December 1914

1 December 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Alice & I went to the temple in the [p. 169] forenoon and were sealed for twenty five couples of my dead ancestors.

I attended to several items of business down town. Sent to LeGrand in Holland $20.00 to distribute among the poor. Also mailed to him a copy of the Oct. Con Pamphlet at his request, wrote him a letter. Sent out checks in payment of bills &c. Later arranged to go to the temple tomorrow, a number of the family members joining me to have some sealing of children to parents done.

Attended Y.M.M.I.A. meeting in 27th ward. Offered the opening invocation and took part with the Seniors in class discussions.

2 December 1914 • Wednesday


Edna is ill to-day & out of school.

I spent the forenoon in the temple attending to sealings for the dead. Of our family there were present Claude, Stayner & Joel Richards, my sister’s Sarah Ellen, Mary Asenath & Minerva E also my wife Alice. We were sealed for about fifty children to their parents. I sealed five couples for the dead, three of our own kindred and two couples for Sister Maria B. Winder. This is a splendid work done this day.

I attended religion class General Board meeting, Y.M.M. General Board meeting & my Circle meeting. Administered to Ruby in night.

3 December 1914 • Thursday


Ruby improved being kept her bed all day. [p. 170] I attended regular council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Was released from my appointment to Star Valley on account of the difficulty of getting over the mountain in mid-winter. Received appointment to North Sanpete Stake with Bp. O. P. Miller Dec 12 & 13. I went through the temple in the afternoon for James Gill one of my dead ancestors. Spent the evening at home reading writing &c.

4 December 1914 • Friday


I spent the forenoon home working on the temple records and discovered that we have listed for temple work 3585 of whom 2034 are eligible for endowments & of these 805 have been endowed.

I purpose writing a circular letter to members of the family informing them, descendents of Grand Ma Longstroth, of the above & appealing to them for financial aid for the cause of temple work & genealogy. In the afternoon I went through the temple for on John Gill S/7. I assisted at the veil about an hour.

Did some shopping down town. Sent to LeGrand two pairs of garments each for himself & Ina. 6 lbs. @ 12c = 72¢ parcel post.

Opened account with Willis Home Drug Co & got some things with the promise of Bro Willis that I would get a discount on settlement at end of month.

Alice, Sarah & I attended the 27th ward fair in the evening. [p. 171]

5 December 1914 • Saturday


Folks tolerably well.

Fine weather.

I formulated two letters to have printed for circulation one among the descendants of Stephen Longstroth & Ann Gill and the other to be circulated among the descendants of Phineas Richards & Wealthy Dewey. Informing them of the progress of the work and soliciting their further aid. I spent the forenoon at this work & inspecting our temple records.

In the afternoon I took Alice & the four youngest children to the Orpheum. Spent the evening at home reading &c. Oliver went to bed sick with a chill followed by fever. Snowed at night.

6 December 1914 • Sunday


Oliver still ailing.

I administered to him. Stormy day.

Alice, Sarah & I attended temple fast meeting. Pres. Lund presiding. He asked Pres Lyman to talk and he Pres. Lyman told the people that this would be their last chance this year to bear testimony, asked for a show of hands of those who had not spoken in these meetings this year and requested all such to take advantage of this opportunity which resulted in a hearty response, several being on their feet at one time often. One sister towards the close said she had tried she thought about seven times before she succeeded in getting an opportunity. A good spirit was [p. 172] manifested. I thought we had a manifestation of how the Spirit of the Lord operates in guiding his work. Pres. Lund was inspired to call upon Pres Lyman who was inspired to give us the key and the people were inspired to respond and were prompted in their testimonies by the same Spirit, while those who were not expected to speak were at ease and able to concentrate their minds to aid the Speakers. By the same kind of inspiration the Church is guided.

Attended 27th ward sacrament meeting Assisted in blessing children, confirmation & consecrating oil. I blessed Joels baby and sealed upon him the name & blessing given him by his father at 8 days of age. <Wayne Felt> I consecrated the oil and bore testimony. Joel & Georgina took dinner with us at 4: P.M.

Attended conjoint M.I.A. meeting in the 27th ward. Bp. Osborn Widtsoe of 19th ward was the Speaker. Read from James 2nd Chapter 14. Faith & works & applied same to vocations. Works necessary. Used Wm Shakespeare’s life & spoke of him as the greatest dramatist the world has known. What he achieved in his line was the result of genius & genius is the capacity for work. I offered the closing prayr.

7 December 1914 • Monday


Oliver some better. Mama kept her bed all day. I administered to her.

I attended the convention of M.I.A. workers in forenoon. In afternoon [p. 173] I attended to several items of business down town. Bought several articles and mailed to LeGrand in Holland parcel post two parcels. Got sheet of names from temple, got recommends to Temple for Geo. & Edith & Joel signed by Stake President and filed with the temple recorder. dooor [?] keeper [?].

Wrote to LeGrand, to Adolph Merz of Mt. Pleasant, Hartmon Furniture & Carpet Co. of Chicago. Worked at my desk until 11:45 P.M.

8 December 1914 • Tuesday


Sick folks improved

Cold wave passing.

I spent the forenoon at home at my desk. Attended a missionary meeting at temple annex where about 45 missionaries were set apart & instructed in which work I assisted.

I set apart the following.

1. Elmer Dean Clark of Teton, Ida. to Central States.

2. Nathan Ira Staker of Butler S.L. Co. to " "1

3. Horace Neeley Hunsaker of Honeyville to " "

4. Henry Charles Grant of Lovell Wyo. to " "

5. Elmira Anna Heaton of Portage Ut. to Western "2

6. Jedediah M. Mortensen of Elwood, Ut. to " "3

After this meeting Elder H J Grant, Pres. R. W. Young & I met as a committee to consider the matter of collecting & distributing to the poor of Europe contributions from the people at our Sunday meetings. We have to recommend that the Sunday fast offerings be not interfered with but that anonymous contributions be received at all other Sunday meetings for the poor & destitute of other countries.

The subject of Charity will be a good [p. 174] topic to treat in connection therewith.

9 December 1914 • Wednesday


Folks some better.

Cold weather.

I went to the temple in this forenoon & was endowed for No. 1 Andrew Gill.

Attended Gen. Bd. of Y.M.M.I.A. from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. and attended M.I.A. convention worker’s social at the Gym. from 7:10 to 8:10. On my return home I found my son George & family who spent the remainder of the evening until about 10:00 oclock.

10 December 1914 • Thursday


Sick folks improving

Weather moderating a little.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the Presidency, the twelve & Patriarch in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to about 3:30 P.M. Called at my sons office after meeting and later called at Aunt Mary Ann Richards, widow of Uncle Samuel & administered to her.

I have had printed 100 copies each of two letters one addressed to the descendants of Phineas & Wealthy Dewey Richards & the other to Descendants of Stephen & Ann Gill Longstroth Copies of these letters attached in this record. I intend to send a copy to each of the adult members of these families.

11 December 1914 • Friday


Snowed most of the forenoon.

Folks improving.

I spent the forenoon writing letters & mailing out to the descendants of Stephen [p. 175] Ann Gill Longstroth printed letters I had prepared.

I went through the temple in the afternoon for Wm Gill. Asenath, Sarah, Cousin Minerva Young & Sister Bowman took names for us & went through. Received finished sheets of sealing work from temple & recorded same in evening.

12 December 1914 • Saturday


Cold day.

Folks improved

I took 7:55 A.M. train with Bp. O. P. Miller for North San Pete Stake. Quit the train at Mt. Pleasant and were taken by Auto to Moroni, a 25 min. ride in comfort. We put up with Bp. Bradley while in Moroni. A Religion Class Convention session and a priesthood meeting were held in the forenoon. I attended the afternoon conference meeting, attendance 450 Splendid attention. I was one of the speakers at each meeting at at this one I occupied about 30 minutes subject ward teaching and the necessity of having a check upon the people & the officers, myself included. “What I most need is someone to make me do as well as I can.” Emerson.

In the evening attended Conjoint M.I.A. & R. Class meeting and was one of the speakers. I occupied 25 min. Sub. The specific purposes of R. Classes.

13 December 1914 • Sunday

Moroni, Utah.

Very cold.

Am well & happy.

Attended R. Class Convention meeting at 9:00 A.M. and took part in the discussions. Attendance 43. [p. 176]

Attended 10:30 Conference meeting the S.S. children with us. Attendance 700. Good attention, good singing & orchestral music. I occupied 25 minutes on Subject of the Word of Wisdom & obedience. Referred to Saul’s loss of Kingdom through disobedience, after ward I thought of the retired stake presidency who were released on same acct.

Attended an officer’s meeting of the YMM at 1:00 P.M. and took part in the discussions of problems in the work.

Attended 2:00 P.M. Conference meeting House well filled & splendid attention I occupied 45 minutes, Subject. Gospel one only & that we teach. Faith necessary a condition of salvation but not sufficient of itself. Works necessary but must be preceded by faith. How it may be promoted. Good liberty.

After meeting we set apart several officers who had been sustained by the conference. I ordained Daniel Anderson a High Priest & set him apart a member of the High Priests quorum of North Sanpete Stake and second Counselor to Bp. Bradley of Moroni. I ordained Oscar Hansen a High Priest.

After meeting I was taken to Mt. Pleasant North ward by Auto & Bp. Miller was taken to Spring City where we attended meetings & addressed the Saints. The two Mt. Pleasant wards met together in North ward. The house well filled with an attentive audience. I spoke 50 minutes with good liberty upon the Subject of Character building, character defined & The power of thought in Character [p. 177] building. I staid at the home of Daniel Rasmussen of the Stake Presidency.

14 December 1914 • Monday

Mt. Pleasant.

Am well.

Cold weather.

I remained at Daniel Rasmussen’s and was visited by ex president Lund & Pres. Merz read papers &c & took train at 2:30 P.M. Arrived in Salt Lake at 7:12 P.M.

Found folks well at home.

15 December 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Cold weather.

I went with my daughter Ruby to my son George’s office in the morning where he extracted two wisdom teeth. Had hair cut &c in forenoon. I spent the afternoon & evening at my desk studying & writing.

I answered a letter received from Edna H. Anderson Associate Editor of the Era.

16 December 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Very cold day.

I remained at home during the forenoon and until 4:45 P.M. Attended Gen. Bd. Y.M.M. and my circle 18 in attendance.

17 December 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Snowed some.

I met with Elder Grant & Pres R. W. Young as committee & we formulated a report to the Council of the Presidency & the Twelve recommending that Sunday Dec Jan. 24th be set apart as collection [p. 178] day in the Sunday Schools & ward meetings for the benefit of the distressed of Europe which report was accepted. We were met from 9:30 to 10:30. Attended regular weekly council meeting from 10:30 to 3:30 after which I did some shopping, bought tree, holly &c.

Joel & wife & babe were with us at supper & a part of the evening.

18 December 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Cold weather.

With Pres. J. W. McMurrin, I took 8:00 A.M. train for Richfield, Sevier, Stake, arriving there at 3:40 P.M. We were met at Ry. Station by brother James M. Peterson of the Stake Presidency who took us to his home where we made our stay while in Richfield. We attended a High Council meeting in the evening from 7:30 to 10:30 and gave instruction, going over the conditions in the Stake as reported to Presiding Bishop’s office.

19 December 1914 • Saturday


Am well.

Attended opening conference meeting held in Richfield Second ward house at 10:00 A.M. the tabernacle not being in a condition safe to meet in. Attendance 176 I occupied 25 minutes. Subject, What the gospel has done for us & what it was & is designed to do. If it has not made us better, it has failed of its purpose so far as we are concerned & we are responsible for the failure. Compared the Church organization with the German army. [p. 179] At 2 o’clock meeting the attendance was 269 I occupied 45 minutes on the Subject of Ward teaching in its different phases. Spent the evening quietly at the home of brother J. M. Peterson as there was no meeting on. Pres. Robert D. Young spent the evening with us talking over religious matters.

20 December 1914 • Sunday


Am well.

Attended morning session of conference, attendance 346. I did not speak at this meeting.

At afternoon meeting we had an overflow meeting in basement 614 people in attendance at both meetings. I spoke in the basement meeting while Pres McMurrin spoke above & then he spoke below & I above. Subjects I treated 40 min below & 20 above are as follows; “We thank thee O God for a prophet.” text. Obedience, charity &c.

I ordained & set apart the following:

Dec 19th I ordained Andrew Oldroyd a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Glenwood ward

Dec 20th I ordained John Henry Payne a High Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bp. Andrew Oldroyd

Dec. 20. I set apart Thos. B. Parker a High Counselor

"4 I ordained Lars Christopherson an High Priest

" I "5Brigham Casto " " "6

" I " John Thomas Prowse " " "

" I " Jesse F. Steele " " "

" I " Ole Dastrup " " "

" I " Joseph Johnson " " "

See Record of Ordinations. [p. 180]

I attended evening meeting, attendance good. I occupied 53 minutes on subject of marriage. A busy day.

21 December 1914 • Monday


Usually well.

Left Richfield at 10:30 & arrived in S.L.C. at 6:45 o’clock.

I looked after my mail, wrote up my journal from notes for past four days, recorded ordinations &c.

22 December 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Alice & I called on Uncle Samuel W. Richards’ family. Aunt Mary Ann Parker Richards died last Sunday and is to be buried tomorrow. I gave them $5.00 to assist in funeral expenses &c. Alice & I spent several hours together shopping. Bought shoes for Mother Ruby & Edna; rubbers for Mother & Mamie and many other things amounting to 20 or 30 dollars. Had a talk with Pres. Lyman on the San Luis Christensen case & the Martha Brunmit Case.

23 December 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Cold weather.

Preparations being made for Xmas. Two fine turkeys sent up from the Presiding Bishops office complimentary Alice, George & I attended the funeral services of Aunt Mary Ann Richards held in 20th ward house. We called at the house and accompanied the folks to the Church. The Speakers were Geo Rom[p. 181]ney, R. W. Young, F. S. Richards, myself, & Pres. Lyman in the order named.

A very cold day. Alice & I took car & I had intended to go to the cemetery but the car was so long coming & the autos were so fast I got left entirely. Went home & did some writing.

I spent the afternoon at home writing &c. Attended my circle in the evening and presented the names of brothers Tuddenham & Kirckie & my son Joel and they voted to extend an invitation to these to become members.

I did some shopping after meeting Sat up until 11:45 P.M. preparing for Christmas.

24 December 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

I arose at 6:00 A.M. and took Oliver to the Depot for Tooele on 7:30 A.M. train to take parcels out to our Tooele folks. I attended weekly Council meeting and did Shopping after. Rega & Lucena came from Logan on noon train. We had with us to sleep, Geo. & Edith & two babies, Joel & Georgina & baby, Lucena & Rega. We had a nice tree and many presents. Retired about 12:30 A.M.

25 December 1914 • Friday


Folks all made glad with gifts of presents &c. I remained home all day Sister Dunn & her daughter called in the evening and I entertained them with the Amberola music. [p. 182]

Mamie & Nina had company in the evening, Clarence Silver & [blank] Woodbury.

26 December 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

I took 9:00 A.M. car to Farmington where with Elders H. J. Grant & Geo A. Smith I attended Davis Stake Conference. High Council meeting at 9:30, conference of High Priests & Seventies at 10:00 A.M. and Priesthood meeting at 1:00 P.M. Lunch at meeting house.

Returned on 3:30 P.M. S.L.&O. car.

I spoke at forenoon meeting 165 present. Subject, Service by another name. Scout law, Man is that he may have joy; Pure religion & undefiled &c. 20 min. At afternoon meeting 25 minutes on Leadership &c. 276 present.

We visitors returned to Salt Lake at night.

27 December 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

I took 9:00 A.M. train for Farmington with Elders H. J. Grant & G. A. Smith.

Was one of the speakers at the morning session of conference. S.S. Children in attendance, house well filled. I occupied 15 minutes, Subject, The honor which has come to us from parents earthly & heavenly should be returned. We should make honorable their names.

We set apart the bishopric of the West Layton ward and an alternate High Counseler after meeting. I took dinner with my brother Ezra.

At 2 P.M. meeting I occupied 25 minutes on subject of tithing & necessity for an [p. 183] increase of faith. At close of this meeting Elder’s Grant & Smith returned to Salt Lake and I remained and attended a Religion Class officers meeting 15 present and later a conjoint mutual meeting at which I was the speaker. I occupied about 40 minutes, Subject, Character defined and the power of thought in the building of character.

After meeting I took train for Salt Lake 8:30 P.M. I took supper with my sister Wealthy Clark.

28 December 1914 • Monday


All usually well at home.

A letter from our son LeGrand now in Holland dated Dec 9th announces the birth of a fine baby girl on the 8th inst. Letter received 26th I this day acknowledged receipt of his letter.

I worked at the desk all day except an hr or two spent in going down town.

Went to the Brown Jakel wrestling match in the theatre building in the evening.

29 December 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well

Alice, Rega, Geo & Edith & I went to the Orpheum theatre in afternoon. Excepting while down town to theatre I spent the day and evening until 10:30 P.M. at my desk studying & writing.

30 December 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well Weather milder.

Still good coasting as it has been for two or three weeks. [p. 184]

I spent the entire day and evening at home studying and writing.

31 December 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Mama is still having a serious time with the skin eruptions and itching which has continued with her since last spring with more or less of intensity varying from time to time. I had her name listed to be prayed for in our Circle meeting to-day.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 1:20 P.M. including time at luncheon spread in the temple which is usual.

I paid my tithing in full this day for the year 1914 i.e. the balance due $60.00.

Yesterday Aunt Louise Stayner Richards called and spent an hour. To-day my niece Carrie Richards called and took dinner with us. Rega & Lucena are with us still.

This day closes the year 1914 & I feel that it has been a good year for me and for my family.

I have had three grandchildren born during the year.

I have had good health myself excepting for colds & hoarseness at times of but short duration. We have had some sickness in the family at times but have lived through it. Am in hopes [p. 185] Mama will soon get rid of her skin trouble.

Mama, Ray and I went up to L.D.S. hospittal in the early evening to see Calvin W. Richards who was operated upon two weeks ago to-day for rupture and who is feeling well. We went from there to my sister Nerva’s and staid a while and she accompanied us to the Broadway show. We saw the old year out and the New year in and heard the din of whistles, bells, &c.

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December 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 2, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “Central States.”

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  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Western States.”

  4. [4]Ditto mark here and in this position in the next five lines for “Dec. 20.”

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  6. [6]Ditto marks here and in this position in the next four lines for “an High Priest”.