January 1904

1 January 1904 • Friday

At home I attended to the business of the day and in the evening I spent the evening at Estellas with my family where we had supper a little after 6 P.M.

2 January 1904 • Saturday

Attended High Council meeting in New tithing office and presided Prest Gowans and Prest. Anderson being absent. Case of [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] continued was disposed of and he received the forgiveness of the council. Other business [p. 147] was disposed of. In afternoon I attended Stake Priesthood meeting and presided. All the Wards except Clover and Vernon were represented and had reports from the Bishops on tithing settlement and the efforts put forth on the part of the Bishops in this matter. S. W. Woolley and John A. Ahlstrom took dinner with me.

3 January 1904 • Sunday

I attended Sunday School, fasted and sent my fast offerings $1.00 to meeting. I got ready and went to Salt Lake on afternoon train Edith & Joel went on same train. George was there to meet us at Depot and we went direct to his house by St. Car where I staid all night.

4 January 1904 • Monday

Salt Lake Weather clowdy and commenced snowing about 3:30 P.M. and snowed most of the night. I went over to Morrison, Merrill Lumber Co. where I ordered a car of lumber, Shingles, sash, doors, nails &c. Went up to Geo Romney Lumber Co where I ordered made settlement for Car. of lumber, shingles &c bought a short time ago within 2 weeks.

5 January 1904 • Tuesday

Returned home by morning train. Snowed all forenoon. I found about 18 inches of snow on my arrival home. Made a path maker and employed G. L. Tate to assist me and we made paths, shoveled snow, put box on bobs & he went after a load of coal and I worked on accounts &c

6 January 1904 • Wednesday

G. L. T. & H. Skelton assisted me and we took box off bobs & put basket rack on. They hauled a load of straw from Jos. Tates for bedding & I pitched it off and at 11 A.M. the car of shingles &c having come in they started after same and hauled three loads. I assisted with the unloading, cleaning snow off for a place to put them and I put shelves in the Sash [p. 148] room and partly straightened up sash room putting away in their place the nails, sash, locks &c. Called on bro. Craner in evening he being confined to his room with sickness. Then I did evening work on books &c.

7 January 1904 • Thursday

Weather clowdy. deep snow.

Home Folks well.

I had G. L. Tate & Harold Skelton working for me hauling lumber, Shingles &c from depot. They had some trouble and broke tongue out of the bobs. I assisted them in unloading and worked in sash room and lumber yard between times moving material, making changes &c.

In the evening I called on Bro. Geo. Craner who is sick but not bed fast. Then worked on my books in the evening.

8 January 1904 • Friday

Weather pleasant lots of snow

Home Folks usually well.

G L Tate & Harold skelton finished the lumber hauling about noon with my help in unloading. G L & I worked moving lumber in after noon. In the evening the Stake presidency met in my office present H. S. G. & G. F. R.

9 January 1904 • Saturday

Helped the folks wash and attended to regular work of the place; correspondence &c. In evening I went down to Shoe shop and bought a pair of over shoes trimmed up for Sund. <&c>

10 January 1904 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans and I with my team & sleigh went to Grantsville where we attended School and meeting also a meeting of teachers & Supt’es after School. Prest G. Prest C L Anderson & I occupied the time of meeting. Put up my team at Prest. C. L. Anderson’s where we got dinner also. The wind drifted snow into the road so that we had to break a track going & coming. Snowed several hours during the day. Folks well at home. [p. 149]

11 January 1904 • Monday

Home Invoice of car of material bought of Morrison, Merrill &c came to hand to day and I mailed ck to cover same. Attended to regular business and in afternoon took the family out sleighing with new sleigh.

12 January 1904 • Tuesday

Attended to business during the day and worked on my books in evening. <Prest G. & I went to Lake View & inspected tithing property &c>

13 January 1904 • Wednesday

I took my team and sleigh and went down to E. T. Ward where I audited E.T. Tithing accounts.

141 January 1904 • Thursday

With my team and sleigh Prest Gowans & I went to Grantsville where we attended to auditing of tithing reports during the day and in the evening Attended Annual ward sociable & offerred a toast on the New Year and made a brief talk later by request. Staid at Prest C. L. Anderson’s over night.

15 January 1904 • Friday

at Grantsville. Ordered a wheel scraper shipped to A. J. Stookey St Johns Siding. Returned home and attended to business In the evening Prest G & I met as usual at my office and after prayr Audited tithing accounts of Clover & Vernon wards.

16 January 1904 • Saturday

I attended to business this day.

17 January 1904 • Sunday

I spent the day and part of the evening with C L Andersen Thos. Williams & Bps Bryan, Feller, Shields & their Counselors at Tooele Tithing office auditing and fixing up tithing reports. Prests Gowans, Anderson & myself by request called at A G Gowans’ and blessed and administered to his baby boy. Prest G. blessed & named him William Ray. Prest. Anderson staid all night at our home Windy during day & night.

18 January 1904 • Monday

Attended to business at home; Snowed two or three inches in morning. Prest Gowans & I administered to Alonzo’s baby. [p. 150]

19 January 1904 • Tuesday

At home Weather Stormy

I worked all day on my lumber sheds, making another Storry and moving lumber &c. In evening I attended Mutual meeting.

20 January 1904 • Wednesday

Attended to the chores of the place, made paths Attended to business, business correspondence &c. In the evening I administered to Sister Hayne’s baby Bro. Jno McKellar assisting me.

21 January 1904 • Thursday

I assisted in administering to Alonzo Gowans baby who has been nigh unto death but is much improved now. Prest. G. & I administered to our baby Edna who is sick of a fever & cold. Attended to the business of the place and in the evening with Prest Gowans at my office looked over the Tooele Ward Tithing Reports.

22 January 1904 • Friday

I attended to business, worked on papers with a view to making settlement with Utah Lum. Co. Also on bids on material with a view to determining from whom to make my purchases. Wrote letters. Wrote up journal for several days past. Attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency held in my office room in the evening.

23 January 1904 • Saturday

I assisted the folks with the washing some Went to Depot & got cart and other goods. Put up and delivered cart. Sold load of hay to J. R. England and helped him load same. Made ready and went to Salt Lake on train to attend District Sunday School convention. Staid at my son George’s home while in City. Called on Taylor Romney Armstrong Lumber Co. and U. L. Co on my way up from Depot in City. Joel met me at Depot. George and I attended a meeting of S S Officers in theatre in evening.

24 January 1904 • Sunday

Salt Lake. Attended a meeting at Theatre at 9:30 A.M. Adjourned to Several rooms I met with Superintendents in Barret Hall. at 10 AM & 2 P.M. and 4:15 PM. and in the evening I attended services [p. 151] in assembly room. Joel accompanied me.

25 January 1904 • Monday

Salt Lake.

I made settlement with Utah Lumber Co. by paying them $2700. Ordered a car of lumber of Taylor Romney Armstrong co. Made purchases at Strewell Patersons Hard ware. also at other places.

26 January 1904 • Tuesday

Salt Lake

I came home on morning train. Geo. L. Nerva and Mama were at Depot in sleigh to meet me. Attended to business as usual. In the evening I attended Mutual meeting and gave a lecture in Theological class

27 January 1904 • Wednesday

Home. Attended to animals, business correspondence and regular sales &c.

28 January 1904 • Thursday

Attended to regular business and retired early. after reading from Manual the lesson for next Mutual meeting

29 January 1904 • Friday

Repaired Sleigh box & bells. Took Mama down to Nervas. Got shoes pulled off the horses. Took dinner at Nerva’s. Went down with team & sleigh ang [and] got the folks. Rode up as far as Estella’s. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency at my office. Present H. S. G. & Self.

Good Sleighing continuously since before Xmas.

<29th & 30 I worked on my books making up my accounts.>2

30 January 1904 • Saturday

Attended to the regular work of the place & attended Settlement Canyon water meeting 7.30

31 January 1904 • Sunday

I took my team & Sleigh and Prest Gowans with me. Went to Grantsville where we attended the meetings of the Y M & Y L. M I A. Con. At 6:20 P.M. Phone message came to Prest Gowans that Sister Betsy Gowans had fallen from a sleigh and broken her arm so we came home without attending the evening meeting. I took the Prest. up to Bowens where his wife Betsy was and assisted in administering to her. [p. 152]

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January 1904, George F. Richards, accessed February 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1904/1904-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “13” before writing “4” over the “3”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 January entry.