May 1889

1 May 1889 • Wednesday

Attended the irrigating, attended Bro. Jno Alina Vance’s school entertainment, Made head gates &c. Made monthly Report & sent to Doremus [p. 188]

2 May 1889 • Thursday

Tooele Received letter from Doremus, wrote to Doremus, Frank brought Gray mare & horse, had horse castrated, Made new well bucket, attended the irrigating &c.

3 May 1889 • Friday

Took animals to Basin pasture, watered animals there, attended to the irrigating, wrote Doremus &c.

4 May 1889 • Saturday

Attended the irrigating, went to Grantsville to Stake Priesthood meeting, by request spoke there.

5 May 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and meeting, and visited at Frank Walters.

6 May 1889 • Monday

Repaired wellbucket & fruit ladder, worked on water troughs & stack yard fence.

7 May 1889 • Tuesday

Snowed nearly all day, corked up water troughs and put in escape pipe. Went and got Mathias Nelson of the water Board to come and see if troughs were acceptable

8 May 1889 • Wednesday

Completed the fence enclosing alley leading to water troughs. Had the two Horman boys at work on Basin [p. 189] pasture fence. Geo. Horman working for a cow.

9 May 1889 • Thursday

Tooele City Completed water troughs, had two Horman boys hauling gravel all day.

10 May 1889 • Friday

Tore down fencing south of city ditch and put up new fence on North side taking in small trough. Took down fence on east side of stack yard and put up new fence. Hauled Adalius into cellar in front of the house. Read the news in the evening

11 May 1889 • Saturday

Repaired Stack yard fence, cleaned up poles & posts &c. Wrote A F D;

12 May 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and meeting, read from contributor.

13 May 1889 • Monday

Had the two Horman boys at work on Basin fence. I repaired chairs, went and saw Water master about working water tax, Sent letters to Doremus Mother, Nerva and Chicago Purchasing association with bill of goods amounting to $32.00.

14 May 1889 • Tuesday

Irrigated, waited on two parties with cows did some blacksmithing &c. Went to Basin pasture. [p. 190]

15 May 1889 • Wednesday

Tooele City A rainy day, Irrigated, went with R. Worberton & M. Nelson as a committee to examine Parker’s water sluice in mouth of Middle canyon.

16 May 1889 • Thursday

Bought the Biography of Parley P. Pratt for $4.50. Made door for work shop, made fastenings and hung door, put fastenings on inside of window to stable. Attended the irrigating &c.

17 May 1889 • Friday

Attended the irrigating, had Pocock do some mowing in apricot orchard, made fastening to barn door post. Had clark of Grantsville here to see Vick and Mr. Castino to see bull with a view of purchasing the same. Read from P. P. Pratts autobiography several chapters and from Pearl of Great price the Book of Abraham. Wrote Mother and Nerva

18 May 1889 • Saturday

Went to Basin and watered horses, took J. A. Vance along. Did the irrigating, attended meeting of a committee to arrange for a days recreation for the children in the evening. Saw Bishop and paid two months tithing. Raked up lucern and hauled in for feed &c. Paid Barrington $10.00 on purchase of his place for 400 500.00 [p. 191]

19 May 1889 • Sunday

Tooele Attended Sunday school and went to Grantsville with Jno. Delemar as Home-Missionaries. Had J. A. Vance & family to see us

20 May 1889 • Monday

Wrote A. F. Doremus, went and Saw Mrs Phister about putting up fence, examined lucern crop with an eye to cutting, did some hoing in the garden and read from P. P. Pratt history.

21 May 1889 • Tuesday

Hoed in garden &c.

22 May 1889 • Wednesday

Hoed in garden and cultivated among vines &c.

23 May 1889 • Thursday

Went to Basin and worked on fence and watered animals and brought up Lucy.

24 May 1889 • Friday

Mulched poplars, cut lucern and repaired wheelbarrow,

25 May 1889 • Saturday

Worked at Basin on fence, brought up the large gray mare, hauled in some lucern for feed. Attended a committee meeting in the evening to arrange for a day of recreation.

26 May 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and [p. 192] meeting, by request offered the opening prayr in meeting. Nerva & family came in the evening.

27 May 1889 • Monday

Tooele Commenced cutting our 1st cutting of lucern, Jno. Henwood running the machine, Had P. Nelson making watering places for trees on east ditches, I went to the Basin & watered animals, and caught and worked the Black mare home with gray. Got Barrington and wife to sign deed after which I paid them the $500.00 for same.

28 May 1889 • Tuesday

Used the water in Barrington ditch from 4.30 A.M. until 10.30 A.M. same day, attended to the management of the haying and used the Kelsey water from 1.15 P.M.

29 May 1889 • Wednesday

Irrigated garden, grape vines & poplars, had the horses brought up from the Basin pasture.

30 May 1889 • Thursday

Decoration day Excursion and picnic up the cañon, ball playing and racing at the Square and fire works and dance at the hall at night.

31 May 1889 • Friday

Attended the irrigating and did some [p. 193] raking in east field, had mower at work and one team hauling hay. Elder Vance & wife called in in the evening.

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May 1889, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024