August 1892

1 August 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I made my July report and mailed to Abram. I issued bills to parties owing Had a sick horse, telephoned to Abram and after seven o’clock started with my family up the Settlement Canyon Went above Wm Parkers and got all the Sarvis berries we could eat and brought some home. Came home after dark.

2 August 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very warm I hauled rock of[f] lucern, repaired two bridges &c. In the evening I took Estella and Georgie an[d] went to Stockton to attend a Republican Rally, Speakers were Bennet & Zane.

3 August 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot.

I hauled rock and repaired dump cart In the evning met H. H. Anderson and Tobiason, looked over School house basement and plans. Got to bed about two oclock. All tolerably well.

Wrote up my Journal from Mond. July 25th

4 August 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot threatening storm

I hauled rock off lucern grounds. [p. 48]

5 August 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm in forenoon and cloudy and blustery in the afternoon. I hauled rock of[f] the lucern in South field finishing the 30 acres young lucern ground about 3 P.M. Hauled a load of dirt to bank up ditch west of yards. Took Alice & the two girls Sarah & Amy in buggy and went on several errands.

Engaged Geo. Rimington to commence mowing lucern to-morrow. Saw Charles Pocock about working for me in my lots & hauling hay.

6 August 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather hot with a thunder shower in the afternoon sufficient to lay the dust.

I ground mower Knife, repaired tracker on mower, Started Geo. A. Rimington to mowing and shaved and bathed and went to Stake Priesthood meeting where the Subject of establishing a Stake Academy was discussed. Prest. Gowans and I were appointed to learn the cost of running the academy one year The Bishops were appointed to canvass their Wards and learn how many students can be depended upon. [p. 49] I brought home to dinner Bros. Nephi Draper and E. J. Arthur and David Charles, J. D. McIntosh & family were also there. Alice had Ice cream for dinner. Attended High Council Trial in the case of David Caldwell and others Plaintiffs & McIntosh Bros. Defendants. We wer[e] in session from 3 P.M. until 12 midnight and adjourned until Saturday 13th inst.

D McIntosh & family and Father & mother-in-law staid over night with us.

7 August 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot, shower in Afternoon I had company and did not get to School. Attended meeting and spoke about 20 Min. at close. Attended Teacher’s meeting after Sacrament meeting. Retired early.

Wrote letters.

8 August 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant a part of the day and apart cloudy. I raked hay & bunched it ready for hauling.

9 August 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather threatening storm.

I worked in the hay. [p. 50]

10 August 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather unsettled. Worked in the hay. Attended a School Trustee’s meeting in the evening.

11 August 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Windy.

Continued the haying.

12 August 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy. Continued the hay hauling and attended to sundry other business.

13 August 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm. I had seven men haying. I raked hay until ten A.M. Attended a High Council meeting & Trial in the case of St Johns water Troubles. Continued with an hour’s intermission at noon and at 6 P.M. until 4:30 A.M. Sunday when the decision of the President was rendered and sustained by a vote of nine to three. Three opposed.

14 August 1892 • Sunday

Tooele. Weather warm.

Having been up all night I took the day for rest and sleep.

15 August 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm. We continued the haying full force. hauled in all the hay that was ready. [p. 51]

16 August 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

Discontinued the hay hauling for two days for want of hay. Being desirous of taking Nerva to the Dr. Lyons for treament of the ear and to see the school Architect Anderson, I hitched up the team and drove down to the beech 14 miles and from there I went in to S.L.C. The Dr was out of Town. Saw Anderson. Returned to beech where Alice & I took a bath while Nerva tended baby. Returned home about eleven or twelve o’clock. Raked hay before going.

17 August 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm. Met school Trustees for about an hour in morning. Raked hay, spliced poles to cable, sold and loaded hay &c.

18 August 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm. Had full force at work in hay I did the stacking worked half day

19 August 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I had four me[n] helping me and we finished the hay harvest at noon. straightened up &c. in afternoon. <This is Saturdays record.>1 [p. 52]

20 August 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Having written from memory I got Saturdays report under Friday’s heading Friday we hauled with full force of hands and Saturday finished the haying &c.

21 August 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

Prest H S Gowans & wife & My wife & I went over to Lake View and spoke in meeting. Administered to Sister Droubay, consecrated oil and confirmed several persons. I was mouth in the consecrating of oil, Confirming Maud Whitehouse (adopted) and confirming the anointing of sister Droubay. Took supper with Bp. Shields, returned home and took the Kelsey water at 7.15

22 August2 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used the Kelsey water, attended to regular work, settled with Vowles for meat and paid for 550 lbs. flour (Patent.) Wrote up my Journal from memory from Aug. 13th to date. During that time I signed an extention of contract with Abram to Abril [April] 15th 1894.

Attended Trustees meetings, attended to personal and public business and wrote and received many letters. [p. 53] Having subscribed for the Daily News & Standard I had my Utah Enquirer sent to Stephen, had previously had the Herald sent to him. Loaned for Mother to P. A. Droubay for one year $250.00 and extended the time on other $500. for another year.

23 August 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the Kelsey water irrigating.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Trustees for School Dist. No (1) and opened bids on rock and on Basement work. Without awarding contracts we adjourned until Thursday evening.

24 August 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Light shower of rain.

I used Kelsey water Irrigating.

Wrote Letters &c.

25 August 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I used Kelsey water, attended to some business at Court House and in the evening attended a school Trustees meeting and awarded bids on rock & Basement for School house.

26 August 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the Kelsey water, attended a school [p. 54] trustees meeting in forenoon. Spent the evening at home.

27 August 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cooler.

I cleaned up about stacks and changed hay rack for wagon box and hauled chaff & lucern. Used City Kelsey water all day & night attended a meeting of the Republicans of Tooele at 5 PM for the purpose of organizing permanantly. Upon my motion meeting adjou[r]ned to meet at the Hall Thursday evening Sept 1st to affect an organization. Spent the evening reading the news papers and studying the Gospel.

28 August 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School & meeting here in Tooele Spoke in meeting upon the dangers of allowing our young folks to assist the opposers of Mormonism in their entertainments gotten up a purpos[e] for a decoy. Attended a Temperence lecture delivered by Scott Anderson in the evening in the meeting house.

29 August 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but dusty. I took buggy and went to Grantsville and attended the Stake Academy Dedication offered by Prest Jos. [p. 55] F. Smith after remarks by himself and others. Several brethren from Salt Lake having been over to the Kanacca Jubilee were present. I offered the benediction. In the afternoon I attended the County Teacher’s Examination in Grantsville Alice & baby accompanied me to Grantsville. Returned home that night.

30 August 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant I again went to Grantsville by buggy to attend Examination of Teachers this time alone. Put my team up at Prest Chas. L. Andersons and took dinner there. Had a severe headache all day. Returned home about 8:30 P.M. Did the chores and attended a school Trustees meeting which kept me until 12 oclock. My ankle was badly swollen caused I believe from poison from colored socks on a skinned ankle. I was quite sick but rested well after 1 A.M.

31 August 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant I left home by buggy at 7:15 AM. for Depot & Grantsville. Alice, Nerva & baby were to go on train to Farmington & Georgie & I to go on to Grantsville. We were late for train and Alice [p. 56] Nerva & baby returned home with miss chrestence Speirs and Geo & I continued on our way to Grantsville. Put up our team & took dinner at Bro C L Andersons. Finished the Examination of teachers and returned home with an appointment for Friday to examine papers & finish up the work. I had a head ache all day and was quite unwell in evening. Ankle no better. Had Edwd. Green working picking up rock while I attended Teachers examination.

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August 1892, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]This sentence is written in the left margin of the page.

  2. [2]Richards mistakenly dated this entry “Monday, Aug. 27th 1892.”