November 1896

1 November 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold at night pleasand [pleasant] during the day.

I bathed recorded some temple work, gave blessing to Bro Johnson from Batesville Attended meeting & offered the benediction Attended Circle & prayed at the Alter. By request went down to Bro. Will’s and pronounced blessings upon himself, wife one little boy & their two little girls. Attending meeting in the evening.

2 November 1896 • Monday

Tooele Unloaded two loads brick, greased & made ready the two wagons for the City Went over to the field & got load of straw, Loaded baled hay at A. F. Ds ranch one wagon & 80 bu potatoes [p. 113] at Tithing office for Salt Lake City. Traded my young mares to Geo. Rimington for his gray horses, repaired whip &c. Work on house progressing with two Carpenters, two masons & two tenders.

3 November 1896 • Tuesday

Election Day.

Tooele Weather Stormy. Snowed all the forenoon 5 or 6 inches of snow on ground. The masons went home to vote. I voted, attended to some business down Town, cleaned off building &c. Bro. Lyman & Bp. Atkin both called on me to see new house.

4 November 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold & roads bad. My boy George & I left here with 4 horse load of potatoes & load of baled hay for S.L. City. Nooned at Spencers & arrived in S.L.C. at 10:30 after a lot of ill luck in mudd. Put up at Sheets stables & slept in barn.

5 November 1896 • Thursday

S.L. City Weather snowing all the forenoon. Unloaded two loads, attended to some business, went out to Jones Kiln & loaded both wagons with lime & started for home at 3 P.M. [p. 114] Drove out to Spencers & staid all night.

6 November 1896 • Friday

Spencers Point of Mts. Weather cold & threataning. We left for home two loads of lime at 8:30 & arrived home at 2:30 P.M. Unloaded lime, took wagon box home to ranch & traded wagons with Russell. Work on house progressing slowly.

7 November 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Cold

I repaired wagon gotten from Russell, Worked pole tax & got muttons from Coleman. Had sheep butchered in evening.

8 November 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy towards night. I staid home. Recorded blessings, wrote letters <&c.>

9 November 1896 • Monday

Tooele. Weather stormy part the day. I tended mason. Work progressed favorably. on house. Worked pole tax.

10 November 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather reasonably fine. I tended mason all day.

11 November 1896 • Wednesday

do.1 tended mason full day.

12 November 1896 • Thursday2

Weather fine.

I tended mason all day. Work progressed fine. Geo. & Wm Rimington took my two teams to Town. [p. 115]

13 November 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

Tended masons

14 November 1896 • Saturday

do do.3

15 November 1896 • Sunday

Attended School & Meeting & offered the benediction in both. Attended Circle.

16 November 1896 • Monday

Tended mason. Clowdy.

17 November 1896 • Tuesday

" " "4

18 November 1896 • Wednesday

fine weather. I tended masons. All well.

19 November 1896 • Thursday

Weather fine some clouds. Tended masons with brick &c. Work on house progressing nicely. All well. I this day sold my wheat 200 bu. to C. R McBride @ 65¢ per bu.

20 November 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy, very threatening but little rain. Masons worked all day & Georgie & I with a 4 & 2 horse teams went to Grantsville, bargained for 5,000 adobies of Harvey Everett for $25.00 & brought two loads home leaving there at dark & arriving home at 9 P.M.

21 November 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Work continued on house with two masons two tenders & two carpenters. Geo & I [p. 116] unloaded two loads of Adobies & went to Grantsville & got two loads more & unloaded one load & part of the other. We commenced to lay rock Sept. 21st & finished Oct 21st Commenced laying brick Oct. 21st & finished lower story Nov. 21. Commenced upper story this day.

22 November 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather threatening, heavy wind at night. I staid in all day, recorded blessings &c. Retired early in evening. Mamie is not very well.

<Wrote several letters>5

23 November 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather still threatening but warm & pleasant working. I had hay wheat threshed in forenoon & got 30 bu. In afternoon I hauled brick & adobies & put up on 1st story with Alex. Gillespie’s help. George hauled a couple of loads of sand. Lucena is ailing to-night.

24 November 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very windy all night & to-day. Geo. & Leg. with 6 horses & 2 wagons went to Grantsville & got adobies. I tended masons with brick &c. Work progressing nicely. Joel, Ruby & Lucena ailing all day & in bed. Estella preparing to go to Town to get married in S.L. temple.

25 November 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Rained all forenoon. [p. 117]

All hands worked in afternoon. Georgie & I left after dinner for Grantsville with two wagons & 6 horses where we got two loads of adobies & on our way home just out side of Grantsville it commenced to snow with driving wind from N.W. & continued all the way home.

26 November 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy. A foot of snow when we got up & snowed nearly all forenoon & afternoon. Carpenters worked most of the day putting rafters & sheeting on kitchen. Masons worked a little while before & a little after dinner I attended masons, unloaded adobies, Made ready for the City &c. Very cold at night.

<Estella & Hyrum Lee left by train for Salt Lake to get married.>6

27 November 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather very cold.

I left for Salt Lake with four horse team about 9 A.M. Arrived at Salt Lake City at 3 P.M. Loaded with 34 bu. lime, barrel of cement, 600 lbs plaster paris, sack sugar &c. Slept in barn & slept cold.

<Estella was Married in S.L. Temple to-day.>7

28 November 1896 • Saturday

S.L. City Weather cold down to Zero.

Left for home at 8:40 A.M. & arrived home at 6:30 P.M. A cold trip & hard on horses. [p. 118] On arriving home found my family had moved at my request into Mrs Ann Tates house the day previous where they were comfortable.

29 November 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Cold.

I wrote letters, pronounced blessing upon Emily Jane Isgreen, Attended Afternoon & evening meetings & Prayr Circle. Spoke half hour in afternoon with great freedom

30 November 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold & clowdy.

I cleaned out wagon shed & put away my carriage & buggy. Attended Water Co. Board meeting & sund. other Jobs. Palmer came from Grantsville & I paid him off & he went to S.L. City promising to come back soon as the weather broak. “But he never came back” Lionberg & Shaffer came up from Grantsville in the evening.

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November 1896, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]“Do.” is an abbreviation for “ditto” and refers to “Tooele Weather reasonably fine” from the 10 November entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Wed” before crossing it out and writing “Thur.”

  3. [3]Ditto abbreviations refer to the entirety of the 13 November entry.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Tended mason. Clowdy.”

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 22 November entry.

  6. [6]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 26 November entry.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 27 November entry.