June 1913

1 June 1913 • Sunday


Am well Beautiful day

Attended 9:30 prayr meeting and addressed the S School workers. Told story of Gerhardt the German Shepherd boy & quoted John 3: Feed my sheep and commented upon the same applying it to these workers.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting attendance 415, Sunday school session. I occupied 25 minutes, Subjects, hats off in meeting, Love of God, of parents & of fellow men. Recited Aubo Ben Adhem & Matt 25: “In as much as ye do it unto the least of these ye do it unto me. &c. Attended 2 P.M. meeting attendance 337. I occupied 45 minutes on evidences of the Gospel’s truth & Jos Smiths mission. Josephs first prayr & its answer. Evidences of its truth.

Administered to a boy between meetings I think his name is Jno. Clove Evans, bit by a horse. Attended Conjoint M.I.A. meeting in the evening and occupied about 35 minutes on Marriage.

2 June 1913 • Monday


Am well Weather warm & dusty.

Pres. McMurrin & I returned with brother Luke from Panguitch to Juntion and Bp. Allen of Kingston took us from there on. We had a 55 mi. ride by team and a very dirty ride it was. Staid over night at Camerons [p. 118]

3 June 1913 • Tuesday


Warm day. Am well.

We left the above named place at 8:40 A.M. on D.&R.G. Ry. and arrived in Salt Lake at 6:30 P.M. On the train I finished “Oliver Twist” by Dickens 528 pages read during the trip.

4 June 1913 • Wednesday


All well. Warm weather.

I listed about 200 names with their genealogy for temple work and attended Gen Bd. Y.M.M. and my circle. Called at Templeton & saw Jos Dean’s Navajo Blankets. Attended circle.

5 June 1913 • Thursday


Warm day. All well.

I attended to some business down town. Set apart two missionaries at Pres. Office & instructed them as fol.

Henry Free Young of 18th ward to Gt Britain

Jay C. Edwards " 18th " to "1

Attended weekly council & prayr meeting in the temple from 10: 30 to 3 P.M. Listed names for temple work &c.

6 June 1913 • Friday


All usually well. Warm weather.

June conference of the Mutuals and the Primary convenes today. I went to the Pres. Office before 10 o’clock and set apart to the Swis & German mission Elders [p. 119] Daniel Young Spencer and Curtis B. Hawley Jr of 18th & 20th wards respectively.

I attended the meeting of the officers of the Y.M. & Y.L. association in the Assembly Hall at 10 A.M. the organ recital in tabernacle at 1:15 P.M.; YM officers meeting in Barrett Hall at 2 P.M. and oritorical Contest in same place from 4:30 to 6:30, Ten Contestants. Alice, Sarah & I attended a social at Des. Gym in the evening where games were played & dances of various kinds indulged in under Auspices of YM & Y.L. M.I.A.

7 June 1913 • Saturday


All well. Warm day.

I attended a meeting of Y.M.M. officers from 9:15 to 10:00 A.M. and from 10:00 A.M. to 12 noon. I attended Primary Conference in the Assembly room of Bps’ building. In the afternoon I attended Primary Conference and occupied <30 min> upon the Subject of “How the Primary Work relates to the home.”

Last Thursday on my recommendation Hiram Martin Taylor of Red Mesa, Col. counselor in the Young Stake Presidency was sustained to be ordained a Patriarch and finding him in town attending the Conference, I saw Pres Smith and he ad[p. 120]vised that I take him to Pres Lyman and have him ordained. This I did this afternoon and at request of Pres. Lyman I ordained him a patriarch and set him apart to labor in the Young Stake and his Kindred. Bro Taylor with tears in his eyes said I did not know what this meant to him, a crowning honor in his life.

In the evening Alice & I attended a social by the Primary officers in the Deseret Gymnasium and I led in the grand march.

8 June 1913 • Sunday


All well.

Attended morning and afternoon meetings in tabernacle and spent the evening at home.

9 June 1913 • Monday


All well.

I worked on listing names for temple work and filed with the temple recorders.

Assisted Alice & the girls in selecting rugs, buffet & chairs &c.

In the evening Alice & I & LeGrand & Ina accompanied Geo & Edith to Emporium. I bought $65.00 worth of rugs from Joseph Dean.


Hard wood.

Had man here to measure floor & estimate job







Dis 3.00

65.00 [p. 121]

10 June 1913 • Tuesday


All well. Rained hard.

I went to the temple with Alice & my sister Nerva to do temple work but could not be accommodated. Attended to some business down town.

Received some bids on veniring our floors and on painting the house out side.

Attended a missionary meeting & was mouth in setting apart the following:

1 Elias W. Erickson of Cleveland, Ut. to Scandinavia

2. James Eli Hope of Salem, Ida. to Gt. Britain

3. James Murray Adamson of Carey, Ida. to " "3

4. Leland L. Van Orden Orden of Lewiston to Netherlands

11 June 1913 • Wednesday


All usually will Rained about noon

I spent the forenoon out doors fixed up vines &c.

Attended board meeting of U.I. & V. Co. Alice & I went to Dinwoodey’s and bought two rugs one French Wilten 82 x 106 @ $65.00 and one Hartwick Wilten 9 x 12 same price and two small rugs @ $6[.]00 each. Also a Buffet $65.00 & six chairs @ $4.50. Will get a discount on these.

Attended prayr circle in evening. Let contract to Mr Egar to put down white oak floor and finish same in three rooms for $133.00.

12 June 1913 • Thursday


Stormed most of the last night.

I let the contract of painting outside [p. 122] of our house excepting front porch and including repairs on roof to C. C. Clements for $97.25.

Called on Dr. Stauffer & received electrical treatment for my eyes. Attended weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 3:15 P.M. Made ready and left with Pres. R. S. Wells on R.G.W. Ry. train 4:50 for Vernal.

Arrived at Mack Col at 2:30 A.M. Friday and took rooms at Hotel and took Uintah Ry train at 8 A.M. for Watson 63 miles arriving there at 12:35 P.M. Took Auto at 1:30 for Vernal 54 miles and arrived at Vernal at 9:30 P.M. Staid at Pres. Don C. Colton’s.

14 June 1913 • Saturday


Pleasant day Am well.

I attended Stake Conference in forenoon and afternoon and a special meeting of the Presidency & High Council, the bishops & counselors in the evening and I addressed all these meetings. Stake pop. 3567 Attendance 10 A.M. 576 or 16.1% of the stake population. The children did the singing. I occupied 40 minutes, subj First four of the Ten Commandments. At 2 P.M. attendance was 555 or I occupied 25 minutes on Subject of Faith vs. Atheism.

At special evening meeting I talked on Bps examining boys as to purity before sending them on missions, Bps. meetings & reports Ward teaching work, 10979 people [p. 123] at large bring them into membership. Give the priesthood something to do to magnify their callings &c.

15 June 1913 • Sunday


Pleasant weather. Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting The attendance was 1093. I occupied 38 minutes on subject Sacrament, Atonement, Love of God & Christ for man, love of parents for children & why we should love the Lord & parents & how show it.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 1107 or 31.2% of Stake population. Two ministers and a number of other non members present. I occupied 40 minutes. Subject Testimony, Gospel origin & oneness. The Lord told Joseph all others were man made.

Attended Conjoint mutual in the evening. Elder Nicholas G. Morgan of the General board of Y.M.M. being present. We requested him to talk & Bro Wells took the remaining time. Bro. Wells talked at all the meetings.

<See Tues 17th Ordinations.>

16 June 1913 • Monday


Warm day.

Pres R. S. Wells & I took Auto at 7 A.M. and arrived at Watson 54 miles at Ry terminus at 1:30 P.M. thence by train 63 miles to Mack, thence on to Grand Junction. Where we attended a picture show. “Victim of the Mormons.[”]

We took train at 1:30 A.M. Tues. [p. 124] and arrived in Salt Lake at 12:35. Looked up my mail & wrote up journal &c. Had about an hours’ conference with Pres Lyman at his home on his invitation.

While at Vernal on 15th I ordained Alfred Simper a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Davis ward. I ordained Edward Watkins Jr. a High Priest and set him apart First Counselor and set apart James Edwin Coelier second counselor. I also ordained Edward J. Young a High Priest.

18 June 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather All well.

Alice and several of the children went to Farmington and I went up & met them at the Lagoon and accompanied them home in the evening. During the day I went down town, called at Dr. Stauffer’s & had electric treatment for my eyes. Did some shopping. I worked on temple records and got out six sheets of names for temple work. &c.

19 June 1913 • Thursday


Warm day All well.

The carpenter commenced laying white oak floors in three down stairs rooms.

I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3 P.M. Had hair cut. Lot Smith came home with me to supper [p. 125] and I took him & Alice to the Emporum.

20 June 1913 • Friday


Warm and pleasant. All usually well.

I arose early and wrote letters to Pres Don B. Colton of Vernal and Arthur Sherwood of Glenwoodville, Canada. I worked on temple records. Listed ten or a dozen sheets of names, 20 each, for baptisms & endowments. Went down town & got trousers. Alice and I spent the evening with George & LeGrand & their families.

21 June 1913 • Saturday


Warm weather. All usually well.

I spent most of the day home reading, studying &c. In the afternoon, 4:15, most of the family went out to the lake & some of us bathed in the lake.

22 June 1913 • Sunday

I went to Ogden on 9 o’clock train with Levi E. Young and were met by Pres Wotherspoon with auto and taken to the Ogden tabernacle where we attended North Weber Stake Conference. Pres. Stratford made report and I occupied about 35 minutes on the accomplishments of the Stake. The organizations needed by the people to make us do as well as we know or can. Our young people need the Church organizations to convert them to the Eternity of [p. 126] the marriage covenant.

I also spoke in the afternoon to a congregation of 938 people on the Gospel’s origin & oneness & evidences that we have the Gospel. Faith is necessary but not sufficient. Repentance is necessary & is the fruits of faith. Knowledge a qualification but of itself not sufficient. &c.

We took dinner at the Hermitage in Ogden Canyon.

In the evening I attended meeting in the 1st ward of Weber Stake. Joseph F. Smith Jr. joined me. The stake presidency was present and we organized the Ogden 11th ward with Nathan Amasa Tanner Bishop John Nicholas & Franklin Richard Watkins counselors. I ordained & set apart the Bp & 2nd Counselor and Jos F. Jr the 1st counselor.

Returned home after meeting.

23 June 1913 • Monday



I accompanied Alice down town to buy her a dress &c. I called on Dr Stauffer and received electric treatment for my eyes.

Worked on temple records listing names for baptisms and endowments.

The carpenters have the hardwood floors nearly laid and have commenced the polishing. The painters brought their ladders to commence [p. 127] on the out side painting but the rain interfered with the work.

24 June 1913 • Tuesday


Rained some All well.

I went to the temple and was baptized for sixty people.

Stayner Richards for forty and my son Oliver for twenty.

My daughter Nina for forty

My sister Nerva " "4

My niece Kate Grover " "

I worked on temple records listing names for temple work, several hours. Attended missionary meeting and assisted in setting apart and instructing a company of missionaries. I set apart the following.

Edmund Sperry of S. Lake to E. States

Leonard J. Madsen. "5 Vineyard, Utah to E States

Alice & I and six of the children attended a reunion of the Richards family held in Whitney hall of 18th Ward. Elder Lot Smith and I went from the family reunion to Dr Talmage’s where the latter and I administered to Lot who is afflicted with cancer.

25 June 1913 • Wednesday


All well. Rained during last night and a large part of today. A splendid rain & much rainfall.

I had tinner, painters & carpenters [p. 128] at work.

I attended weekly Council meeting brought forward a day on account of Old Folks day tomorrow We were in session from 10:30 to 2:30 after which I worked on temple records until 5:45 when I went down to Romney Lumber Co & got some mouldings & thence to the circle meeting.

26 June 1913 • Thursday


Stormy day. All usually well

Tinner finished their work on house, carpenters finished our floors and I made them a check for $133.00 full. I took down vines on east side of the porch and trimmed them and trailed them up to wire screening and planted other vines down at latte fence near barn.

I spent several hours on the temple records listing names for temple work.

27 June 1913 • Friday


Still stormy.

Alice & I accompanied the temple workers to the Hermitage in Ogden Canyon where we were banqueted by the Presidencies of the three stakes of Weber County. We had a splendid dinner and a nice social time.

28 June 1913 • Saturday


Still stormy. Sun shine & Showers alternating The ground is thoroughly wet [p. 129]

I went to Tooele on 7:30 AM train to attend Stake Conference. Pres F. M. Lyman and Bp. O. P. Miller my companions. Alice and the baby Ray went with me. We visited part of the time at my daughter Nervas and a part of the time at Estella Lees. We slept at latter place.

I attended 10 A.M. meeting Sat. and a meeting of some of the presiding brethren between meetings. Attendance 167. Attended 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 227. Stake conditions as compared with Church average. Missionaries, attendance at meetings, the attitude of the Church & the Authorities on temperance question & other questions & the people should be in harmony.

Attended a council meeting from 4 to 7:30 P.M. and a seventies meeting from 8:30 to 9:30.

We arranged a settlement & equitable division of Tooele Church property between the Tooele North & South wards.

29 June 1913 • Sunday


Weather clearing.

Attended 10 AM Conference meeting, attendance 494. I occupied 25 minutes on the Sacrament Atonement & love of God & how we should appreciate same & how manifest it.

Held council meeting from 12 to one o’clock. Ordained a number of Seventies & two High [p. 130] Priests, Pres Lyman and I. I ordained Lars John Larsen of Vernon a High Priest and the following brethren all of Vernon Seventies. Herman Loffgren, Victor Stillwell Thomas, Joseph James Fredrickson and Peter Fredrick Hansen.

Attended afternoon meeting, attendance 499. Pres Lyman was the only speaker. Pres Lyman & I took the train after meeting for home & Bp. O. P. Miller remained for the evening meeting.

Alice & Ray returned with me and Thelma & Alice Tate came in with us.

30 June 1913 • Monday


Weather ideal.

Geo. L. Tate came in on early A.M. train from Tooele and took his little Alice to the Doctors office & had the plaster cast removed and found her hip joints in place & left the cast off. He returned home with Thelma & Alice on afternoon train.

I spent most of the day working on temple records. Went downtown and attended to serveral items of business in afternoon.

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June 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1913/1913-06


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “of”, “ward”, and “Gt Britain”.

  2. [2]This line and the next seven are written in the lower right corner of page 121, perpendicular to the journal text.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Gt. Britain”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in next line for “for forty”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “of”.