May 1898

1 May 1898 • Sunday

Rained steadily most all day & night I attended School & meeting & in the latter bore testamony Confirmed Ernetine Alice Dalton. Attended Circle gave blessings to Wm Reid Judd & Agnes Judd and Geo Lawrence Tate.

<Rubys’ Birth Day 6 yrs old.>1

2 May 1898 • Monday

Rained most all day & night.

I wrote letters, read the papers &c.

3 May 1898 • Tuesday

Stormy most all day & night I read papers hitched up team & got potatoes from G.A. Rimingtons found Clay horse & brought him home. Read account of the battle of Waterloo in the evening.

Recd letters from Mother at Nephi & Nerva at Farmington.

4 May 1898 • Wednesday

Snowed in forenoon but melted as it fell mostly. The boys & I worked on ditches Put floor in ditch at north gate raised gates [p. 232] and filled in dirt. &c.

5 May 1898 • Thursday

Clowdy. We plowed with gang & chill plows & 7 horses & planted corn in the furrow.

6 May 1898 • Friday

Plowed and planted corn all day.

7 May 1898 • Saturday

Stormed considerably during the night. The boys plowed & planted corn and I took team & carriage Prest. Gowans Bros Craner & Gellespie to Grantsville where we attended Stake Priesthood meeting. Took dinner at Prest C L Andersons. Took the boys to field in A.M. & brought them home in evening Bought oats at Englands.

8 May 1898 • Sunday

Weather pleasant. I took my team & buggy & Prest Gowans with me to E.T. where we attended school & Meeting I spoke at both and blessed E. Lee’s baby. Took dinner with Jos Yates. Rubys throat is quite sore.

In the evening I wrote the following letter.

Tooele City, Utah, May 6 8th 1898

Mr William Miller

Syracuse, Utah.

Dear Brother:— Many times since the death of your daughter Edna have I thought I would like to have her sealed to me I fear I have procrastinated too long; if not, I write to [p. 233] ask the consent of your self & wife to have her sealed to me and authority from her mother to my wife Alice A <Robinson> Richards to officiate for her in endowments & sealing also her full name & geneology necessary for temple work We expect to go to the Temple in about two weeks in the meantime will anxiously await your answer. Alice wishes to be remembered to you all.

Sincerely yours

Geo. F. Richards.

<War with Spain the General Topic every where.>2

9 May 1898 • Monday

Plowed & planted corn all day. Read papers

10 May 1898 • Tuesday

Plowed & planted corn in forenoon & in afternoon plowed in Lot. Iliff lectured in evening

11 May 1898 • Wednesday

Joel Legrand & I worked at field plowing leveling & planting Corn. Geo. planted garden. Legrand was sick could not eat dinner

12 May 1898 • Thursday

Rained some at night

Geo. & Joel & I worked at Field plowing & corn planting in forenoon & worked in garden in Afternoon. Legrand sick in bed all day.

<Rained at evening.>3

13 May 1898 • Friday

Irrigated lot & put in garden in forenoon & in afternoon plowed & planted Corn

14 May 1898 • Saturday

Finished plowing and planting lot. Planted melons. In afternoon plowed & planted beans at field. Read papers. Made Alice Birth Day present of watch & chain

<Alices 34th Birth Day. Gold Watch.>4 [p. 234]

15 May 1898 • Sunday

I remained home in forenoon and wrote letters to Mother, Nerva & Fred. Attended afternoon meeting & offered the opening prayr Speakers Peter Gillespie just returned from a mission to States. U. G. Johnson & Wm Spry of Stake S.S.c Read from bible, Atlas & papers.

16 May 1898 • Monday

Stormy, good rain. I Set out more than 100 tomato plants. Did some garden work, made a double tree. Shingled Legrand & Joel, read papers &c.

17 May 1898 • Tuesday

rained during the night past, and a part of the day. This day I engaged with J. W. Tate to cut his grain of about 125 A. @ 75 cts or 100 stacked & with McBride C. R. to cut his of similar amt at same rate with 10% off for cash. Engaged to have team shoed tomorrow.

18 May 1898 • Wednesday

<Got my team Shoed in forenoon and in afternoon plowed and planted corn Storm Drove us home.>5

19 May 1898 • Thursday6

Rained all last night and until about noon today. I looked over temple records & wrote to Mother in forenoon and in Afternoon I took team & boys & went to field commenced plowing but had to quit the ground was so soft & wet. Took to piece old Binders & brought home bolts & other fixtures Rained some towards evening again. Assorted bolts &c. Retired early. [p. 235]

20 May 1898 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

Tooele I plowed at field Lucena Indisposed.

21 May 1898 • Saturday


I finished the Spring’s plowing and planting of corn. The boys assisted me.

22 May 1898 • Sunday

Wind blew hard.

I attended School, two meetings & Circle.

Bro Elijah Spray & wife took dinner with us. Lucena quite sick I administered to her.

23 May 1898 • Monday

Rained some during the night and most of the day. I went to mill & got bran. Took carriage to Shop & got new brace put on tung & plates on brake blocks. Wrote letters, Repaired polestraps & neck yoke &c

24 May 1898 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Rained all last night and all forenoon. The ground is thoroughly soaked I received Card from Nerva. A letter from Wm H Miller consenting to the Sealing of his daughter Edna (Dead) if it could be done. I answered asking her age at death.

25 May 1898 • Wednesday

Weather threatening. I took hay over to field to horses in pasture. Bows [Boys?] all went with me. Went up to Lucern field to See lucern which looks nice. By request of Sister Eliza Bowen & consent of Bp Atkin I blessed Eliza Bowen’s baby Homer Willard Bow[e]n [p. 236] born May 7th 1898. Reported blessing to Ward Clerk J. W. Tate. Read papers &c. Lucena suffered considerable during the night past with earache or gathered head. I administered to her in evening & during the night She had relief each time. The latter time seemingly permanant relief.

26 May 1898 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I made calculations on going to Salt Lake and although Lucena had a bad night with her ear ache we got ready & started all except Nerva & George. We found after Starting that the jar of the Carriage hurt Lucenas head & after getting 4 miles on the way turned back & returned home. This night She rested good excepting about an hour towards morning.

27 May 1898 • Friday

Weather windy.

Tooele Sunday School celebration George is King & Mattie Gillespie Queen.

Lucena seems some brighter than last night. Undecided whether to go to the city.

Went to City in After Noon Staid at Stephens. Lucena stood the trip well.

28 May 1898 • Saturday

Rained Some.

Sugar House Lucena better. I went up Town with Dr. Stephen on car. Attended to my business Ordered Extras for header &c. [p. 237]

29 May 1898 • Sunday

Sugar House I attended Y. M. M. I. A. Con at Tabernacle three meetings. Went home with Uncle Samuel Richards to dinner and formed the acquaintance of two of his daughters and one of his sons.

30 May 1898 • Monday

Sugar House I took my team & family and went to Farmington Arriving there about 2 P.M. Saw the Byciclests racing from Salt Lake to Farmington. Saw at Cemetery a number of people with we were acquainted. This being Decoration Day. Put up team at Sister Nerva’s Called on Alices Sister Maria.

<Had a splendid talk with Willard B. on Religious matters I fancy I see a softening in his heart.>7

31 May 1898 • Tuesday

Farmington. I visited around with the folks. Called on Maria Clark, Aunt Phoebe, Mary Ann, Ezra & family, Wilford & family &c. Nerva went to City and to Temple and was baptized for Mrs Alice Longstroth who is dead. In afternoon I gave to Rhoda Knowlton a blessing. Did some trading at store.

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May 1898, George F. Richards, accessed January 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 May entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the conclusion of the 8 May entry on page 234.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 12 May entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 May entry.

  5. [5]The entire 18 May entry was written vertically in the left margin next to the 17 May entry.

  6. [6]Richards originally dated this entry “Wed. 18” before crossing it out and writing “Thu 19”.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 30 May entry.