August 1894

1 August 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I had threshers all day and in the evening I atte[n]ded a public lecture by Prof. Wm M Stewart.

2 August 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

I finished threshing about noon. Had 952 bu. machine measure or about 1030 bu by weight from 45½ acres. After settling with work hands & finishing up I sacked 22 bu of wheat and took to mill 15 10 miles distant.

3 August 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather hot.

I fixed up straw stack and used the irrigating water. Arranded [Arranged] with Mr. Sevenson to use Cemetery water mid-day on trees. Prepared to go to Lake on excursion to-morrow.

4 August 1894 • Saturday1

Tooele Weather cloudy & pleasant. Took all the family in two conveyances to the Garfield where we met Aseneth, Stephen & wife & Minerva. [p. 12]

5 August 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather changeable Rained during meeting time.

I copied two blessings, attended afternoon meeting, wrote letters, wrote in Journal &c. P. P. Christensen called on me in the even.

6 August 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather changeable. Stormed during the day. I arranged with Joseph Henson to harrow & plant my land next month. Put ten bands on trees to keep hoppers down. Went down to lower fill mill & got grist. Went with S. W. Orme to look at waste water ditch with a view to arbitrating difference between him & Peter Nelson & others. Attended lecture by Prof. Stewart

7 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I banded trees in forenoon and irrigated in afternoon. Wrote to Fred & Dwyer.

Attended lecture by

8 August 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended to the irrigating, banded with tin & dope young Poplar trees in South field In the evening I attended a lecture by Prof. Wm. M. Stewart. & institute in afternoon

9 August 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather clowdy. I attended to irrigating, finished band[p. 13]ing trees in South field. Attended Afternoon session of Summer school. and lecture in evening by Mr Royalance.

10 August 1894 • Friday

Weather warm.

Tooele Used the Kelsey water irrigating Attended Co. Teachers Banquet & gave a toast in behalf of the trustees.

11 August 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Warm.

I attended to the irrigating and attended two sessions of County trustees convention.

12 August 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot.

I accompanied Prest. Gowans to E.T. Ward where we attended school & meeting & spoke to the people. Took dinner with Emil Feller, then called on Bishop Moss and blessed his dying wife. After meeting called on Father Maxwell who is in his 75th year sick with Rheumatism We administered to him. On my return home had ice cream & cake & in evening on invitation went over to Bro McBrides, had cake & cream there & spent a pleasant evening but the latter part of the night I suffered from cholera.

13 August 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm. Still irrigating but not well from [p. 14] effects of yesterdays cream &c.

Went to the School house in evening to attend Agricultural Society meeting but adjourned after 9 P.M. for want of numbers only four of us being present.

14 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I finished irrigating at 1 P.M. did some few chores, read paper & took a nap.

15 August 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm. I got ready to go north and with Alice and four little girls left on 2 P.M. train for Salt Lake. Went direct to Bro. Stevens in Sugar House ward where we staid all night.

16 August 1894 • Thursday

Weather warm

S.L. City Sugar House.

Visited in forenoon with Stephen & Willard and in afternoon left by 2:40 P.M. train for Collinston where we arrived about 6:30 P.M. met by bro. Fred. Wend [Went] with him to his home on Plymouth & staid there all night.

17 August 1894 • Friday

Plymouth Weather warm With team & buggy Fred & Carlie & Alice babies & I went over to Mendon. Took dinner at Aunt Lotties visited the folks & returned in the evening. [p. 15]

18 August 1894 • Saturday

Plymouth Weather hot. Alice went over to Alice Ann’s in the morning. Fred & I went hunting. In afternoon Fred & I went up the Canyon and saw the canal work & dam across the river which showed immense expendature of means & labor. Staid all night at Alice Ann’s.

19 August 1894 • Sunday

Plymouth Weather hot. Attended School & meeting and spok[e] in both. Took supper at E. O. W. Called at Calvins in evening and Staid all night at Fred’s.

20 August 1894 • Monday

Plymouth Weather warm. Fred took us to 7:30 train A.M. & we went to Farmington. Visited with Mariar Clark & Nerva. Staid over night at Nerva’s and

21 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot. Nerva Started up Weber Canyon. We visited with Wealthy, J. E. Robinson & Wife Aunt Annie Robinson & Wilcox & Mariar clark. Rode out with E. B. C. Took 7:40 P.M. train to S.L. City and by street car went to Stevens in Sugar House Ward where we staid over night [p. 16]

22 August 1894 • Wednesday

Sugar Ward Weather Continues warm. Light shower last night. Went up town about noon and we left on 5:50 P.M. train for Nephi Arrived there about 9:30 & Staid at Mothers.

23 August 1894 • Thursday

Nephi Weather warm. I visited with the folks all day and towards evening we took double team & went for a ride. Slept at Mothers & ate at Aseneth’s.

24 August 1894 • Friday

Nephi Weather hot. I rode out with Aseneth in the morning. Went to West meadows. Visited until train time & left on 3 P.M. train for Salt Lake & to Sugar Ward by car Staid at Stephen’s.

25 August 1894 • Saturday

Warm weather.

At Stephens in Sugar

I took Alice & children to 7:45 A.M. train and they went home. I had Legrand put in plaster and we went out on 2:40 P.M. bathing train Georgie met us at Garfield & we got home O.K. at 5:30 P.M.

All well Enjoyed our 10 days visit very much. [p. 17]

26 August 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm. I attended Sunday School and Meeting and opened both by prayr.

Uncle S. W. Richards being here with Prest. H. S. Gowans went home with me to Supper & I took him to Lake View in evening where we attended meeting.

27 August 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I posted Several letters, attended to the irrigating, made cru[t]ches for Leg[rand] and put thick wood sole on his shoe. Sent rake to Shop for repairs. Had tins taken off trees &c.

28 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I irrigated and pulled weeds, raked hay & in evening engaged men to haul hay & took my wife & babies with me in buggy. Cows got out & could not find them. Prest. H. S. Gowans called on me and we by request administered to McLain’s daughter.

292 August 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather diversified Hot, clowdy, windy & some rain.

Continued the haying and after the quitting hour 6 P.M. took horse & cart and G. A. Rimington with me and went [p. 18] up to Hank’s field to see his binder. In the morning I hunted cows and found them up to C. D. Hank’s.

30 August 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy in Afternoon. We made hay & hauled hay in fore noon and quit haying at 2:30 P.M. & I pulled weeds the rest of the day.

31 August 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took team & buggy & Prest. Gowans went with me to Grantsville where we attended High Council trial between [first and last names redacted] & [first and last names redacted] finishing at 11 P.M. I returned home arriving at 2 A.M.

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August 1894, George F. Richards, accessed February 4, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sunday” before crossing it out and writing “Saturday”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “30” before crossing it out and replacing it with “29”.