February 1885

1 February1 1885 • Sunday

Attended Sunday-school after which I took Lou & little ones also Alice & babies over to Nerva’s took dinner at Nerva’s Attended meeting and went over to Nerva’s after the folks. Spent the evening at home.

2 February 1885 • Monday

Took Alice over to Nerva’s, ate supper and went to Y. M. M. I. Ass. and administered to Jas. Rudd’s wife with J. D. Wadd and C. W. R. Took Girls home from Nerva’s rag bee Adm. to Nerva’s baby.

3 February 1885 • Tuesday

went to the mill and got flour for Lou, and loaded a load of hay for Town.

4 February 1885 • Wednesday

went to S. L. C. with Ambulenc and brt. Sarah and children up, took Ambulence home and adm. to Jas. Rudd’s wife with S J. R.

5 February 1885 • Thursday

Studied Phonography Attended Seventies meeting & Fast meeting.

6 February 1885 • Friday

Took kay to S.L.C. to Heber J. Richards

7 February 1885 • Saturday

Repaired stable and cleaned it out shaved &c. went up to Chas. Bourn’s to administer to him.

8 February 1885 • Sunday

Attended Sunday school review in for and after noon spent the evening at home

9 February 1885 • Monday

Studied the bible delivered a lecture on the Life of Elijah at the Y.M.M.I.A. [p. 87] in the evening went to depot, to Nervas, D oviatts and clarks in the evening.

10 February 1885 • Tuesday

Took Sarah to Harrisville and returned same day called at Chas. Bourns &c.

11 February 1885 • Wednesday

Stormed nearly all day stayed in and studied till evening when I took the Sleigh to the mill for grist and took Alice & babies & Nona riding.

12 February 1885 • Thursday

Chas Bourn Died I went visiting as a teacher & attended Seventies meeting in the evening.

13 February 1885 • Friday

Visited as a teacher spent the evening at home studying phonography.

14 February 1885 • Saturday

Attended Chas. Bourn’s funeral, cleaned snow off sheds &c. attended Teachers Meeting in the evening.

15 February 1885 • Sunday

attended Sunday-school and meeting, took Alice & babies down to Esther’s and brt them back again. Spent the evening at home.

16 February 1885 • Monday

Stayed in and studied, wrote an editorial for the Young Peoples Representitive. Attended Young Mens meeting in the evening.

17 February 1885 • Tuesday

Hitched up team & went down to Post office & tried Kennards grain grinder or mill thence to T. B. Clarks, the mill and took Mother over to Nervas. mad[e] up the paper for Joint meeting. Willford called in in the l evening. [p. 88]

18 February 1885 • Wednesday

Hauled eight loads of manure on the lot. Traded a 5 yr old cow & a two yr old heifer to Fred for a 3 yr old mare. caugh[t] the mare and tied her up. Stayed at home and studied in the evening.

19 February 1885 • Thursday

Hauled 8 loads on of manure on the lot, attended the joint session of the Young people’s meeting in the evening.

20 February 1885 • Friday

Hauled 8 loads of manure on lot, & attended Savages lecture on light.

21 February 1885 • Saturday

Hauled 8 loags [loads] of manure on lot, Spent the evening at Anna Wilcox’s.

22 February 1885 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and meeting, spent the evening at home.

23 February 1885 • Monday

Hauled six loads of manure, washed my wagon, drove over to Jane Smiths and lead the colt to the side.

24 February 1885 • Tuesday

Took a sack of flour down to Lou Traded 525 lbs of flour to be delivered to L H Kennard for a grist mill & a roller for the ringer flour to be paid by the 1st of Oct. Hitched up my filly for the first time.

Had D. Miller & D. Thomas here in the evening studying phonography.

25 February 1885 • Wednesday

Put a new roller in the ringer & took the crank to the shop and had it fit on Took the folks over to Nervas, and spent the evening at S. J. R.’s.

26 February 1885 • Thursday

Took Alice down to her father’s and [p. 89] went after her in the evening, went teach[ing] in the day time and attended Seventies meeting in the evening.

27 February 1885 • Friday

Stormy all day, attended Stake Priesthood meeting

28 February 1885

Made brake block for wagon, Tried to plow in the lot, tried two plows but they would not do the work. Attended Teacher’s meeting in the evening. Baby unwell

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February 1885, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1885/1885-02


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Jan” before crossing it out and replacing it with “Feb.”