April 1892

1 April 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended Stake Priesthood meeting and spoke Attended High Council meeting where [first and last names redacted] was tried for his fellowship. The case was remanded back to the Bishop. The decision of the Council in the [first and last names redacted] case was changed from Unchristianlike conduct to Adultery. I worked on Ranch report spare time in day and evening. Clark, Bates & Johnson to dinner.

2 April 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather blustery.

I finished my Ranch report and mailed it with letter to A. F. Doremus. Mailed bills to fourteen persons. Noon. I turned the water down, transplanted thirteen Poplar trees; arranged with Edwd Green to work on the Ranch while I go to Salt Lake to Attend Conference. Spent the evening at home read the papers and bathed.

3 April 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy snowed hard in the morning. I boarded the 8:18 A.M. Special train for Conference after an experience with a balky horse in a heavy storm. Arrived in Salt Lake [p. 9] at 9:40 A.M. took Nerva up to the Street cars going to Sugar House Ward and sent her down under Conductor’s care, and I attended the conference meetings and went down to Stephens where I spent the early evening with Stephen & Family, Nerva & family and mother. Slept at Willard’s, sat up until nearly 2 A.M. discussing religion. Took dinner at Sarah’s saw Alice Ann <& Seney there>

4 April 1892 • Monday

Salt Lake City Tooele Weather snowing all day. I took breakfast at Willards, took Nerva up to the Doctor’s to have her ear attended to and sent her back on Car to Stephens and I attended meeting in forenoon, went with Steve and saw the wonderland and did not get to Conference until after 3 P.M. Staid at Willards again.

5 April 1892 • Tuesday

Salt Lake Weather pleasant but muddy I took Breakfast at Stephens and Mother came up Town with me and attended both meetings I took Nerva to the Docter’s and then to Sarahs. Called at Abrams. In the evening I attended a Priesthood meeting and Slept at Sarahs Took supper at Polly’s

6 April 1892 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City Weather pleasant. Took breakfast with Abram & Polly.

Attended the Tabernacle and Temple Services the Laying of the Cap stone of [p. 10] the Temple. Attended to some business and returned home on the 5 P.M. Train Estella and George came in on the morning train and I met them and they came back with me. Folks usually well excepting the baby who is ailing.

7 April 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went to Depot and got mdse. bedstead &c. Hauled baled hay down to P.A. Droubay.

Sold hay to E Green and helped deliver it Sold and loaded hay to S. F. Lee, hauled a load of hay into the Log barn. Received fruit trees and shade trees from F. Horman: Attended to some business at Court house. Sent a card to Fred. Spent the evening at home writing, wrote petetion to City Council petitioning for the privilege of fencing sidewalk on North of my Main St. Lot to protect shade trees. also to have ditch in front of lot strengthened.

8 April 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had two men helping me plant poplar trees on my Main Street lots. I also Sold 3 loads of hay during the day and at night burned brush in street.

9 April 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had Edward Green leveling in south [p. 11] field at my expense while I planted trees. I had three men at work in my lots planting trees and making ditches to trees. Spent the evening writing, bathed and retired tired.

10 April 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended Sunday school and meeting. Offered the Benediction in School and preached in meeting. Apostle Lyman, Prest H S Gowans & Bro Galloway from Bear Lake Stake were present in both instances Met in Council with Bishoprick and Lesser Priesthood after School and with Prest Gowans & Bp. after Meeting. Attended evening meeting. Bp. Atkin, Prest Gowans and Apostle F M Lyman spoke.

11 April 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I planted trees in my Main Street lots.

Had three men helping me and one leveling on Doremu[s]’s Ranch at my expense. Sold load of hay to Lindberg.

Wrote letters in evening.

12 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy all day.

I attended to some business at Court house & Store Sold hay baled and loose. Repaired Rocker & Sewing Machine Box Pruned young trees on My lots and turned on the water on trees. [p. 12] Sarah and Amy are both ailing. Sarah’s throat is real Sore and she fretful. I administered to her and she had relief and slept well during the night. Amy has what we think to be an absess on the lower Jaw and we are poulticing it.

13 April 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I planted trees and grape vines on my Main st. lots. Had H Marshall helping me and Geo Remington making furrows to trees. Sold baled hay to Strangers a half ton of baled hay to Lars Johnson and a load of hay to Mr Stewart on Water tax acct. Children no better appearantly to-day. Sarah does not seem so well. Spent the evening at home writing.

14 April 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold hay to Alf Lee Jas Hensan & H Marshall and took a load of baled hay to Stockton to Delamar.

15 April 1892 • Friday

Tooele Sold hay 2 loads to T. DeLaMar and 2 loads to Geo Coleman, Cleaned up yards and sowed lucern seed in South field. Spent the evening at home. Sarah and Amy are improving

16 April 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I Sowed lucern Seed in South field on plowed [p. 13] ground and had two harrows following me all day until 6 P.M. after which I petched [pitched] on a load of hay for James McKendrick Did the chores, bathed and wrote & read during the evening.

17 April 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy Snowed nearly all day and a part of Sunday night. I attended meeting read and wrote letters. Children improved in health.

18 April 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather cloudy & wet. I attended to some business at the Court House and Stores and at Vowles an[d] with Bp. Atkin. I sold a ton of baled hay and three loads of loose hay. Attended a Committee meeting in the evening to revise Irrigation Dist. Bylaws. Estella called for me at Prest. Gowans office at 10 P.M. I called and got Dr Davise to go home with me to see if the absess on Amy’s Jaw was ready for the lance it pains her so much. It was not ready.

19 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Cloudy, windy and cold. I used the water on trees on my lots and planted 112 strawberry plants, Sold a load of hay to Gillespie Attended to some business down Town. Children some better. Geo. Joel, Sarah & Amy ailing. Evening at home. [p. 14]

20 April 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy part of the day. Sold a load of hay to Dr Davis and a load to Jack Conner of Stockton Paid E. Green $1.20 for taking it to Stockton while I put out Straw berry plants on my lot. Bought hat & shirts at Droubays and gave J. W. Tate a check for $199.55 for Co. Warrants. Spent the evening at home.

21 April 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I sowed lucern in South field, worked on Irrigation By-Laws. In the evening I attended a Committee meeting to revise by laws. Adjourned to next evening. Folks just tolerably well. Amy has an absess on the jaw and the Doctor lanced it to-day.

22 April 1892 • Friday1

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I finished putting out Strawberries, plants, 450 plants. Took Alice and two babies for a ride, Took Joseph henson’s harrow home and tacked up the wire on Donaldson’ Lots, My Lots[.] Attended By-law Committee meeting in the evening.

23 April 1892 • Saturday2

Tooele Weather stormy in morning. I went to Lee’s shop and had shoes taken off Kate and went to the Basin pasture with Jas Gowans A J McCuistion & Geo Coleman Jr., drove estrays out of pasture and went around the fence and made [p. 15] repairs of fence. Finished the work on Irrigation by-laws. Bathed and retired early.

24 April 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended the Stake Conference. Made the opening remarks of about thirty-five minutes. followed by Bro. James Radcliff, Robert Shields and Prest. Gowans. Afternoon session, Sacrament. Prayr by Wa[l]ter Adamson, Speakers wer[e] Bp. Wrathall from Grantsville, Bp. Thos Atkin A. J. Stookey & reading of Fast proclamation for May 1st 1892. Benediction by Bro. Barrias.

No Visiting brethren from the City but a good spirit prevailed.

25 April 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended the Conference meetings and when Conference adjourned I took Alice Nerva & Sarah with me in the buggy down to Joseph Rowberrys to try to get his daughter to come and work for us. Failed she being at Whitehouse’s. In the evening I attended a business meeting of the Water owners of Tooele Dist. Submitted the revised by-laws which were considered by section and approved without amendments.

26 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy in forenoon I attended a meeting of the School Trustees. Attended to other business for School Dist. No 1. Sold a small load of damaged hay to James [p. 16] Gollaher for $4.00 uncapped the stack. Plowed in the lot south of the house for garden. Turned the water on the lots over on Main St. Cut a mess of asparagus from our own garden. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Administered to Legrand.

27 April 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled a load of hay into Vick’s Stable, Sowed lucern in east field and harrowed it in in part. Put rocks back in Kelsey ditch taken out by ditch cleaners. Remained at home in evening. Sick folks are improved. Weather cool.

28 April 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Plowed the garden, and finished harrowing lucern seed in east field, &c. Used Kelsey water

29 April 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I sold a load of hay to H. S. Gowans, used kelsey water, went up in the Settlement canyon with James Gowans and got a bull Traded ours for it. did some work in the garden. Used kelsey water

30 April 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy looking, no rain I worked in the garden, sold hay to Geo Coleman, made some collections, went twice to see Jos Henson & failed to see him. Attended the Theatre in the evening Home Troop. Title, The return of 1812. Good play and well played. [p. 17]

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April 1892, George F. Richards, accessed February 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1892/1892-04


  1. [1]Richards misdated this entry as Friday, 21 April.

  2. [2]Richards misdated this entry as Saturday, 22 April.