November 1895

1 November 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took load of Apples to S.L.C. 41½ bu. & Sold to A. F. Denney 113 Post St @ 40¢ pr bu. Put up team at Abrams & staid there all night but spent the evening at Sarah’s visiting with Mother. [p. 189]

2 November 1895 • Saturday

Salt Lake Tooele Weather clowdy & some wind. I took Mother to Depot from Sarah’s & saw her off on train to Nephi. Then hitched up team & leaving S. L. City at 8 A.M. came home arriving here at 2 P.M. Henry Doremus accompanied me. Abram & Polley came in buggy a couple of hours later. I attended Rep. rally at 3 P.M. Spent the evening at home.

3 November 1895 • Sunday

Burned brush in S.F. in evening.

at Tooele. Weather windy.

Looked over the place with Abram in forenoon. He, Polley & Henry Started home about 12 M. I shaved bathed & attended meeting & Spoke for about 30 minutes Called on James Dunn sick, recorded blessing & in the evening Alice & baby accompanied me to meeting.

I read book entitled “From the Ballroom to Hell.”

4 November 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I made Ranch Report for Oct. Issued bills to parties owing, Wrote to Abram, Mother & Fred. Went to Store & Shoe Shop. & attended to Sundry business. Spent the evening reading & writing. [p. 190]

5 November 1895 • Tuesday1

Election Day.

Tooele Weather cold.

I attended to business with several parties, arranged to exchange hay to Wm Vowles for flour &c. Cast my ballot for Statehood & for. Republican Nominees.

6 November 1895 • Wednesday

Took box off old wagon & put the gears away. Took rack off one wagon & put the Box on it. took rack rack off another & put hay rack on it. Repaired wagon & wagon box &c. Sold damaged hay to Lars Johnson & to Geo. Davie. Settled water taxes with Water Master Geo A Rimington. Collected on his note &c. Loaded a load of baled hay for Salt Lake Read & wrote &c in evening.

7 November 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold, roads muddy I took a load of baled hay 2865 lbs. to Salt Lake for Abram. Roads frozen in morning and muddy in afternoon. One horse (Cloud) fagged in middle of afternoon. He may have been sick. Arrived there about 7 P.M Unloaded before going in for supper. Staid all night at Abram’s.

8 November 1895 • Friday

S. L. City Weather cold & clowdy. I left Abram’s at about 9:30 Called up town for a few articles & arrived home at 6 P.M. All well. Spent the [p. 191] evening at home writing & reading. Bought horse blankets $4.00 overshoes $1.50 at England’s on my way home.

9 November 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cool.

I killed pig, paid my taxes, got order from Vowles for flour 1500 lbs to take to Abram from lower mill in exchange for hay. Loaded 800 lbs. baled hay & pig for S L City & put wagon in shed. Got 15 bu potatoes from tithing office through Peter Clegg. Shaved &c. took more cold.

10 November 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold at night

I still have severe cold. I took brown colt & with Prest Gowan’s went to E.T. Ward & attended & spoke in School & Meeting. Took Dinner at Emil Fellow’s. Shaved in the morning Talked 45 minutes at E.T. & attended Evening meeting here & spoke 30 minutes.

11 November 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold.

I took load hay, flour & pig to S L City to Abram. Arrived there after dark. Unloaded flour & pig. Staid all night at Abrams.

12 November 1895 • Tuesday

At Abrams.

S L City Weather warmer.

I cared for team & unloaded hay before breakfast. Took team up town with me about 9 A.M. & left Town about 10 A.M. [p. 192] & arrived home at 5 P.M. Milked new milk cow & cared for team. In the evening I wrote to Mother, to J. W. Whitehead Jr. about coal & to State Bank enclosing A. F.D. ck. $82.45. Wrote up my Journal for four days My cold still bad.

13 November 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Snowed most of the day.

I paid Abram’s taxes & sent him receipts. Took Apostle Lyman, his Son Geo. & Dave. Lucy & her intended Partridge & C. R. McBride to Station. Hunted horses, took Jos. Hensen over to field to Show him some work I have for him to do. &c&c. busy all day. In the evening I looked over record of horses to learn how many are out. My cold about same but I feel better. I oiled clock &c. Read papers.

14 November 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went in Canyon hunting horses went up Right hand Kelsey to the head. Had to wallow through deep snow in storm & fog. Came near getting lost. Found no horses.

15 November 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather quite warm & pleasant. I hunted for horses north towards Lake View & Batesville & South towards Silcox & Basin. [p. 193]

16 November 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

John K. Ormes & I went up into the mountains hunting horses. Spent a long hard day and got nine of our horses & six others.

17 November 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took my team & buggy & Prest. Gowans accompanied me to Lake View where we attended School & Meeting & talked at both. Put up our team & took dinner with Bp. John G. Shields and between school & Meeting gave blessings to Florence & Lester Shields Prest. Gowans Scribe. Prest. C. L. Anderson came in time for meeting & talked at meeting. On our way home we called at E. Spray’s & looked through his new house. Found J. O. Dunn & wife on my return home who took supper with us. Alice accompanied me to meeting but the baby was not good & we had to come home before the close of meeting. Retired earlie.

18 November 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to Some business down town. Wrote to Abram & wrote other business letters and received a letter from Mother with one enclosed from Nerva to Mother. I went out South through Basin Pasture, Stockton, & Rush lake bottoms, called at Evan Morgans & Oliver Youngs hunting Roan horse, Snort. [p. 194] Gave an order for enlarged picture of our little girl Amy. Wrote in Journal &c. Wrote to Mother.

19 November 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired wagon, greased it & loaded seven barrels of vinegar for S.L. City. Pronounced a blessing upon Sister Josephine Droubay my wife being Scribe. Took my wife & little girls for a ride, attended to Several items of business. Read the papers in the evening.

20 November 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I left home at 7 A.M. with load of vinegar & arrived at Abram’s S. L. City at 6 P.M. cared for team took Supper & read papers Retired at 11 P.M.

21 November 1895 • Thursday

At Abram’s

S.L. City Weather pleasant in morning, wind during the day & snow at night. I unloaded vinegar. Started up Town with team at 10 A.M. & attended to some business & left for home at 11 A.M. & arrived home at 5 P.M. Found folks well & a letter from Mother, Seney, & Nerva. In the evening I wrote up my Journal, wrote to Mother & Nerva & did other writing. Re-wrote one blessing & recorded another. Snowed during the night 8 or 10 inches. [p. 195]

22 November 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy about 10 inches of snow on ground.

I repaired S. Field fence, got honey from Bro. Craner. went to Store. Called on Prest. Gowans at his office. cared for animals, made transcript of F M Davis’ account back to 1893. Shingled the three boy’s hair. made snow paths &c.

23 November 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather foggy & some snow fell. I hauled some barrels of vinegar into Wagon Shed. Shaved, bathed, wrote to Abram. Accompanied Prest H. S. Gowans to Vernon & Staid all night at Bp. Sharp’s.

24 November 1895 • Sunday

Vernon Tooele Weather foggy.

I attended School & meeting & spoke in both. After meeting returned home. Went around by St. John & arrived home at 9:30 P.M. Folks well.

25 November 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold.

I repaired wagon; greased two wagons, Sold a load of hay. Took stove to Isgrens, called at Gallaher’s about sleigh. Got top wagon box & boys bows from T. Hormans. In the evening Rewrote one blessing & recorded two. All tolerably well.

26 November 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold at night & fine during the day. [p. 196] I made an arrangement for cleaning snow off Stacks & cleaned snow off stacks. Hauled in to wagon shed the Cidar press & 9 barrels of apple juice. Did some writing & read from “Looking Backward.”

27 November 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warmer

I sold & loaded two loads hay & loaded to T. Horman small load of baled hay. Went up to Isgrens & got stove. Paid E Broad $8.00 on acct rep on Binder Repaired Extension table, bought leaves for extention. Went to Stor[e]s with Alice.

28 November 1895 • Thursday

Thanksgiving Day.

Tooele Weather warmer. Indications of storm.

I did the regular chores, put up stoves. put collar on & clamper in pipe. Put chair bottoms on four chairs. Loaded 2500 lbs. hay to T. horman &c. Shaved, cleaned up & at 3:30 sat down to a nice Thanksgiving dinner of Turky &c. Prest. Gowans & wife. Barbary Bowen & Hyrum Lee with us. In the evening we had candy & nuts. Bro B. L. Bowen was with us. Retired at about 10:30 P.M. Had an invitation to attend Grantsville Ward Sociable this day but had previously arranged for this dinner. Folks usually well. [p. 197]

29 November 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather thawing some rain, Snow at night.

I cared for animals, sold hay, filed saw, trimmed trees &c. Spent the evening at home. reading & writing.

30 November 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather moderate. about three inches of snow fell last night.

I let T. Horman have load baled hay. Made monthly statement & part of report. Made bills to parties owing, went to Stores. Bought a pair of felt boots at Jas. Howells @ $3.15. The boys went to Station & got 2265 lbs coal & got my sleigh from Gollaher’s. In the evening I shaved & bathed. Wrote a letter to Abram & posted for this day’s mail. Folks well.

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November 1895, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sunday, Nov” before crossing out “Sunday” and beginning the date line again on the following line.