March 1900

1 March 1900 • Thursday

Home Weather fine & lamb like.

Geo. & I unloaded lumber, put boxes on wagons & went to field & plowed with two plows & eight horses. Prest. Gowans called in evening on business. Wanted me to go to St. Johns & hold Ward Conference as he is going to Logan for a few days.

2 March 1900 • Friday

Home Geo and I went to field & plowed with two four horse teams.

3 March 1900 • Saturday

Old Folks day.

Home I attended the meeting at 11 A.M. and made a short speech. Alice & I by invitation ate dinner with the old folks and attended with [p. 375] them and the children the matinee & I assisted in looking after the children, keeping them quiet <&c.> George & Joel plowed at field.

4 March 1900 • Sunday

Home Wind blew hard all last night & all day today.

I went to St. John and held conference, Expected Prest Anderson but he did not meet me. The. Prest. was in Logan. I fasted until after afternoon meeting when I broke the fast at Bro Larkin’s. I attended School & Spoke to the children. Went home at noon with Elijah Larkin & arranged list of Ward officers. At meeting. I presented. Church, Stake & Ward Authorities. The Choir sang a nice selection and I occupied the time about 50 minutes on the blessing the Gospel has been to us, the blessing & light to the world, the raised hope it gives us &c. I went & returned in wind & cold but with three coats on did not suffer.

5 March 1900 • Monday

Snowed two or three inches in night.

Home I took Mama & the little girls in carriage down to Creamery to see it in operation. F. D. Horman Called on me advertising locks for wires on fence. Looked at my cows & admiring my Jersies traded me a Durham cow & calf for my Jersey Cow & calf. Joel & Legrand took ours down & brought others home. [p. 376]

6 March 1900 • Tuesday

Home George & I dehorned cow and two heifer calves, took shed posts & went to west field & set six shed posts.

7 March 1900 • Wednesday

Windy again.

Home George & I went to west field and burned the brush off about 18 A land it having been previously piled. In the evening I went down to Sister Mary Smith’s and with Bp. Atkin, Jos. Orme, Wm Cassity & Edwd Atkin Administered unto her she being very Sick. Bp Atkin Anointed her & I sealed the Anointing. Called in Lesser Priesthood meeting and spoke a short time Assisted in Ordaining a number of the Young brethren some to Priests & Some Deacons & One Edmund Horman to the Office of Elder. I was mouth & ordaining my Son Legrand a Deacon and Leroy Nix a Priest. Wrote up my journal from Mar 1, 1900. Wrote letters &c until 11 P.M. Wind still blows.

8 March 1900 • Thursday

Weather very threatening.

Home I fixed. up drill and did sundry small jobs in forenoon and in afternoon George & I took the New level & drill to west field & leveled & drilled barley. Received a lengthy letter from Bp. Israel Bennion of Vernon in regard to his ward [p. 377] the people &c. In the evening I made out Feb. Report of Lumber business to U. L. Co. & mailed them a letter & my check for $60.00 on account. Report & other remittance to follow in few days. Wrote the following letter to Bp. Israel Bennion in answer to his of Mar. 4, 1900.

Tooele City, Utah. Mar. 8, 1900

Bishop Israel Bennion

Vernon, Utah.

Dear Brother:— Yours of 4th inst received to-day. I read it car[e]fully when I received it to-day noon, put it in my pocket and thought of its contents while at work this afternoon. I have just been reading and considering it again and now at 10:40 P.M. I undertake an answer but not without first having sought the Lord in prayr for His Spirit to guide me.

I very much appreciate the confidence reposed in me as manifest in your letter and I assure you it is no imposition upon me or my time. If only I can say some thing that will encourage and strengthen you for the great labor devolving upon you in this last great calling, I shall be indeed thankful.

The fact that your ward has so far degenerated as it were under Bp. Sharp’s administration is to me evidence of the necessity for a [p. 378] new organization and the condition seems to be such as to demand a great general to lead the forces and accomplish this purpose. While there we were told that there was but one trouble in the Ward and that trouble was not brought to the front while or during our stay there, but before we left there, we learned that there were other troubles, a still, deep and dangerous undercurrent in the Stream of Ward affairs and the Bishop’s shoulders did not escape the burden of responsibility therefore in our judgment. My first thought was to not load Israel Bennion down with more than his circumstances would justify his carrying but before a choice was reached, I reached the conclusion that a great sacrifice was to be made. The question was shall it be the Ward or the individual. We were united that it be the latter. It was not ours but the Lord’s business and must be well and faithfully cared for. That inspiration pointed to Israel Bennion as Bishop of the Vernon Ward, is beyond question with me and I indorsed the inspiration. And after hearing by your letter of the more than I knew of the disruption in the Ward, I am the more convinced that there was no mistake made. If it be an injustice to place the responsibility [p. 379] upon one of rebuilding that which was builded but to fall, on whom should this injustice fall he who had the brake in hand and could have checked the monster in its course. One having been so closely connected with the building of so unstaple [unstable] a structure, will be the better able to build anew a stable & substantial edifice profiting by what he has observed.

We have implicit confidence in you Bro Bennion and in your abitily [ability] with the Lords help and the help of your counselors and the Support of the good people of your ward, to build anew if needs be and make yours a model Ward not in name and appearance only but in very deed. Go forth Dear Brother in the power and authority of your calling being fearless in the discharge of your duties, courting friendship and good will only through the works of righteousness in the bonds of the covenant, exercising your authority in all meekness, brotherly Kindness and love, as a father loveth his children and you shall be honored, your words prized as and your counsels be sought after by all classes. It is the Lord's work. He does not propose that it go to the dogs or his people to destruction. He cho[o]ses wise servants to care for same. You have been honored [p. 380] by him. The honors of men you need not seek. It was for such honor the Scribes and Pharasees sought, by publeshing their alms and praying in public places.

Please pardon me Dear Brother if I have said too much. You have my prayrs, my sympathy and my love. May the Lord bless you in your callings and magnify you before the people, that you may have their love and confidence and find pleasure in your labors May you be blessed in your family, in your basket & Store and in all things in righteousness, I pray in Jesus’ name.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo. F. Richards.

Recorded March 9, 1900.

9 March 1900 • Friday

Weather warm & pleasant.

Home Geo & I went to west field & leveled & drilled barley. In the evening I copied the above letter into Journal & read paper and wrote to grandma.

<Nina not well.>1

10 March 1900 • Saturday

Joel & I went to west field & leveled & drilled barley. Finished the leveling & brought level home.

11 March 1900 • Sunday

Ward Conference at Tooele & Batesville Prest Gowans attended the latter I the former which was pronounced a success. In the evening I accompanied Jos C. Orme down to E Broads & administered to Sister Broad. I was [p. 381] in bed and asleep when Bro. Orme called for me.

12 March 1900 • Monday2

Home Weather beautiful. I went to West field with team & carriage and finished the Seeding of barley 19 A. Took the little girls with me. We returned between 12 & 1 oclock & I took Mama & little girls with me up to Chas Pocock to see about lucern seed. Went to east field & plowed in afternoon. Geo. Plowed all day with four. Did some writing in evening.

13 March 1900 • Tuesday

Plowed all day at field. Assisted in administering to Jos. Park’s baby three times during the night. Administered to Alicy & Nina in the night both being indisposed.

14 March 1900 • Wednesday

Administered to Jos. Parks baby @ 11 AM. H[e] anointed.

15 March 1900 • Thursday

Finished plowing for lucern except plowing in a few of the dead furrows. Commenced that work. Geo Commenced the leveling. In the evening I assisted in Administering to Jos. Parks baby. I anointed J. K. Orme sealed the anointing. Wrote to Bro Fred in answer to a letter received today. Baby getting better, several of us have colds & other ailments.

16 March 1900 • Friday

Put grass seed attachment on drill & commenced drilling lucern Seed on 40 A bought of B. L. Bowen. Traded Madam Mare to Alonzo Gowans for Ira horse. Administered to Sister Broad in evening Bros. Gowans & Jos. Orme assisting.

In the evening I attended the baby while Mama, Nerva & the boys went to Masquerade Ball. [p. 382]

17 March 1900 • Saturday

Weather pleasant still.

Home I drilled lucern seed, Geo. Leveled & Joel harrowed. In the evening I bathed and went over and assisted Bp Atkin in administering to Sister J. B. Gordon who was very sick with Erysip[e]las. Letter from Mother & I answered it.

18 March 1900 • Sunday

I attended school here in Tooele and in Theological Class Male division I answered the question as to Elijah & Elias that Elias was to the Aronic Priesthood what Elijah was to Melchesidek was to higher priesthood. See Gems from the Sayings of the Prophet Joseph in Compendium My Father gave me this answer 20 years or more ago. Alice Accompanied me to Lake View in Afternoon where we attended the Ward Conference. Prest Gowans Present. I occupied 30 minutes on Additional light the Gospel brought into the world. Administered to Jos Parks paby [baby].

19 March 1900 • Monday

Doctored Madam Mare she being sick then went to field and drilled lucern seed.

20 March 1900 • Tuesday

Bro. McBride & I went to Grantsville & met Bros Jeffers & Williams Committee on to investigate labors of Stake Tithing Clerk.

21 March 1900 • Wednesday

Drilled Lucern seed in forenoon & in afternoon I hauled rock of[f] land. Boys assisted me. Was called out of bed at 10:30 P.M. to go administer to Jessie Dunn Geo. A Lyman & Bro Simpler assisted me.

22 March 1900 • Thursday

Drilled 9 A. <to> Lucern Seed. Geo. Leveled & Joel Harrowed. Rec’d 150 lbs. Seed from Geo Dusten @ 7½ ¢ [p. 383]

Books Read during Winter of 1895 & 1896.

Wedge of Gold by C. C. Goodwin S L City.

Looking Backward.

History of United States by T. F. Donnelly.

Paradise Lost” by Milton.

“Called Back” "3 Hugh Conway.

True vs. Fals. Religion "4 Ben E. Rich Tract.

Mr Durant of Salt Lake City by Ben E. Rich

Ben Herr or Tales of the Christ.5

23 March 1900 • Friday

Finished lucern planting on 40 A South of Sheds and commenced planting North of small pasture. Towards evening I took Alice Geo & little girls for a ride down to west farm to see the grain. Nerva went with the School down to Garfield & the cave. Took wheat to mill &c. Read papers in evening. Folks well Weather fine.

24 March 1900 • Saturday

Finished planting lucern north of small pasture on the Larson farm and drilled lucern seed on small lucern pasture & harrowed it it [in?]. Brought drill home at night.

25 March 1900 • Sunday

Prest Gowans & I went to Grantsville my team & buggy Staid at Prest. C. L. Anderson’s Held Ward Conference. I spoke 50 minutes.

26 March 1900 • Monday

I took chill & drilled 9½ A barley on fall planting barley which mostly killed out. Continued same Work [p. 384]

27 March 1900 • Tuesday

I bought log of P. Shields & made a field roller. George continued the drilling of barley to a finish.

28 March 1900 • Wednesday

I finished land roller about 3 P.M. & went to Bowen field & commenced rolling lucern ground. Geo. & Joel hauled rock off same land. I sold to C. R. McBride 200 bu. wheat at 45¢ pr bu. Wrote to Mother & sent copy of letter written to Fred, Feb. 20, 1900 in relation to taking a mission to the Northern States.

29 March 1900 • Thursday

I continued rolling lucern ground & boys hauled rock off same.

30 March 1900 • Friday

Continued the work as yesterday.

31 March 1900 • Saturday

Joel used roller on lucern ground.

George attended School Teachers institute & I the Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele. Had to dinner Israel Bennion who has been with us since yesterday Saml Woolley Bp St. Jeor Gustave Anderson Bp. Ahlstrom & Bro Noye of St. John. George & I hauled 200 bu of wht. to mill @ 45¢ pr bu. had two sacks of lucern seed cleaned at mill.

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March 1900, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 March entry.

  2. [2]Richards apparently wrote and crossed out “Sund” after writing the correct date.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “by”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “by”.

  5. [5]Richards placed seven dashes in the line below this list to separate it from the 23 March entry.