July 1895

1 July 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I continued haying full force.

I accompanied Prest. H. S. Gowans and Bp. Atkin down to Silas Orme’s where He & wife were both sick. We consecrated a bottle of oil & administered to both. I anointed Sister Orme & Sealed the Anointing on Bro Silas. Did my usual writing in the evening. Folks pretty well. i.e. improving.

2 July 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Continued the haying all day full force Worked hard. Had horses in from pasture. Ordered 200 lbs. twine from S.L.C. by Card. Folks pretty well. [p. 143]

3 July 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather breezy.

We continued hay hauling full force of hands all day & finished the large stack & made a small stack of a few loads. Finished up as near as I could guess the hay leaving enough in field to pay men who labored in putting it up. Hitched team on buggy and took Alice & children to the store and called at granary for sack of horse feed. Went with boys to Shoe shop & got them shoes. All tolerably well.

4 July 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm. windy, Celebration. A march, meeting, childrens, dance races &c. & evening Dance. I attended the meeting, we made ice cream in afternoon & took the folks for a ride &c.

5 July 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Paid off hands in hay for labor haying half hay the other half to be paid cash. Towards evening drove over to my farm where Chas Pocock & Jos Tate were cutting grain. They could brought the machine up for repairs at 6 P.M.

6 July 1895 • Saturday

Tooele. Weather cooler & pleasant. I took my team & carriage and with me [p. 144] Apostle Lyman & wife & Prest Gowans & wife to Grantsville where we put up team at Prest. C. L. Andersons & attended Stake Priesthood meeting. Spoke briefly on sabbath breaking. On our return left the folks all at Bp. Thomas Atkins & came on up & got my wife & took down where we took supper, had ice cream &c celebrating the Bishop’s 62nd birth day which comes on the day following, sunday. The Bishop was to have gone to Grantsville with us but was suffering from sick headache. We consecrated oil Bro. Lyman mouth I anointed & Prest. Gowans seal the anointing. Had a good dinner & good cream. I had been somewhat indisposed all day but felt better after supper. of which I partook assumptuously or heartely.

Brought folks home & took my family over to field to see grain cutting.

7 July 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

My twine having failed to come as ord[e]red. & Jos. Tate & Chas. Pocock desiring to cut today sent up word for some twine. I wrote them in answer as follows.

Bro. Joseph Tate:

I do not believe sunday work to be profitable. While I am [p. 145] very anxious to have my grain cut realizing that I may realize great loss by its standing to[o] long, yet, I would not my self cut grain for my self or for any one else on sunday and since you have the cutting by contract you may do as you wish in the matter. I received bill for 200 lbs twine last mail but twin[e] failed to come. It will without a doubt come on to-morrow mornings train. If you can borrow twine to last until then I will repay or if you do not cut to-day I will russel you twine for morning. Repectfully G. F. Richards

I attended School at Tooele where Apostle Lyman & Prest Gowans were present.

I talked to the Theological Class for about 15 minutes. Apostle Lyman addressed the School. He had one week ago yesterday visited the temple cite dedicated by the Prophet Joseph on temple block in Independence, Jackson Co. Mo. the Centre Stake of Zion, the place where the City of the New Jerusalem is to be built & the temple by the Latter day saints. The City of Nauvoo had dwindled from a population of 20,000 people to 2,000 and the people of that region are looking for the L.D. Saints to return & rebuild the city & temple & redeem the Country.

<I attended meeting & circle & gave blessings to H C Hansen & wife of Lake View. Assisted in Administering to Wm Cassity after Circle.>1 [p. 146]

8 July 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm & pleasant I loaded a large load of hay to Geo Horman & three loads to J. T. Dick from field which cleaned up the hay in the field. Used City & Cemetery water. Went over to the Larson farm twice where grain was being cut. Met as per apponitment [appointment] & call at Brick School House in the evening to hold School meeting but ownig [owing] to lack of tax payers in attendance the meeting was postponed for two weeks.

9 July 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went over to field in the morning. Hauled hay from around stacks & yards scattered & finished small stack.

I received from F. D. Horman $125.00 to apply on his note Principal and sent in to Bank. Drew checks in favor of sund[ry] persons I was owing amounting to more than $50.00 Also issued check fav. of Bp. J. C. Sharp for $40.00 which with $80.00 formerly sent to buy watch & chain. Sent it with letter by Israel Bennion who with his family called on us & spent a few hours. While here & about ready to leave their team ran away hurting Our Ruby who was in the act of climbing in the Carriage. I took the Kelsey [p. 147] water at 1:45 P.M. for a week’s time. Folks pretty well.

10 July 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Rained off & on all day not to wet the ground very deep. My grain cutting continues. I used the Kelsey water irrigating all day. Re-wrote two blessings and recorded one. Wrote letters to Mother and to Fred. Sent check of $13.10 to Mother as interest. Geo. & Nerva went with B. L. Bowen & family to Garfield & returned at 10:30 P.M. all usually well.

11 July 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I used the irrigating water all day and washed my double bug[g]y harness.

12 July 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy in morning, I used the irrigating water & greased harness. Met Aunt Mariar Clark at Station and towards evening took all the folks for a ride. All usually well.

13 July 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used irrigating water all day. Put handle in rake, repaired Single tree. Had my horses took over to Bowden field & others put in Ranch South field. All well [p. 148]

14 July 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very warm.

I attended School, Meeting & circle at Tooele Offered the Benediction at School & talked 25 minutes at Meeting. Gave blessing to Sister Agnes Dick. Rewrote blessing. Used the irrigating water all day. In the evening I recorded blessing.

15 July 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used the Kelsey, City & Cemetery streams irrigating. With horse and cart drove over to my Larson farm where my grain was being cut, marked off places for wheat stacks. Made ice cream in the evening. George, my son, & Louis Bowen took horses in canyon. Folks usually well. Aunt Mariar Still with us.

16 July 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm. Hot night. I attended to the irrigating until 1:45 P.M. Went over to Wheat field in afternoon C. Pocock & Jos. Tate having just finished Cutting my grain 90 acres. Cleaned off ground for wheat stacks & opened fence on east side of pasture for haulers of wheat.

17 July 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm. I took a load of hay 3370 lbs. to Slag [p. 149] town. My son George accompanied me & Wm Elkington rode back with me.

Folks usually well.

18 July 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I pegged my shoe soles, did some work on South field fence, Received letter from Abram with two checks enclosed. One for Jos. Henson $18.20 anothe[r] of 101. & I issued checks to parties we were ownig [owing] for labor haying. Folks well.

19 July 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I put up fence back of the Barrington lot & back of T. Nix lot in South field 4 vines. I took family for a ride in the evening for an hour from 8 to 9 P.M. Folks well.

20 July 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I pruned grape vines & plowed among them &c. Went over to the field to see how the work wheat stacking was progressing. Shaved, bathed & had my hair shingled & retired early. Alice having a severe headache I arose & administered to her & she <received the> desired relief.

Folks well.2

21 July 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended School, meeting & prayr circle at Tooele At. meeting I offered the benediction. [p. 150] After meeting I gave blessings to Clara Picket and Charlotte Martin. Rewrote two blessings & retired to bed early.

22 July 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used the City and Cemetery water. Took Aunt Mariar Clark and Estella to the Depot on their way to Farmington. Alice & little girls accompanied me. Took team & bug[g]y and Alice & little baby accompanied me and we went up to the Cemetery & cleaned off the lot & walks good. Took Alice in buggy to the Stores. Met with Co. Court & got the raise on my property taken off & reduced $64.00 below the Assessors value. Ruby was Sick in the night and I administered to her & she was apparently immediately healed of croup as she coughed no more & arose as usual next morning. Letters from Mother & Nerva.

23 July 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

My son Geo. & I loaded a load of 3500 lbs of hay from the Stack and with my gray team Cloud & Paddy took it to Stockton & got pay for same $7.00 pr ton to Mr Boothe. While loading hay was asked to go & administer to Sister Green which I did with Prest. H. S. Gowans he being mouth in anointing and I sealed the anointing. I arrived [p. 151] from Stockton about 5 P.M. Cared for my team, bathed & changed my cloths & gave six Patriarchal blessings before I got my supper. Two came by appointment and the others without appointment. Had a good degree of the Spirit

Folks well.3

<Gave blessings.>4

24 July 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took the Kelsey water promptly at 4 A.M. & have it for a week. I shaved and went to the Celebration Services. H. S. Gowans Orated. My Gold Watch, Chain & Charm came by register pkg today from Chicago from The Waltham Watch & Jewelry Co.

A 60 Dwt. [pennyweight] 14 k[arat] Howard Gilt movement $85.00 and 31 Dwt. 14 K. gold chain & Charm formerly quoted @ $31.00 for chain & $9.00 for Charm I got for $35.00 making $120.00 for all. Bought through Bp. John C. Sharp.

I showed watch to Apostle Lyman & he proposed that we exchange for awhile & he would enquire the real value of mine while in the City of Bro. Eliason. We exchanged.

We made ice cream and I took the family for a ride in afternoon & on a whole had a pleasant time.

<Gold Watch Chain & Charm Rec’d>5 [p. 152]

25 July 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used Kelsey water irrigating all day & between times of changing the water I re-wrote several blessings given on 23d Wrote letters to Mother & to J. C. Sharp.

Gave a blessing to Charles Bush from Clover. Apostle Lyman called on me and by invitation met him & Prest. Gowans at his home at 8 P.M. At 8:30 P.M. Attended a meeting of the School Trustees & tax payers in New School house. Presided at the meeting I being Chairman of Board. Folks well.

26 July 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used Kelsey water, re-wrote two blessings and recorded one. Attended Sister Emma Green’s funeral with team & carriage & dedicated the grave. I took the family all up in canyon after 6 P.M. & got berries.

27 July 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended to the irrigating and recorded eight blessings. Bathed &c.

28 July 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took team & carriage & took Prest Gowans Geo. Craner & B. L. Bowen with me to Grantsville to Conference. Put up my team at C L Andersons. A good attendence was present at [p. 153] all the meetings and the ward Bishops all present. Present of the visiting Brethern Apostle Lyman & Golding [Golden] Kimball of the First Seven Presidents of Seventie. I offered the opening prayr 1st meeting. and Spoke for 15 minutes in Closing meeting with freedom. Held council meetings with Vernon Bishoprick & with St. John Bishoprick trying to bring about union & harmony. Bro W. J. Robinson was released from the Stake Superintendency of Sunday Schools & Wm. Spry was chosen to take his place. James Hutchens of Home mission having moved away Abram Fawson was chosen to take his place. Jos. Henson irrigated for me.

29 July 1895 • Monday

<Grantsville> Tooele Weather warm & threatening storm Staid all night at Prest C. L Andersons. Attended Conference meetings & spoke in afternoon meeting. Returned home at 6 P.M. Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans rode with me. Took Alice to the Stores & let Bro Lyman have my carriage to go to Garfield to meet the Bathing train to Salt Lake. Had Joseph Henson irrigating in my absence. Found my folks well except Lucena who was some what indisposed. [p. 154]

30 July 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended to the irrigating, wrote letters to Mother & to Bp. J. C. Sharp both at Nephi. Took family excepting Nerva also took Mary Hammond with us for a carriage ride. Engaged men to thresh &c.

31 July 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I made my Ranch report for July month. issued bills to parties owing &c.

Apostle Lyman called to see me about a gold watch knowing that I was trying to get one from Chicago. He had seen one he wanted me to buy @ $80.00 I tried to reach Bp. J. C. Sharp at Nephi by telephone & learned that he had gone through to St pete. I wanted to Countermand order for watch. Wrote him that if he had not made the order to not do so until hearing from me again. The threshers Set at my place in evening. Had Isgren Son Gowans hauling rock.

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July 1895, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1895/1895-07


  1. [1]This is written vertically in the left margin of page 146.

  2. [2]This sentence is written on the same line as the date for the 21 July entry.

  3. [3]This sentence is written on the same line as the date for the 24 July entry.

  4. [4]This is written vertically in the left margin next to the conclusion of the 23 July entry on page 152.

  5. [5]This is written vertically in the left margin next to the 24 July entry.