March 1883

1 March 1883 • Thursday

Attended Fast Meeting, went a teaching in the afternoon and evening. [p. 15]

Theological Questions.

1st Class

1st Give an account of the assassination of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.

2nd Who were the first Twe[l]ve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

3d Prove from the Scriptures that baptism for the dead is essential or necessary.

4th What is me’n’t by the saying of Jesus, “This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise?[”]

5th What mission did Jesus Christ fill between his crucifiction and resurection?

6th What are the prophesies of Daniel concerning the latter days?

7th Relate the miracle of Daniel in the Lions Den.

8th Relate the parable of the samaritan.

9th Relate" " " "1 laborers in the vineyard.

10th " "2 last six utterances of Christ before his expiration upon the cross.

2nd Class.

1st Who was the writer of the Acts of the Apostles?

2nd How long did Jesus [1 illegible character] tarry with his Deciples after his resurection?

3d What is meant by the day of Penticost? Deut. 16, 9–11

4th What are we to understand by the answer which Peter made to the one high priest who charged him to teach no more in the name of Jesus? Acts 4;19–21.

5th Explain 5: 31 of Acts. [p. 16]

Theological Questions.

6th Give an account of the death of Ananias and Sapphirae. Acts, 5: 1–11.

7th How were the Apostles delivered from prison? Acts 5:19–21.

8th Relate the words to the chief priests who were trying the Apostles. ans. in Acts 5th 34–40

9th Give an account of Stephen the martyr. <Acts 7:>

10th " " "3 of the conversion of Paul. Acts 22:1–24

11th Prove from the Scriptures that there was a pre-existance of spirits. See Jen. 2:4–7 & 27 Job. 38:3–7

[20 lines blank] [p. 17]

2 March 1883 • Friday

Hauled one load of manure on to the old farm and leveled down the fort wall in the south street. Received a visit from the Ward teachers in the after-noon and went teaching in the evening.

3 March 1883 • Saturday

Hauled one load manure on to the old meadow and 8 loads of sand on the door- yard. Went to theatre in the evening. Mistletoe Bough & Mysterious Nigger.4

4 March 1883 • Sunday

Went to Teachers meeting in morning, Ward meetings in afternoon and evening, read John Taylors sermon delivered in Ogden, and made out a programme for the Y.M.M.I.A.

5 March 1883 • Monday

Hauled three loads of manure on to the old field, received a visit from Aunt Alice, Richard & Bob. Watt and attended the Y.M.M.I.A. Spoke upon the subject of Aaronic Priesthood and went up to Kennards to administer to Lacy & Cad Roger’s baby.

6 March 1883 • Tuesday

Hauled 3 loads manure on to the old field, worked in the correll filling in with dirt and stacking manure, and attended a meeting for instructing the boys upon the subject of the Preisthood. Offered Calvin $150 00/100 for the south lot east of ours, 1/4 of the whole lot.

7 March 1883 • Wednesday

Worked in the correll piling manure and filling in the stable with dirt. Went down to Jas. Cowley’s in evening to make a programme for Joint Meeting of the Young Mens & Ladies Associations. [p. 18]

8 March 1883 • Thursday

Worked in the correll in the fornoon leveling the wall and hauled manure over to B. F. K’s in the afternoon 4 loads. Spent the evening at home. offered Calvin $2,25, for the south half of the Burdic lot.

9 March 1883 • Friday

hauled 5 loads of manure on to B. F. K.’s farm, and helped Jas. Loynd out of the mud.

10 March 1883 • Saturday

Went to Bountiful with B. F. K. & Hinman Bros. to conference.

11 March 1883 • Sunday

Went to "5 again with Hinman Bros.

12 March 1883 • Monday

Hauled 6 lds manure on to B. F. K’s. farm and attended the Y.M. Association in evening.

13 March 1883 • Tuesday

Hauled 6 lds. manure on to B. F. K’s. farm. Attended an ordination meeting and did the Clerking.

14 March 1883 • Wednesday

made a manger in the east stable, redeemed note of E. T. Clark for $75 00/100 and hauled 2 lds. manure on to B. F. Ks. farm. Hired of F. W. R. $80 00/100 @ 1%.

15 March 1883 • Thursday

Plowed in B F K’s field & spent the evening at home.

16 March 1883 • Friday

Plowed in B. F. K’s. field & spent the evening at home.

17 March 1883 • Saturday

sowed 2 acres of wheat and harrowed it in. Spent the evening at home.

18 March 1883 • Sunday

Attended Teachers Quorum, Elders Quorum & Ward meeting. Coppied the minutes of the Elders Quorum in the evening.

Nerva & Frank took dinner here. [p. 19]

19 March 1883 • Monday

Worked in the lot putting out in garden, set out a shade tree on the west side walk. Attended the Y.M.M. Imp. Ass. in the evening

20 March1883 • Tuesday

Plowed in B.F.K’s field all day Spent the evening reading Prest. Jno. Taylor on Priesthood

21 March 1883 • Wednesday

Plowed wheat ground all day in BFK’s field.

22 March 1883 • Thursday

plowed some & Sowed 2 acres of wheat and harrowed it in. Spent the evening at home visiting with Steve. Took dinner with Nerva & B.F.

23 March 1883 • Friday

Harrowed on B.F.K’s farm 1/2 day, took dinner with Nerva, put bars in a[t?] the pasture and spent the evening at home

24 March 1883 • Saturday

Planted peas took stock & horses on bench, Spent the afternoon visiting my father and talking about the principles of ou[r] religion & attended a concert of the Primary

25 March 1883 • Sunday

Spent the day at home also the evening.

26 March 1883 • Monday

Hitched up my colts and went down to Steed’s after Fred’s things in house keeping, brought Steve & family up from Stayners, rec’d letters from Seney & Alice, Alices letter telling the particulars of litt[l]e Wilfords, death Planted trees in the lot and spent the evening at home with Steve & Lou. <wrote to Alice>

27 March 1883 • Tuesday

Plowed, 1½ hrs. on out land, planted potatoes in the lot [p. 20] and spent part of the day and evening visiting with Steve & Lou.

28 March 1883 • Wednesday

Plowed all day at B. F. K’s and spent the evening at home.

29 March 1883 • Thursday

Replanted two trees, dug up one apple tree and cut up limbs from trim[m]ings. Spent the evening at home.

30 March 1883 • Friday

Spent the evening at stayners <visiting Seve & family.> & the day at home picking up and cleaning up. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting where I was set apart as a home missionary in Davis Stake of Zion by J W. Hess & Ansen Call. <J W Hess mouth.>

31 March 1883 • Saturday

Stormed all day, spent the day and evening at home studying and writing.

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March 1883, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “the parable of the”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Relate the”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Give an account”.

  4. [4]This play was perhaps a minstrel show. This was a type of entertainment popularized by white Americans in the nineteenth century in which performers would sing and dance in blackface and perpetuate harmful stereotypes of African Americans. The title uses a racial slur that was commonly employed by white Americans by the nineteenth century to refer derogatorily to people of African descent. Black Americans strongly objected to the use of the term. The Church Historian’s Press also condemns the use of this word but retains it in document transcripts to accurately present the historical record and to illuminate the oppressive racial landscape faced by Black Americans. Church leaders today have asked Latter-day Saints to “lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice,” which includes rejecting racist language. (Edwin S. Grosvenor and Robert C. Toll, “Blackface: The Sad History of Minstrel Shows,” American Heritage 64, no. 1 [Winter 2019],; Hosea Easton, A Treatise on the Intellectual Character, and Civil and Political Condition of the Colored People of the U. States; and the Prejudice Exercised towards Them: With a Sermon on the Duty of the Church to Them [Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1837], 40–41; Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail,” Ensign, Nov. 2020, 94.)

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “conference”.