April 1893

1 April 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I finished making my report and attended the Stake Priesthood meeting and spoke. In the evening Alice & I attended the theatre British Born & Idiot Witness by Home troup.

2 April 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended school and offered the opening prayr. Occupied a portion of the time in meeting, attended evening Joint meeting.

3 April 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. [p. 113]

I bought seed potatoes of F. D. Horman oats from J. W. Tate, Received a letter with check of $150.00 from Abram with which to pay for two acres of water to Geo. Atkin. Bought the water, had the transfer acknowledged, recorded Cr. Attended Baptism at Coleman’s pond in the afternoon and in the absence of Bishop & Counselors I presided. Instructed the candidates for baptism & offered prayr. J. S. Lee officiated in the baptising after which all repaired to the Meeting house Vestry and were confirmed I assisted in the Confirming and among others I confirmed Estella. Prest Gowans confirmed Nerva both having been baptized.

Called at Speirs & bought large brass kettle $1.60 & called at Sister Hooglands to see about carpet. In the evening I wrote in my Journal &c.

4 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather dry & pleasant.

I shaved, got ready for going to Salt Lake to Con. Charles Pocock whom I left to work in my absence took me & Georgie to the 8:18 A.M. train and we arrived in Salt Lake at 9:35.

Attended Conference meetings, Sent Geo. down to Stephens and I remained to the evening Priesthood meeting after which I went down to Willards & staid all night. [p. 114] Took dinner with Sarah Ellen. Saw Seney, & mother.

5 April 1893 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City Weather pleasant.

I came up on the morning car and attended the Conference meetings. Took dinner at Sarah’s where I saw Mother, Seney Alice & Mother.

I met the morning train where Alice & Nerva I found. They attended conference with me.

We staid all night with Sarah. Met friends & relatives from all sections of the country. <attended [Grand?] Concert at Tabernacle.>

6 April 1893 • Thursday

Salt Lake City Weather threatening in the morning and during the Dedication Services a regular hurricane.

I attended the First services of dedication of the Temple during which time a hurricane raged blowing down houses, trees fences &c. Had a most enjoyable time. In the afternoon I attended Fred's baby while he & Carlie went through the Temple & in the evening visited at Abrams. Staid all night at Sarahs.

7 April 1893 • Friday

Salt Lake City Weather cold.

I took the first car and went down to Stephens returned with Stephen, Willard & Uncle Will on car at 10 A.M. Called on Abram & walked down home with him. Took dinner with him <Sarah> and Alice, Estella, Geo. & Nerva & I went to the Dedication of the Temple 4th meeting. After meeting we all returned home except [p. 115] Estella who remained in the City. On my arrival home I went & tried to find the lost boy of Parrys.

8 April 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold, ground covered snow. I hauled hay into stable, sold two loads, made collections hunted for the lost boy of Parry’s. Retired early.

9 April 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold, snow on ground. I shaved & got ready for Town and Jas. Hammond took me to the Depot and I went to Salt Lake and attended the Dedication in the Afternoon. Returned home after the services Estella accompanied me.

Wrote up my Journal from 3d to date & retired early.

10 April 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I had six men at work until the snowing drove them in. I sold hay and attended the funeral of Dan Parrys 2 yr old child at Meeting hous[e] and I preached the funeral sermon. I bought of R Worburton 2½ acres of Water for Abram &c. All usually well.

11 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy, snowing. I sold hay; went down to Bro Coleman’s and got plastering hair and had a man plastering where the necessary & whitewashing.

All Well. [p. 116]

12 April 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weathe[r] cold & changable. I had a good force of ten men piling sages & I sold hay, cleaned up the yard, hauled hay into Vicks stall &c.

In the evening I wrote in my Journal &c.

All are well.

21 April 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cloudy & pleasant. Not having written in my Journal since the 12th inst. I now sit down to write it up from memory.

From the 12th inst to the 16th (Sunday). I had men at work piling sages, preparing for the planting of trees, plowing the lot, putting out Straw berry plants &c. My trees for my private lots on Main Street having come I got H Marshall to help and we put out trees &c. Sunday 16th I attended school & meeting, and after meeting I took Alice & 3 girls down to the baptism at Bro Colemans. Monday we continued the work of putting out trees & plants

18 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather snowing & cold. I having been invited to attend the Temple or to meet at the Temple on Wed. & Thursday 19th and 20th I went to Salt Lake on the afternoon train. After attending to some business I went down to Stephens in Sugar house [p. 117] Ward where I staid all night.

19 April 1893 • Wednesday1

Came up to Town on the Morning care car and according to appointment met the Church Presidency Twelve Apostles (excepting Moses Thatcher who was at his home in Logan sick) Presiding Seventies Church Patriarch & Pishoprick [Bishopric] (3 in number) & Stake Presidents & Counselors with one or two others who were invited guests. We met in the room of the Presidency and all spoke as their names were called by state stakes (The Apostles excepted) They spoke next day. A good time was had, the Spirit of God was present in & to a rich degree and many Strong testamonies wer[e] born, prophesies made & all were found to be in harmony with the presidency & apostles & all seemed to feel alike. We held two Sessions during the day which were very lengthy & was doubtless too much for the Strength of Prest Woodruff who was sick at night & not able to meet with us the next day.

20 April 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Salt Lake Weather pleasant.

I met the Brethren of the Priesthood at the Temple where we heard the voices of the Apostles & Presedency & held Prayr Circle the first ever held in the Temple and the largest ever held in this dispensation. Partook of the Lords Supper and our glasses & napkins wer[e] given to us to preserve A Glorious time we had indeed and a spirit [p. 118] prevailed such as I never before witnessed.

I went down to Abrams after we got out of the Temple (about 6 P.M.) visited with him & called on Mother at Jos. F. Smiths where they were being instructed (his family) previous to partaking of the Lords Supper brought from the Temple. I prayed with them, spoke with them & partook with them. and had a good time. Returned to Abrams where I staid all night.

21 April 1893 • Friday

Salt Lake Weather pleasant though somewhat cloudy. I took Breakfast & Calling at Sarah’s bid good bye to Mother & the folks and made my way to the Depot just in time got off for home. G. A. Remington met me with team & hay rack to get trees from Willards. I rode up with him changed my suit, procured help and in the afternoon planted trees about 120 in number. In the evening wrote up my Journal & retired to bed at 10:20 P.M. All pretty well.

22 April 1893 • Saturday

Tooele This day Alice took the four small children Legrand, Joel Sarah & Amy to S L City with the Sunday School to see and attend the Temple dedication. I took them to the Depot & met them in the evening. Planted trees during the day. In the evening I shaved, bathed &c. [p. 119]

23 April 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Snowed in afternoon. Stake conference at Tooele. One day as 200 of our people from this stake go to the Temple tomorrow. I spoke in forenoon. A good attendance at Conference.

Had to dinner Bp. Shields & wife, Orson Bates & wife. No visitors from Salt Lake.

24 April 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I sold five loads of hay; met the train at depot and got furniture; got 4 sacks of oats from J. W. Tate, repaired fence, hung gate &c.

Spent the evening at home writing; assisted Estella in preparing an Essay on Utah & retired early.

25 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy

Sold hay, worked on fence near Rimingtons <&c.> Had Jas. Hammond helping me.

26 April 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant & ground dry enough to plant trees. Had several hands planting trees & furrowing. I went to Depot and got a load of coal, worked on the fence near Rimingtons &c. James & Adred Hammond were up here & spent the evening.

27 April 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant Had several men at work furrowing trees [p. 120] I repaired rocking horse, worked in garden &c Spent the evening at home.

28 April 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant, rained in evening. I met Mariar, Legrand & wife at Depot, attended closing exercises of school and spoke as Trustee. Spent a pleasant evening, ate popcorn balls & peanuts &c.

29 April 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather quite cold.

I put in some garden seeds, went up to look at some land, 160 acres owned by Robt Sprag[ue] with a view to buying. O L Robinson & my boy Geo. accompanied me & E Spray showed us around. In the evening we visited together and played checkers, Mariar, Legrand & I. James B Bowden called on me and we talked over the subject of land & I made him an offer of $400.00 for his 40 acres joining Spray’s on the North & Bevans on east. He took the offer under advisement. We retired at 12 mid night all well. Bro. F. M. Lyman called and asked me to take his boy, John, and keep him during the summer. I told him I would see him again that I thought I would do so.

30 April 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant but rained at night. I attended Sunday-school & afternoon & evening meeting The speakers were Robt. McLaws, Wm Isgren, Oliver [p. 121] Legrand Robinson, the two forme[r] just returned from a mission from Bro. Lyman also spoke I offered the benediction. In the evening Bro. A. J. Stookey & Bro. Lyman used the time & well too. The former on force of example & the latter on kissing.

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April 1893, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1893/1893-04


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