April 1900

1 April 1900 • Sunday

Attended school and offered the opening prayr. Apostle Lyman present. Attended afternoon meeting & blessed Peter Shield’s baby Alice. Assisted in blessing several others & in confirmations. Administered to Bro. Craner. Jos. Dunn Anointed & I sealed the Anointing. Retired early.

2 April 1900 • Monday

Finished rolling 40 acres planted to Lucern & commenced cultivating Lucern pasture with team and Cultivator. Weather windy and clowdy. No storm for several weeks and is much needed. voted for Jas. Hammond as Rep. to Congress. W. H. King elected

3 April 1900 • Tuesday

worked at field all day cultivating lucern. Geo & Joel plowed.

4 April 1900 • Wednesday

Finished cultivation of lucern ground in small pasture and harrowed same.

5 April 1900 • Thursday

Rolled lucern ground in small pasture and commenced rolling fall wheat ground on bench. [p. [385]]

[end of fifth volume]

6 April 1900 • Friday

Book 6.

Apr 6, 1900.


Apr 15, 1906.1 [p. [0]]

Geo. F. Richards’ Diary.




Apr. 6, 1900


Apr. 15, 1906.2 [p. [0]]


Light rain in early morning. Alice, George, Sarah, Nina & I left on U.N. Ry 8:10 A.M. to Conference. Arrived at S. L. City at 9.45 A.M., was met at Station by Estella R. Lee & her two children who had come in from Mercur their home the day previous. Alice, Estella and the children after doing some shopping went up to Farmington on Moter in Afternoon with their Sister Maria Clark. George & I attended forenoon and afternoon meetings, did some trading between & attended Dr Talmages lecture in Tabernacle in evening “Sun, Moon & Stars.[”] After the Lecture Accompanied W. B. Richards to his home in Sugar House where we spent the night.

7 April 1900 • Saturday

Clowdy in A.M. rain in afternoon. 1st Storm for <a month.>

Sugar House My son George & I attended all the conference meetings day & evening and spent the night at Dr Stephens. Between meetings attended to some business & trading.

8 April 1900 • Sunday

Storm most of the day & previous night a genuine <soaking.>

Sugar George & I attended forenoon & afternoon meetings. George came home on 6 P.M. Special train & I attended the Sunday school Conference in evening & then went to Farmington on 7:45 P.M. O. S. L. train. Found Alice & Estella at Maria Clarks where I staid all night.

9 April 1900 • Monday

Storm continues.

Farmington I walked up to Nervas’ and took breakfast with her and returned to 8:38 A.M. train O. S. Line. which brought me to City where I attended <Special> meeting of Priesthood at 10 A.M. ordered babys pictures she having sat at Johnsons for that purpose Fri. 6th Met Alice at Sister Sarahs in afternoon. Did some trading. Staid all night at Sarahs.

10 April 1900 • Tuesday

Snowing lightly in morning.

S. L. City Alice, Sarah, Nina & I left S.L.C. on 7:45 A.M. train for home. Arrived O.K. Joel met us at station with team. Prest. Gowans rode up with us. Found folks well and a foot or more of snow on ground which was fastly disappearing under the Sun’s brilliant rays. The drouth is surely broken I wrote up my journal from Apr 5th 1900. Wrote to [p. 1] my niece Rhoda Knowlton & sent her return ticket on O.S. Line Ry from S L City to Farmington she being in City. Wrote to W. A. McIntosh of St. John ordering 400 lbs Lucern seed @ 7¢ sample at hand. Wrote And. Benson of Grantsville for a thorough bred hog. Bought while in city new basket for baby carriage. Suits for George & I shoes also.

600 Privet hedge plants for 15.00 & sund. smaller items.

11 April 1900 • Wednesday

Cold last night, I burned straw in orchard until 11

Home I moved trees in front & made new water ditch with the boy’s help. I went down to west field with Frank Barber to see grain. Wrote for A. J. Stookey of Grantsville to come up next Saturday & suryey [survey] for myself & others at west field. Alice & I called on Bro Craner in evening he not being able yet to get out.

12 April 1900 • Thursday

Weather clowdy threatening Storm.

Home George went teaching until about 5 P.M. Joel and I worked in front yard. Transplanted two large pear trees in front, leveled down between poplars in east front. Commenced trench for privet hedge. I took team & went to mill & down to Wills’ for poplars. Talked with Bro A. J. Stookey over phone & made appointment with him to meet me at Section house Sat 21st 8 A.M. to Survey land. Wrote letters & read news in eve.

13 April 1900 • Friday

Weather unsettled. Bo’t 2280 lbs hay @ 8.00.

Home I worked all day in front yard. Planted about 375 privett hedge plants around fence.

14 April 1900 • Saturday

Snowed in morning.

Home I finished planting privett hedge fence. Received order for plow attachment from Thos Williams and money to pay for same $20. Bought 430 lbs lucern seed of W. A. McIntosh @ 7¢ $30.15 Folks well.

15 April 1900 • Sunday

Home Weather pleasant. I attended School and was appointed teacher of Missionary class of 19 young men none of their teachers being present. I attended Ward Meeting and Spoke upon the Subject of tithing & reported Conference news. Attended Visiting Teachers meeting. Wrote letters to mother, Nerva & Fred. [p. 2]

16 April 1900 • Monday

Weather pleasant.

Home I started Legrand & Joel to plowing & Geo. & I hauled six loads of dirt into front yard, hauled manure &c.

17 April 1900 • Tuesday

Legrand & Joel continued plowing at field. Geo & I in forenoon went up to Cemetery & put Privett hedge around our two lots. In afternoon We plowed front yard, fixed up paths walks & plowed north of house &c. Folks Well.

18 April 1900 • Wednesday

Weather fair.

Home Legrand & Joel plowed at field.

Geo. & I hauled dirt into front yard and went up on bench farm and tried harrowing wheat. Abandoned the project & took harrow down to Larson field & brought the level home. Retired early.

19 April 1900 • Thursday

Weather windy.

Geo & I worked in garden & Legrand & Joel plowed at field. I attended the funeral & Services of Sister Broad and spoke about 30 minutes. Set up plow attachment for Thos. Williams.

20 April 1900 • Friday

Worked in garden & irrigated Cemetery lots.

21 April 1900 • Saturday

Attended Quarterly Conference here. Present Apostle Lund. J G Kimball & And Jensen. the two latter staid with us.

22 April 1900 • Sunday

Attended Conference meetings. Apostle Lund & Bp J. L. Wrathall took dinner with us. Hyrum & Estella having come down from Mercur to Conference were here with us. At their request & with the Consent of Bp Atkin I blessed their baby & gave him the name of Hyrum Grant.

<Good rain Storm at night.>4

23 April 1900 • Monday

I took the folks in carriage down to west farm and around to creamery in forenoon. In afternoon Hyrum & Estella went back to Mercur. Stormy at night. The ground thoroughly wet. The boys assisted me & we fixed up the strawberry bed west of house. Folks well.

<George’s 17th Birth Day Aniversary.>5

24 April 1900 • Tuesday

Legrand & I worked in garden, put out new strawberry bed north of house. George [p. 3] and Joel plowed at field.

25 April 1900 • Wednesday

I took 29 bu 45 lbs wht to mill for chop & flour. Took family in Carriage to Batesville where I bought a stack of hay for $19.00 Took box off wagon & put basket rack on wagon and went to Liddills Batesville & got a load of hay.

<Stormed in evening.>6

26 April 1900 • Thursday

It rained all day.

Home Cut potatoes and did sundry odd jobs.

27 April 1900 • Friday

Home It rained most of the past night and until about 11 A.M. Rained again Later. Geo. & I hauled two loads of hay from Batesville. Sold plow & attachment to Geo. Davis $30.

28 April 1900 • Saturday

Weather continues stormy.

Home The boys plowed in afternoon. I worked on front preparing for lawn planting.

29 April 1900 • Sunday

Usual showers during the day.

Home I attended School and meeting.

I offered closing prayr in meeting. Mama & I with the little children went up to Cemetery between showers.

30 April 1900 • Monday

We had showers during the day.

Home I planted the lawn grass, raked it in, furrowed part of it for irrigation exchanged with Co-op my hydrant for street washer & dug hole for same in front. Boys continue plowing Leg. in School.

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April 1900, George F. Richards, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1900/1900-04


  1. [1]This was written on the inside front cover.

  2. [2]This was written on the verso of the front flyleaf.

  3. [3]This was written in the top left corner of page 1.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 22 April entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 April entry.

  6. [6]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 25 April entry.