April 1912

1 April 1912 • Monday


Pleasant weather. Folks usually well.

I made a trip down town and attended to several items of business. Wrote several letters, one of which was to my son Joel in England enclosing regular monthly remittance of $25.00 and an extra ten dollars for a birthday present.

By courtesy of Elder Heber J. Grant I went to the theatre in the evening & took Alice & four of the girls occupying his box.

2 April 1912 • Tuesday


Pleasant weather I have some cold.

I attended quarterly conference meeting from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. and [p. 172] from 3.30 to 6 P.M. in the temple. Eight of the brethren present and each talked. During the intermission I assisted in setting apart a company of 14 missionaries to foreign missions. I being the senior present presided.

Instructed the missionaries & set apart

Wm Holmes Woodyatt of Willard, to Gt. Britain.

John Arthur Denning of Logan to Swiss & German.

Reuben Christian Anderson of Ammon Ida to Gt. Brit.

I also blessed brother Wm Bird Armstrong and Eliza F. Armstrong for a visit to Gt. Britain to get genealogies &c. Recorded temple work done and listed other names for sealing. Made ck. of $11.25 to Uncle Henry P. Richards to pay for endowing fifteen males, the list he is now working on. <Retired early.>

3 April 1912 • Wednesday


Weather fine I have some cold.

I raked the lawn over and spent several hours studying.

I attended Religion class & Y.M.M. Bd. meetings and my Circle.

Retired early.

4 April 1912 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. My health good.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and [p. 173] the Twelve fasting. Sacrament administered. 10.30 A.M. to 3.45 P.M.

Met Pres. Lyman & Elders H. J. Grant & H. M. Smith at Pres. Lyman ‘s office from 4 to 6 considering reports of the mission Prests. Did som writing in the evening and retired early.

5 April 1912 • Friday


Some rain during last night. Folks all usually well. Am better of my cold.

Attended forenoon & afternoon conference meetings and General priesthood meeting in the evening. At the forenoon meeting the speakers were, Pres. Jos F. Smith 55 min., Pres. Lund. At afternoon meeting, Pres. C. W. Penrose, F. M. Lyman & Elder H. J. Grant. At the evening meeting . W. W. Riter on auditing reports & what he found. Bp C. W. Nibly some particulars the reports show, D. O. McKay read a paper from the committee on priesthood. Fred, Carlie & their little girl [blank] also Sister Wilcox Manning stayed with us overnight. Pres. Gersion Bastian took dinner with us. [p. 174]

6 April 1912 • Saturday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I walked down town to conference. At 10 AM meetings the speakers were in order as follows: Elder Hyrum W. Smith Myself & Thos. E. McKay. I occupied 30 minutes with good liberty but deliberately. Subject Jesus & Joseph. We love them & their names in our hearts are closely associated. Their works not unlike. How we look upon the former how we look upon the latter. The three witnesses to Book of Mormon & the Eight witnesses evidence the truth of the Book of Mormon, of Joseph’s mission of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, of the Melchizedek priesthood, the truth of all the revelations purported to have been received to that date. Had his first vision been false God would have never honored him with the visitation of Angels, revelations &c. Hence on the truth or falsity of his statement of his first vision Mormonism must stand or fall &c.

Arnold Miller & wife & daughter Lea and a brother Laub took dinner with us.

At afternoon session the speakers were Elders O. F. Whitney and D. O. McKay. During the proceedings [p. 175] of the meeting I went into the fount room with Pres. Lyman, Elder H. J. Grant & H. M. Smith where we met Hyrum [blank] Smith the Eldest son of the late Patriarch John Smith and told him that we had selected his oldest Son Hyrum Gibb Smith to be the presiding patriarch of the Chruch.

The father was greatly disappointed as he had expected to receive the appointment. A great reproof for wrong doing. After the interview and in this meeting the General Authorities were sustained including Hyrum G. Smith for Presiding Patriarch.

After the afternoon meeting I attended a meeting of the Primary workers in the Bishop’s building where Prof. Howard Driggs of U of U spoke 35 min. on story telling. I offered a few remarks & the closing prayr.

Called at the exhibit of products at Vermont building & inspected the exhibit.

Alices brother Loren staid with us. I had two tickets to the Toat[?] Browning Concert & He & Ruby took them and went to the Concert.

I remained home, read the paper, wrote up my journal & retired to bed in good time. [p. 176]

7 April 1912 • Sunday


Pleasant day All ususally well.

I attended 10 A.M. conference in the Large tabernacle. The house was crowded and an overflow meeting was held in the Assembly room.

Attended the concluding conference service in the tabernacle and at the same time there were overflow meetings held in the Assembly hall and at the Bureau of Information. An excellent benediction from Pres. Smith at closing.

Attended Sunday School Conference in the evening. The large tabernacle was well filled above and below. A good meeting.

8 April 1912 • Monday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I attended special priesthood meeting in Assembly hall from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wrote to Joel in England, paid bills &c. Alice and I attended a reception tendered by the Presidency of the Church to retired presidents of Stakes & missions in the Bps. building in the evening and had a very pleasant time.

9 April 1912 • Tuesday


All usually well. [p. 177]

I attended a meeting of the Twelve and mission presidents in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 1.30 P.M. where we adjourned until 4 P.M. and reconvened at 4 P.M. & continued until about 7 P.M.

Attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex from 2 to 4 P.M. where we set apart 38 missionaries and instructed them for their missions. I set apart the following.

John Wm James, of Rexburg Ida to Eastern States

Willard James Vincent Jr. of Spanish Fork to Cent S.

Archie Bert Christensen, Richfield to California

James E. Darley of Wellsville, to Central States.

In the evening Alice & I accompanied Elder Heber J. Grant to the theater & sat in his box, “Salvation Nell.”

10 April 1912 • Wednesday


Weather windy & cold. Folks all pretty well.

I accompanied several of the members of the Twelve and the Mission presidents through the Museum and Bureau of information going through as a company of tourists would. I went shopping with Alice and got articles of wearing apparel for some of the children and a suit for her. Attended General board meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. & my Circle meeting. [p. 178]

11 April 1912 • Thursday


<It rained in the afternoon & evening.>

Weather mild & pleasant. All usually well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10.30 to about 2.30 o’clock. At this meeting I received the appointment to visit the Central states mission to attend all the conferences there with Pres. S. O. Bennion which will require about a month plus time going to Independence and returning.

I took Alice, Geo, LeGrand & their wives to the theater in the evening. “Empress.”

12 April 1912 • Friday


Stormy day. All usually well.

I attended a meeting of the General Board of Primary workers at their office in the Bishops’ building at 2 P.M.

I accompanied my sons Geo. & LeGrand upon 9th street to see some lots for which my son LeGrand is talking of trading our Tooele dry farm.

I spent the remainder of the day at home studying.

13 April 1912 • Saturday


Stormy & cold. All well.

I wrote to my son Joel and to Pres Rudger Clawson both in England. Alice and [p. 179] I went shopping in the evening. I studied most of the day.

14 April 1912 • Sunday


Pleasant weather. All usually well.

I attended 27th ward Sunday School, the Tabernacle meeting at 2 P.M. and the Eleventh ward meeting in the evening. Alice and Geo & Edith accompanied me to 11th ward and I occupied the time 55 minutes, Subject—The Eternity of the Marriage Covenant. After the meeting we were showed through the New meeting house. Cost $30,000. Between Afternoon and evening meetings Mama & Geo & Edith & I with our two babies in gocarts went for a walk over past the City reservoir.

LeGrand went out to Tooele today and took two men and showed them my land with a view to selling it. They seemed favorably impressed. LeGrand took Oliver out with him and left him at Nervas to come in with Geo. L. tomorrow.

Geo & Edith & LeGrand & Ina & their children were with us a while in the evening.

Mamie went to Felts to stay the night and intends going with others up City Creek tomorrow, Arbor day. [p. 180]

15 April 1912 • Monday


Ideal Weather. All well

This is Arbor day and the 84th anniversary of my mother’s birth. Alice and I took the children for a walk through the City Cemetery and down to my sister Asenath’s.

I spent most of the day at home reading religious works, sermons &c. Alice and I took the little children to the Rex theatre and later we with Sarah Ruby and Lucena went to the Salt Lake theatre and heard Miss Jennie Sands sing & play.

16 April 1912 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant All well.

I spent the forenoon home reading. At 2 P.M. attended a missionary meeting in the Annex to the temple where we set apart about 25 missionaries, and instructed them. I set apart the following;

Godfrey Mehr of Salt Lake to Swis & German

Rodney Wm McKell of Spanish Fork to Gt. Britain

Joseph Andrew Vanesse of Smith Field to Gt. B.

Pres Lyman excused himself and left the meeting in my charge. I instructed the missionaries.

I went down to 323 Brooklin Ave and administered to Jane Esther Walters wife of Chas. Walters formerly [p. 181] of Tooele. Bro. Walters assisted me. I spent the evening at home, reading writing &c.

17 April 1912 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather All usually well.

I spent the day home reading “Atonement & Succession” until 3.45 when I went down town. Attended to some business and attended meeting of the Genl Bd. Y.M.M.I.A. & my Circle. Spent the evening home, wrote to my son Joel in england.

Alice’s sisters Marian & Anny and their Aunt Elizabeth Quigley called.

18 April 1912 • Thursday


Weather stormy at night.

I attended my weekly council meeting and received an appointment to attend the Weber Stake Conference next Sund. Alice and I were sealed for seven couples in the temple after our Council meeting which closed at 3.10 P.M. We went down to 31st ward house in the evening and attended a banquet given by the Liberty stake officers for the General authorities. A pleasant affair. Snowing hard when we got out at 10 P.M.

The sinking of the Titanic Steam[p. 182]ship off Newfoundland through striking an iceberg by which more than fifteen hundred lives were lost is one of the catastrophies of this century.

19 April 1912 • Friday


Lots of snow fell during last night. Folks usually well.

My sisters Alice Ann, Asenath and Nerva on invitation were to take dinner with us but it snowed almost continuously during the day and Alice and Asenath did not dare to venture out but Nerva came down and took dinner and spent a few hours with us.

I spent the day and at home. Made some preparations for leaving for the Central States to spend about a month there, leaving Monday. Made1

20 April 1912 • Saturday


Stormy All well.

LeGrand & I went down to Ashton’s lumber yard on West side and bought a Mahogany Library table for $27.00 cost, and we each paid $10.00 and the girls together paid $7.00 and presented it to my Son George for a birthday present. We all took supper with [p. 183] George & Edith and spent the evening there. I spent the remaining time at home reading and studying.

21 April 1912 • Sunday


Stormy All well.

I went to Ogden on 9 A.M. S.L.&O. Ry and attended Weber Stake Conference two sessions. Pres. Hart met me there & assisted me. We each spoke at each meeting the attendance at the 10 A.M. meeting which was chiefly for Stake officers was 724. Two funerals being conducted in the Stake. At 2 P.M. meeting there were in attendance 1116. I occupied about 30 minutes at each meeting and in forenoon treated the subject of Our duty as officers. Told the story of Gerhardt the Shepherd boy and referred to the talents (parable) &c.

In afternoon referred to the sinking one week ago of the Titanic of the White Star Line the largest Steamer afloat, 883½ ft in length. The loss of life is reported 1635, about 750 rescued mostly women & children.

1- It was thought that the Titanic was a life boat of itself unsinkable which fact no doubt caused the officials to be careless for notwithstanding they had been warned by wireless of ice[p. 184]bergs they were going at almost full speed. We learn our dependence still upon Providence. While the Titanic was capaciated to carry about 3000 passengers. they only had life boats for 1000 or less. Had they had a sufficient number all could have been rescued. Again Only one operator was on the Carpathia who picked up the Survivors and he was just leaving his instrument for the night and it was by mere chance that he heard the call for assistance, 60 miles away. Each ship should have two operators so there would be one at his post all the time. These lessons we should profit by. Also that life is uncertain. I talked also upon the Subject of the Eternity of the marriage covenant.

Returning I spent the evening at home. Geo & Edith & LeGrand & Ina took supper with us. At Ogden we were hauled to & from meetings in Heber Scoscroft Auto. He & his Schophia accompanying us.

22–24 April 1912 • Monday–Wednesday


Stormy, Snow. All well.

I made preparations to leave for Independence, Mo. on 5.20 P.M. train U.P. to-day. Called on the First [p. 185] Presidency who sent love by me to the Saints & Elders of the Central States Mission.

I took my train at 5.20 P.M. U.P. Standard Pullman car Ferriday which went through to Kansas City. I had a pleasant journey all the way through. Slept well at night and studied during the day & enjoyed every hour which was not without profit.

I arrived at Kansas City Wed, Apr. 24, 1912 at 4.45 about 30 min late and was met at the Ry. Station by Pres. S. O. Bennion and taken by Street car nine miles to Independence, Mo., our Mission headquarters for the Central States. Leaving Kansas City for Independence we cross the “Big Blue River” on which is situated the town of Scheffield a manufacturing town. Next we came to Mount Washington Cemetery. Here Colonel Bridger is buried.

This evening a meeting of the Mutual workers, male & female, was held at Mission headquarters and I occupied about 25 minutes I talking to them after class exercises. The Subject considered by the Young [p. 186] ladies, the difference between pleasure & Joy the one passive pleasure & the other lasting pleasure furnished a topic for me. After the meeting some of the Sisters sang for us. There were presen[t] [blank] persons. I wrote a card to my wife and posted at Cheyenne and a card to my son George at a point before <manhattn[?]> reaching Kansas City. We crossed the Kaw or Kansas river before it empties into the missouri, just as we came in to Kansas City. Have not crossed the Missouri river.

25 April 1912 • Thursday

Independence Mo.

Stormy. Am well.

I wrote up my journal and wrote to Mama & to my Son Joel in England, also to Estella.

Pres. S. O. Bennion and I left Independence soon after noon, went to Kansas City & took 1.45 P.M. Kansas City Southern Ry. train for Texarkana on our way to our colony, Kelsey.

26 April 1912 • Friday

On train.

Am well Weather stormy.

We should have arrived at Texarkana at 8.30 A.M. but on account of storms & swoollen streams we did not arrive until about 1 P.M. This made us [p. 187] lose our train to Gilmer and we had to remain in Texarkana until 10.10 at night. While in town we went out to the park and saw a game of ball between the Texarkanas and a team from Marshall Texas. They played a good game of 10 innings each scoring one run. We also saw the picture show at the Dixie.

Taking train at 10.10 we arrived in Gilmer at 1.40 A.M. and put up at the Commercial hotel. Crude accomodations. A good feather bed.

27 April 1912 • Saturday


Am well Clowdy, sultry.

I arose at 6.30 and took a bowl bath from Crown to soul and put on clean underware & linen and made ready for a seven mile ride to Kelsey where we are to meet in conference with the Elders at 10 A.M. Had some bother in getting a livery team but finally got started at 9 A.M. I wrote up my journal while waiting.

Arriving at Kelsey before meeting time we drove direct to the meeting house & commenced the priesthood meeting with an attendance of 43 missionaries 42 of the brethren from Kelsey Branch and [p. 188] eighteen from Enoch branch.

Good reports made and Pres. Bennion and I each spoke. I occupied 50 minutes on local conditions and responsibilities resting on the Local priesthood and on those especially who are called to be ward teachers or branch teachers and those who are presiding among the people. We should be as a physician, on the alert for symptoms of deadly disease and early offer the remedy.

Pres. Bennion and I took dinner with Bro. & Sister Rupert.

Between meetings the missionaries & Pres. Bennion & I sat for our pictures on the North side of the meeting house.

At the afternoon Conference meeting there were present 388. Pres Bennion and several of the missionaries spoke and I concluded 40 minutes. Subject, Faith. Before the evening meeting I assisted in confirming newly baptized members. I confirmed Mrs. Irene Bownds of Kerens Texas and Viola Green Perry.

We took supper with the branch clerk Bro. Hendisson.

At the evening meeting there were present 488. The Kelsey branch numbers about 500 souls and the Enoch Branch [blank] miles distant about 150 souls. A number of the Elders [p. 189] spoke and I occupied 50 minutes Evidences of the truth of the Gospel. Joseph’s first prayer & vision and the story the personage told him & evidences of its truth. I had good liberty both afternoon & evening and Pres Bennion told me they were two excellent discourses and ought to have been taken verbatim. I slept at Bro [blank] Baileys.

28 April 1912 • Sunday

Kelsey, Texas.

Weather sultry and warm. I am well.

One of brother Bailey’s sons Joseph a grown man had an attack of bowel trouble and one of the Elders & I administered to him.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday in the midst of much talking & confusion.

I attended a meeting of the missionaries at 8.30 A.M. Attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting and occupied about 30 minutes on the Subject of the two most important commandments. “Thou shalt love the Lord &c & thy neighbor & the love of God. Why we should love the Lord & how show our love, as we would to our parents. By obedience & love of one another. Pres Bennion and I took dinner [p. 190] with brother & Sister Simmons.

We administered to three people Rosetta Arnwine and Pres. of Branch Bro. Marsh for their heaving and to Sister Prilla Pritcher for female troubles. I was mouth in each case.

At afternoon meeting I occupied 30 minutes. Subject. Mans accomplishments manifest his powers. So with the things God has wrought. What man with his finite powers & wisdom has accomplished, wireless telegraphy, Exrays, Lightning photography, telephone &c. What may not God have devised to keep a record of our words & acts by which we are to be judged & why doubt his ability to see & hear & understand us.

After meeting Pres. Bennion & I with many others went over to the new schoolhouse about 3/4 of a mile from the meeting house. These two houses are a credit to the colony. We next went to a baptism service, by the Ry. track where one young man Grover Cleveland Godwin was baptized by Elder Pierce and I confirmed him. There were present at the water’s edge 273 people and I addressed them for about 15 min. on the Subject of baptism. [p. 191]

Pres Bennion & I took supper with father John W. Ault & wife.

Attended the evening meeting, 511 in attendance The speakers were, Elder Marsh, Branch President, myself, Pres Bennion & Sister Smith & Singleton lady missionaries. I occupied 40 min. Subject the Gospe[l] restored by an Angel. Our responsibility to preach it, the world’s responsibility to receive it. The effects of prejudice, Pauls experience. What we may learn from it. I left a blessing with the people.

After meeting there were six babies blessed by Pres. Bennion, Con Pres. Elder Pierce & I myself. I blessed three of them as fol. Mary Minnie Jones, Erma Lucile Ellette and Allena Georgia Green. This has been a strenuous day as was yesterday.

I went to brother Baileys home for the night and had an interesting talk on gospel principles with a brother Green who is staying at same place. He related his experiences in his conversion which were intensely interesting to me.

We had heavy rain during the day which interfered with the attendance at conference materially A good conference & one of profit. [p. 192]

29 April 1912 • Monday

Kelsey, Texas.

Cooler Weather. Am well and happy. I arose at 6 A.M. & after breakfast wrote up my journal for yesterday & did other writing & at 8.30 A.M. met Pres. S. O. Bennion and his missionaries in conference. 41 Elders. I addressed them for 30 or 40 minutes. After meeting Pres. Bennion and I took dinner with brother [blank] White & wife. The two lady missionaries were there also. After dinner we made several calls and at about 3 P.M. took train to Marshall about 2½ hrs. ride where we changed over to another Ry. depot and took train at 5.20 P.M. for Shreveport La. where we arrived at 8 P.M. and went to the Phoenix hotel and took rooms 51 & 53. We had supper on the train.

I feel that our conference was a complete success. Many expressions of pleasure on the part of the saints & Elders to this effect were heard. By request of Pres Bennion I offered the closing prayr of conference last night and the closing prayr of the conference with the Elders to-day. The Elders gave me their [p. 193] name cards & I gave to them what cards of mine I had with me. They must have been all at the Ry. track to see us off. At the Priesthood meeting all those Elders who did not get to Speak at the Sunday 8.30 meeting. spoke also Pres Bennion. I talked upon following Subjects: curtail expenses; Hunt the men; study the Scriptures, Study while travelling on the roads & do not waste time in frivolous conversation. Pure Religion & undefiled.” You have Eternal life to give i.e. to guide to it. Purity of life & thoughts &c. The Lord <was> with us & his name shall be glorified for all successes.

On arrival at hotel I wrote up my journal for the day, took a bath and retired.

30 April 1912 • Tuesday

Shreveport, La.

Am well. Clear & warm.

I wrote letters home, to the First Presidency and to my wife.

Pres. Bennion and I went out on street car to near fair grounds and Saw one of our saints, Mrs. Burnett.

We left Shreveport about 3 P.M. and rode to Fisher La. arriving about 6 P.M., where we were met by two Elders, Park[p. 194]enson & Brinkerhoof who drove us out into the woods seven miles stopping at a brother Wagley’s where we held a meeting with about 23 present. The hour was late when we commenced and I occupied 30 or 40 minutes followed by Pres. Bennion for about 10 minutes. I spoke of the hardships and trials the Saints have to endure for the Gospel’s sake, the prejudice of the world which disables or disqsualifies them to judge the people or principles we teach. We are jurors & should consider both sides if wise. Recited Pauls experiences. Spoke of Joseph’s mission, the necessity for it &c.

Retired to bed at 12 o’clock. Had a good double feather bed with bugs. Pres. Bennion & I occupied the same bed.

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April 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1912/1912-04


  1. [1]“Made” begins a new line, but the sentence is not completed.