November 1890

1 November 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went and got the Mid wife Mrs. De La Mar as I did each morning and attended to the chores out side and waited on Alice in doors. Mother Still with us.

I took Mrs De La Mar to the Train to go to salt Lake she having received a telephone message stating that Lydia is sick.

I changed the Combination of the County Safe in my charge as County Treasurer. Telephoned to Dr Joseph at 6 P.M. He gave me incouragement he having conversed with Sister De La Mar upon the Subject of her condition. [p. 45]

2 November 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I waited on Alice and in the Afternoon attended meeting and by request of Bp. Atkin I read the circular from the First Presidency of the Church on the establishment of Theological classes, and made made remarks upon the Same occupying in all about 30 min. I telephoned Dr Joseph in the evening. This day Alice’s condition is much improved.

3 November 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had men hauling hay. I used the Kelsey water, did some repairs of fence; attended a Liberal Ralley of the Liberal Party at 3.30 P.M. and another of the Peoples Party at 7.30 P.M. The speakers were H. S. Gowan Lysander Gee and Seymour B. Young Father Meiklejohn Chaplain and J. W. Tate Secretary. It was an enthusiastic meeting. Much applause was given.

Alice Continues to improve.

4 November 1890 • Tuesday

Election day Weather fine.

Alice improving nicely. [p. 46]

I cast my vote early for the Honerable John T. Cain. Made out my monthly report and sent to A. F. Doremus, Sent check of $6.00 to U. C. & Savings Bank savings

5 November 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy & cloudy.

I put up the fence near the house pulled down by Gray Mare; put chain wires over the stack: raked up about stacks; repaired tie strap: Sowed lucern seed in South field &c. Wrote cards to Dr. Jos. & Fred. Received County Treasurer’s stamp. Alice continues to improve and all the others are well.

6 November 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine but hazy.

I did the chores and hitched in to the Cart and went down and got Billey Picket <to> come and harrow. I sowed about 10 acres of land to lucern. Did some business at the Court house. Alice sat up for about an hour and was not so well after it. She was chilly and afterward feverish. I did some writing in the evening. [p. 47]

7 November 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather hazy but fine.

I sowed about ten acres of lucern seed with seed sower. Had Alfred Hanks harrowing. I attended to some business at the court house. Released Geo. Coleman’s Mortgage. Paid my taxes $82.50 City tax yet to be paid. Alice about the same as yesterday better & worse.

8 November 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine

I finished harrowing in lucern seed in East field. Piled up and burned sage. In the afternoon I issued school admits, attended to some County business, received money from Geo Coleman to cancel his mortgage and redeem his two notes. Paid up my accounts at the stores and bought a sack of sugar @ $7.50. I turned the cattle into the Old field. Alice felt some brighter and sat up for one and one half houres. It was an extra cold night and not having provided an extra cover she got a little cold and towards morning her fever rose so that at 9 AM Sunday it was 104 4/5 with pulse 112. [p. 48]

9 November 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I having been up in the night several times arose late in the morning and on learning Alice’s temperature to be so high 104 4/5 at 9 A.M. I remained in most all day to wait on her only going out to do the chores. By administering 8 grains of quinine and Antefebrin we got her temperature reduced so that at 12 M. She being determined to dress and sit up was allowed to do so and staid in the chair 1½ hrs. She did not seem to feel any worse and after eating a little went to sleep and slept about an hour which she seemed to enjoy and which seemed to do her good. Mother sat and read from the Juvenile “Up from Tribulation” and held the baby which Slept nicely.

10 November 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I Attended county court and had County Warrants cancelled. Issued school admits. Joseph Lee’s wife was buried. Our roan heifer calved. I bought $1.40 worth of nice beef.

Alice much improved in health. She sat up about 3½ hours and had her hair combed. [p. 49]

11 November 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine. Snowed a little in P.M. I issued school admits and attended to other business pertaining to the duties of the school Trustees. Nerva and children came from Grantsville. Alice continues to improve.

12 November 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine but cold.

I went down to McKellars and got blocks and to the store, court hous[e] and Jos. Dunns. Got horses out of field and went to Basin and repaired fence. Returned at 5 P.M. Attended to the chores and supper and attended a meeting in the evening of the School Trustees. Alice continues to improve.

13 November 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather keeps fine but cold. After breakfast I went over to the Court house and released A. J. McCuistion’s Mortgage of $500. and let Jerry and Emma M WhiteHouse have $800. at one per cent for two years secured by mortgage. I took Nerva to the Station on her way home. Took Mother a buggy riding over to Stockton & Cemetery &c. Alice continues to improve. [p. 50] Miss Sarah Gee came to see me about the contract for teaching school and John Shields came to see horses with a view to buying one. Spent the evening at home reading and writing.

14 November 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went to the Store and tried to reach A. F. D. by telephone to inquire about selling horses. Bought 8 suits of underware for the children $16.00 Went to Basin and worked on fence rep. Spent the evening at home. Paid J S Lee off for lumber Warrant No 9 for $730.60

Alice has a bad cold otherwise improved.

15 November 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went to Basin with team and worked on fence repairing it. Returned late Georgie accompanied me. Bought 5 gallons of coal oil on my return. Went down and saw Prest. Gowans in the evening. In the morning I went with other school Trustees and made affidavit and certified to the correctness of papers for bonding the School District. Alice continues to improve. [p. 51]

16 November 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I hitched our team on my buggy and took Prest Gowans down to E. T. where we attended school and meeting and spoke in both. Charles Anderson was at meeting and occupied a part of the time. Took dinner with Bp Moss. Called in to see Bro. Hammond who was sick with Dropsy. Alice feels pretty smart but the baby does not feel well to-day. Mother still with us.

17 November 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

Alice continues to improve. I repaired fence around old field and attended to some other work of a writing nature. Sold and handled bay filly to John A. Shields.

18 November 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I saw H. Marshall about baling hay. Did some trading and did a number of sundry jobs repairing. Attended Christensens panorama [p. 52] of the Persecutions of the Saints in the evening.

19 November 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I got Alfred Hanks to assist me and set the baler and commenced baling hay. Broke the baler in the afternoon and while I was at the Shop getting baler repaired Hanks went to Depot and got coal. I attended the Elders Quorum meeting in the evening.

Alice continues to improve others well.

20 November 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine. Warm some clouds. I had Henry Marshall helping me and baled hay, broke bolt to baler and had to take it to the Shop for repairs. I attended a meeting of the Y.M.M.I. Association in the evening and spoke for a few moments. Gave $5.00 towards the purchase of an organ for the meeting House. Read Josephine’s life from Heroins.

21 November 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I baled hay all day had Henry Marshall helping me. In the evening I read and wrote. Read news [p. 53]

22 November 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine and dry.

I baled hay all day. Shaved at noon and at night read from the “Heroines of History,” the story of Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt. Consulted Webster on the correct pronunciation of a number of words. Did some writing, bathed and retired. Read Isabella of Castile Spain <in part>.

23 November 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Sunday school and offered the benediction. Drove Prest. Gowans over to Lake View where we both preached I 40 min. and He 50 min. Returned home and attended evening meeting here. Mother Still with us. Alice feeling well.

24 November 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I baled hay. H Marshall assisting me. Did some writing and attending attended meeting of the Irrigation Board in the evening where I urged the acceptance of my resignation but the Board would not accept it. [p. 54]

25 November 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Still fine.

I baled hay in forenoon and in the afternoon took Mother to the depot on her own way home. Took Alice to the stores, and for a ride. Weighed and piled up in hay house about two tons of hay.

I attended to some County business with J. R. Clark at the Court house in the evening. All well.

26 November 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went to the depot and got a load of coal in the forenoon. Baled hay and hauled hay into the stable for Vick in the afternoon. Spent the evening at home reading. All well.

27 November 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Thanksgiving’s day Weather fine.

I bought at Tithing office 29 lbs meat. Did the chores. Consulted Assessment Rolls and wrote To A. F. D. about Taxes Received a letter from A. F. D. Took Alice a riding. Had the Water Master up to measure sluce Settled water taxes. Wrote A F D in evening. [p. 55]

28 November 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I hauled straw into shed, hauled chaff from baling hay into sheds and raked up in part, cleaned out chaff from Vick’s manger. Did some business for the School district In the evening read the paper and read from “Heroines of History” Joan of Arc

29 November 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I finished raking up the stack and barn yard. Took Alice and two children Nerva and Sarah with me in buggy and went to Basin pasture posted notices on fence at Basin and put the wire where down. Made out my report for Nov. month in the evening and bathed before retiring for the night.

30 November 1890 • Sunday

Tooele I took team and buggy and drove Prest H. S. Gowans down to Batesville where we attended School and meeting and spoke to the people. Took dinner with Orson Bates. I attended meeting here in the evening and preached. [p. 56]

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November 1890, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025