January 1888

1 January 1888 • Sunday

Took the folks over to Fred’s and staid the afternoon, ate Molases candy and walnuts. Spent the fore-noon & evening at home, wrote & read in the evening. Snow about ten inches, windy & cold. Snowed in the night.

2 January 1888 • Monday

Snowed nearly all day, got my horses up in the afternoon, worked in the stable making mangers in forenoon.

3 January 1888 • Tuesday

Made mangers & stalls in Stable. Snowed & blowed all day & most of the night.

4 January 1888 • Wednesday

Wrote to Seney and mother, Studied the subject of Faith, Snowed & blowed nearly all day. Joel was taken sick & I was up in the night with him, Administered to him and he rested pretty well the remainder of the night.

5 January 1888 • Thursday

Went with Fred over to Alonzo Busenbark and back by Wm Hardy’s & E. O. Wilcox’s Snow about two feet deep. Was up with Joel in the night again. [p. 111]

6 January 1888 • Friday

Fred & Carlie came over and I went with him down to wheeler’s and got his blue horse. Weather very cold. Was up all night with Joel who was very sick with cold and inward fever.

7 January 1888 • Saturday

Plymouth Windy and cold severely cold & deep snow drifted, Joel no better Fred went down after E. O. W. & I went up after J. E. S. who came and administered to Joel. J. E. S. Sat up with us all night. Joel turned for the better at 4 o’clock Am Sunday 8th

8 January 1888 • Sunday

Joel continued better, weather severely cold. E. O. W. & wife came up in the afternoon went home in evening. Kept up a fire all night but slept part of the night.

9 January 1888 • Monday

Plymouth Cold & windy. Joel still better J. E. S. called to see us. Our calf died in the night. Kept a fire all night.

10 January 1888 • Tuesday

Joel still improving, J. H. Hess came over to see us. The weather still cold & windy severely cold. My stables are warm but light shut out. Kept fire all night and water froze in the room where the fire was. We now all of us sleep in the front room. Wrote a card to Mother

11 January 1888 • Wednesday

Carlie & Fred came over the day before & brought their bed. They are still here & Wilford Richards came and staid with us all night. The night was some warmer and [p. 112] snowed some in the night.

12 January 1888 • Thursday

Snowed and blowed most of the day. Fixed up pegs in stable made gate way into Stable did the chor[e]s, Feeding eight head of animals, watering, tie-ing them up & cleaning out stables, cutting wood &c. occupies much of the day.

13 January–14 January 1888

nothing of importance transpired

15 January 1888 • Sunday

Plymouth Went down to E. O. Wilcox after yeast, snow deep and weather cold. Fred & Carlie came over and brought their bedding.

16 January 1888 • Monday

Plymouth Fred & I went over to the Station with four horses on a slay to get some coal but could not get any. Weather excessively cold. While gone to the station One of Fred’s cows died and his Durham calf was nearly frozen to death. We took it in the house but it died in the night. Received a letter from Steve offering hay at Mendon; also a letter from A. F. Doremus asking me to go out to Tooele to take care of his farm and stock. Wrote card to A. P. D. [A. F. D.]

171 January 1888 • Tuesday

Plymouth Wrote letters to A. F. Doremus, Mother, and Steve. B. J. White staid all night with one boy, three horses and 33 beef cattle.

18 January 1888 • Wednesday

Went over to the Station to post letters, and received one from Mother with [p. 113] one inclosed from Alice Ann and another from Nerva. Crossed the river on the ice coming back. Wrote in my Journal and made a yearly statement of my Affairs or a statement of Resources and Liabilities.

19 January 1888 • Thursday

Plymouth Hauled manure, read in the evening.

20 January 1888 • Friday

Snowed nearly all day, hauled one load of manure, read Deseret news and the Tract “The Modern Prophet.” Read also in Book of the “Seventh Day Adventists.”

21 January 1888 • Saturday

Snowed most of the day. hauled one load of manure, read from the Book of Mormon.

22 January 1888 • Sunday

Plymouth Received a proposition from A. F. Doremus and answered it while I was at the Station Cold day and deep snow. no road broken.

23 January 1888 • Monday

Plymouth Commenced packing up to move to Tooele City. Went down to E. O. Wilcox’ with a sleigh, deep snow and no road. Weather cold.

24 January 1888 • Tuesday

Plymouth Took a load of furnature to the station on a sleigh with four horses had on 750 lbs.

25 January 1888 • Wednesday

Plymouth Took another load to Station with four horses. [p. 114]

Resources January 1888.

Real Estate, 160 acres, house, stables, fences &c


Stock, six head of horses & one cow,


Harness & Halters 1½ set harness & 4 halters


Wagon, <80.> Plows, <23.> Harrow, <4.> ½ Drill, <15.> Thrible-trees, <3.50> chains <6.>


House-hold Furniture, Wardrobe, <20.> Cupboard, <25.> Bedsteads <20.>


Stove <35> Lounge, <4.> chairs & washstand, <13.50> Sundries <10.>



I owe M. A. Grover


I owe A. A. Smith


I owe O. L. R. Estate


I owe Deweyville Co-op




Jan 1888 all debts paid


26 January–28 January 1888

Plymouth Left Plymouth with my family at 5.30 o’clock A.M for the Station, Left Collinston at 7.40 AM. on the cars and arrived at Farmington before noon. Went to Salt Lake Friday 27th and returned to Farmington Saturday 27 28, 1888.

29 January 1888 • Sunday

At Farmington

30 January 1888 • Monday

Went to Salt Lake City and Staid all night at A. F. D.’s

31 January 1888 • Tuesday

Left Salt Lake at 8.15 a.m. and arrived at Tooele at 11.20 a.m. Same day. Hobbs had [p. 115] a boy to meet me at the station with a spring carriage. I put the team on a wagon and went back after my things Got a man to haul up a part of a load for which I paid him 50¢. My family I left at Farmington.

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January 1888, George F. Richards, accessed February 5, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1888/1888-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “15” before writing “7” over the “5”.