September 1893

1 September 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

We continued the hay hauling & finished the mowing. Folks all well. Sarah Robinson is still with us.

2 September 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

We worked hard haying all day.

3 September 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended School & Meeting at home Tooele.

Studied the Bible, wrote letters &c. between. Attended Joint YM & YL. Meeting in evening.

4 September 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy afternoon. Sold seven loads of hay from the field at six dollars per ton. Finished making my [p. 173] Ranch report for the month and mailed to Abram. Wrote letters, Attended to Some business as School bro Trustees, the Architect being out.

5 September 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I put wagon box on wagon after taking the hay rack off. Got lumber from School Trustees and had E Broad put new bottom in wagon box and otherwise repair it.

I took the Kelsey Water at 11:15 A.M. and used it all day and for a week.

6 September 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy in afternoon. I irrigated and set up a Press drill Peter Clegg had been buying. Used City water also

7 September 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy part of the day. We had a nice rain. I used the kelsey and city water, took down hay fork & ropes & otherwise cleaned up. Attended fast meeting, fasted. spoke and blessed Joseph Kirks baby hazel.

8 September 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating, repaired fence to East field, Went out with horse and cart and raised twenty dollars. Bought ticket to Salt Lake for Sarah Robinson and paid her sixteen [p. 174] dollars for four weeks work. Took her to the depot. Alice & three little girls & Nerva went with me. Went upon the farm on the hill and also the Bowden farm. Had Jos. Hinson [Henson] harrowing on the hill. I called on Geo. Rimington about cidar making and talked with James Anderson of Salt Lake in regard to brick. Received letters from Stephen and Nerva informing me of the death of Calvin W. Richard’s wife Irene. I wrote him a letter of sympathy and condolence and called my family together and prayed for him & family that the Lord would comfort them &c.

Our folks are usually well.

<Funeral Services of Irene Richards Wife of C. W. Richards Buried this day at Farmington Died of Child birth at Plymouth.>1

<Copy of a letter from my father with blessings enclosed.>2

L.D.S. Historian’s Office

P.O. Box 1676

Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 5th 1893.

To my well beloved Son Geo. F. Richards Patriarch and Counselor to the President H.S. Gowans of the Tooele Stake of Zion.

In as much as you are one of the few distinguished persons in Zion who are blessed to have two fathers and both in the Church, I thought you might like to know something of the blessings that you become heir to through their diligence and faithfulness in preaching the Gospel, gathering Israel and laboring to establish righteousness in the earth. [p. 175] Since you have attained to the Patriarchal office at so early a period of your life, it may prove profitable for you to observe and study the spirit of these blessings.

They will nourish and enrich you with the spirit of your new calling.

My son, may the blessing and power of God make you equal to all requirements made upon <of> you. With love to you & all yours.

Yours Affectionately,

F. D. Richards

The above letter was written Sept 5th 1893 and I received it the following day with copies of the Patriarchal blessings of father Willard [Richards] & Franklin enclosed.

9 September 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating, did some work at sand bank with team and scraper. hauled in a load of hay from field. finished putting up the drill for use. bathed & retired.

10 September 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I arranged the water for the day, got the ready and went with Prest. Gowans to Grantsville. Attended School and spoke there Attended Y.M.M. Conference in afternoon and evening and spoke in afternoon.

Returned home after evening meeting. [p. 176]

11 September 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy.

I worked most of the day repairing apple press and aparatus and in irrigating. Geo. Rimington commenced making our apples up into vinegar on halves.

12 September 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cool & pleasant.

I used the Kelsey water until 11 A.M. and during the forenoon hauled in two loads of hay & unloaded one. Legrand was my help, Georgie was helping with washing. In the afternoon, I hauled sand for school house, hauled 4 loads @ 37½ ¢ ea. In the evening I attended a School Trustees meeting.

13 September 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I Hauled eight loads of sand for school house. Retired early.

14 September 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled eight loads of sand for School house.

In the evening I attended a School trustee’s meeting.

15 September 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled in a load of hay that had been left in the field, went upon the hill where Jos. Henson was harrowing my farm. Repaired ranch fences &c. Attended a Republican meeting in Droubay’s Hall, went over to Lake [p. 177] View to look after seed wheat and took Alice & children with me in buggy. Spent the evening at home writing &c.

Folks all well.

16 September 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather some what windy. I attended to sundry items of business.

Received of Emma Whitehouse interest on her note of $800.00 and with it paid a few small debts & made some purchases. Took the folks for a ride in the evening and while gone Joseph & Dorah Robinson from Farmington came and staid with us a few days.

17 September 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I Attended School and two meetings. Confirmed Sister Annie Nelson Lee who had been baptized for her health and after Sacrament meeting gave Philip Kirk a Patriarchal blessing, Joseph E Robinson writing for me. I copied and recorded it and delivered to him in evening after meeting.

18 September 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I wrote letters worked on Sheds to repair same. Took the folks to visit & see the City and my property. Had a good ride. In the evening I gave Ella Elizabeth [p. 178] Williams a blessing and attended a Trustee’s meeting. Wrote to Estella and Nerva, received let. [letter] from Mother at Farmington. We are all usually well.

19 September 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy.

Copied and recorded Ella William’s blessing.

Waited upon Mr Hedges and Mr Clark as a committee from School Trustees in relation to renting the M.E. Schoolhouse.

Tried all the stores in town to get some foolscap paper. Attended funeral services of Mrs [Kaul’s?] baby in M.E. Chapel, repaired shed in South yard. Took the water at 5.15 P.M.

Folks usually well.

20 September 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I used the kelsey water all day. Took the folks for a ride up the canyon road as far as Parker’s Saw mill while I repaired waste water ditch. Went down to Jos. Henson’s to see him about sowing or rather drilling my wheat. Spent the evening at home.

21 September 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating, went upon the hill and started Joseph Henson to irrigating. drilling wheat with my new drill.

I attended the Hedges Auction and bought saw, hatched [hatchet?] & other goods to the amount of $2.00 [p. 179]

22 September 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant, cold night last night.

I attended to the irrigating, towards evening I took Alice & some of the children upon our farm on the hill where Joseph Henson was drilling wheat. In the evening I attended a meeting of the School Trustees which lasted until nearly twelve o’clock. <Talked with Stephen through telephone>

23 September 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating all day. Did some shoping at Stores towards evening Went down to Joseph Henson’s and got sacks & took to Geo. Rimington’s.

Shaved, bathed &c. Folks all well.

Well provided for and happy.

24 September 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School and two meetings at home (Tooele) Apostle Lyman having been absent for nearly two months spoke and occupied all the time in the afternoon In the evening, D. T. Hedges offered the closing prayr offered his farewell address and by request I offered the benediction.

25 September 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the kelsey water all day, took inventory of school property and signed [p. 180] school report. Wrote letters to Abram and Stephen. Attended a meeting of the Water Board in the evening. All are well.

26 September 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the water until 6 P.M. repaired south field fence and East field gates &c. In the evening Bro. Lyman and wife came in and spent an hour or longer. A very pleasant evening.

27 September 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Georgie complained of sore throat and staid in doors most of the day.

I cleaned out wagon shed and chicken coop, hauled in corn, repaired shed &c.

<Jos Henson finished putting in my 45 A land to wheat late 27th>3

28 September 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I l dug potatoes &c and in the evening I gave Patriarchal blessings to Bro & Sister McLain My wife Alice writing for me.

29 September 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather clowdy and threatening storm. Finished digging potatoes in lot. 54 bu, the children helping me. Stormed in afternon. I repaired Shed door and nailed it up to keep chickens out &c. In the evening I copied Bro. McLain’s blessing & bathed &c. [p. 181]

30 September 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy. It rained and snowed all day.

I attended Stake Priesthood meeting in forenoon. Apostle Francis M. Lyman was present and by his request I reported my labors as a Patriarch and recounted some of the events of my past life. Bro. Lyman occupied most all the time and gave us some most valuable instructions on Church government and Church dicipline. Bp. James Wrathall came home with me to dinner and we both attended a meeting of the Stake Board of Education at Prest. Gowan’s office. Bro Lyman came in just as we got through with the business of the meeting and in conversation gave us some more valuable instruction in Church matters.

In the evening I copied Sister McLain’s blessing.

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September 1893, George F. Richards, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the 8 September entry.

  2. [2]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the letter that follows.

  3. [3]This sentence is written vertically in the left margin.