at 3 and continued until 9:15 o’clock P.M.

After supper I wrote up my journal &c.

6 January 1909 • Wednesday


I attended a regular meeting of the Council of the First Presidency & the Twelve in the temple from 10 9:30 until about 3 P.M. at which meeting the Sacrament was partaken of. Attended a meeting of the Religion Class Board at the President’s office at 4 P.M. and at 5 P.M. a meeting of the Twelve and the Seventy which lasted until about 10 o’clock P.M. a continuation of the consideration of Pres B H Roberts case wherein he [p. 5] is charged by the brethren with having written a letter to Richard Lyman in which letter he belittles Bro Reed Smoot a member of this Council and casts reflections upon the First Presidency and General Authorities of the Church the implication being that they are acting not in good faith and are dishonest. We are all agreed that Bro. Roberts ought not to have written such letter, which letter was afterward published to the world; he should have brought his grievance to his brethren.

Brother Roberts was unyielding. He desires to put his feelings & case in writing. An adjournment was taken subject to Call of the Pres. of the Twelve.

At our regular Council meeting I was appointed to go to Idaho and effect an organization of the New stake growing out of the Fremont stake. Meetings to be held at Parker. Elder D. O. McKay appointed to accompany me. I have asked Pres S. B. Young for one of his Council to accompany us.

7 January 1909 • Thursday


I spent a couple or three hours going down town and attending to some business The remainder of the time I spent working on Commentary. In the evening Alice & I went down to my daughter Nerva’s five blocks distant. At 10:45 I left Salt Lake on O.S.L. train for Parker Idaho was joined by Elder D. O. McKay at Ogden. Our mission was the organizing of a new [p. 6] stake.

8 January 1909 • Friday

Parker, Idaho.

We reached here about 12 noon; my brother-in-law Oliver LeGrand Robinson Met us at St. Anthony four miles distant with team and sleigh. Went to his home and got dinner and from there went to meeting of the Priesthood in the Parker meeting house as per previous appointment.

There were in attendance 181. I took the charge of the meeting and after singing, prayr and singing, I occupied 35 minutes upon the subject of division and Organization of Stake; Common consent and rights to nominate &c also the purpose of the meeting.

Elder McKay spoke about 10 minutes on qualifications of a President of Stake, following up my talk on same subject. We distributed Slips of paper and asked the brethren to write their choice of name for new stake also a few names of men thought to posessess the qualifications for presiding officers. One hundred fifty six slips were handed in.

Elder McKay occupied 55 minutes in presentation of the New Priesthood movement. I followed for about 15 minutes on same subject.

The Fremont stake Presidency & Clerk, Elder David O McKay and I repaired to the Bishops Office where we tabulated the written expressions of the brethren which showed as follows.

Name of New Stake. over. [p. 7]





St. Anthony


Snake River


Yellow Stone












Several other names received two.

Names of men suggested as follows

Daniel G. Miller

138— 91 times for P.

James E. Fogg

107— 27 " "1

Marion Kerr

104— 17 " "

A D Miller Jr.

71— 2 " "

O L Robinson

61— 6 " "

S W. Orme

67— 2 " "

H. W. Miller


H. S. Jackson


E. M. Harris


M. M. Hammond


O K Meservy


F. H. Mason


W. W. Spires


W. L. Flint


H. W. Jackson


Frank A. Miller


Wm Cameron


James T. B. Mason


D. M. Loosli


M. Andrews


Jos. S. Rudd


All others were below ten.

We readily decided to present Bp. Daniel G. Miller of Parker ward for President. We sent for him and told him what we had decided upon. He accepted same in good grace and we questioned him thoroughly and he passed muster under hot fire. With Bro miller we chose for his coun[p. 8]selors Marion J. Kerr <Bp of Ashton> and sent for him and interviewed him as we had Bro. Miller with same results. We sent word for Bro. James E. Fogg Bp of St. Anthony to meet us at Parker Bishop’s building at 9 o’clock to-morrow morning having decided to present him as second Counselor to Bro Miller.

We adjourned about Eleven o’clock having had a strenuous time for about ten hours in meeting and in Counsel.

I slept at Bro. Oliver L. Robinson’s while in Parker and made it my home there.

9 January 1909 • Saturday

Home of O. L Robinson at Parker Idaho.

I attended council meeting from 9 A.M. until 11 P.M. with an hour’s intermission at noon and for supper.

We interviewed Bp. Fogg as we had the other brethren with same results. This completed our council and we made selections of other officers and interviewed them as we had the Presidency including the new ward Bishopric for Parker ward which we think is an excellent combination as follows. Arnold D. Miller Jr. Bp., Henry W. Miller & H. S. Jackson as counselors. A very strenuous day but great satisfaction. All officers receiving their calls in a nice spirit and being so clean in their habits and such harmony existing in our councils.

10 January 1909 • Sunday

Parker Idaho.

I met the Presidents of Seventies in Council at 8:45 A.M. and with their permission drew three of their number [p. 9] to be used in the High Council, later 4 P.M. Met the Seventies and presented two of the Seventies for Presidents who were sustained and Bro McKay and I set them apart as such.

At 9 A.M. we met the Priesthood in the Parker meeting house where we presented to them the Stake officers and the New Name which we proposed for the Stake which is Yellow Stone. The nominations were all unanimously sustained.

At 10 A.M. we met the people in the Social Hall in the first conference of the Stake I presided at this meeting. The sacrament was administered. I made an introductry talk and presented the General Authorities, the name of the New Stake and the officers of the Stake all of which business was ratified most heartily by the congregation. Elder McKay occupied the remaining time of about 15 or 20 minutes. Subject. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” In this meeting we were blessed exceedingly.

After meeting and between 12 & 1:30 we met the New Presidency, clerk and High Council at Bishop’s Store house where we blessed & set them apart. Bro McKay and I officiating.

At 2 P.M. meeting by my request Pres. D. G. Miller presided. We heard from thee members of the New Presidency and from Pres. Basset and Counselors and [I] occupied the remaining time of 30 minutes with good liberty and bore a strong testimony closing my remarks at 3:50.

After the evening meeting, 4 P.M. [p. 10] we had the seventies together as above stated and then set apart & blessed the remaining stake officers present.

The list of officers to follow later.

Repaired to the home of Brother O. L. R’s where I wrote up my journal to this point before the evening meeting. On parting after meeting there were many expressions of delight at the results and the spirit of the conference all of which fills my soul with delight. The Lord has been very good to me. May his name be praised forever.

Attended evening meeting, house well filled, mostly young people. We had the new Bishopric each speake, a quartett of male voices sang and Elder McKay took the remaining time about 50 minutes. Subject. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

After meeting I had a pleasant hand shake with many old friends with whom I had an acquaintance in boyhood days while in Farmington and with their families and when I reached home, had a very pleasant hour visiting with Brother Oliver L. Robinson and his family.

The weather turned cold last evening snowed a few inches and then froze hard. My health good.

11 January 1909 • Monday

Parker, Idaho.

I went to Lemuel Rice’s home with Elder David O. McKay and Pres. Daniel G. Miller by request and we administered to his [p. 11] sick wife. D. G. Miller prayed as we kneeled, Elder McKay anointed and I sealed the anointing. We three then drove to St. Anthony where Elder McKay and Bros. Kern and Fogg of the stake presidency took train for Ashton where they were to reorganize the ward bishopric and Pres. Miller and I with sleigh and cutter drove four miles over to Twin Groves ward. Attended a public meeting and dedicated a meeting house for meeting & amusement purposes. Size 30' x 60; cost $2250.00 of which the Trustee in trust furnished $500. We reorganized the ward bishopric, the former bishop having been called into the office of Alternate High Council man. These were sustained and ordained & set apart as follows.

Joseph S. Freer Bishop aged 45 years ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over the Twin Groves ward by myself. Soren J. Hansen an Elder about 40 years of age an ordained an High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor to Bp. Freer by myself. The name of Benjamin H. Cooke was considered in Council for 2nd Counselor in the bishopric, but as he was away from home & not accessible for consultation, his name was not presented. Elder Miller spoke about 20 minutes and I used the remaining time. Subject Obedience. As children should not be offend or disobey parents, so we should obey the Lord in all things. Read a part of 6th Lecture D.&C. Had good freedom of thought & lang<uage.>

We drove to St Anthony Ry Station where I parted from Pres. Miller. Reached latter place about 3:50 P.M. and learned that the time of train service has been changed and that the train is not due here until 7:40 P.M. With my journal on my knee I wrote up [p. 12] my journal for the day while waiting also made out certificates of ordination to some whom I had ordained.

List of officers of YellowStone Stake As sustained, ordained and set apart Jan. 10, 1909 by myself and Elder David O. McKay at Parker ward.

1. Daniel G. Miller set apart President of the YellowStone Stake of Zion by Geo. F. Richards.

2. Marion J. Kerr set apart First Counselor to Pres. D. G. Miller by Elder D. O. McKay.

3. James E. Fogg set apart Second Counselor to D. G Miller by Geo. F. Richards.

4. Chester B. Walker set apart Stake Clerk by Elder D. O. McKay

1. Oliver L. Robinson set apart President of the High Priests’ quorum and a member of the High Council by Geo. F. Richards.

2. Milton M. Hammond set apart an High Counselor by Elder D. O. McKay.

3. William W. Williams set apart an High Counselor by Geo. F. Richards.

4. Frank H. Mason set apart an High Counselor by D. O. McKay. also <1st Con. in> High P. quo.

5. William Cameron set apart an High Counselor by Geo. F. Richards.

6. Henry A. Grover, ordained an High Priest and set apart an High Counselor by D. O. McKay

7. William L. Flint ordained an High Priest and set apart an High Counselor <also 2nd Counselor in Pres HP. quorum> by G. F. R.

8. Jos. S. Rudd set apart an High Counselor by D. O. McKay

9. John B. Crapo set apart an High Counselor by Geo. F. Richards.

10. Alma H. Hale was set apart an High Counselor by Elder D O McKay [p. 13]

11. David Edgar Miller, set apart an High Counselor by Geo. F. Richards

12. Joseph Orr, set apart Sec’y High Priests quorum and High Counselor by D. O. Mc.

1. Joseph Elmer Davenport, ordained an High Priest and set apart, Alternate H Counselor by G. F. R.

2. Charles H. Barnes, ordained High Priest and set apart an Alternate by D. O. McKay.

3. James J. Wellart set apart an Alternate by Geo. F. Richards

4. David R. Sinclair set apart an Alternate by D. O. McKay.

5. Ole Ellingson, ordained High Priest and set apart an alternate High Counselor by G. F. R.

6. Christian Murri, set apart an Alternate by D. O. McKay.

1. Charles F. Thompson, set apart First Counselor to Bishop Byron Blanchard of the Chester ward by Geo. F. Richards.

2. Noah Williams, set apart 2nd Counselor to Bishop Byron Blanchard of the Chester ward by D. O. McKay.

31. Julia Miller, set apart Stake President of Relief societies by Geo. F. Richards.

2. Effie Miller, set apart Stake Supt. YLMI association by D. O. McKay.

Geo. A. Crapo, set apart a president of the Seventies in the 113th quorum by G. F. R.

Charles L. Johnson, set apart a President of the Seventies of the 113th quorum by D. O. Mc

Geo. Robertson ordained a Patriarch to officiate in the YellowStone Stake by D. O. McKay.

Arnold D. Miller Jr. was ordained an High Priest and a Bishop and set apart to preside over the Parker ward by Geo. F. Richards.

Henry W. Miller was set apart First Coun[p. 14]selor to Bishop A. D. Miller Jr by D. O. McKay

Henry S. Jackson was ordained an High Priest and set apart to 2nd Counselor to Bp. A. D. Miller by Geo. F. Richards.

Willard W. Spires was set apart Stake Supt of Sunday Schools by D. O. McKay.

Franklin A. Miller was set apart First assistant Stake Supt S. Schools by G. F. R.

Oliver K. Meservy, set apart Stake Secretary of Sunday Schools by D. O. McKay.

The following were sustained but not being present were not set apart.

1. Jefferson Coffin, Stake Supt Y.M.M.I.A. At Boise attending Legislature.

2. Ella J. Chase, stake President of the Primary

3. Fred. H. Mason, Stake Supt Religion Classes now on his return from a mission.

12 January 1909 • Tuesday

I reached home from YellowStone Stake at 10 A.M. on belated train.

Called at the Presidents office and reported stake organization to Presidents Winder, Lyman & Elder John Henry Smith. I went home and finished writing up my work of the past few days and wrote certificates of ordination to mail to the parties whom I ordained in the Yellow Stone Stake Organization the 60th stake in the church. I worked several hours on my Commentary.

My Son George and his wife came up in the early evening & staid until 10 P.M. I trimmed my beard and bathed &c. [p. 15]

13 January 1909 • Wednesday


I attended our regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Got my watch from the jeweler where it had been cleaned & overhauled &c at a cost of $4.00

Attended Religion Class Gen’l Board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle in the temple at 6:15. Attendance 23. Between meetings I wrote several letters. Before and after meetings I worked on my Commentary. Sat up until 12 o’clock mid night and finished copying Commentary of the Scriptures. Subjects from indexed pocket record to Loose leaf record. Many days have I spent on this record & I consider it of very great value now although it may never be a finished record. It is intended that I add to as I may study and enlarge upon subjects however I have now all the leaves in that can be used to any advantage.

14 January 1909 • Thursday


I attended quarterly conference of the Twelve from 10 to 1 o’clock and again from 2 to 5:15 P.M. A most interesting meeting. I occupied about 30 minutes with great liberty and with much satisfaction. I took dinner and supper at my Son George’s with Alice and the baby, Estella and spent the early evening there. Got home at about 9 o’clock and studied until 10:45 P.M. Health & Spirits good Health of family good. Weather wet. [p. 16]

15 January 1909 • Friday


I spent the forenoon at home, made preparation to leave for Price to attend the Emery Stake Conference.

Alice & I called at my Sister Asenath’s and visited with Mother and my three sisters. I left Salt Lake on 3:10 P.M. R.G.W. train and reached Price at 8:20, Joseph W. McMurrin present with me. We were met at the train by brother Henry G. Mathis of the Stake Presidency and we accompanied him to a meeting of the High Council where Pres. McMurrin and I each spoke the former about 15 minutes and I about 25 minutes. Subject Individual missionary work, Prohibition, Priesthood quorum movement &c.

On the train I got into conversation with a gentleman about 55 yrs of age who resides at Iola, Kansas and who was returning from California. He was a patient listener and I spent an hour or two in Gospel conversation with him & he read considerable in the Book of Mormon. I promised to mail to him a copy of the Book of Mormon without charge.

I staid at the home of Pres. Reuben G. Miller. Pres. Miller is in California ill. Pres. Jos. W McMurrin and others staid there also. Weather mild. Health good. [p. 17]

16 January 1909 • Saturday

Price, Emery Stake

I attended 10 A.M. Conference. Attendance 151. Population of stake 6743.

Bro. John H. Pace of the Stake Presidency made a talk of about 20 minutes followed by Elder Staker recently returned missionary for 20 minutes. Pres. Joseph W. McMurrin occupied about 30 minutes and I occupied the remaining 30 minutes. Took for my text Joseph Vision of the Fath<er> and the Son. Read the first 19 verses from Extract from Joseph’s history as found in the Pearl of Great Price.

At 2 P.M. meeting present [blank]

I was the first speaker and occupied 60 minutes in continuation of my forenoon talk. If Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God all other denominations are not of God. If any one of them is of God Joseph Smith was not a Prophet. If the former proposition is true, there has been a universal apostasy. If there has been no universal apostasy there has been no restoration and our faith is vain. But we know our faith is not vain. Jesus promised that those who should do his will should know of the doctrine. We have applied the test & have received the knowledge even as did Peter the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ.

Such an important feature in the plan of the Gospel we might expect the Lord to have inspired prophecy about. He hase. Quoted & Read prophecy touching the matter. Then we look to history to record what took place. [p. 18] Quoted Mosheim and other authors &c. Pres. McMurrin occupied the remaining time.

At 4 P.M. we held a Priesthood meeting at which Pres. McMurrin and I each spoke. I spoke upon the Subject of quorums. All quorums should have at least a majority of the number constituting a full quorum. &c. If we as officers live the Gospel and do well our official duties the people will know it and love us and sustain us. If we are careless of our lives and indifferent to our duties, the people will know it and will not feel to sustain and love us. Under circumstances as first mentioned our labors will be a source of Joy and satisfaction to us on the other hand if the latter prevail our duties become irksom[e] & hard. Duty fully done brings pleasure. Duty but half done dissatisfaction and becomes a drudge.

At evening Conjoint meeting which was under the direction of Pres Jos. W. McMurrin a member of the General Board, a good programme was rendered and by request of Pres. McMurrin I spoke and occupied about 20 minutes Subject. We should not only be subscrib<ers> for the Era but readers of it. Our loyalty may lead us to Subscribe when we do not read it for sundry reasons. Those who read it feel they have their value as the value of the price of Subscription. Those who do not read it feel that they are making a sacrifice in subscribing. [p. 19] We are improved by attending the Y.M. & Y.L. mutual meetings but infinitely more if we learn the lessons assigned. Make their contents ours so we can use same and give to others. In doing so we become benefactors, enriching others and not impoverishing ourselves but enriching our own souls through it. These riches and this knowledge is that which we may take with us beyond the grave hence of greater worth that [than] silver & gold. I referred to the report of Stake Supt Geo W. Crosby Jr. of St. Joseph Stake who for 12 years had his mutual lessons prepared and during last year the Mutual of that stake had turned 20 boys away from saloons. We should be missionaries to individuals. Every man to his neighbor. He that is warned, warn his neighbor.

Elder Heber J. Grant who was on the train due here at 8:15 P.M. was too late for meeting on account of belated train. He arrived just after evening meeting. I was to leave on the 5:48 P.M. train for home to be present at Aunt Maria Wilcoxs funeral but on account of a wreck down the track in which many lives were lost I the train No 3 was called off and I could not get home for the Services, so remained to finish our conference work.

17 January 1909 • Sunday

Price, Utah.

Attended morning session of the conference which was a S. School [p. 20] session. After the sacrament was administered and Articles of Faith repeated by the School, Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin spoke for about 20 min. I succeed<ed> him for about the same and Elder H. J. Grance [Grant] took the remaining time of about 20 minutes. Subject Persistance. Elder McMurrin talked on the life of christ and the Sacrifice he made. I talked upon the subject of Types and symbols and told the Story of the Hatch boys of Koosharem. Good liberty. After meeting I wrote up my journal to this hour.

At the afternoon Elder Heber J. Grant delivered a temperance lecture of 1 hr 20 min the greater part of which was reading extracts from other authors but very interesting.

For evening Elder Grant went by train to Castle Gate, Pres. McMurrin by team to Wellington and I to Spring Glen 5 miles west from Price on the Ry line. Bro. Horsley the Stake Clerk took me with his team. Bishop Dugmore of SunnySide and a bro Cox accompanied us. We put up & took supper at Bp. J. F. Rowley’s Attended counsel with the Bishopric the Counselor’s names being Smith Miller and Morrison. At the public meeting the attendance was good. Bro. Horsley spoke about 20 minutes and I spoke deliberately but with freedom for 60 minutes. Subject obedience. I was greatly blessed of the Lord. The attention was wrapped to the end. Returned to Price after meeting. Dark night. [p. 21]

18 January 1909 • Monday

Price, Utah.

I took train for home at 7:50 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 2:10 P.M.

Called at Breeden’s and priced desks on sale. Called at the President’s office and wrote a letter to Pres. Chas. A. Callis of Southern States Mission in answer to a letter just received.

I also mailed a Book of Mormon and Voice of Warning to one Mr. Miles Harvery of Iola, Kansas, a gentleman with whom I had a nice Gospel talk while on my way to Price last Friday.

I called at my Son George’s home where I met Alice also my Sister Alice Ann. I accompanied Alice Ann to my Sister Asenath’s where I spent a short time with my mother Later I called on Pres. F. M. Lyman who is suffering from enlarged and enflamed prostrate glands and who expects to leave for New York Thu. A.M. to undergo an operation.

19 January 1909 • Tuesday


I attended a meeting of a committee appointed to consider the applications made by the various church Schools with a view to equalizing the Appropriations. Our report to go to the Church Board of Education for final action.

My Son George & I went to his home to dinner and then he accompanied me to look at suits with a view to buying a suit for myself. we visited [p. 22] Barton & Co’s and Poulton, Madsen, Owen & Cos. At the latter I bought a $30.00 Suit of unfinished Worchester black for $20.00 regular sale one third off. Also a heavy steel gray overcoat price $32.50 Sale price $16.25 Also a J. B. Stetson hat, tie &c.

In the evening Alice and I attend<ed> a birth day party with the members of my circle at the home of Bro Edward husband of Sister Lizzie Thomas Edward. Nineteen Circle members present, their wives and a few others. We had a very pleasant evening until nearly twelve o’clock.

20 January 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve, from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. Spent an hour with Jos. S. Clark listening to some of his views upon Stake matters &c.

At 4 P.M. attended Religion class meeting of Gen. Bd. Took supper with my son George. Attended Circle meeting in the temple, twenty-five in attendance A resolution favoring State wide prohibition and pledging ourselves to work for same was voted unanimously. I called on Pres. Lyman for a short time in the evening.

Folks usually well. Wrote up my journal for the past two days.

Dim lights. Stormy weather, rain.

21 January 1909 • Thursday

Home. [p. 23]

<This 21st day of Jan. Pres. Francis M. Lyman left home for Albany Minn. to undergo an operation for removal of Prostrate gland.>2

I did some writing in loose leaf Commentary of the Scriptures.

At 11 A.M. attended committee meeting to consider Church School appropriations for next school year.

At 2 P.M. met Sister Alice Ann at the dentists office where I witness<ed> the extraction of seven of her teeth by my son Dr. George.

I accompanied my Son George to buy a suit of clothes. Called at Kelleys and later bought a suit at Poulton, Madsen & Owens’ which gives satisfaction. Returned home about 6 P.M. tired and hungry.

We are all well and happy.

Stormy weather.

22 January 1909 • Friday


I went down town. Called and saw my mother and sisters Alice & Asenath in the evening. My sister Nerva called after having been to the temple and she and Alice went to the temple theatre “50 miles from Boston.”

23 January 1909 • Saturday


I took 8 A.M. train to Lehi where I attended Alpine Stake Conference fore and afternoon. Elder Hyrum M. Smith & R. S. Wells present. I occupied about 15 minutes in the afternoon meeting. Took dinner with Able John Evans. Returned home on 4:30 train from Lehi. Studied until 10 o’clock. Alice accompanied LeGrand to a Local play in 15th ward house. evening [p. 24]

24 January 1909 • Sunday


I took 8 A.M. S.P. Ry train for Lehi in company with Elders Hyrum M. Smith and Rulon S. Wells, where we attended the Alpine Stake Conference. We were met at train by Abel John Evans of the Stake Presidency who took us in hack to his home

At 10 A.M. meeting the Speakers were in order as follows. Stake President Stephen L. Chipman, A. V. Anderson Sup. Religion Classes, Hyrum M. Smith and Rulon S. Wells.

At afternoon meeting the authorities were sustained, a resolution pledging ourselves to vote exercise all the influen<ce> we could with the legislators to have enacted a State wide Prohibition law as affecting the manufacture and Sale of spirituous or vinous liquors was presented and a standing vote taken. There were no opposition votes but a few did not vote at all.

Elder Smith said to me that the time was mine. I occupied 60 minutes with good freedom. I spoke about 20 minutes on subject of temperance and prohibition and referred to some biographical sketches given by Elder Hyrum M. Smith at the morning meeting and proceeded to give a brief sketch of the life of the Author H. M. S. Spoke upon the commandment Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart &c. and thy Neighbor as thyself. Explained the Love of God & the Love of Christ or Pure charity see [p. 25] what gifts the Father & the Son gave prompt<ed> by that love. Such gifts are pure charity. How cultivate love for our neighbor? By courting him, saying good things of him, doing good things for him &c. Applied the principle in the home. Love of husband and wife may be stimulated or may become cold and the parties become distant.

Elder Hyrum M. Smith followed me for about 20 minutes.

Elder Smith, Pres. R. S. Wells and I went home with John Y. Smith to Supper and Elder Smith & I returned to his home after the evening meeting and spent the night.

At the evening conjoint meeting, the two associations were each represented by a talk after which pres. R. S. Wells, Elder Hyrum M. Smith and I each spoke in the order named. I occupied about 15 minutes and quit because it was time to close the meeting. I referred to the number of officers in the two Stake and 14 Ward associations of each and the responsibility resting upon these. All blessings predicated upon the fulfilment of certain conditions These could only hope for success after having done their full duty. The Lord’s help is necessary and the Support of the members is necessary. Neither the Lord nor the people can be deceived. Duty half done not satisfactory. Duty fully done gives great satisfaction. Also pointed out how our mutual work is made profitable. How some derive so much more profit than others. We should extend the benefits by bringing in those who have not joined us.

Had good talk with Senator John Y. Smith [p. 26] on the Subject now before the Legislature Prohibition.

25 January 1909 • Monday

Lehi, Utah.

I took 8:40 A.M. train for home where I arrived in Safety and found the family well.

I answered correspondence; wrote up my journal &c.

26 January 1909 • Tuesday


I met some of my brethren at H. H. Cumming’s office for committee work. Meeting postponed on account of the absence of Elder H. J. Grant who was at the Side of his sick mother. Attended to a little business & returned home. Received a letter from one Mr. Miles Harvey of Iola, Kansas to whom I had mailed a copy of the Book of Mormon as a result of a conversation had with him on train to Price. I answered his letter with a six paged letter on letter sized paper. Spent several hours ruling my Commentary.

Looked over my letter file &c.

While in Bro H H Cumming’s office Elder Hyrum M Smith & Bro H H Cummings administered to Bro Cumming’s brother the Bishop who has stomach troubles. Elder Smith anointed & I sealed the anointing.

27 January 1909 • Wednesday


I attended our regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M. Attended a Religion Class Board Meeting at the President’s office at 4 P.M. and my circle meeting in [p. 27] the temple at 6:15 P.M. at which 22 members were present. I received appointment to Millard Stake, Conference at Holden. A ward to be organized at Burtner, a branch at Abraham and a reorganization of the Bishopric at Meadow. Pres. Chas. H. Hart of the First Council of Seventies appointed to accompany me.

Between the meetings to-day I wrote to Pres. Francis M. Lyman at Rochester Minn.; to Arnold D. Miller at Gridley, Cal and to my brother Fred at Fielding. At the R.C. Bd. meeting, I suggested that a letter be written Stake Supt. Maesar of Utah Stake Religion Classes expressing our regrets that for the past three years our efforts to hold conventions in that stake had not been a success and ask his cooperation in an effort for the future to obviate such failures; also calling his attention to the report of Bro. Peterson that only eight of the seventeen wards of the Stake had religion classes and that we very much desire that he co-operate with the Bishops of those wards where classes have not been organized and effect such organizations at once reporting to us the success attained in each instance. This was made a motion on suggestion of Pres. A. H. Lund and I and Jos. W McMurrin were appointed to formulate said letter. While Bro McMurrin was in Mutual meeting I wrote the letter which met with his indorsement. Will have it type written & send copy to Pres. Keeler Stake President of Utah Stake with Pres. Lund’s signature. It was my thought that a similar letter [p. 28] be sent to other Stake Superentendants as relates to organizing classes in wards where they are not now organized.

At night Alice and I attended the Salt Lake Theatre where “Elijah” was presented by the Salt Lake Choral Society assisted by the Salt Lake Symphony Orchestra. An excellent affair.

28 January 1909 • Thursday


I spent most of the forenoon ruling up my Commentary. Attended to some business at the Presidents office and from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. attended a committee meeting at Supt. Cummings office. Church School appropriations apportionment.

Spent the evening with the Richards folks at Hatty Hagmores in honor of the 85th aniversary of the death birth of Aunt Alice Watts birth.

Made ready and took S.P. SL & LA train 11:50 P.M. for Millard County to attend Stake Conference. <This day Pres. F. M Lyman was operated upon at Albany Minn. Removal of Prostrate glands.>3

29 January 1909 • Friday

I arrived at Oasis at 6 A.M. Met Pres. Hart who had come down on another car. We went to the Day hotel and got breakfast. Bro. Earnest Theobald of Hinckley called at 8:30 for us and at 8:45 we left for Holden where we arrived about 1 P.M. We put up at Bp. Stephenson’s. Attended Relief society Conference at 2 P.M. I occupied about 15 minutes Subject. Save your husbands if you would be saved your selves. The man is not without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord. Do specific [p. 29] work. Teachers should teach. Leave at least the equivalent of what you take away from each home. Distribute visitors conference time. Let visitors live on what you usually live on. No extras and Attend meeting’s. The Lord will reward the Sisters for every effort.

After meeting Pres Hart and I went home with Sister Crossland and visited with Sister Lillian Smith and administered to her. Pres Hart anointed & I sealed the anointing.

We were in council with the Stake Presidency between meetings and attended Stake Priesthood meeting in the evening. Attendance large. Pres. Hinckley spoke about 30 minutes. Subject new Academy building. Pres. Fred R. Lyman spoke briefly on same subject. I occupied about 30 minutes Subjects. Church School Building & Schools, church disciplin[e] as applied to the locating of Millard Stake Academy, the quoto [quota] of missionaries due from each stake 1% of membership. Millard 5th from the head with 1:20 % Dec. 31, 1907. This is the working force of the Stake, the help of the Lord & of the people necessary. Full duty done brings that support which insures success.

Met with 13 of the brethren from Meado and took from them a silent expression of their choice for Bishop of Meadow ward.

Slept at Bp Stephensons, Retired late but slept well. Weather Cold at night. Moderate during the day. Ground not all covered with snow. Freezes at night and thaws in day time. My health good but my eyes of late have been very weak and watery especially when out in the cold or from loss of sleep. [p. 30]

30 January 1909 • Saturday

Holden, Utah.

My health good and weather pleasant.

I attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting. Attendance large. Chairs brought in to accommodate the people. Speakers Fred R. Lyman of the Stake Presidency

3 Presidents of three Seventies quorums.

Elder Roberts, recently returned from a mission and Pres Chas. H. Hart.

I did not go to dinner but remained at the meeting house vestry in Counsel with the Stake Presidency. We selected Bro. John Beckstrand to be the Bishop of the Meadow ward. Called him into Counsel and he expressed a nice willing spirit. We considered men for his counselors and decided on Joseph L. Stoot and Nephi R. Stewart both of whom are absent from this Conference, at home. Considered names for the Bishopric of Burtner, the ward to be organized formerly known as Melville. No conclusion reached.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was large. All the house would accomodate. The speakers were three recently returned missionaries and Pres. Alonzo A. Hinckley. I had thought to speak after Pres. Hinckley but he occupied the time from 3:10 to 3:50 and made a good talk & bore a strong testimony. He had received the gift of the Dutch tongue in a remarkable manner. Good spirit prevailed in the meetings and I felt exceeding peace Having had no thought of shirking, the fact of my not having talked at either forenoon afternoon meeting does not hurt. [p. 31]

In the evening I attended the S. School union meeting and in the Parents department partiscipated in the discussion.

31 January 1909 • Sunday

Holden, Millard Co. Ut.

I attended 10 A.M. Services and occupied 50 minutes. Commended the people for faithfulness as reported and as evidenced from attendance at Conference. Praised the S. School for its accomplishments. Considered the Subject of Temple work for both the living and the dead.

Between meetings all my time was spent at the meeting house in council with the brethren and at 2 P.M. I occupied 45 or 50 minutes with good freedom and liberty on the subject of Obedience. Quoted & read from Rev. 12:4, 7–11; Heb. 11:3 Moses 4:1–5 Abraham 3: [blank] Reached a good climan [climax] & made good impression. Pres Hinckley said as I sat down. “That was lovely.” May the Lord be praised.

At close of meeting I set Bro. Chas. A. Memmott apart an alternate H. Counselor. Took a bite of supper & with Bro. John A. Beckstead drove to Meadow a distance of 18 miles and attended a meeting where the Ward officers Bp. Counselors, Clerk, Chorister & Ward teachers were released and a new Bishopric installed as follows. John A BeckStrand Bishop

Joseph L. Stott 1st Counselor

Nephi R. Steward 2nd "4 Present Present Pres. Hinckley and Counselor F R Lyman [p. 32] I ordained, blessed & set apart these brethren. Slept at Bp. John A. Beckstrands.

On way to Meadow I passed through Fillmore and called on Sister F. M. Lyman Pres. Francis M. Lyman’s family.

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January 1909, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1909/1909-01


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in the next four lines for “times for P.”

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 24.

  3. [3]Based upon the darker shade of ink, it appears this insertion was written at a later time. It includes an “x” in the left margin next to the line containing the date for the 29 January 1909 entry.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Counselor”.