June 1908

1 June 1908 • Monday


With Pres. Roberts we held meeting at Byron at 10 A.M. Pres. Roberts occupied 45 minutes and I followed for 50 minutes cleaned up a few points on tithing the Subject treated by Pres. Roberts but put in most of the time for 50 minutes on the Light which has come into the world through the Gospel. Joseph’s first vision. Pres. 254. Drove to Lovell where we attended meeting from 2 to 4 P.M. Left the meeting hurriedly to catch train. Pres Roberts and I & Pres Sessions occupied the time.

<Administered to a little boy>1

I spoke first and occupied about 35 minutes Subject Repentance Pres Roberts occupied about 60 min. [p. 223] We left Lovell at 4:15 P.M. for home. Arrived at Toluca at 10 P.M.

2 June 1908 • Tuesday


Left Toluca at 7:30 A.M. Arrived in Billings at 9 A.M. and put up at Northern Hotel. Remained there until 7:30 A.M. next day.

Pres B H Roberts & I attended the theatre & Saw Miss Robson in Aunt Mary at the Babcock.

3 June 1908 • Wednesday

Billings Mont.

Pres B. H. Roberts and I left Billings at 7:30 A.M. Transferred over washout, walking & carrying our luggage about a half mile. Long delay at Bozeman Reached Helena at about 10 P.M. Took rooms at the Grand Central Hotel. We came via. of Hel[e]na on account of a wash out between Logan and Butte. A tiresom[e] day in crowd<ed> chair car.

4 June 1908 • Thursday

Helena, Mont.

Pres. Roberts & I left Helena at 8:40 <A.M.> for Butte. At Basin 298 miles from Butte we caught up with last nights train which had been held up on account of a washout a couple of miles ahead. We lay there from about 11 A.M. until 10 A.M. <Friday> raining part of the time. I studied the Scriptures, Bough[t] at Billings “Wild Animals I have known” and read it through and [p. 214] read a couple of Magazines. My health good but this delay is annoying.

5 June 1908 • Friday

Basin, Mont.

Arrived here at 11 A.M. yesterday and were transferred over the wash and left for Butte about 10 A.M. Reached Butte at 1 P.M. Learned that trains from Billings had been running via. Logan Since Wed. Also learned that the O. S. L. passenger due to leave Butte at 2:30 A.M. this A.M. had not moved. Latest advices being that a bridge had gone out between here & Dillon and wires now all down. We secured our births and located in car. Wheater [Weather] Deep snow in Butte Spent the night in car.

6–7 June 1908

Butte. Mont.

Went up town with Pres Roberts. Bough[t] a couple of books and read one of them through. “Letters of a Self made merchant to his son.” also 2nd vol. same title. We left Butte at 5 P.M. and arrived in Salt Lake Sunday 12:30 P.M. noon. Oliver L Robinson boarded train at some point north of Pocatello and I had a good visit with him. My fife’s [wife’s] Brother. Folks all well. Geo & Edith arrived from Chicago Sat evening. last. [p. 225]

[end of tenth volume]

7 June 1908 • Sunday

Book XI.

Geo. F. Richards

1010. Third Ave.

Salt Lake


From June 7, 1908


Dec. 26, 1908.2 [p. [0]]

[p. [0]]3

I in company with Pres. B. H. Roberts arrived home at 12:30 oclock to-day from a trip to Canada and the Big Horn Stakes for which tour we left Salt Lake Tues. 5/12/08

My son George & his wife were here having come in from Chicago yesterday where George has been studying dentistry and after a three year’s course graduated with high honors. I had a nice visit with the folks. Called on my mother and in the evening attended a meeting of the Religion class. Conference held in connection with the Church School Convention. I offered the opening prayr. Meeting held in Large tabernacle.

8 June 1908 • Monday


I considered my accumulated mail. Wrote letters, made checks to pay bills &c.

I spent some time with my mother. Wrote letters &c. [p. 1]

9 June 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the day at home reading & writing & visiting Alice & I attended a reception tendered Senator Reed Smoot & wife at the home of Susie Y. Gates from 8 to 11:30 P.M.

10 June 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in temple from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. A meeting of Religion Classes Gen Bd. at 4 P.M. and Circle at 6 P.M. 21 Present.

Went to Farmington in the evening. Geo & Alice had gone up earlier.

11 June 1908 • Thursday


I wrote letters to H M Tann[e]r of St Joseph, Ariz. to my sister Alice & Bro Fred & to H J Grant & Co fire Insurance Co. renewing insurance on my home $2600.00

Alice, George, Sarah & I went to Wandamere leaving home at 3 P.M. where a reception was tendered the First Presidency We had a splendid banquet and free use of the resorts & all it had to offer. We had an enjoyable time arriving home at about 10 P.M. [p. 2]

12 June 1908 • Friday


I went down town and attended to some business. Called on Doctors Clawson with my son George where George partially arranged with them to occupy a part of their office

Received an appointment from Pres. Smith through Bro. Geo Gibbs to attend next Monday the funeral services of Elder Aroet Hale to be held in Perry, Bannock Stake, his home Monday 15th. Elder Hale died in the mission field in the St Joseph Hospittal Mo.

I called and saw my mother. And in the evening my son and I attended the Salt Lake theatre. Great Divide. Interesting play.

13 June 1908 • Saturday


I attended a meeting of the Y.M.M.I.A. officers in the Barret Hall. Elder Grant presiding. I offered the invocation.

Had my brother Wilford, Pres. Ward of Malad Stake and John E. Lindberg to dinner with me.

In afternoon, went to Barret Hall and Bro Grant who was presiding said to me that Pres. [p. 3] Smith had requested that several of the brethren go over to the Large Tabernacle and meet with the Y.L.M.I.A. Conference and ask<ed> me to go and take with me some of the brethren. I took Pres. Chas H. Hart and Pres Moses Taylor. The latter offered the invocation I spoke briefly after the programme was carried out subject. The chief mission of woman and the influence education has upon her mind as relates to that mission; in honorable wedlock to bear the souls of those who are to be the honorable men and women in the earth. Ex. Sending our girls abroad to become specialists detracts from home life and the Spirit of that higher life in the home. A study of Domestic science & art inspires in the girls a desire to be a queen of a home of her own &c. In the absence of school facilities in Domestic Arts & Sciences, Mothers should give their girls all the education possible along those lines in the home. They owe it to their posterity for what the daughters become, their daughters will become largely in a [p. 4] domestic way especially if the[y] have no other means of obtaining their education than in the home. Pres Hard [Hart] occupied about 10 min.

I spent the evening at home. Geo. LeGrand, Sarah, Ruby & Lucena went to Wandamere in evening with the Mutual workers.

I received a letter from Pres Nephi Pratt of N.W.S. Mission in answer to one written him from Gt Falls with reference to the mission work being done there & in other cities in Montanna.

Our folks well and we are all happy.

14 June 1908 • Sunday


I spent the forenoon at home. Called on my mother and made ready to leave for Perry, Idaho to attend the funeral services of Elder Aroet Hale son of Jonathan Hale who died while laboring in the Central States as a missionary.

I left Salt Lake on 1 P.M. Train Peter Clegg, Aroet Hale grand father of the Elder deceased, John W. Anderson, Susanah Dunn & Sister Brown went on same train. At Oxford one Bro. Williams met us with but [p. 5] one conveyance so Bro. Peter Clegg walked from depot up to the town of Oxford about 2¼ miles and took roomes at the Hotel of Bro. & Sis Hardwick. Arranged for a team to take us on the road in the morning at 7 A.M. and by phone arrang<ed> to have a team meet us. We then took supper and went to meeting at 8:35 P.M. Although late meeting had not commenced There were about 60 present out of a population of 400 in the ward. Bro Peter Clegg occupied about 10 min. and I occupied about 45 minutes with good liberty but deliberate. Subject. Loyalty to the ward & stake you live in and to the Lord by meeting often to worship him. Our Religion duties become irksom only when we only partially perform them. Sacrifice required and no sacrifice should be considered too great for us to make. Our Father gave his beloved son, The Son gave his own life. Abraham practically gave his son & many have given their lives. We hope to become joint heirs with them & with the Lord in the Father’s kingdom & to have an eternal inheretance in the kingdom which we are helping to build up on earth. [p. 6] hence it becomes a common cause

Rained during the night.

15 June 1908 • Monday

Oxford, Idaho.

I mailed card home.

Bro Clegg & I left Oxford in Single seat<ed> buggy belonging to one Mr. Crowshaw driven by one Bro. Hatch a Nephew of Bp Hatch of Oxford. The roads were muddy and slick. We drove to the divide between Treasureton & Cleveland where we met Pres. Pond with team & carriage. He took us to Bro Jonathan Hales where I spent an hour or two and then accompanied Pres. Lewis S. Pond to his home in Thatcher as the body of the deceased had not arrived and the time for holding the services were set for 2 P.M. tomorrow. On the way we called at Pres. Jos. T. Pond’s w[h]ere he lay sick having been bedfast for four weeks and yesterday had about 1/2 gal of corruption drawn from his lung through the back.

We were met there by Bp. Thatcher and the latter anointed him and I confirmed the anointing. We then administered to his daughter Nettie a grown up young woman afflicted with kidney trouble Pres. Lewis S. Pond anointed & I confirmed. [p. 7]

Arranged here to call a meeting for to-night at Thatcher. Took dinner at Pres. Pond’s about 3:45 P.M.

Bro. Solomon Kimball was present and gave me some unwritten history in a pleasing narative. After dinner I wrote up my journal for yesterday and until this time 4:30 <P.M.> Attended meeting in the Thatcher ward house in the evening. Bp. Thatcher & Pres. Lewis Pond each spoke briefly and I occupied about 50 min. Raining hard at close of meeting. Present about 40 or 50.

16 June 1908 • Tuesday


Went over to Perry and from there to the Central Building where the funeral Services over the remains of Elder Aroit Hale were conducted. The Speakers were in order as follows.

1. Bp. Williams of Perry

2 Elder Payne Sam’l F of Blooming<ton>.

3 "4 Jos. Henry Archibald of Wellsville

4 " John W. Anderson of Grantsville.

5 " Geo. F. Richards

6. Pres Lewis Pond.

I occupied 60 minutes with good liberty the others together occupied about 35 or 40 min. I left with Bro Sol Hale for [p. 8] Preston about 5:30 P.M. and arrived in Preston at 11:15 P.M. Muddy roads. Put up at hotel without supper and chilly.

17 June 1908 • Wednesday

Preston, Idaho.

Left Preston at 7 AM & reached Salt Lake at 12 noon. Went directly to the temple & made my report. Was in session with the brethren for about an hour & a half. Received appointment to Severe for next Sunday. I later arranged with Pres Seymour B. Young to accompany me. In the evening I attended my circle and later I called on my mother at her home. My folks well. Geo F. Jr. with us.

18 June 1908 • Thursday


I presented myself at the Presidents office at 11:00 A.M. as per appointment with Pres H. J. Grant and others of the Twelve to consider the matter of sending missionaries into Alaska. Bro Grant did not appear. I wrote a four page letter to my Sister-in-law Estella Lee Comforting her on account of her babies death and advising here [her] against extremes in mourning and [p. 9] in spiritual thought and Study and advising that she give due attention to home & family &c. I fear weakening of the mind.

With my family I witnessed perhapse the largest parade of my life to-date in Salt Lake.

The Commercial Sales-men & Orders. Called on my Mother in the evening my wife accompanying me. Called at the Drug store Knotts & got medicines & a cream soda each. Bathed.

19 June 1908 • Friday


Pres. S. B. Young & I left on 7:30 A.M. R.G.W. train for Richfield. Seviere Co. to attend Sevier Stake Conference. Arrived at Richfield at 3:30. We were met at depot by Pres. Segmiller & Bro Young of stake Presidency and taken to the formers home where[e] I brushed, broomed, washed & had a general clean up and wrote up journal for yesterday and to date. On train read from Cannon’s Life of the Prophet Joseph.

In the evening attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency [p. 10] and the High Council. Pres. S. B. Young and I each gave some instructions to the meeting.

I staid all night at Pres. Seegmiller’s and Prest Young staid at Pres. Horne’s.

20 June 1908 • Saturday


Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting. There were present 748 The speakers were as follows.

Jos. S. Horne of Stake Presidency Morton Jensen Pres. H. Priests Quorum Pres. Seymour B. Young. The latter occupied about 40 minutes to 12 n[oo]n. At conclusion of services we went across the Street and administered to a sister Alitha Christopherson. Pres. Young anointed and I sealed the anointing.

At 2 P.M. meeting a couple of recently returned missionaries spoke. Bro Young of the Stake Presidency occupied 30 minutes and I occupied 40 minutes closing at 3:55 P.M. Subject The Gospel the Law by which all are to be judged consequently must be taught to all both quick & dead. &c.

No appointment for evening. Attended a meeting of the H. Council at 4:30 and attended [p. 11] to some ordinations. I was mouth in ordaining Gottfried Lorentzen an High Priest and Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Salina Ward. Later issued certificate of ordination to him. Assisted in ordaining & setting apart others. Pres 811

21 June 1908 • Sunday

Richfield. Ut.

I attended Sunday School session of Conference present 1336

A beautiful service was held and splendid spirit prevailed. Music under Bro. Hood’s leadership was something grand. I occupied 20 minutes teaching the children loy<a>lty to their parents, to the bishop, to the Stake President of the and to the President of the church. Pres. Young spoke about 10 minutes.

Between forenoon & Afternoon meetings attended a Stake S.U. meeting and spoke briefly on subject of loyalty to the S. Schools & referred to accomplishments in other Schools.

At 2 P.M. meeting present 1296. Authorities sustained unanimously Pres Seegmiller occupied about 45 minutes I followed occupying about 35 minutes in which I magnified the prophets from Joseph to Joseph F. and spoke [p. 12] of loyalty to the Lord & his work. It should only be necessary for us to know what the Lord wants of us & we should do it. He told us 75 years ago he would like us to keep the word of wisdom.

After 4 P.M. attended to some more ordinations & settings apart and called in Seventies meeting before close.

Attended mutual Con. 8 P.M. Each President Y.L. & Y.M. reported two lectures given and Pres. S. B. Y. occupied remaining time 40 min.

22 June 1908 • Monday

Richfield <Ut.>

Pres. S. B. Young & I returned home from Seveier Stake (Richfield)

I put in about 8 hours steady reading of the Life of Joseph Smith by G. Q. C. Read aloud to Bro. Young most of the way home.

Called on my mother in the evening.

23 June 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home reading Life of Jos. Smith &c and Alice & I took the 1 P.M. O.S.L. train for Ogden. Went direct to the Academy building and banqueted and listened to a very [p. 13] interesting programme of speeches songs &c. Returned to S.L.C. on 5:15 P.M. Train. Went out to Salt Air in the evening with Geo. & Edith & LeGrand & Miss Ashton. Mama and I returned before the others.

24 June 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular prayr and Council meeting with the First Presidency & the Twelve from 10 AM until 3:45 P.M. Wend [Went] down to Uncle Willard B. Richards’ where I attended the Richards Family Reunion until about 8 P.M. Had a pleasant time. All my family that are at home were present. An enjoyable time was had.

25 June 1908 • Thursday

Home. I spent several hours with my Mother who talked of what she wanted done with her effects after this life. &c.

I attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex at 2 P.M. I assisted in setting apart the missionaries, Pres. S. B. Young assisting me. I also instructed the missionaries & offered the benediction. I set apart the fol. [p. 14]

Chas. August Lindstrom to Sweden

Rob’t L. Heyborne, Cedar, to Swiss & Ger.

Geo. Edgar Jorgenson, Castle Dale, to Swiss & Ger.

Also blessed a sister Wright who is going to England on a visit.

I read from Cannon’s Hist of Jos. Smith several Chapters.

26 June 1908 • Friday


Alice & I and Elder John Henry Smith & wife went to Ogden where we met Elder D. O. McKay at Depot with Auto. Got Sister McKay with us & drove about 45 miles about the Weber stake. Went up to Huntsville and on our returning stopped at the Hermitage & had a good dinner, Mr. Wilson proprietor. Met the Stake Presidency at 3 P.M. The purpose of our visit was by appointment as committe to decide the best way to divide the Weber stake. We arrived at amicable & unanimous understanding as to how the divesion should be made making three stakes out of one. Heber Scowcroft gave us the use of his auto gratuitously and his son James 16 yrs old drove it. He is a good chauffuer.

Returned home on 5:15 train. [p. 15]

I trimmed my beard, bathed & otherwise made ready to go to Tooele to Conference in the morning.

27–28 June 1908

Saturday. June 27, 1908. Saturday. Home.

Alice and the baby accompanying me I took train at 7:45 A.M. for Tooele to attend Conference. Pres. Francis M. Lyman went also.

Judge Henry H. Rowlap missed the train and came out by Automobile arriving at meeting about 3:15 P.M. in interest of Sunday School work. Pres. Chas A. Orme met us at the station with a team.

Attendance Sat. 10 A.M. about 100. 3<%>

"5 2 P.M. counted 164. 4.7[%]

Sund 10 A.M. "6 12% 428.

"7 2 P.M. "8 13% 453.

"9 8 " "10 293.

Stake Population 3446 Sat 8 P.M. S School inf. Not Counted.11

We held business meetings in interest of S.S. work Sat. 4 P.M. Sund. 8:30 A.M. & 12 noon and Sat. Sund 4 P.M. Ordained & Set apart a number of brethren & Sisters.

While in meeting Saturday I suggested that Bro Geo Speirs be ordained a Patriarch which Pres Lyman indorsed as did the Brethren of the Presidency of the Stake. He was sustained as such before the Conference and I had the [p. 16] honor of ordaining him along with other brethren Sunday afternoon. Later I called on him at his home and instructed him as to his duties which he seemed to very much appreciate.

<Sund. June 28, 1908.>12

At the Sat. afternoon meeting I occupied about 40 minutes on Subject of worship of the Lord. Principally with just medium liberty. Sunday morning I occupied about 20 minutes addressing my remarks chiefly to the children. Explained Mat. 7:13, 14 “Enter ye in at the Straight gate &c”

The Gospel is the straight gate and it means self denial & sacrifice. The broad way is following our own inclinations without restraint which so many do. Man prone to do evil as sparks to fly upward. Had good liberty.

At Sunday Afternoon meeting Pres. Lyman closed at about 12 min. to 4 and I occupied about 15 minutes with good liberty. Called attention to the attendance at the conference meetings and referred to Sevier Stake experiment of assigning by Stake Presidency to Bps. so many to be present at opening meeting. Advised the adoption of same [p. 17] plan in this stake. Mama, & baby, Hyrum Lee & Stella, Geo. F. Jr. & Edith, Geo. L. & Nerva & I walked up to the Cemetery between 5 & 6 P.M. Sund between meetings.

While in Tooele Mama baby & I staid at my daughter Nerva’s. We took dinner Sunday at Sister Elizabeth Tate’s. Pleasant weather.

Following is list of ordinations and blessings administered Sunday afternoon June 28, 1908.


Martha H Jefferies Stake Sec & Treas’r Primary

F. M. Lyman

Lizzie R. Barnes Ass. Stake Chorister "13

Geo. F. Richards

Fanny M Stookey Stake Aid "

H. S. Gowans

Eugene T. Woolley 1st Ass’t Supt S. Schools stake

F. M. Lyman

Jennis Anderson member S S. S. Bd.

Geo F. Richards

Carrie Peterson " " "14

C. A. Orme

Owen H. Barrus " " "

C R McBride

Etta Bates " " "

F. M. Lyman

Geo. L. Tate Stake Aid in Y.M.M.I.A.

Geo. F. Richards

Wm H Elkington Jr. "15

H. S. Gowans

Pratt Mathews Home Missionary

C. R. McBride

Geo Speirs Patriarch

Geo F. Richards

Edward C. Eckman Bishop of Batesville

F M Lyman

James C. Woods H. Priest & 1st Cou to Bp Ekman

H S Gowans <F M Lyman>

Wm H Cochrane H. Priest & 2nd Cou to "16

Geo. F. Richards

Attended Conjoint Mutual meeting in the evening. Recently returned missionary, Elkington, took most of the time & Pres. Lyman & I did not get an oppertunity. This last meeting Written up later from memory.17 [p. 18]

29 June 1908 • Monday


I wrote up my journal to date

Finished reading the Life of Joseph Smith by Geo. Q. Cannon. Commenced reading it on 14th inst.

I made several calls in Tooele and returned to Salt Lake on the Afternoon train with wife & baby. Alice & I called on my mother & Sister Asenath in the evening. I received an invitation from the Old Folks Committee through Pres. Lyman to accompany the Old folks to Provo to-morrow and to take my wife along.

Found every thing well at home.

30 June 1908 • Tuesday


All well & weather fine.

I accompanied by my wife went to Provo with the Old folks. I went through all the cars, nineteen in number, & shook hands with the people At the Stake tabernacle at Provo I made a brief talk. We had an enjoyable day. Returned home leaving Provo at 5 P.M. All well at home.

Beautiful weather and my health good. [p. 19]

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June 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1908/1908-06


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the left margin next to the 1 June entry.

  2. [2]This text was written on the inside front cover. The dates were written vertically on the left side of the page.

  3. [3]Both sides of the front flyleaf were left blank.

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “Elder”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Sat.”

  6. [6]Ditto mark for “counted”.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “Sund”.

  8. [8]Ditto mark for “counted”.

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “Sund”.

  10. [10]Ditto marks for “P.M. counted”. No percentage was given.

  11. [11]This sentence is written to the left of a brace enclosing the previous four lines.

  12. [12]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 17.

  13. [13]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “Primary”.

  14. [14]Ditto marks here and in the next two lines for “S S. S. Bd.”.

  15. [15]Ditto mark for “Stake Aid in Y.M.M.I.A.”.

  16. [16]Ditto mark for “Bp Ekman”.

  17. [17]This last sentence was enclosed in a brace at the bottom right of page 18.