November 1913

1 November 1913 • Saturday

Logan Home.

I spent the day home studying & writing. Alice, Lucena & Ray went down town and visited Lucy Clark Robinson, Alice’s niece. Later Ella Hammond Campbell from Providence came over and took supper with us. Rega & I took car and went to evening Priesthood meeting held in the Stake house. Attendance 235. I occupied about 45 min with good liberty on enrollment in quorums the 18,000+ not now enrolled of the ordained. Call into active service as many as possible of the non active 28000+ holding the priesthood. Receive into the wards the 11,000 now at large, enroll the 16,000+ bet. 14 & 45 yrs not now enrolled in Y.M.M.I.A. & the 17,000+ not enrolled in Primary & corresponding numbers not enrolled in the Reliefsocieties, Y.L.M., and R. Classes of eligible age. Encourage those who are enrolled and are neglectful of attendance. Heads of these institutions have the responsibility. This will furnish the Ward teachers some thing to talk about when visiting the homes. There is a place for every member. See that they are in their places. Reduce size of teachers districts to 8 families & call more of the inactive into service. 64,000+ families in the Stakes would be visited each month [p. 191] by 16,000+ teachers, 16,000+ families each week at two families one evening four evenings in the month or one evening each week.

Presiding Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith came on a belated train and occupied about 20 min. Brother Joseph Quinney Jr of the Stake Presidency took Rega & me from the meeting to our home & to & from all the meetings of the Conference the following day.

2 November 1913 • Sunday


Stormy day. All well.

Attended 10:00 A.M. conference in Cache Stake house, attendance 1138, and was one of the speakers occupying about 25 minutes. Faith necessary, works necessary, the kind of works necessary &c. After the meeting I ordained Hyrum Enos Crockett of Logan 7th ward a High Priest and a bishop and set him apart to preside over the 7th ward. Pat. H. G. Smith set apart Andrew G. Lundstrom 1st C. I ordained Wm Henry Larson a High Priest and set him apart Second counselor to Bp. Crocket.

At afternoon service the attendance was 1872. I occupied 20 min. closing on the subject of tithing. After this meeting the Stake Presidency, H. G. Smith, three local Patriarchs and I repaired to the tithing office where we administered to a brother from La Grand, Oregon, a Priest whose hearing was effected resulting from Scarlet fever. Elder H. G. Smith anointed & I confirmed the anointing after which we held meeting with the Patriarchs and brother H. G. Smith & I instructed them. I explained to them the key that when the spirit speaks that means to them certainty, no doubt. When doubt arises [p. 192] withhold what you were about to speak or do. Explained that principally the L.D.S. are of Ephraim but the Lamanites are of Manasseh. The local patriarchs should be used in the stakes as the Presiding patriarch is used in the Church, as they are used in Bear River Stake visiting with the Presidency & H. Council &c. They should be full of blessing and bless the people in public & private. A hand shake & God bless you will encourage & comfort many, and whom you bless shall be blessed of the Lord.

I took supper with my folks at Wm & Lucy Robinson’s home. Attended 7:30 P.M. meeting and occupied about 40 minutes. Subject. education, knowledge obtained and applied means power and salvation. Faith is necessary, knowledge is necessary but neither one nor both is sufficient the knowledge must be accepted & applied. &c. At close of this meeting a brother Geo. Lindquist gave me a beautiful beauquet of American Beauty roses with long stems & leaves, five in number which had decorated the pulpit during the meetings. Bro. Joseph Quinney Jr. took us about to & from meetings all day and as it was a stormy day. It was especially appreciated by myself & family.

3 November 1913 • Monday


All well. Windy & quite cold.

Bro Quinney took us to the depot & we took 8: A.M. train for home arriving in Salt Lake at 11:35 A.M. Found all well at home.

I wrote up my record & did other work [p. 193] accumulated in my absence from home. In the evening I attended a reception given at the home of Ray Ashton & his wife Winnie Richards Ashton for my son LeGrand and family. Alice, Geo. & Edith, LeGrand & Ina, Joel & Georgina, Sarah, Ruby and a number of the Ashtons & others were present at 15th E. & [blank] Ave. It was mid night when we got home.

4 November 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well. Pleasant weather.

I went to the temple and was baptized for 1001 of my ancestors the Gills. I called at Gen Primary Board Office by phone request and received the request from the Board to present to the First Presidency two important matters. First. Whether it would meet with the minds of the Presidency for the Primary officers to apply to the National Council of Women to be admitted as an organization, a member of the National Council of Women. The Relief Societies and Y.L.M.I.A. having already become members. Sister Emeline B. Wells advises it. It would involve a membership fee of $12.00 every three years and once every three years the expense of sending a representative to a convention which conventions are held triennially at some designated city in the U.S.

Second. Whether these Primary officers shall be at liberty to establish play grounds for the Primary Children. Mesa, Ariz has one such & recommend it very highly. [p. 194]

I did some work on temple records and read the Era, studied the manual &c Y.M.M.I. and attended 27th Ward mutual at night.

5 November 1913 • Wednesday


All well. Pleasant weather.

I spent the forenoon at home studying writing letters &c. Attended a missionary meeting in temple annex and assisted in setting apart a company of missionaries and instructing them. I set apart the following:

1. Harry Horsley, Soda Springs to Northern States

2. David Kay Moffat McLean of S. Springs to " "2

3. Walter J. Olpin of Nephi, to New Zealand.

I attended a meeting of the Gen. Bd. of R Classes, a meeting of the Gen’l Bd of Y.M.M.I.A. and my prayr circle. Spent the evening after 7:50 with Joel & Georgina at their home and took supper with them Alice and brother & Sister Felt were present. Wrote letters to my daughters Nerva & Lucena.

6 November 1913 • Thursday


Some rain fell. All usually well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting from 10:30 to 1:00 P.M. Took my over coat to the tailor for repairs. Called on my sons Geo. & LeGrand at their office. I called on Pres. Lyman and asked for his discarded lamps of old fashion & got eight and we will give them a trial believing that they use more electricity but hope that will be off set by their lasting so much longer than the Masdas or tungsten. I also arranged an appointment to San Luis Stake Colorado [p. 195] for Sat. & Sund. Nov. 15th & 16th that I may be able to accompany my son LeGrand and family who are to start for Holland on the 13th as far as Cheyenne.

In the evening I attended a farewell reception tendered my son LeGrand & family in 27th ward meetinghouse. The house was well filled, a good programme was rendered and a purse of $90.00 raised and presented to LeGrand.

I retired at a late hour.

7 November 1913 • Friday


All are well. Pleasant day.

I assisted Alice Grover at her home in forenoon with Purses Bunnells temple records of the Grovers. Later attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where I assisted in setting apart and instructing missionaries, my son LeGrand & wife among the number. I set apart the following:

1. LeGrand Richards, City, to Netherlands to preside over that mission.

2. Ina J Ashton Richards to accompany her husband

3. Peter Lee Nebeker, Millard, Ut. to Netherlands

4. Worthington Leroy Mahony of Heber to "3

5. Myrl Lewis of Marion, Summit Co. to French mission

6. Wm Riley Dickson of Rigby to Swiss & German mission

I called to see the Presidency on business from the Primary but could not get a hearing. Got birth ticket at Ry office 3rd South &c. I bought my winter potatoes 15 bu @ 65¢ of C Jenson of American Fork.

Made preparation to leave on the Salt Lake Route train for Oasis, then Filmore by Auto to attend Millard Stake Conference. [p. 196]

Alice & I visited with Geo. & Edith and called on Joel & wife in the evening.

I took train after 11:00 P.M. Tourist.

8 November 1913 • Saturday

Arrived at Oasis at 5:45 A.M. Pres S. B. Young my companion, got off at Delta & caused considerable annoyance as there was an auto waiting at Oasis to take us to Fillmore. We had to go out of our way eight or ten miles to get him. We reached Fillmore meeting house at 10:10 A.M. Attendance at Sat. 10:00 A.M. meeting 160. At 2:00 P.M. 273. At 6:30 P.M. Conjoint [blank]. Sund. 10: A.M. 401. Sund. 2 P.M. 491. Stake population 2738. I spoke at all the meetings occupying from 30 to 40 minutes. Subjects. [blank]

Sat 10: A.M. 40 min. Missionary work at home & abroad.

"4 2:00 P.M. Self. 35 min. Be hearers & doers of the word and profit by the conference. Organize the Seventies for mission work. Ward teachers works. Call into active serivce some of the 28,000 inactive in church. If necessary release the Seventies from ward teaching that they may do missionary work in the stake. This would give place for some more of the inactive to exercise themselves.

6:30 P.M. Self. 30 min on Character. Definition & the effect of thought upon character.

Sund. 10 A.M. Religion Class Convention. Self 40 min R. Class work.

12:15 Seventies meeting. Self. 20 min. Subj. The Church works as armor should be proven by the Seventies. Story David & Goliath. 1:30 P.M. Conference. Self 35 min. Tithing.

I set apart Dennis S. Dorrity Alternate H. Counselor. Ordained Fred J. Christensen of Kanosh.

While in Fillmore I staid at Pres. Peter L. [p. 197] Brunson’s. When I left there I left my umbrella. After the afternoon meeting we drove to Oasis in Auto calling at Holden to see Bro. Benj. Stringham who is an old timer and confined to his bed. We arrived in Oasis about 7:15 P.M. and stayed at the Day hotel until train time 12:19 A.M. when we took train for home. The weather was ideal all the time and we had a good conference.

10 November 1913 • Monday


All well. Beautiful day.

I arrived home on train reaching S. Lake at 6:30 A.M. After breakfast I went down town and attended to several items of business. I called on the First Presidency and got an appropriation for LeGrand of $200. to assist himself & family to pay their way to Holland. I also presented two matters from the General Primary Officers, First. The matter of these officers establishing play grounds for Primary children in the wards, which was acceeded to on conditions that the people nor the Church should be called upon to donate for the purpose only in some such way as was done in Mesa, Arizona Second. Application for membership in the organization known as the National Council of Women which was layed over until the Council meets to consider it. I called at Temple and recorded handed in sheets containing 200 names of males for baptism tomorrow by my son LeGrand & myself or as many of them as they will permit us to be baptized for. [p. 198]

<Attended Grant Romney’s farewell Testimonial in 20th ward at night & offered the invocation.>5

I wrote up my journal from memorandas for the past two days. Made other necessary records and attended to correspondence.

11 November 1913 • Tuesday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I spent the forenoon cleaning leaves off the lawn & burning them.

I got my overcoat from the taylor’s repaired at a cost of $4.00

My son LeGrand & I went to the Temple soon after noon and were baptized for one hundred people of the Gill record.

I assisted in setting apart a company of 45 missionaries. Came in to the annex at 2:45 from temple and set apart the following.

1. Aquila H. Jarmin, Elder of Twin Falls to Cent States.

2. Miss Mary Elizabeth Lufkin of Black Foot to Cent. States

I also instructed the missionaries. In the evening I attended 27th ward Mutual and taught the Senior Class. Alice & I called at Joel’s after meeting where LeGrand & George & their wives were visiting.

12 November 1913 • Wednesday


All well Clowdy.

I got up at 4:35 A.M. and did some repairs on tap at sink, washed the lawn of leaves &c. Went down town and met with Pres. Lyman & Elder Geo. A. Smith and had before us Bp. H. J. Robinson of Farmington ward & Pres. Hyrum Grant of Davis Stake and examined brother Woolley of Centreville as to his having solemnized [p. 199] plural marriages as charged. He denied having done so.

I attended to some business for myself and made preparation to leave with my son LeGrand & family on their way to Holland tomorrow. I to go to San Luis, Colorado. In the evening we had our family and Ashton family here it being the last night before LeGrand & Ina & children leave for their mission. A pleasant time was had.

13 November 1913 • Thursday


Mild weather with indications of storm during the day.

All usually well.

I made preparations to leave for San Luis, Col. on noon train over the O.S.L. and U.P. Rys. Accompanying LeGrand & family as far as Cheyenne, they continuing on to Omaha & Chicago &c. & I going to Denver. We lift as per appointment and I left them on train about 9:00 P.M. and took my car for Denver. The train was divided at Cheyenne.

14 November 1913 • Friday

I reached Denver at 9:30 A.M. Had breakfast, barbered & went out on Seeing Denver Car for a couple of hours for 75¢. Attended Orphium matinee and took 7:20 P.M. R.G. train for Alamosa, Col.

15 November 1913 • Saturday

Arrived at Alamosa an hour late about 7:00 A.M. and went on to LaJara where I was met by a brother Mortensen [p. 200] with Auto and driver 3½ miles to Sanford, in all 945½ miles from home. Conference convened at 10:00 A.M. Three Elders and two lady missionaries from Western States Mission were in attendance through the conference and each spoke. We also heard from the presidency, the three bishops and from representatives of all the auxiliary associations and Church school & R. Class superintendents of the San Luis Stake.

We held four public conference meetings a Conjoint Mutual meeting and a Religion Class Convention meeting and I spoke at each occupying from 30 to 45 minutes each time and treated R Class work, Character, Obedience, One Gospel only & that of anscient origin & that the one we preach & Scriptural evidence of same, ward teaching, missionaries returned should be kept active. Mormonism had small beginning, Nebuchadnezzar’s dream fortold it. The little stone. I also attended a high council meeting & a Seventies meeting and a meeting of the R Class workers. Ordained one High Priest, two Seventies & set apart two presidents of the 92nd quorum of Seventies & instructed the Seventies. At close of the conference I was thoroughly tired. I staid at Bishop James P. Jensen’s home. Ate one or two meals at Pres. Wm. O. Crowthers. Had a pleasant stay & my presence & instructions seemed to be appreciated. A number of people told me so including the Stake Presidency. I feel that the Lord helped me & I am thankful for it & give to him the honor.

I took train at La Jara at 7:25 P.M. and arrived in Denver next morning 7:40 A.M. [p. 201]

17 November 1913 • Monday


I took breakfast at the Oxford, had a shave and went up to the Mission headquarters and found Pres Herrick & the Denver Conference missionaries in meeting and I addressed them for about 30 minutes after which I went with them down town and sat for our pictures in groupe.

I left Denver on U.P. train 12:15 P.M. for home and arrived home safely next day 8:40 about 25 min late.

See list of ordinations.

18 November 1913 • Tuesday

Arrived home from San Luis, Col about 8:40 and found the folks all well. Spent the day fixing up my books, writing up my journal, arranging reports &c. and in the evening Alice and I went to the Utah theatre and saw Willard Mack in, “As A Man Thinketh”

19 November 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well. We have had an exceptional fall for good weather. Some rain, no snow in the valleys & but little frost or cold weather. The foliage is all off the trees and preety well burned up or otherwise disposed of. Beets & potatoes dug and everything in readiness as a rule for winter weather. Some indications of storm. I spent the forenoon and until 4:00 P.M. at home. Attended Gen Bd. Y.M.M. meeting at 5:00 P.M. and my Circle at 6:30 P.M.

Letter from LeGrand from Buffalo, O.K. My sister Asenath is ill. [p. 202]

20 November 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Raining at this time, 9:30 A.M. Later, I[t] rained most of the day.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 2:30 P.M. Attended to several items of business down town.

Called at office of the Primary Board in the Bishop’s Building and reported the action of the Council on their request for permission to apply for membership in the “National Council of Women” which action was to lay it on the table i.e. indefinitely postpone consideration of same. Called at Pres Office and reported on a matter the President gave me last evening to look after to see if the Y.W. Journal had published his sermon in full or in part upon the subject of Dress at delivered at last Oct. Conference and learn if it was same as or in keeping with that published in the Era which was revised by the President. The report was that it had been published in the Young W. Journal in part & practically the same.

I got from the temple fifteen sheets of names (300) of baptisms and recorded the work in temple records.

This day my Son-in-Law Rega Card & Lucena came from Logan and Rega’s mother went to the hospittal for an operation. By request I went to the Hospittal & Rega & I administered to Sister Card.

21 November 1913 • Friday


Stormy, Snowfall. All usually well [p. 203]

<A Mexican named Lopez killed a man at Bingham Fri. 1:00 A.M. and escaped well armed. He was followed by a posse of four men on horse back and towards evening near Utah Lake the Mexican shot & killed three of the men and got away, a large posse in pursuit.>6

By request of Edward H. Anderson I wrote a sketch of the life of my son LeGrand to be published with his picture in the Jan. number of the Era. I went through the temple in the afternoon for Christopher Langstroth No. 71. Aunt Sarah Ellen & Sister Elizabeth Bowman were endowed for two of our ancestors. I arranged with Bp. Joseph Morgan to do temple work for us and I gave him five dollars in advance 75¢ for each male endowed.

22 November 1913 • Saturday


Cold weather. All usually well.

I took 7:35 A.M. train for Payson accompanied by Pres. J. W. McMurrin to attend the Nebo Stake Conference. We were met by a brother Dixon who took us in a hack to the meeting house where conference was to be held. In Payson there is snow about 6 in deep and very cold weather. The attendance at all the meetings was slim. Last Conference was held in Spanish Fork, attendance compared:

Last: 390—574—1456 —1273

This: 99—140—600—520 total 1259 or in all about 13% of the population which is 10600. The speakers were during conference, the Stake Presidency, two bishops, Bro. Boyd from B.Y.U. Pres. McMurrin and myself. I spoke at all meetings.

It was reported that throughout the stake this year 43 conversions and baptisms had been had of Adult gentiles 21 of which were from Eureka.

I spoke upon the subjects Ward Teaching; Missionary work at home; At[p. 204]tendance at conference meetings, Sacrament meetings &c. The officer in S.S. is not justified in not attending the afternoon Sac. meeting because he was at S. School. I am under obligations to attend all the public meetings of Sunday so are you. The Mutual or S. School worker is not justified in neglecting attendance at local organizations when not on stake duty. &c Sacrament. Sacrifice. Atonement. Love of God of parents. Love begets love. We should love the Lord & parents and show it by obedience & doing good to others. If we have a prominent weakness we can not see our smaller ones until that one is removed. When our table is piled up with business not attended to, we can not expect inspiration on new business. As Bps & Presidents hold weekly Council meetings so should all the heads of organizations.

I staid all night with Pres. Page and took dinner Sunday with Pres. Lemons Elder Willard Done of General Bd. Y.M.M. and br. Boyd from B.Y.U. being on hand to attend the Mutual Conjoint in the evening and two others appointed to speak, Pres. McMurrin & I returned home after the afternoon meeting.

24 November 1913 • Monday


All usually well. Cold weather.

Rega & Lucena still with us.

I wrote up my journal for the past two days from notes and did other writing.

Received letter from LeGrand written Tues. [p. 205] Nov. 18th on board S.S. Victoria between Montreal & Quebeck. All well.

I wrote my daughter Nerva at Tooele inviting her & family to come spend the Thanksgivings day with us.

I assisted Pres. Lyman in administering to Sister Rhoda Lyman who is very sick. He anointed & I sealed the anointing. Wrote to my sister Alice Ann at Fielding. Received a letter from my son LeGrand and answered it.

I took Mama, Ruby, Rega & Lucena to the Orpheum theatre the first time I have been there.

25 November 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well. Milder weather.

I spent the forenoon at home studying and marking passages in Testament. Attended a missionary meeting at 2: P.M. in the temple annex where 41 missionaries were set apart. I had a company of 10 whom I set apart alone, as follows.

1. John A. Young of Goshen, Ida. to Central States

2. Heman T. Smith of Byron, Wyo. to " "7

3. Geo. Thomas Simpers of Salina to Western "8

4. Jesse Wm Fowers of Hooper to N.W. "

5. David Aaron Johnston of Hooper to N.W. "

6. Arnold Hardy of Roy to " "9

7. Simon Lawrence Bath of East Mill Creek, California

8. Robt. W. Preece of Cove, Utah. to "10

9. Ferris Neff or East Mill Creek to "

10. Wm Melvin Packer of Riverdale, Ut. to S. States.

I also instructed the missionaries.

My Daughter Alice Minerva with her four children came in from Tooele in the evening. [p. 206]

Alice, Nerva & I called on my sister Asenath and family in the evening.

I also accompanied Pres. Lyman to his daughter Mrs. Houtz’s home and we administered to her, she having lagrip.

This day I filed with Utah State Nat Bk. two $500.00 bonds belonging to my son LeGrand to be delivered to Portland Band [Bank] on receipt of ten shares of Preferred stock in the New Cement Company. The Clerk McEwen would not give receipt for the bonds but made pencil notation on the envelope which enclosed the bonds.

26 November 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well. Mild weather.

Tomorrow being Thanksgiving’s day our Council meeting was held to-day. I was in the temple from 10:30 to about 1:30 or 2:00 P.M. Attended to several items of business down town and returned home where I spent the time reading &c. Attended my Circle meeting at 6:30 and later took Alice, my daughter Nerva, Rega & Lucena to the Utah Theatre. Geo. & Edith accompanied us.

27 November 1913 • Thursday


Thanksgivings day. All usually well.

I spent the day until about 2:30 P.M. marking & reading pocket edition of D & Covenants.

We had dinner all our family except LeGrand & family in Europe & Joel & Georgina who have the Felt family to their home to dinner. [p. 207]

Joel & wife called in the evening after their company had gone. We had a good dinner and spent a very happy afternoon & evening.

28 November 1913 • Friday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I take 2:25 p.m. R.G.W. train for Thompson thence to Moab.

When I went to depot to take train for Thompson I learned that No. 4 was not scheduled to stop at Thompson so I got special order from Superior officers and it stopped for me. I arrived at Thomson about 11: P.M. and staid at the hotel over night.

29 November 1913 • Saturday


Cold weather. Am well.

I rode to Moab 35 miles with Ray Johnson in Auto leaving Thompson 8:10 A.M. and arrived at meeting house in Moab 10:20 A.M. in time for opening Conference. Stake population San Jual Stake 1307. Attendance at this meeting 58. Only about 10 or 12 visitors from other wards. This was Priesthood meeting. The members of the Stake Presidency and I were the speakers. I occupied 45 minutes Subject. Keep check on officers from top down. See that all bearing the priesthood are enrolled & faithful. See that the 28000 inactive priesthood members have something to do so far as they live in this stake. How? By reducing the size of the ward teachers districts and calling those into service. Relieve some [p. 208] who are overloaded and distribute the plums &c. Intest presidencies of quorums & ward teachers in this work. Take up the Auxiliaries the same and Church members in the wards not enrolled.

At 2 P.M. meeting, conference opening the attendance was 115. I was the fifth speaker and occupied 50 minutes. Subject. Effects of a good life, of a bad one. Ward teaching work, how made effective, what to be accomplished.

I staid at Bishop John P. Larson’s.

30 November 1913 • Sunday


Pleasant but clowdy. Am well.

Attended three public conference meetings. At 10 A.M. meeting the Sacrament was administered. Attendance 217. I was the fourth speaker and occupied 40 minutes. Subject. Sacrafice & Sacrament, Atonement. Love of God & of Jesus for us. We should love them in return and how show it &c.

2:00 P.M. Attendance 214. I was the fifth speaker and occupied 35 minutes. All candidates for salvation & Eternal life. Unlike politics our success aids others. Our good lives break down prejudice & prepare for the sowing of the seeds of truth. Paul’s life & what it teaches. Faith, Repentance & Confirmation & Baptism &c.

After meeting I ordained Wilford Emer Tangren an High Priest and set him apart a member of the High Council.

I took dinner with brother Bailey & supper with Dillworth Hammond.

Attended Conjoint M.I.A. meeting in the evening & was one of the speakers and occupied about 30 min. Subject Mutual work & character building. In all these meetings [p. 209] I enjoyed good liberty of speech & thought.

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November 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]“100” is underlined twice.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Northern States”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Netherlands”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Sat”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 199.

  6. [6]This insertion was written across the top margins of pages 204 and 205.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “Central States”.

  8. [8]Ditto mark here and in next two lines for “States”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks for “N.W. States”.

  10. [10]Ditto mark here and in next line for “California”.