October 1899

1 October 1899 • Sunday

Weather windy & cool & clowdy.

Home I fasted, attended school, meeting, Circle and at meeting I blessed our baby & named her Nina also blessed & named Ed Hansen’s baby boy Burton Edwin.

2 October 1899 • Monday

Weather cold and dry.

Home The three boys & I went up the Settlement Canyon hunting Deer & chickens. Took 4 horse team. Legrand & Joel came home at Night. Geo & I remained over night.

3 October 1899 • Tuesday

Settlement Canyon Geo & I spent the day deer hunting but found no deer. [p. 336]

4 October 1899 • Wednesday

Home Two cars lumber came. I sold lumber, collected accounts &c until middle of the afternoon and then took box off wagon & calling at field got Geo & Joel & other teams and went to station & got two loads lumber.

5 October 1899 • Thursday

Hauled lumber from station all day.

6 October 1899 • Friday

Hauled lumber in forenoon and in afternoon Alice & I went to the City and on to Farmington. Staid at Nerva’s & visited with Mother, Alice Ann, Asenath Nerva & Fred.

7 October 1899 • Saturday

Weather Clowdy.

Farmington I went to Salt Lake & attended Meeting in forenoon and in afternoon visited Salt Palace and Fair. Staid at Dr Stephens at night.

8 October 1899 • Sunday

Attended Conference meetings and went to Farming[ton] at night and staid at Nervas.

9 October 1899 • Monday

Farmington I went to City with Alice & She had her teeth fixed by having new plate. I attended Special Priesthood meeting. Attended to business at Lumber Co’s. &c. Staid at Dr Stephens at night. [p. 337]

10 October 1899 • Tuesday

Sugar House Weather threatening all day. Commenced raining 6:30 P.M. and continued most of night.

I went up town in morning. Alice came up in afternoon. We did some trading Looked after school matters &c & returned to Dr Stephens at night.

11 October 1899 • Wednesday

Snowed a little during night.

Sugar House Alice & I came home on 7:45 A.M. train Weather wet & threatening storm.

I did my back writing fixed up accounts &c. Sold lumber, settled bills, wrote letters &c.

12 October 1899 • Thursday

Weather Stormy.

Home Geo. went deer hunting in canyon & got none. The boys & I piled away finishing lumber from wagon shed & hauled a load of coal and put in shed. Went to field & repaired fence & brought animals from lucern field & put in lower field.

13 October 1899 • Friday

Worked at west field. Geo & I grubbed sages and Legrand & Joel plowed until middle of afternoon Storm drove us home.

14 October 1899 • Saturday

Home I attended Stake Priesthood meeting & High Council Meeting. [initials and last name redacted] was cut off the Church for Adultery. He did not appear but sent an epistle in which he said he was mar[p. 338]ried to [first and last names redacted] in the Republic of Old Mexico by Proper Authority. Mrs [last name redacted] was cut off by the Bishop the Wednes[day] previous Prest. C L Anderson took dinner with us.

15 October 1899 • Sunday

I attended School here and accompanied Prest Gowans to Lake View where we attended meeting and spoke upon the Subject of tithing. I was mouth in consecrating a bottle of oil in meeting.

16 October 1899 • Monday

Home Geo & I pulled sages at west field & Legrand & Joel plowed.

17 October 1899 • Tuesday

do do.1

18 October 1899 • Wednesday

Geo. Hauled gravel on roads, 4 men assisted me in piling sages at west field. Legrand & Joel plowed.

19 October 1899 • Thursday

I drilled wheat in forenoon & in after noon assisted 4 men in pulling sages Boys plowed. All well Windy.

20 October 1899 • Friday

Home Wind continues to blow

I sent teams to field to plow. Geo. hauled gravel. I chored about in forenoon. Brought Madam mare from field. In afternoon I went to field and burned sages &c. In evening I attended Republican Primary & was nominated for Mayor. [p. 339]

21 October 1899 • Saturday

Home Wind blew hard all day.

I attended Stake Conference. Present of the Apostles Francis M Lyman, Matthias Cowley. & Rudger Clawson of the Council of Seventies Felstead & Jas. McMurren. In forenoon Prayr Philip DeLaMare, Bishops & President’s Reports & brief talk by Bro Lyman. Prayr by Wm Rydalch. Afternoon. Prayr Wm Spry Bp. Wrathall & Israel Bennion reported Grantsville & Vernon Bros. Felstead, McMurrin & Clawson spoke and J. A. Bevan offered benediction Prest Anderson took dinner with me. I wrote John Preece about land rejecting his offer of $40.00 per acre.

22 October 1899 • Sunday

Attended School and two meeting forenoon and afternoon and then evening meeting. At latter I offered benediction. Apostles Cowley & Clawson took dinner with us also Prest. C. L. Anderson.

23 October 1899 • Monday

I took Apostles Lyman, Cowley & Clawson and Prest. Gowans up to See water works and cemetery and afterward took the Apostles (3) to Station Ry. Went around by farm and leveled until night.

24 October 1899 • Tuesday

I commenced drilling again. Other boys leveled, burned brush & plowed.

25 October 1899 • Wednesday

I drilled wheat until noon and then came home got ready & attended Wedding [p. 340] reception of Archie M. Shields & Mary A McLaws. I performed the ceremony making them husband and wife. Alice accompanied me & we had a pleasant time.

26 October 1899 • Thursday

I continued work at west field. I drilled wheat in forenoon & sundry other work. Had other men at work pulling sage

27 October 1899 • Friday

Continued work at west field, seeding burning brush &c. Geo. was off getting ready to go to City to attend school. Bro. & Sister Marks called in evening. In evening I wrote Letters to Geo Follick of Dingle Idaho & T. E. McIntosh of St. John about Posts. Wrote up journal from Sat. 21st. Folks. Well.

28 October 1899 • Saturday

Home I wrote C. R. McBride as follows.

“Hon. CR McBride

Chairman Republicans Tooele Precinct.

Dear Sir:— Since my nomination upon the Republican ticket for Mayor of the City, I have had intimated to me that in our own party there is a strong sentiment in opposition to my election. I was not aware of this fact before the meeting at which I was nominated or I should not have allowed my name to go <have gone> before the people as a candidate for an office. I realize than that an election [p. 341] of our ticket requires a full republican vote and the party’s success is what I desire. A defeat of the head of the ticket would mean danger to the remainder of the ticket and possibly totally defeat. I therefore most earnestly request that my name be withdrawn from the ticket to be substituted by one of greater popularity.

Yours with best wishes for the success of the party.

(Please act Promptly)

Geo. F. Richards

I went to Salt Lake By team in afternoon & took George & Jos. Tate to go to School. Put up team at Sheets Bro’s Stables. Got the boys installed in Sears Terrace 235 W. 1st South St. I went down to Dr Stephens & Staid all night.

29 October 1899 • Sunday

Sugar House Left Stephens on 9:50 A.M. Car & went up Town & got Geo. & Jos. Tate & we went over to Aunt Sarah’s where we found Mother. I visited with Mother & Sarah all day. Staid at Sarah’s all night.

30 October 1899 • Monday

Started the boys to School, did some trading & started home soon after noon. Bought a 6 week old bull calf at [p. 342] Kesler’s for $20.00.

31 October 1899 • Tuesday

Home Got Gipsy & Swan shoed new. Legrand & Joel went to Lake View & got pay for grain cutting & I took it to mill. Stormy looking

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October 1899, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1899/1899-10


  1. [1]Ditto abbreviations for “Home Geo & I pulled sages at west field & Legrand & Joel plowed.”