June 1905
4 June 1905 • Sunday
Fast Day.
I attended School & meeting here at Tooele assisted in blessing the Children and bore testamony. Present two Wagon Missionaries. I fed their team for a week.
10–11 June 1905
Attended Stake Conference held at Tooele Present Saturday Elder C. W. Penrose & Geo Reynolds. Sunday Prest F. M. Lyman & Andrew Jensen were also present.
18 June 1905 • Sunday
Stake Presidency went to St. John’s ward and in part filled up vacancies in Ward organization. I set apart Wm Brock in Ward teacher.
251 June 1905 • Sunday
I went to Clover alone and with the Assistance of A. J. Stookey fill the Appointment of Stake Presidency [p. 176]
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June 1905, George F. Richards, accessed February 14, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1905/1905-06
[1]Richards originally wrote “June 15” before writing “2” over the “1”.