January 1903

6 January 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to business & worked on my books & accts all day Attended Mutual testamony meeting in evening & bore testamony.

7 January 1903 • Wednesday

Joel & I aside from regular business, repaired three corral mangers.

8 January 1903 • Thursday

Set one saw and sharpened two saws. Repaired & hung gate near Implement House. Joel hauled gravel & sand for the walks. I rehung front gate. Attended to business. &c.

9 January 1903 • Friday

Considered matter of logging from Left Kelsey buying Saw mill &c.

10 January 1903 • Saturday

Prest. Gowans & I with my team went to Vernon Staid over night at Bro Pehrsons E. J.

11 January 1903 • Sunday

At Vernon. Attended School & Spoke there. Between School & meeting administered Patriarchal blessings to Sister Cook and her daughter Jos. P. Sharp scribe. Attended meeting and spoke in plainness to the people. Tithing, & other duties. After meeting We returned home arrived before 10 oclock. [p. 115]

12 January 1903 • Monday

Attended to the business of the place. Spent the evening at Estella’s & took supper there All our family & Geo L & Nerva were there. Had a good supper and a pleasant evening playing Crocanola [crokinole] &c.

13 January 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to work of the place and in evening I attended Mutual meeting. Contributed to Meeting House fund 1.00 to R. Wills missionary 1.00 to Willard Mercer sick 50 cts. Started Joel to painting.

141 January 1903 • Wednesday

Assisted Joel painting the fence, mixed paints <&c> Attended to some business with Bp. Atkin at the Tithing office on vouchers &c. In evening studied up on Signs of the times a subject assigned me by Mutual officers for an essay.

15 January 1903 • Thursday

Attended to business, painted fence and in evening I wrote essay on Signs of the times assigned me by Mutual officers. Folks well.

162 January 1903 • Friday

Attended to business of the place amounting to more than $50.00 in sales. Attended Water Co. Board meeting &c In evening took supper at Nervas and spent the evening with all my family. Estella’s family & Bro Tates family

Small Pox has made its appearance in the homes of J C DeLaMare & Jno England and the schools have been exposed. Weather clear & cold. Prest Gowan submitted to me a letter from Presidency of the Church with copy of one from Sister Cochran enclosed.

17 January 1903 • Saturday

Attended to the business of the place Conferred with Prest Gowans upon the Ida Cochran case and arranged on Prest Gs suggestion that he fill the appointment at Clover on 18th & that I meet Thos Williams Stake tithing clerk at Bp. Shield’s same day.

18 January 1903 • Sunday

I went to Lake View as per appointment and met Bp. & Bro. Williams & others & witnessed the settlement made by the Bishop of Tithing On account of Small pox in Tooele all public meetings & schools are closed. [p. 116]

19–25 January 1903

Sunday, Jan. 25th 1903.

During the week that has passed I have attended to the regular business of the place painted fence, hauled lumber &c.

This day with my team took Prest Gowans down to Batesville to Confer with Bp Orme upon the Ida Ekinon case. Our folks are pretty well. Small pox in five families in Tooele.

26 January–4 February 1903

Wed. Feb. 4, 1903.

Since the above writing I have attended to the Regular business of the place including making of monthly reports, issuing bills &c. Sunday Feb. 1st fasted and there being no school or meetings except Circle I met the brethren in Circle and spent the rest of the day home. read to the family from Contributors back numbers. No new cases of the Small pox out side the five families afflicted. Schools and all public meetings closed except those on the street corners. Mond. Feb. 2nd I worked with City Council committee on Electric Power Co franchise and met with the Council in the evening. Success attended our labors and franchise passed the Council.

Monday Geo. & Nerva came over & staid all night. Nerva staid all day and in the evening Hyrum & Estella came down and we had Ice Cream, Doughnuts, Cake &c. and played Croconole. Nerva & George staid all night.

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January 1903, George F. Richards, accessed January 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1903/1903-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “13” before writing “4” over the “3”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “15” before writing “6” over the “5”.