February 1915

1 February 1915 • Monday


All well.

Visited with Pres. Moses Taylor talking over stake affairs. We had a number of people in to See us. Took train at 1:30 P.M and reached home at 7 P.M. All well.

2 February 1915 • Tuesday


All usually well. at home.

Weather mild.

Word from my daughter Nerva that Geo. L. is out of work on account of falling off in business.

I issued checks in payment of bills amounting to about $250. and [p. 206] did other desk work. Made a trip down town and attended to a number of important matters. Attended to some business with the Primary Board Presidency appointed by the Presidency.

George & Joel & their wives took supper with us and excepting Joel who had to attend a Seventies Council meeting spent the evening with us.

I wrote several letters one of which was to my daughter Nerva.

3 February 1915 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Snowed during last night about 5 inches.

In company with Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith I took 8:45 A.M. train for Northern Arizona Stakes.

4 February 1915 • Thursday

We arrived at Barstow, Cal. at 4:53 A.M. and spent the time until 2:15 P.M. waiting for train. Left Barstow at 2:15 P.M.

5 February 1915 • Friday

Arrived in Holbrook Ariz. 6:50 A.M. Phoned Pres. D K Udall of St Johns & he arranged with Walter McLaw to take us to St. Johns. We left Holbrook at 11:50 A.M. four in a Hubmobile Car and had a rough ride but arrived in St John’s safely at 6:30 P.M. We were very generously cared for at the home of Pres. Udall.

Attended a meeting of the H. Council in the early evening and later a play by home troup. “Oliver Twist.” My health & Spirits good. [p. 207]

6 February 1915 • Saturday

St. Johns.

Am well & happy.

May the Lord be praised.

Conference convened at 10:00 A.M. I was one of six speakers. Subject Atheism. Faith & works applied locally Tithing &c. time 45 minutes.

Met with the Stake Presidency in council from 12:15 to 1:30

At 2:00 P.M. the Convention of S.S. convened. I was one of three speakers. Subject. Talents. Feed my lambs. Recited. “How sweet ‘twil be at evening” &c. Time 40 min. At 4:15 met with the High Council and stake presidency for about two hours. Decided to reorganize the Stake Suberintendencies of the Y.M.M.I.A. & the R. Classes and decided upon new officers.

At 7:30 A.M. Attended departmental session of the Sunday School Convention a social of brief program and dance followed. A busy day. I took part in the discussion in the departments of Parents classes & Theological classes, officers & members.

7 February 1915 • Sunday

St. Johns, Ariz.

Well & happy.

Cold nights, bare ground and in day time beautiful sun shine. Elder H. G. Smith & I are staying at the home of Pres. David K. Udall’s occupying the same bed at night. This day we fasted until after the afternoon meeting. We broke our fast at Pres. Rencher’s. [p. 208] At 9:00 A.M. S.S. Convention meeting I read a paper by Gladyes Holton of Box Elder Stake on “Teacher” a choice paper supplied me by the General S.S.W.

Attended 10:30 conference meeting but did not speak for want of time.

Last Thursday night or Friday morning the store in St. Johns in which the Post Office was kept with the mail and other contents was burned.

During the noon hour I wrote up my journal for this forenoon and wrote a letter home to my wife & sweet heart.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting the attendance was large. The authorities were sustained. The speakers were in order as follows, D K. Udall, H G. Smith & myself. I occupied 40 minutes, Subject. Tithing, care of the Lesser Priesthood of Elders &c. Good liberty & force. After meeting we set apart the new superintendencies of Y.M.M.I.A. and Religion Classes. A list of which will follow at close of this day’s record.

Bro. H. G. Smith & I went to supper with Pres. Rencher, after which we took a walk about the town.

At the evening meeting the attendance was large. I was one of the speakers and occupied 30 minutes. Subject. Text. Read from Luke 10:25. The Good Samaritan. Go thou and do likewise. Recited the Story of the Young discouraged physician. Related some instances of similar work which has come to my attention. [p 209]

Geo. H. Crosby Jr. Set apart Stake Supt. of YM.M.I.A. by myself.

Andrew S. Gibbons set apart Stake supt. religion classes by myself.

Francis M. Whitney set apart 1st Asst to G.H.C. by H. G. Smith.

Albert F. Anderson 2nd asst to G.H.C by H. G. S.

Jas. S. Jarvis stake aid to M.I.A. by Self.

Marion O. Poulson, 1st asst. to A.S.G. by H. G. S.

Levi S. Udall, 2nd asst. to " "1 self.

<Mond. 8th>2

I wrote letters to my sister Alice to my brother Fred and to Pres. Jos. E. Robinson Took dinner with John H Udall & wife and supper with Pres. Anderson & family. G. H. Crosby accompanied me to the Court house & showed me the building & various rooms and I had a nice visit with him and with patriarch Bro. Brown, the County Supt. of Schools.

8 February 1915 • Monday

Visited court house and other parts of town during the afternoon.

9 February 1915 • Tuesday

St. John’s.

I spent the forenoon at Pres. Udall’s reading and visiting and in the afternoon the Patriarch, Pres. Rencher and I were taken in auto to Concho 18 miles by Dr. Pace. We met Pres. Udall and Bp. Aikes H. Smith who came from Hunt.

Attended evening meeting. But few men present out side our company but a number of women & children were. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Udall, The Patriarch, Pres Rencher & myself. The three other brethren took [p. 210] together about 30 minutes and I took 75 minutes. Had good freedom of speech and addressed my remarks to the visitors as the School teachers of lower Concho and several other non mormons were present. I referred to preexistance, the perfection of the laws of God governing the universe and those, the gospel, for our government. The oneness of the gospel and evidences that the gospel we teach is the one & the only one having in it the authority & power of God unto Salvation, and fulfilling the prediction of John the Revelator and Daniel.

After meeting Bishop Smith & wife and children started for their home in Hunt eleven miles distant by team and Prests. Udall & Rencher went with bro. Pace in car to St. Johns 18 miles. The Patriarch, brother Riggs & I called after meeting at the home of the latter’s daughter-in-law’s and administered to their sick baby. We also consecrated a bottle of oil. Retired about 11:00 P.M. the Patriarch & I occupying the Same bed at brother [blank] Riggs.

10 February 1915 • Wednesday


Am well & happy.

A beautiful morning.

We left Concho at 9:50 A.M. with Bro. Despain in Carriage on the way to Snowflake. We were met about half way by a brother Webb with team and taken on into Snowflake arriving at 5:00 P.M. 30 miles from Concho.

Elder Hyrum G. Smith went to Pres. Sam’l [p. 211] Smith’s and I went to Pres. Flake’s where we made our staying quarters. Sam’l & Hyrum G. Smith came down about 6:00 P.M. and we talked over business matters pertaining to the Stake. A letter from the First Presidency to the Snowflake Presidency dated Mar 4th the day after Elder Hyrum G. Smith & I left home consented to the organization of a ward at Holbrook and the building of a meeting house at a cost of six thousand ($6,000) Dollars the Church to stand $3000. of it.

The Stake Presidency have been petitioned by the people of Shumway branch of Taylor ward to organize them into a ward and we agreed to it and to an appointment with them to-morrow afternoon in Shumway for the purpose also decided to meet the people of Holbrook Monday afternoon for similar purpose. So our work while in this stake is pretty well outlined. I took a bath & retired early.

11 February 1915 • Thursday

Snowflake, Ariz.

Rained or snowed all day.

I went to the Academy Devotional exercises and addressed the students for about 30 minutes. Took dinner at Pres. Samuel F. Smith’s and at 1:00 P.M. Started in auto & in Storm for Shumway branch about ten miles South.

Held meeting at 2:00 P.M. 41 in attendance. We offered them a ward organization but they did not want it, nine adults voting against it so we did [p. 212] not organize them. I occupied about 60 minutes on order of nominating and electing & sustaining officers in the Church, the benefit office is to one and our willingness to receive what is offered to us & do our part in furtherence of the Lords work & blessing of our fellow men. We should be in complete harmony with the Church in tithes, offerings, fasts, attendance at meetings, secret & family prayrs, teaching our children to pray &c. In the evening I accompanied brother James M. Flake and wife & two daughters to the theatre. “The Dust of the Earth” by locals.

12 February 1915 • Friday

Snowflake, Ariz.

After breakfast I made my bed, swept the floor &c.

Wrote up my journal for yesterday, wrote letters to my wife & to Moroni O. Poulson of St. Johns Academy.

Attended Seventies reunion, 83d quorum, program from 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. and banquet until 6:15 P.M. I gave toast or remarks at latter & recited “How Sweet ‘twill be at evening”

Attended High Council meeting in Academy building from 7:00 to 9:30 P.M.

13 February 1915 • Saturday

Snowflake, Ariz.

Am well.

Weather fine.

I went with brother’s S. F. Smith H. G. Smith, & James M. Flake to Bro. [blank] Bramwell’s home and we administered to Sister Bramwell who has milk leg trouble, bro. H. G. Smith anointed & I confirmed the anointing.

I called at the home of Locy Rogers [p. 213] and saw brother & Sister Rogers and a brother & Sister Porter who were staying there while the Conference is on. These four were associated with my sister Alice in the united order at Sun Set Ariz. in the early days.

Attended 10:00 A.M. Conference meetings in Stake house. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Sam’l F. Smith, bro. Bramwell, H. M. Smith and myself. I occupied ten minutes in conclusion on sanitation.

Elder Hyrum G. Smith & I took dinner at Joseph W. Smith’s.

Attended Sunday School Convention First session at 2:00 P.M. The speakers were in order as follows: Osner D. Flake, S.S.S.S., H. G. Smith and myself. I occupied about 45 minutes, Subject. Cooperation of parents & S.S. workers for the proper education of the child. What is a proper education of the child, what it means, what elements potent in its accomplishment, duty to parents, loyalty of parents to auxiliaries &c. Read from D.&C. 68:25 & 93:36–49.

After meeting I went to brother James M. Flake’s home where I am staying and wrote up my journal for the day and did other writing.

Elder Hyrum G. Smith & I took supper with Father [blank] Hunt & family. In the evening attended the departmental work of the SS. Convention in the Academy building and took part in the discussions. The Lord helped me in my work this day. [p. 214]

14 February 1915 • Sunday


Am well.

Fine day.

I attended 9:00 A.M. Convention meeting and read the paper by Gladyas Holton of Box Elder “The Teacher” a Preparation B. Personal power.

Attended 10:30 Conference meeting but did not have opportunity to Speak.

Met with Seventies at 12:20 and I set apart Wallace E. Shumway a president & one of the Council of the 83d quorum of Seventy.

I took dinner at Pres. S. F. Smith’s and as the report had been circulated that the reservoir dam was leaking, we had prayer and I was mouth.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I occupied 45 minutes. Subject Service. Read the parable of the Good Samaritan. Pure religion & undefiled. Men are that they might have joy. Scout Craft &c. Story “The young discouraged physician.[”] &c. Elder H G. Smith & I went to the home of Jos. [blank] Smith and administered to his daughter Mary Monson & her babe Keneth. We took supper with Aunt Em. Smith.

At evening meeting I occupied 30 minutes Subject. Loyalty to the priesthood as held by the Local Brethren. These built the Church school & amusement hall and you young people are guests when you go there and should act as guests, should when invited into his neighbors’ home honor the authority & rules of that house. Recited, “A Mother to her Son” and applied it to individuals to parents and [p. 215] in public. You have in large measure the keeping of the honor & good name of the ward & stake. Athletic contests &c. I had excellent liberty May the Lord be praised. Many people expressed appreciation & thanks.

15 February 1915 • Monday


Am well.

Fine Day.

By direction of Pres. S. F. Smith and assisted by his father James M. Flake, Jos. Hill Richards & a Bro. Johnson, I ordained Charles Albert Flake an Elder and as he is both deaf & dumb I had the blessing written and gave him a copy. He is 35 years of age.

By Auto I was taken to Holbrook leaving Snowflake at 10:30 A.M. We had two blow outs and another car accompanying us came back for us & loaned us a pump. Ours became disabled. I rode with Martin R Tanner in his car. Elder H G. Smith rode in Bro. Levi Stephen Heward’s Car.

We two, the three members of the Stake Presidency & stake clerk came over and took dinner with Bro. Heward. Attended 2:00 P.M. meeting in County Court Room We organized the Holbrook ward with 20 families or parts there-of.

John H. Miller was ordained an High Priest and set apart a member of the High Priests quorum of the Snowflake & also ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over the Holbrook ward by myself.

David Brinkerhoff, an ordained Bishop [p. 216] was set apart First Counseler to Bp. Miller by H. G. Smith.

L Stephen Howard ordained H. Priest & set apart Second Counseler by myself. Cyris McCleve sustained as Ward Clerk. I occupied 60 minutes. Subject. Faith & work necessary to Salvation. The kind of works necessary. If what we believe & the Scriptures teach were not true & necessary to Salvation we will still be as well off as the disbelievers & should they prove true we will be infinitely better off. Mormonism a positive religion, those opposed are negative. Bore testimony. Had good liberty & spoke to the Strangers present.

After the meeting Elder Smith & I took Santa Fe No. 7 train to 5:25 p.m. for Barstow Cal. a 16 hrs. ride No sleeping cars on train & we sat it out in chair Car.

16 February 1915 • Tuesday

Arrived in Barstow Cal. at 9:15 A.M. & waited in Ry. Station library until 2:30 P.M. for Salt Lake train which we took for home. Had a good night’s sleep.

17 February 1915 • Wednesday

Arrived in Salt Lake at noon. Bathed & cleaned up and looked over my accumulated mail. Bro. Joseph Clark called in middle of the afternoon and staid for about an hour. I attended my Circle [p. 217] meeting in the evening and presented the name of John W. Walker to become a member of our Circle and the proposition was unanimously sustained. I had previously invited brother Walker to become a member.

After Circle meeting I went up to George’s & Joels and later they & their families came down to our home and spent a couple of hours.

Rainy day.

18 February 1915 • Thursday


All usually well.

Pleasant day.

I spent some time with Pres. Lyman who has a bad cold & LaGrap and unable to go out.

Attended regular weekly Council meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 PM I went to Z.C.M.I. shoe factory and had my shoes soled while I waited. Returning home I wrote up my journal for the past three days and attended to other bookings and correspondence. I wrote to D. K. Udal requesting him to send me an account of our Auto expenses and I would remit for same.

Mailed certificate of ordination to Elder Charles Albert Flake of Snowflake. Alice & I visited my sister Sarah in the early evening and I administered to her. Later we went to the Pantages theatre.

19 February 1915 • Friday


All usually well.

Fine day. [p. 218]

We had a visit from brother Klaphaok from Holland and invited him to come see us & bring with him his wife & Son & daughter next Sunday evening. I called on Pres. Lyman who is laid up with LaGrip.

I wrote to my son LeGrand of Holland, to my daughter Nerva of Tooele, to Heber Bennion of this City & to Lucena. I accompanied Mama down town to try to find a suit for her but we did not succeed in making a purchase.

Later I wrote a letter of condolence to Wm & Sarah Dunn of Georgetown on account of the death of their grown son Elmo. I also wrote to Estella Lee at Tooele answering her letter to Mama.

20 February 1915 • Saturday


All usually well.

Beautiful day.

Mama & I went down town shopping and were gone several hours. I bought of Z.C.M.I. an overcoat price $35.00 I paid $26.50. I only buy an overcoat once in probably five to eight years so got a good one. Mama and I went up to George’s & Joels in the evening for a while.

21 February 1915 • Sunday


All usually well at home.

Word from Holland that LeGrand’s children have the whooping cough.

I took the 7:35 A.M. train accompanied by Andrew Jenson for Payson, Nebo Stake We arrived in time for the opening [p. 219] session of conference 10:30 o’clock. The S. School children of the Payson two wards were at the meeting. 940 Sacrament Administered. The speakers were in order as follows. Pres Page, myself & Bro. Andrew Jensen. I occupied 20 min. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Told story of the Dandelions &c.

I took dinner with Pres Hyrum Lemon.

At afternoon session the authorities were sustained. Attendance 941 A resolution was adopted in the Conference memorializing the Legislature to pass a measure now before that body prohibiting the sale of liquor in the State.

I spoke about 45 minutes, spoke on the Subject of liquor traffic, of Secrt. orders, of Public service, Faith & other principle & ordinances & other works of the Gospel & bore testimony.

I rode from Payson about 18 mi. to Provo in Auto and caught 5:45 P.M. Salt Lake & Utah train for home. Andrew Jensen remained to attend evening meeting.

By appointment a Dutch brother Klaphook with his wife, his son & daughter called at our home. George & Joel & their families were here after meeting and we spent a pleasant evening together.

22 February 1915 • Monday


All usually well. [p. 220]

Mother, Ray & I took 7:20 AM train for Logan on a $2.50 Round trip rate this being Washingtons birth day. We had an enjoyable time with Rega & Lucena.

23 February 1915 • Tuesday


All well.

This is my birthday anniversary the 54th We had an excellent dinner at Lucenas. I read most of the day from “Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come.” We took 5:50 P.M. train for home and reached Salt Lake at 10:00 P.M. All well at home. A letter here from LeGrand. Children all have the whooping cough quite hard.

24 February 1915 • Wednesday


Attended a meeting of the M.I.A. Reading Course Committee. Set apart two missionaries at Presidents Office and instructed them. They are

1. Joseph Wm Freckleton of Provo to Hawaiian Isles.

2. Geo. H. A. Jones of Provo " " "3

I visited Pres. F. M. Lyman at his home to which he is confined with a cold and LaGrip.

I attended Y.M.M Bd. meeting at 5:00 P.M. and my Circle meeting at 6:30 P.M.

Recorded temple work done and listed twenty couples for sealing husband & wife.

25 February 1915 • Thursday


All usually well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 1:40 P.M. Received appointment [p. 221] to Morgan Stake for this week and to Star Valley Stake for the next week.

I wrote to Pres. Clarence Gardner of Afton Wyo, to Elder Joseph E Cardon of Independence and a card to my daughter Nerva at Tooele. also wrote to my son LeGrand in Holland. Wrote out sheets for temple sealings &c.

On Invitation of my Sons Geo. & Joel, Mama & I went with them & their wives to the Orpheum theatre at night.

26 February 1915 • Friday


I have a pain between my Shoulders which came all of a sudden this morning. I hope it is not the starting of LaGrip.

It commenced to snow in the early morning and continued during the day.

I called on Pres. F. M Lyman who is laid up with LaGrip & had a nice visit with him. He is getting the best of the LaGrip.

Alice & I went through the temple for endowments in the afternoon. Spent the evening at My Son George’s.

27 February 1915 • Saturday


Snow on ground.

I took 7:20 A.M. train for Morgan in Company with And. Jensen arrived there in time for the opening meeting of conference. As the S.S. Convention was to be held in con[p. 222]nection with the conference and no representatives of the General Board being present I suggested that bro. Geo Pyper of the Gen. Bd. be phoned to and it was done and brothers Felt C. B. & Reynolds, Harold were sent but did not arrive until 9:30 P.M.

At first session 10:30 A.M. Attendance was 265. Stake population 2167.

I occupied 30 min subject. Comments on reports made, gave some statistics and comments, weekly council meetings of Presidency & Bishoprics, tithing &c.

Took dinner at Bp. Francis’s and supper at Brother Crouch’s and slept at Pres Heiner’s. At 2:00 P.M. Session the attendance was 412. I occupied 30 min. S.S. topic in Convention. In the evening attended department work of Convention & Social and spoke & recited “He worried about it.”

28 February 1915 • Sunday


Cold night last.

Pleasant day.

Attended 9:00 A.M. session of S.S. Conv. I occupied 15 min with good liberty on Object of S. School, Shoperonage, taking notes, inspiration in Studying & rising outlines &c.

At 10:30 meeting attendance 572. I did not get to speak at 2:00 P.M. attendance 628. I occupied about 25 min. Tithing Read chapter 8 Deuteronomy & pay Malachi. We took 4:27 P.M. train for home and arrived in Salt Lake 6:45 P.M. I set apart Henry B. Fay of Morgan an High Counselor and ordained Daniel R. Merchie of Morgan an H Priest. [p. 223] Four others were set apart alternates by the brethren of the Stake Presidy. When I got home I wrote up my journal for past two days from notes. Took dinner with brother Crouch to-day.

This being the last page of my Journal and the last day of the month, I will commence on new journal no. 18 tomorrow

I had a very pleasant and highly enjoyable time at Morgan conference and found the Stake in good working condition The stake presidency have their work well in hand. [21 lines blank]

[end of seventeenth volume]

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February 1915, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1915/1915-02


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “A.S.G. by”.

  2. [2]This text was written vertically in the left margin next to the following paragraph.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “to Hawaiian Isles.”